Chapter 134 Give me some cheer

"Gu Changye, are you trying to find trouble with me? I've been annoyed with you for a long time." Leng Yisheng frowned, with a displeased expression on his face.

He seemed a little drunk, but in fact he was very clear-headed, and he just wanted to find someone to fight to vent.

Leng Yisheng stood up and attacked Gu Changye, perhaps because of drinking, his movements were a little slow and his steps were a little frivolous, Gu Changye didn't shy away from fighting him directly.

At this time, he really needs to vent. It is time to let this guy sober up, stop falling into the past memories again, and let him face the reality bravely.

He stood up with difficulty, and he couldn't let him get down again.

"Yisheng, the past is in the past, and what happened is what you don't want to see." Gu Changye avoided his fist and said without forgetting.

Because Leng Yisheng's heart was filled with too much pain and depression, at this moment his fists were densely packed, his palms were fierce, and his moves were all venting, with great strength, if he was hit, it would be painful.

"The past is over! You are not me, how can you feel my pain, the past is like a bundle of ropes that bind me tightly, my present and my future are bound, I can't get out at all !"

Leng Yisheng sneered, how could he say it so easily, he deliberately wanted to forget, but he couldn't cover up the indisputable fact.

Although his words were unintentional, they were quite hurtful. Is that how he thinks about these brothers?
"Yisheng, do you think we won't be in pain like this? You know that Jushi is in a million times more pain than you! He watched you being killed to save him... Do you think he wouldn't be more miserable than you?" Are you uncomfortable? He even wished that that person was himself, and you took care of your pain. Do you know how guilty and painful he is every time he sees you so sluggish! Do you still want to go back? Are you the sluggish you back then? If so, then I would rather wake you up now."

Jazz didn't say anything, but it doesn't mean that there is no shadow in his heart, otherwise, why his mental illness can't get better after so many years, most of this is because of Yi Sheng, when Yi Sheng went crazy in pain, Jazz suffered more than anyone else!The reason why Jazz refused the treatment was also to punish himself. He thought that Yisheng was humiliated for him. What qualifications did he have for getting healthy? He would rather be as disabled as Yisheng.

Later, after a long year of hypnosis, Yi Sheng recovered slowly, but Jue Shi did not receive any treatment, and this procrastination lasted for many years. To receive treatment, but the treatment still has no effect.

Yisheng suffered physical and mental blows, but Juesh suffered a devastating blow.

Gu Changye, who has always been gentle and refined, lost his temper for the first time. He had deliberately tolerated it just now, but now he won't. He will wake him up now to cheer him up.

Gu Changye did not evade anymore, but took the initiative to attack. His fist was as fast as lightning and powerful, and Leng Yisheng didn't pay attention, and he took the upper hand. Gu Changye did not lower his strength, and directly punched Leng Yisheng fiercely in the face. Beat up.

Leng Yisheng backed away again and again, that monstrously handsome face instantly became colorful,

There was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, he touched the corner of his mouth, and licked the blood on his mouth with a wicked smile, bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes, he clenched his fists tightly, and his bones made cracking sounds.

He started to fight with all his strength, and it was unstoppable, and Gu Changye was punched hard in the face.

Leng Yisheng came closer again, and the two figures that had just separated started to become entangled again, their strengths were evenly matched, and it was difficult to distinguish the high and low.

"Cheer me up."

Gu Changye pressed him to the ground and beat him up severely, and Leng Yisheng was not a vegetarian either, he quickly hooked Gu Changye with his feet, tripped him, got up and beat Gu Changye too. A few punches in the long night.

The two were fighting with bare hands, and kept rolling on the ground. They were disheveled, neither would let the other, their faces were painted, and no one looked good.

In the end, the two fists faced each other, their hands collided, and they both fell to the ground, sweating profusely. After this fierce fight, both of them were exhausted, and they both lay on the ground, gasping for breath.

"Yisheng, you bastard, you will die if you fight!"

Gu Changye said with a smile, if this guy Yisheng is here for real, his kung fu is not bad at all, but after this fight, his mood seems to have calmed down a lot. Seeing him regain his usual unruly smile, Gu Changye Also relieved.

But he was really ruthless, Gu Changye touched the corner of his mouth with his fingers and wiped away the blood.

"Otherwise you think I'm just kidding! What I said just now was serious!"

Leng Yisheng said with an unnatural expression, what he said just now were all angry words, but suddenly he was a little disturbed, so he said those hurtful words, I hope Changye will not take it to heart.

"Don't worry, I didn't take it to heart! Seeing you cheer up, I'm too happy!"

Gu Changye looked indifferent, he can think through everything, everything is fine.

"Oops, I will definitely be disfigured!"

Leng Yisheng got up from the ground with a whoosh, and hurried to the bathroom mirror to look at it, he really looked ugly, just now he was slapping desperately, and he didn't pay attention to protecting his face, this face is the most proud part of his whole body ah.

Now that it's all ruined, how can he still pick up girls!

"Gu Changye, you want to die, you beat me like this!"

There was a wail from the bathroom, and Gu Changye, who was lying on the ground, smiled slightly, and this guy returned to his flirtatious appearance again.

"Why are you attacking so hard? How can you bear to attack my handsome face?"

Leng Yisheng kept complaining, taking good care of his handsome face, which was bruised and purple, he could only cover it with eggs first.

"Don't be so stinky! Don't forget who did it first, besides, my face is not much better!"

Gu Changye joked, and the two leaned on the sofa lazily.

But he often stays in the office building and doesn't go out to meet people very often, so this face doesn't affect him at all.

But Yisheng went out to show off all day long, and he lost a lot, but who made him fight so recklessly just now, now he probably regrets it so much that his intestines are green.

Looking at Gu Changye's exquisite face, Leng Yisheng felt a little more balanced.

"However, Yisheng, what brought you here today, you've been here drinking stuffy wine, you're not afraid that Master Jue will settle accounts with you!"

Gu Changye took a glass of red wine and took a sip. What kind of stimulation did he receive before coming here?

This is their secret base, and he came here without any scruples, not afraid of attracting some tails that shouldn't come.

"I thought to myself that I haven't come here to do business for a long time, so come and have a look!"

Except for Chang Ye who has been here for a long time, they generally seldom come here. After all, they have so many eyes and ears that they cannot attract the attention of that old temptress.

"Well, I'll leave the matter in hand to you now! It's time for me to go out and relax."

Gu Changye clasped his hands on the back of his head, and said with interest, this guy, Yisheng, left everything in his hands and put everything in his hands. That's why he stayed here every day.

He went to have sex, but he had to bury his head in hard work. Now that he thought about it, he really wanted to hand over the affairs at hand to him, and he had to have some fun.

"No, don't, keep doing it, keep doing it, I don't have time now, I still have to take care of my sister-in-law!" Upon hearing that Gu Changye wanted to return the affairs to him, Leng Yisheng quickly found an excuse, and Jue Since he had to deal with Shangguan Liunian, he couldn't spare time, so the matter of taking care of the little wild cat naturally fell on him.

So he wants to share it for him.

"sister in law?"

Gu Changye frowned, with a look of doubt, when did they have an extra sister-in-law?
"It's Ye Qingxin. Both she and Jazz have received their certificates. Now she's injured and hospitalized. I'm going to take care of her."

Leng Yisheng explained, and Gu Changye said oh, he forgot about this matter, he didn't expect Jue Shi to complete a major event in his life so quickly, but didn't he just get married?How did you end up in the hospital.

"What the hell is going on here? Why was Ye Qingxin injured and hospitalized?"

Gu Changye asked curiously, what went wrong.

"I don't know either! I thought Jue Shi was too impatient and gnawed Ye Qingxin out, but Ye Qingxin said no, she fell down by herself." Leng Yisheng said regretfully, When I have time, I want to ask Juzzy, why I wasted such a great opportunity. !
Could it be that he still has to abide by the trial marriage contract?

"You think everyone is like you! This is what you think about all day long." Gu Changye rolled his eyes at him.

"A man is not a man if he doesn't think about these things, Chang Ye, dare you say that you have never thought about these things?"

Leng Yisheng jokingly said that men have sex, which is an unchanging disposition, and he doesn't believe that Chang Ye never had this idea.

If you haven't touched this idea, it's very abnormal.

"I'm a normal man, but I won't talk about these things like you. Men are sexually inclined, but it's still a matter of principle!" Gu Changye said awkwardly, and a picture suddenly appeared in his mind. With a bright red smile and a fiery temper, his heart skipped a beat, and he actually thought of that woman Lu Manman.

I haven't seen her for a few days, and I don't know how she is doing?Is the house still so sloppy?
"Changye, you still say you don't want to? You don't have a crush on some woman, do you?"

Leng Yisheng noticed that Gu Changye was not in the mood, could it be that he really has someone in his heart?
This is breaking news, it's no wonder he didn't dig it out.

"Do you think I stay here all day and work hard, do I have time to fall in love?" Gu Changye rolled his eyes at him. He can't finish his work every day, so how can he have such leisure time to go on a romantic trip.

"That's right, if you don't take half a step here all day long, you can't count on falling in love!"

Leng Yisheng smiled and said, what Chang Ye said is also reasonable, almost everything here is in Chang Ye's hands, it is really difficult to spare time.

"By the way, how is Ye Qingxin hurt?"

Gu Changye asked, after all, she is Jue Shi's wife now, so she should be concerned about it.

"I'm lying on the hospital, I can't move around, my Si Lian has gone to take care of her."

By the way, he forgot, he just made an excuse to buy food for the two of them, what if Si Lian can't find him!

Maybe she is alone with Ye Haoxuan right now, they are dating!

No, he must hurry back and have a look.

"Long night, I have to leave beforehand."

Leng Yisheng stood up, picked up the coat on the sofa, and was about to leave.

"Wait, I'll go with you."

Gu Changye suddenly said, since Ye Qingxin was injured, then Lu Manman is her good friend, maybe he will go too, he suddenly wanted to see her.

"You go? Changye, did I hear correctly?"

Leng Yisheng looked at him suspiciously, is there something wrong with his ears, and Chang Ye actually wants to go with him?

Except for their parties and some important things, he rarely stepped out.

Leng Yisheng faintly felt that something was wrong, and kept looking back and forth on him, trying to find out something.

"You're drunk, you can't drive, I'll take you there!"

Gu Changye said indifferently, he acted very calmly and hid it well, Leng Yisheng couldn't see anything from his face at all.

"I don't see you caring about me so much! Changye, do you have something to hide from me?"

Leng Yisheng suddenly came over and asked with a serious face, expressing doubts about Chang Ye's abnormal performance today.

"This is only the first reason, and the second is that Ye Qingxin is the wife of Jazz, so I need to care about her!"

After Gu Changye finished speaking, he left first, and Leng Yisheng also followed. He felt that the matter was not that simple.

Along the way, Leng Yisheng kept staring at Gu Changye, almost staring at him out of a hole, but Gu Changye just had a calm face and was not affected at all.

"You came from the hospital just now, what stimulated you?"

Gu Changye suddenly mentioned, even if you break up in love, it's not like this!

"Chang Ye, do you think Si Lian would like me for someone like me?"

The smile on the corner of Leng Yisheng's mouth froze, and he asked seriously.

"If you even look down on yourself, how do you want others to think of you! Besides, your idiot Liu is stupid and doesn't care about these things. Even if you say it, she doesn't understand!" Gu Changye comforted , it's not because fool Liu was stimulated.

This guy is really tempted, where is he who is usually full of confidence.

Because you care too much, you want to make yourself more perfect, but everyone has a past. Instead of being addicted to the past and unable to extricate yourself, it is better to cherish the present and let go.

"Yisheng, to be honest, if you continue to sluggish like this, your idiot Liu will really be taken away by someone at that time. If you are a step slower, idiot Liu will become someone else's girlfriend. If you continue like this , I will become someone else's wife by then, and I can't help you if you die of drunkenness!"

Gu Changye said seriously, the most important thing for him now is to make Fool Liu fall in love with him and choose him, instead of giving up on himself here.


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