Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 138 Ye Haoxuan Beats Leng Yisheng

Chapter 138 Ye Haoxuan Beats Leng Yisheng
This was the first time I saw Ye Haoxuan losing his temper. This hypocrite finally showed his true colors, and he had been disliked for a long time.

Leng Yisheng curled his lips, thinking of the scene just now, thoughts of revenge flashed in his mind, he was uncomfortable, and he also wanted to make Ye Haoxuan feel uncomfortable.

"What do you think we can do!"

Leng Yisheng said it so easily, with a look of bohemian, and Ye Haoxuan saw him so indifferent, playing with other people's feelings, he was furious, raised his fist, a gust of palm wind blew, Leng Yisheng did not expect And, he was punched hard in the face.

This got worse, and a trace of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

"Leng Yisheng, I warn you, stay away from Si Lian in the future, she is not suitable for you, if you let me see you bullying my girlfriend again, then don't blame me for being rude!" Leng Yisheng's collar.

The reason why he is doing it now is because Leng Yisheng violated his bottom line, he hurt Si Lian, a romantic and unrestrained person like him can only play with women, so why would he cheat other people's sincerity!

He will never allow Si Lian to get too close to him again, Si Lian is too innocent and easily abducted.

While Leng Yisheng heard Ye Haoxuan defending his rights as a boyfriend, his heart became tense for a moment, and he felt uncomfortable.

Ye Haoxuan put down his harsh words and left.

Leng Yisheng looked at his leaving back, and said loudly, "Ye Haoxuan, as long as your men are unmarried and women are unmarried, I have a chance, you'd better keep an eye on her 24 hours a day, otherwise I may snatch her here at any time !"

But at this time, listening to his loud announcement, the patients who came and went all looked back at him.

Damn Ye Haoxuan!

Leng Yisheng turned around, clenched his fists and slammed the wall hard, with a "bang", his hands were bleeding from the skin.

"Damn, dare to beat me up, don't blame me for being rude next time!"

Leng Yisheng wiped the corners of his mouth in displeasure, Ye Haoxuan is really serious!
"You're teasing someone's girlfriend. It's not a big deal for someone to punch you. If it were me, I would have sent you to the emergency room a long time ago!"

Gu Changye said with a smile, this Yisheng is real, he obviously likes Liu Silian, but he insists on acting so indifferent in front of Ye Haoxuan, like a prodigal son, it really deserves a beating!

Ye Haoxuan's good temper was forced by Yi Sheng, which only shows that Yi Sheng really deserves a beating.

"Chang Ye, am I your brother, or Ye Haoxuan is your brother, and you still speak for him!"

Leng Yisheng was dissatisfied, he was punched by someone, and Chang Ye actually stood aside and made sarcastic remarks, and did not help him teach Ye Haoxuan a lesson.

"But what you said just now was too much!"

Gu Changye asked, if it wasn't for his insulting words, would Ye Haoxuan have shot him?

And Leng Yisheng turned his head awkwardly, "I just couldn't see it just now, I just wanted to take revenge on Ye Haoxuan!"

In fact, his feelings for Si Lian were not joking, he just wanted to annoy Ye Haoxuan, but he didn't expect Ye Haoxuan to react so strongly when he heard him kissing Si Lian.

"If you make such a fuss, maybe they will get married and have children tomorrow."

Gu Changye joked that he actually understood Yi Sheng's approach very well, but he expressed his feelings in an awkward way.

"Chang Ye, you're not kidding me!" Leng Yisheng said worriedly, he was just out of breath just now.

This Ye Haoxuan should not move so fast!


Seeing him so nervous, Gu Changye chuckled. He was just joking, but he didn't expect him to be so serious.

Love is really miraculous, it makes everyone have zero IQ.

But when he thought of what Lu Manman said unintentionally just now, Gu Changye's face was bruised again. Did he stay alone for too long and wanted to fall in love?

"No, I'm going to see Si Lian before we talk!"


At this time, in the ward, Lu Manman and Ye Qingxin's eyes fell on Liu Silian, "Idiot Liu, what happened just now? Hurry up and explain it truthfully!"

"No, nothing!"

Facing the questioning from the two of them, Liu Silian said hesitantly, subconsciously not wanting to tell the two of them what happened just now.

"It's nothing? Idiot Liu, you think the two of us are fools. Every time you lie, you stutter and your eyelids keep twitching. What happened to you and Leng Yisheng!"

Lu Manman stared at her face to face, trying to see something from her face.

There must be something tricky in this!
"Idiot Liu, you must have done something to be sorry for my brother, you must have cheated on me!"

Seeing that idiot Liu hadn't spoken yet, Ye Qingxin said anxiously.

Something must have happened just now, it's the first time I saw idiot Liu hiding like this, so it could be true that something happened with Leng Yisheng.

"No, no! Just now Yisheng hugged me, and then I fainted from fright."

Upon hearing Ye Qingxin's questioning, saying that she had done something to be sorry for Brother Haoxuan, Liu Silian was so anxious that she shook out all the words in her heart, that she did not apologize to Brother Haoxuan!

"Qingxin, Manman, I really didn't do anything to offend brother Haoxuan!" Seeing that the two of them were silent, Liu Silian became more and more anxious, she raised her hand to reassure her, her expression was too serious .

On the contrary, when Lu Manman and Ye Qingxin heard what she said, they couldn't help but chuckle, and they both burst out laughing.

"Idiot Liu, you said that you fainted from being hugged! You are too cowardly! If someone kisses you, you will probably die."

Lu Manman burst out laughing, it was the first time he heard someone hugging and fainting from fright, his mental capacity was too low.

"No, idiot Liu, I told you all, don't let men touch you, you just fainted from poisoning."

Ye Qingxin said with a serious expression, she never expected that Leng Yisheng would come up with such a move, if this continues, her brother will undoubtedly lose!

No, she must help secretly, otherwise his elder brother will definitely not be the match of Leng Yisheng, that flirtatious ruffian.

"Besides my brother, you can't let other men get close to you anymore, otherwise you won't be as simple as fainting, maybe you will lose your limbs and become a vegetable!" Ye Qingxin threatened again, increasing the strength of the medicine .

And Liu Silian looked at her hands, then at her feet, with a frightened expression on her face. After this time, Liu Silian also felt that it was true, so she nodded heavily.

"I will pay attention to it in the future!"

"Ye Xiaoniu, what kind of ideas are you instilling in her?" Lu Manman asked puzzledly, what kind of words are these, people will get sick if they get close to her, what is this Ye Xiaoniu doing!
He also said that nothing would happen unless Brother Haoxuan got close to him. Idiot Liu actually believed such words.

"I'm thinking about my brother's happiness, and besides, if I didn't have my thoughts for so many years, idiot Liu would be eaten up." Ye Qingxin smiled and said, anyway, she still favors her in her heart Brother's.

"Now I finally know that idiot Liu has been broken in love for so many years, and every relationship has ended without a cause, and you killed him." Lu Manman smiled, and now she finally understood why Si Lian turned into broken love.

Which one of these men is not an animal with the lower body, who would be satisfied with just talking about feelings and doing nothing.

"What are you all talking about?"

Liu Silian looked at the two of them saying each sentence, but she still hadn't turned her head.

"Idiot Liu, this Leng Yisheng didn't do anything to you except hug you, right?" Ye Qingxin couldn't help asking, luckily idiot Liu passed out, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Ye Xiaoniu, you are so stupid, you just passed out after hugging her, and you are still trying to do something to her, if you go on, idiot Liu will probably die of a myocardial infarction." Lu Manman said with a smile, maybe it was The sequelae of Ye Xiaoniu's indoctrination.

"Ye Xiaoniu, idiot Liu's sequelae were caused by you."

"Anyway, as long as there are no sequelae for my brother, as for the others, I don't care." Ye Qingxin said heartlessly.

The three were talking and laughing, and the ward was full of laughter.

And Leng Yisheng was worried about Liu Silian's body, so he rushed in nervously.

"Silian, how are you doing?"

When Leng Yisheng came to the bed, he subconsciously wanted to hold Liu Silian's hand, but when he thought of what Qingxin said just now, Liu Silian's hands quickly retracted.

Leng Yisheng threw his hand into the air, and a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Why did Si Lian treat him so coldly, not even letting him touch her hands, Leng Yisheng pretended to be okay, and asked again, "Si Lian, do you still feel uncomfortable?"

He leaned closer, trying to reach out and touch her forehead.

Ye Qingxin, who was lying on her stomach, cleared her throat unintentionally, but idiot Liu subconsciously avoided it when she heard Qingxin's muffled groan.

Gu Changye, who was standing there, kept his eyes on Lu Manman, and he also vaguely noticed that Liu Silian's behavior was a little strange, but he couldn't tell what was strange.

"Yisheng, I'm fine!"

Liu Silian laughed dryly a few times, while Leng Yisheng looked puzzled, feeling unspeakably disappointed, but seeing that she was fine, he felt relieved.

"Si Lian, I offended you just now, you won't be angry with me!" Leng Yisheng sat there and didn't make any further movements, but his eyes were anxious.

What happened just now was because he was too impatient, he didn't know if Si Lian took it to heart.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Liu Silian shook his head with a nonchalant expression, and Leng Yisheng was relieved to hear that she didn't care, and was afraid that Silian would no longer pay attention to her from now on.

"That's good, I'm afraid you will ignore me in the future." Leng Yisheng said with a confident face.

"No... just don't do this in the future!"

Liu Silian was about to say no, no, but Ye Qingxin, who was in the next bed, yawned unintentionally, so she changed her words.

"Okay, I won't be like this in the future."

Leng Yisheng agreed, because all his thoughts were on Si Lian, Leng Yisheng didn't notice anything wrong, but Gu Changye who was at the side quickly discovered the mystery.

It turned out to be like this!

As long as Ye Qingxin makes a move, this idiot Liu will subconsciously look over and accept her instructions.

It seems that Yisheng's road to love is worrying!As his good brother, he had to intervene no matter what!
Gu Changye suddenly shifted his position to block Liu Silian's view of Ye Qingxin, but I'm afraid it won't work!

"Sister-in-law, you have been lying on your stomach all day and haven't rested yet. You will recover faster if you rest! I will help you close the curtain so that no one will disturb you." Gu Changye's face was as gentle as the wind, Before Ye Qingxin could speak, he started to act.

Gu Changye pulled the curtain to separate Ye Qingxin, so that no one would disturb them.

And Lu Manman turned his head to look at Gu Changye, Gu Changye smiled slightly, Lu Manman rolled his eyes at her, unexpectedly he found out.


Ye Qingxin lay there, expressing her dissatisfaction, what is Gu Changye doing!

Hearing Ye Qingxin's rant, Lu Manman stood up, and was about to pull the curtain aside, but Gu Changye stood in front of her, preventing her from moving, so he chuckled softly, "I suddenly realized that I still have something to say." Tell you, why don't we go out and talk."

Before Lu Manman could say "no", Gu Changye held her shoulders and pushed her out, not forgetting to close the door before leaving.

"The road is long, the road is long..."

Only Ye Qingxin was left lying there alone, screaming.

That bastard Gu Changye actually got involved!
"Si Lian, we will still be good friends in the future, right?"

Leng Yisheng sat there, his hands couldn't help but clenched her hand, Liu Silian subconsciously wanted to shrink back, but he held it even tighter.


Because it was blocked by the curtain, Ye Qingxin couldn't see anything, and she looked distraught.

"Hum hum!"

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Ye Qingxin made all kinds of weird sounds continuously, just trying to disrupt their conversation, how could she just watch Leng Yisheng abduct idiot Liu away.


Liu Silian wanted to get up, but was held down by Leng Yisheng, "She's fine, leave her alone! If you get up, then I'm going to do what I just did to you."

Leng Yisheng warned in a low voice, and ignored Ye Qingxin's various reverberations. It turned out that the little wild cat always came to disturb him. Fortunately, Changye hurriedly helped him solve this trouble!
As soon as Liu Silian heard what Leng Yisheng said, he didn't dare to make any further moves, so he could only sit there obediently.

"Si Lian, listen to me..."

Leng Yisheng held her hand, wanting to have a good talk with her.

"If you die, you have to love. If you don't want to be hearty, you won't be happy. No matter how deep your feelings are, only this is enough to confess..."

Ye Qingxin sang hysterically, and Leng Yisheng frowned when she heard her explosive sound.

Will she die if she doesn't make trouble?He got up, opened the curtain, and looked at Ye Qingxin dissatisfied.

And Ye Qingxin watched him coming, smiled, and stopped.

"Ye Qingxin, didn't you promise me not to meddle in our affairs? What are you doing?"

Leng Yisheng said dissatisfied, could it be that she doesn't mean what she says!
"I'm not mixing it up! I'm expressing my emotions!"

Ye Qingxin said innocently, what did she do?

 You have to write even if you are dead, and you still have to write when the little dancer is swollen. Your support!Rewards, Reviews, Tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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