Chapter 139

"You are simply trying to make trouble!"

When not to sing, but to sing at this critical moment, isn't this deliberately disturbing his situation!
It seems that her words are really unbelievable!
"Yisheng, if you say that, it will hurt my heart too much. You two are here to be concubines, but you think of my feelings!" Ye Qingxin said innocently, she didn't mean it at all, she It was on purpose.


When she said this, Leng Yisheng was at a loss for words, he would have known that he would not have sent Si Lian to this ward just now.

It's great now, with Ye Qingxin here, he doesn't need to say anything.

"Qingxin, what are you talking about?"

Liu Silian felt that her body was fine, so she got out of bed and came over to ask.

"Si Lian, why did you get out of bed!"

When Leng Yisheng saw her getting out of bed, he looked anxious.

"But I'm fine now! Qingxin, let's sleep together!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Silian climbed onto the bed and slept with Ye Qingxin. Ye Qingxin stared at Leng Yisheng with those innocent eyes: as if saying, this is none of my business!Idiot Liu came by himself.

Leng Yisheng looked helpless, this Si Lian was too tightly attached to Ye Qingxin, no matter what, he had to find a way to separate them, otherwise with Ye Qingxin around, he would have no way of doing it.

"Go to sleep, I'll go down and help you get your things up."

Leng Yisheng gave Ye Qingxin a sad look, helpless, anyway, he still has time.

Seeing Leng Yisheng's sad face, Ye Qingxin secretly laughed, don't blame her, she is innocent!

At this time, outside the ward, Lu Manman was pulled out by Gu Changye and came to the garden of the hospital.

Lu Manman patted off the hand on her shoulder impatiently, with a look of disgust, "Gu Changye, what are you pulling me out for? And don't make any moves."

Lu Manman intentionally distanced himself from each other, pushed back the hair in front of his forehead, and looked at Gu Changye with his arms around his arms.

And Gu Changye saw her alienated attitude, his heart twitched slightly, and then his heart rate returned to normal. His eyes were full of smiles, "Of course, don't disturb the two of them."

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

Lu Manman turned his head away, looked elsewhere, and said pretending not to know.

"You are so careful and careful, how could you not know!" Gu Changye looked at the chair beside him and sat down, not forgetting to call Lu Manman to sit down with both hands.

He couldn't believe that she didn't know anything!She is very smart!

And Lu Manman looked awkward, stood there for a while, felt a little sore in his feet, and sat down, because the chair was only enough for two people, so they were very close to each other.

With his back facing him, Lu Manman's soft hair carried a faint jasmine fragrance, which smelled light and pleasant. Gu Changye was not very sensitive to the smell, but began to accept it slowly.

"If you're talking about your friend and idiot Liu, let me tell you, they're impossible! Idiot Liu is already with brother Haoxuan."

Lu Manman said directly, Leng Yisheng's flamboyant taste is not suitable for idiot Liu, not only Ye Xiaoniu will stop it, but she will also stop it.

"Impossible! Hehe, everything is possible until the end!"

Gu Changye said meaningfully, as if he meant something!
But Lu Manman didn't catch the clue, thinking he was referring to the matter between idiot Liu and Leng Yisheng.

"Anyway, idiot Liu is not suitable for your friend, so you should let him stop coming and joining in blindly!"

Anyway, with her and Ye Xiaoniu around, they would stop it.

"Only she can understand whether it's suitable or not. You shouldn't let her try the feeling of being tempted! Besides, although Yi Sheng looks unreliable on the surface, he actually..."

"Stop speaking for your friend, you better take care of yourself!"

Lu Manman interrupted him, since they didn't like Leng Yisheng anyway, I still remember the first time we met, when he whistled at her, it was obvious that he was a fool!

And Gu Changye was a bit unworthy of Yisheng, but who made that guy's performance so bad, now it's all right, everyone will treat him as a playboy.

"Well, let's talk about myself, what do you think of me?"

Following Lu Manman's words, Gu Changye changed the subject immediately, and Lu Manman could hardly keep up with his rhythm.

"Why are you asking me this! You should be asking your girlfriend!"

Lu Manman rolled his eyes at him, with a look of nothing to do with himself.

"I don't have a girlfriend!"

Gu Changye said calmly, looking at Lu Manman's eyes a little deeper.

"You don't have a girlfriend, so go find it quickly instead of talking nonsense with me here!" Lu Manman said with a grumpy face, ready to get up and go back.

She doesn't have the time to chat nonsense with him, and they don't know each other well!She has no time to help with finding a girlfriend.

And Gu Changye frowned, this woman is really heartless, anyway, he has done so many things for her.

Unexpectedly, she just got up and was about to leave when a burst of heat came from her wrist. Looking back, Gu Changye was holding her hand.

"Gu Changye, why are you dragging me!"

Lu Manman shook his hand and looked at him puzzled.

"Lu Manman, be my girlfriend!" Gu Changye couldn't help opening his mouth for the first time when he had the idea of ​​wanting to date.

It's a pity that the words were too inappropriate to be covered by other voices.

"You are singer Lu Manman, I really like you, can you give me an autograph!"

At this time, a young man recognized Lu Manman, his face was ecstatic, and he wanted to get Lu Manman's autograph.

But Lu Manman looked surprised, he never thought that someone would know someone like her!

How could she be unhappy!This is the first fan she has met in so many years.

Without even thinking about it, Lu Manman took out a pen from his bag, with a sincere smile on his face, and trembling excitement in his voice, "Sure, where do you want to sign!"

This was an affirmation to her, showing that her path was worth going on. Lu Manman smiled brightly for the first time.

Someone still knows her, which is great!She couldn't stop jumping for joy!
But Gu Changye looked annoyed, seeing her so happy at this moment, she must not have heard what he said just now!
Damn it, who is this kid!When did he not recognize him, but when he confessed his love!
And the fan looked at the smile on Gu Changye's face beside him, and instead of feeling kind, he felt shuddering.

However, when he saw the bright smile on her face, he was unknowingly infected. He had never seen her smile so happily. It could be seen that she loved her job very much.

But why does this woman smile so enchantingly and beautifully, and seeing the young man's flushed face, my heart is moved.

I have to admit, she really has the ability to seduce people!Even he was moved.

"Can you sign it on the back of my clothes!"

The young man asked timidly, with a look of embarrassment.

"Yes, can you sign here?" Lu Manman agreed with a straightforward face, while the young man squatted down a little.


Lu Manman quickly signed his name on his clothes, eloquently. This is her first little fan. She has practiced this signature countless times, and she can finally sign today.

"Okay, thank you for supporting me!"

Lu Manman thanked her, but the young man's face was flushed. He never thought that she would be so approachable. This voice is beautiful, and this person is even more beautiful. She is worthy of being his goddess.

After signing the signature, the young man still stood there and did not leave, as if he still had something to say.

"Well, what else do you want, as long as I can do it, I can help you achieve it!"

Lu Manman offered to say that this was her first fan, and she had to help her wish come true anyway.

"Really?" The young man looked at her incredulously. He never thought that she would be so good. He looked at Lu Manman with even more admiration.

This young man has malicious intentions at first glance!Gu Changye was about to interrupt, but he didn't expect Lu Manman to agree so readily.

"Well, as long as I can do it! I will definitely help you!" Lu Manman nodded sincerely.

This woman didn't even listen to what the other person's conditions were, but she agreed immediately, and she didn't worry about any excessive conditions he raised!Regarding her actions, Gu Changye was very annoyed, but what right did he have to say about her!
"Can I give you a hug?"

The young man said shyly, but in fact he didn't dare to have much hope.


When Gu Changye heard the condition, he denied it.

This kid is really an elf, if he wants to take advantage of her, with him here, don't even think about it!
Gu Changye narrowed his eyes slightly, exuding a cold breath.

"Actually, I'm very happy to have your signature. I shouldn't have put forward such excessive conditions!"

When the young man saw Gu Changye's sharp eyes, he was shocked.

"Not too much, not too much, I can promise you, Gu Changye, this is none of your business, you stand aside!"

Lu Manman glared at Gu Changye, this is her fan, why should he join in the fun.

Besides, the two of them don't know each other very well, so why should he make the decision for her.

"Lu Manman, are you ashamed! If someone says you want to hug, you agree to him; if someone asks for a more exaggerated request, don't you agree as usual!" Gu Changye was so angry that he was so dazed that he couldn't speak. Out of tune.

"Even if I'm with someone else, that's none of your business!"

Lu Manman said angrily, Gu Changye dared to humiliate her!She is anywhere.

Seeing her angry appearance, Gu Changye realized that his tone just now was too strong, and he was very annoyed when he said something that hurt her. Why did he become so impulsive.

Damn it, but seeing her agree to be intimate with someone so casually made his heart twitch.

"Come on, leave him alone, this man is crazy!"

Lu Manman said nothing on his face, and took the initiative to hug the fan. When Gu Changye saw this scene, he felt it was an eyesore, and a burst of anger burned in his heart.

Staring at the young man intently, the fan's scalp was numb from his gaze, and he voluntarily backed away from Lu Manman's arms.

"Do you have a mobile phone, why don't we take a photo together!" Lu Manman let go of him with a smile on his face.

"Yes, yes!" The young man hurriedly took out his mobile phone, not knowing what to do.


Lu Manman leaned his head closer, smiling, and with a "pop", the flash flashed and clicked several photos in a row.

"Lu Manman, I will always support you."

"Thank you!"

When that young man left, he never forgot to turn his head and wave to Lu Manman. Lu Manman felt an indescribable joy in his heart.

"Lu Manman, just now I..."

Gu Changye was about to apologize, but was interrupted by Lu Manman.

"Mr. Gu, I'm a casual woman, so don't get too close to me in the future, you and I don't agree with each other! lest I lower your grade." After finishing speaking, Lu Manman turned around and left .

Thinking of what Gu Changye said just now, she panicked, why did he say that about her, how could she be so casual!

Forget it, it's useless for people who don't know her to talk about it!
Watching Lu Manman go away, if she doesn't apologize, according to her hot temper, there is no possibility of them reconciling, Gu Changye chased after her.

"Lu Manman, wait a minute, I'm sorry for what I said just now!"

Gu Changye blocked her way, Lu Manman turned around and wanted to leave, but Gu Changye held her hand tightly.

"I don't need your apology! You're right, I'm just a casual woman, and it's none of your business who I want to be with!"

Lu Manman said angrily, but he still felt panicked.

"You know I don't mean that!"

Gu Changye explained that he was just talking nonsense just now, and he didn't mean to hurt her.

"I don't know what you mean! I just know that I'm not familiar with you. If you don't let go, I'll call the police!"

Lu Manman shook his hand, but still couldn't shake off his hand, Gu Changye kept tugging on it.

"Let go!"

Lu Manman looked alienated, while Gu Changye looked at her chattering, unforgiving little mouth, which kept opening and closing, with a helpless expression on his face, and he didn't want her to say these things that hurt him.

Action is worse than heartbeat, he reached out and directly covered her lips, covering her whispers one by one.

And Lu Manman's eyes widened, his mind flashed awake, and he pushed him away with one hand.


Before Gu Changye retreated from the fragrance, Lu Manman's slap had already begun to greet him, and Lu Manman's hand slapped Gu Changye hard.

There were five slap prints on Gu Changye's face in one fell swoop, it looked so good!

"I don't want to see you!"

Lu Manman clapped his hands, looking at his hot hands, she hit someone!She seemed to have great strength just now!

Gu Changye looked surprised, feeling that his face was hot, no woman had ever hit him before, she was the first one, she was really a hot pepper!
"Lu Manman, calm down and listen to me!"

Gu Changye held her shoulders and wanted to explain to her, but Lu Manman was very uncooperative and slapped his hand off.

"I have nothing to say to you!"

Lu Manman turned his head away and said with a dissatisfied face.

Since they said so about her, they had nothing to say.

(End of this chapter)

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