Chapter 150 You Saved Me

Lu Manman's face was blushing, and she kept pestering this question endlessly, because her hands were restrained, so she couldn't get any closer to him at all, but her hands were restrained, and her head could still move freely.

And Gu Changye looked scrupulous, but now is the moment when she is unconscious, and he can't take advantage of others.

God knows how beautiful she is now...

Her little head kept rubbing against him, and she was in a bad mood with an angry little face.

Lu Manman didn't give up because of this, she stuck out her tongue playfully.

"Manman, stop making trouble, let's leave now!"

Gu Changye blushed, he shook his head, resolutely determined his mind, and simply hugged Lu Manman.

Damn it, why is it so far away!When I came here just now, I didn't feel far away!But now it's slow as hell, every step is damn hard.

Gu Changye blushed like a boiled shrimp, he quickened his pace and hurried back to the car.

"Manman, I'll take you to the hospital right now."

Gu Changye came to his stretched luxury car, and she gently put her on the sofa, ready to go back to the front and drive, but Lu Manman clung to him like an octopus, unable to leave at all.

"Manman, let go, let's go back!" Gu Changye broke away her hands, but Lu Manman held her arm like a cheating child and refused to let go, leaving him helpless.

Gu Changye turned his eyes away, his mind was so hot that he could hardly calm down.

Lu Manman opened those innocent eyes, and said pitifully, before Gu Changye responded, she was about to fall to the ground if she was not careful, but Gu Changye grabbed her in time, and the two fell together. On the carpet in the car.

"Manman, you...?"

Gu Changye asked in a low voice, his eyes were shining with fire, he didn't want to do anything to hurt her.

As long as she says stop now, he won't touch her.


With her permission, Gu Changye no longer has any scruples...

He pressed a button at the bottom, and the windows of the car were instantly closed, even the curtains were automatically closed, and there was a comfortable light inside.

Manman, you will be my hostess from now on.

"Manman, don't be afraid, I will protect you." Gu Changye comforted softly, with surprise in his eyes, he was her first man!
At this moment, joy filled the whole atrium. Gu Changye was so excited that he had never felt before. He thought...

She is his, the joy and happiness that he has never had in body and mind, she is so beautiful, he is nostalgic for it.

Looking at her acting style before, she was always so bold, and she was mixed in that circle. I didn't expect that she would always love herself so much. Thinking of this, Gu Changye liked her more and more. Her temperament is stubborn, hot, and strong. , sometimes cute and funny, which moved him.

Seeing her blushing and sleeping, Gu Changye gently caressed her face with his hand, "You will be my mistress from now on! I will always protect you."

He has never been tempted by a person, but at this moment he wants to put his heart and tenderness on her, because she is worth it.

Gu Changye hugged her, gently stroked her little face, and let go with a look of reluctance.

Gu Changye propped himself up, took out a blanket from the sofa, and wrapped her tightly for fear that she would catch a cold, while he took out his clothes from the side and changed them.

"Little Pepper, we're going back."

Gu Changye said softly, then returned to the driver's seat, and drove to his villa.

The beautiful scenery I saw along the way was so beautiful, and the things I looked at in a good mood felt much more beautiful than usual.

Back at his villa, Gu Changye wrapped her tightly and hugged her, for fear that others would see her beauty.

Afraid that she would not sleep well, Gu Changye hugged her, because there was no woman living in his house, so she could only help her change into the robe.

After covering her with the quilt, he left in peace.

After doing all this, Gu Changye also washed himself up. Seeing that she was still sleeping so soundly, she must have been exhausted just now, and he wanted to give her some rest.

Gu Changye came out of the bedroom, went straight to the kitchen, and started cooking soup.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this moment in the living room, Lu Manman's cell phone kept ringing. Gu Changye frowned, fearing that he would wake her up, he walked out of the kitchen, saw her cell phone was ringing, and picked it up for him.

"Manman, where have you been? Why haven't you returned to the company yet?"

Qi Jue's concerned voice came from the phone, and Gu Changye frowned when he heard a man's voice, even revealing restless concern in his tone, because someone wanted to trick her.

There are no doors!

"She's too tired to go to work, what's the matter when she wakes up!"

Gu Changye replied in the tone of Lu Manman's man, these words make people have to fantasize!

too tired!I haven't done any work in the morning!

On the other hand, Qi Jue also had a surprised face. He never thought that a man would pick him up, and the man's tone was not kind, as if he was full of hostility towards him. Who the hell is this man?
"You are……"

Qi Jue couldn't hold back and asked.

"I'm her man! I have other things to do, that's all!"

After finishing speaking, Gu Changye hung up the phone with a smile all over his face, and he should wipe out these potential rivals in the dark.

And Qi Jue in the office heard a beeping sound from the phone, his face full of disbelief, when did Manman date, and who was that man just now!

But now the phone was disconnected, he continued to make a few calls without worry, but the phone showed that it was turned off.

Just as Gu Changye wanted to leave, his cell phone rang again, and it was the same number from just now. It must be the man who was mean to her just now, so he simply turned off the cell phone to avoid waking her up.

After Gu Changye finished cooking the porridge, he automatically kept it warm, and then he was about to go back to the bedroom.

However, when he thought of the call just now, he still felt a little grudged, but forget it, now that her mobile phone is turned off, naturally she can't get in.

Looking at the watch in her hand again, she has been asleep for almost two hours, and she should be waking up soon.

Lu Manman, who was lying on the bed, turned over. This casual movement made her body very uncomfortable, and it was difficult for her not to wake up.

She opened her eyes and looked at the unfamiliar environment. The scene just now flowed out like a tide. She folded her arms around her chest with a vigilant expression on her face.

She was kidnapped just now, and several men surrounded her, looking at her as if they were going to swallow her up, and she trembled unknowingly.

Feeling abnormal on her body, it is possible that she was really insulted!
This strange soreness, she had to admit, she really lost her virginity!

Thinking of this possibility, Lu Manman buried himself in his knees and cried bitterly.

As soon as Gu Changye came in, he saw such a situation, "Manman!"

Gu Changye's brows were full of anxiety and nervousness, did she regret giving herself to him?

"Gu Changye, why is it you! You saved me!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Lu Manman raised her head, her face was full of tears. At this time, it was like the grievance of a lost child when she returned to her parents. She poured out all the grievances. She lay in Gu Changye's arms and let out a loud voice. Weeping bitterly.

"Manman, I'm sorry!"

Seeing her in such pain at this time, Gu Changye looked remorseful, why didn't he try to restrain himself at that time.

Knowing that she was irrational, he still acted impulsively.

"Gu Changye, I was insulted by some rough men..."

Lu Manman was crying, and suddenly felt that her body was so dirty, she kept rubbing her body back and forth.

And Gu Changye felt something was wrong when he heard what she said, did she think wrong!

"I think I'm so dirty!"

Lu Manman bit his lip with a look of despair.

"Manman, don't you remember what happened just now? I saved you, you and I..."

Gu Changye opened his mouth to remind, but because Lu Manman was too sad, he couldn't listen to anything, thinking that he was being insulted.

"Why do you still save me! Why didn't you come and save me sooner!"

Lu Manman took his anger out on Gu Changye, beat him back and forth, and complained.

And Gu Changye just let her play like this, and waited for her to calm down.

"I'd rather be with you than be insulted by those people!"

Lu Manman said with an aggrieved face, and Gu Changye's gloomy eyes lit up instantly.

"Manman, you are indeed with me."

Gu Changye hugged her and said, in fact, when he said this, he was also worried, for fear that she would blame him.

"Really! I'm with you!"

Lu Manman was stunned, with an expression of disbelief, she was not insulted by those people, hope was rekindled in her eyes.


"You didn't lie to me, is it true?"

Lu Manman grabbed Gu Changye's arm and asked excitedly.

Anyway, as long as it wasn't those rude men, it would be better than anything else. When she thought of the staring eyes of those rough men just now, she felt chills in her heart.

As for giving it to Gu Changye, it would be fine to treat it as if she had flirted with her once, but she really wasn't insulted, and it was Gu Changye who said it to comfort her.

"No, you are indeed with me!"

Gu Changye nodded, waiting for her angry accusation.

Unexpectedly, Lu Manman shouted excitedly, "That's great, that's great! Ouch!"

Because of being too excited, she moved too much, which made her grin in pain.

"Manman, how are you doing?"

Regarding her abnormal behavior, Gu Changye looked puzzled, shouldn't she be angry?Why are you so excited? Maybe it's because of overstimulation.

"I'm fine, Gu Changye, thank you for saving me! Otherwise, I really want to die!"

Lu Manman said gratefully, but Gu Changye was puzzled, shouldn't he be condemned?How could I be grateful to him.

Gu Changye frowned, feeling something was wrong in his heart.

"Manman, don't you blame me?"

Gu Changye put his hands on her shoulders and looked directly at her.

"Why am I blaming you! It's better to be eaten by you than to be insulted by those rough guys. I'm more assured that you are clean! And it's not disgusting!"

Lu Manman smiled, with a calm expression on his face.

What does it mean that he is clean, she can rest assured!If it were another man, wouldn't she be willing too!

But when Gu Changye heard her praise, he was not so happy, but a little angry.

"Manman, let's find a day to get a marriage certificate!"

Gu Changye said that he could finally understand the state of Jazz who was so excited that he couldn't sleep at that time, because he was also in the same state at this time.

Now that the two of them have a close relationship, it's time for them to get married!
He thought it was too early for marriage before, but until he met her, his idea became stronger.

Because you meet the person you want to love, this kind of thinking comes naturally.

"What certificate did you get?"

Lu Manman said with a puzzled expression, some did not understand what he said.

"You are my woman now, of course I am responsible for you!"

Gu Changye said seriously, but Lu Manman chuckled, startled by Gu Changye's innocent behavior.

"Gu Changye, I know I can't blame you for this incident. I was irrational at the time, and I was careless... You don't have to be responsible for me. Let's just pretend that nothing happened! You saved me , I will treat you to a big meal another day!"

Lu Manman said calmly, in fact, he still cared a little bit in his heart, after all, it was her pure body that had been preserved for so many years, but Gu Changye couldn't be blamed for this.

"When what didn't happen?"

Because of his anger, Gu Changye couldn't help pressing Lu Manman's shoulders a little harder, he had a hurt expression on his face, how could she just write off what happened just now so easily.

Could it be that she is so reluctant to be with him?Then why did you give your body to him at that time!
She doesn't cherish herself so much, but why did she resist so desperately just now!Gu Changye couldn't figure it out, what was she thinking!
For a moment, he couldn't understand what she was thinking. Thinking of this, Gu Changye looked annoyed, and wanted to open her brain to see what she was thinking.

"Gu Changye, you hurt me!"

Lu Manman shook his hand, somewhat incomprehensible of his high emotion at this time.

She was the one who suffered in this matter, why is he so angry!

And she didn't hold him responsible!

But when I think of myself like this, I feel more or less sad. Although she is usually carefree, it doesn't mean she is very open, but things have already happened, so what can I do!

Such a result was already the happiest for her, otherwise she would have died long ago.

For Gu Changye, she was very grateful in her heart, if he hadn't appeared in time, she would have been ruined long ago, and she couldn't blame him for anything.

But when she thought of him when she was desperate and wanted to bite her tongue to commit suicide, she actually thought of him. She didn't expect him to appear miraculously. Until now, she couldn't believe it, as if it was a dream.

"Lu Manman, don't you care about what happened just now? If it were another man, would you be with him too!"

Gu Changye said angrily, very angry at her actions.

……………Very angry, very angry………… Damn caring…………

But seeing that she was still injured and he couldn't take his anger out on her, Gu Changye clenched his fists.

 Thanks to the user drug lover ゛Elop for the reward, add another chapter![-]-word update, reward if you like it, collection, monthly pass, recommendation ticket, comment.

(End of this chapter)

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