Chapter 151 I Won't Marry You
But when these words came out of his mouth, he already regretted it. He wished to open his mind, why would he say such bastard and hurtful words.

But seeing her speak so nonchalantly and leave him completely alone, his heart was pierced like a knife.

But Lu Manman's face changed when he heard what he said, and he laughed, "Yes, I am such a woman, so you don't have to be responsible for me, I will not marry you."

There was a gloomy look of loss in her eyes. In his eyes, is she such a woman?

She bit her lips subconsciously, pretending to be calm, but her heart couldn't help but ache.

Even she didn't know why she felt this way at the moment, did he think she would?If she was such a woman, why would she be an unknown little singer now, maybe she would have made a fortune with this body.

Forget it, since he thinks so of her, nothing she says will make up for it.

"Manman, you know that's not what I meant, I was so mad..."

Gu Changye held her hands and explained, but Lu Manman withdrew his hand and interrupted him.

"Gu Changye, I don't care what you mean. Anyway, in your heart, you already think that I am that kind of woman, and you are not the only man I have. I have many men who are better than you..."

Looking at the chattering little mouth in front of him, and listening to her hurtful words, Gu Changye couldn't take it anymore, he only knew that he was her only one.

He covered her mouth with his big hand, not wanting her to say those hurtful words again.

He was the one who spoke insincerely just now because he was angry, and he knew she couldn't be that kind of person.

Lu Manman's eyes were wide open, he never expected Gu Changye to act like this, but when he thought of those stupid things he said, Lu Manman got annoyed and slapped his hand off.

Lu Manman couldn't calm down, she stretched out her hand and pushed Gu Changye away.

But facing his eyes, her heart kept pounding and her face was blushing.

"Manman, I know you are not that kind of woman, I am your only one."

Gu Changye held her hand and said with a serious face. As soon as he touched her hand, it was as if a string of electric currents passed through. What happened just now kept replaying in her mind, and she subconsciously wanted to pull herself away. She ran away with her hand, but Gu Changye held it tightly and looked directly at her.

"Gu Changye, my mind is so messed up, can you please let me be quiet!"

Lu Manman said in a low voice, when she thought of making such an invitation, she couldn't accept it.

"Okay, Manman, you are too weak and need to be replenished. You must be hungry too. I have cooked porridge and you can eat it."

Gu Changye said, knowing that such a thing happened, she couldn't accept it for a while, and he gave her time to think.

"Okay, you go out to eat first, I'll go out now!"

I don't know if it's something in her heart, but listening to his words, her ears turned red unconsciously.

Gu Changye nodded and walked out first.

As soon as he left, Lu Manman wanted to die, she kept beating her little head, "Lu Manman, what did you do, you actually threw him down."

I don't know what to do now!She didn't want to be responsible, but would Gu Changye let it go so easily?

But what to do now!She caused such a big disaster by herself, if it were someone else, she would threaten and intimidate her, but Gu Changye would not accept such a thing at all, anyway, she would just pretend that she didn't know anything later.

Lu Manman became an ostrich for the first time, because she really didn't want to step into the grave of marriage, her career hadn't started yet, and she still wanted to be free for a few years, and she didn't want to be restrained.

Anyway, just kill him and refuse to admit it, Lu Manman has made up his mind.

"Gollum! Gollum!"

There was a burst of empty stomach, she was really hungry, now go out to eat first.

Lu Manman got up, the movement range was the same as before, she didn't notice her body, her bones were torn and hurt, her whole body was sore, she almost didn't recognize her body, she almost fell apart.


She snorted, how impatient she was!

Walking with both feet on the ground, limp and weak, this posture is really weird.

Looking at his nightgown again, it was a bit chilly, and he was not used to it. Lu Manman scratched his head, wrapped his clothes tightly, and walked out.

Gu Changye came over with porridge and soup, scooped up a bowl first, and after doing all this, Lu Manman had already walked out.

"Manman, do you still feel uncomfortable in your body?"

Gu Changye said with concern, while Lu Manman lowered his head and whispered, "I'm fine, I'm fine!"

Seeing her holding on, Gu Changye smiled.

"Come on, drink this soup first!"


Lu Manman looked unnatural, lowered his head, and drank the soup quietly.

"Long Man..."

Gu Changye wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Lu Manman, "Gu Changye, don't eat or sleep, don't talk about anything, wait until I eat."

Afraid that Gu Changye would repeat the question just now, Lu Manman hurriedly spoke first, with a flash of anxiety and panic in his eyes.

Seeing her anxious face, Gu Changye had a smile on his face.

He just wanted to tell her to drink more soup, what did she think?
She has never been straightforward, just face things up, but why did she become a shrinking turtle this time, but this time he will not let her be a shrinking turtle, she wants him to face the relationship between the two of them.

"I just want to say, let you drink more soup."

Gu Changye laughed softly, while Lu Manman lowered his head even lower, and his other pair of hands hanging down kept holding on to the clothes tightly, with an annoyed expression on his face. She, Lu Manman, had never been ashamed before. Today is a good day, and she put all the faces in her life away. All lost.

Lu Manman ate with his head down, didn't say much, and was very quiet.

"I'm stuffed."

After eating, Lu Manman walked away straight away, pretending to be nonchalant, and walked to the living room, picked up the remote control and pressed it randomly.

And Gu Changye knew that she was deliberately avoiding him, this was his home, where could she hide!

Gu Changye raised his brows, his face was not in a hurry, he had plenty of time to talk to her, let her calm down first, Gu Changye glanced at the living room, with a bright smile on the corner of his mouth, he simply put the bowl The chopsticks were all put away in the kitchen and started to be cleaned.

Noticing that Gu Changye's gaze had been on her, Lu Manman turned his back to him, pretending not to know anything.

Watching various entertainment programs on TV, she has no interest at all, she feels like sitting on pins and needles, what should she do now!

Lu Manman scratched her scalp anxiously, she faintly felt that this time she was in trouble!Gu Changye will definitely not let her go so easily, at this time, hurry up and slip away while he is still busy!

It was the first time she was so cowardly, and the 36 plan was the best plan.

Determined to pay attention, Lu Manman picked up his belongings, stood on tiptoe, and walked gently towards the gate.

Now she doesn't care about her image anymore, she can only run around in this nightgown, it's better than being chased by Gu Changye and making her responsible.

Lu Manman held his breath, exhaled, and took every step very lightly, for fear of making the slightest noise and attracting Gu Changye's attention.

It was because she was too cautious, but it got worse. Her muscles were tense, pulling on the wound. She gasped and let out a painful "呵呵" sound.

She continued to walk until she came to the gate, holding her hand on the doorknob. She was so excited that she could leave.

After going out of this gate, she will forget everything!Who is Gu Changye!I do not recognize!
I don't know if it was telepathy, Gu Changye felt flustered in his heart, he put down the bowl and chopsticks, and walked out without thinking.

She opened it gently, trying to make the sound as quiet as possible, the door creaked open a crack, Lu Manman was about to cross through it, one foot had already stepped out.

"Manman, where are you going!"

When Gu Changye came out of the kitchen, he saw her about to escape at a glance, and he stopped her in time.

She really wanted to leave!I don't want to be responsible!

Gu Changye had a smile in his eyes, he wouldn't just let her go, at least give him an explanation.

But her behavior like this really made him dumbfounded. She never dared to act boldly, but this time she was going to be a coward.

Lu Manman was stunned, with one foot stepped outside and the other raised, maintaining such a movement, Gu Changye discovered it! ! !
Lu Manman bit his lip, with an annoyed expression on his face, damn it, he was just one step away, and he was discovered!
Can she pretend she doesn't know anything?

She didn't hear anything, Lu Manman hypnotized himself, opened the door, and was about to continue walking, but Gu Changye had already walked over, and just as she walked out of the door, someone grabbed her hand.

"Manman, are you going to leave? Do you want to pay your debts?"

Gu Changye's nice and gentle voice sounded behind him, and Lu Manman was annoyed, so he had to turn his head to face him.

"Hehe, what are you talking about! I just feel that the room is boring and I just want to go out for a walk."

Lu Manman smiled, and asked with a stiff face, not daring to look directly into Gu Changye's eyes, feeling a little guilty.

"is it?"

Gu Changye asked back, his sharp eyes kept staring at her, and he was about to see through her, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Well, did you wash the dishes so quickly?" Lu Manman rambled nonsense, his eyes flickered, and he quickly changed the subject.

"Not yet, I was just worried about you, so I wanted to come out and take a look, but I just happened to watch you out for a walk!"

Gu Changye said with a deep expression on his face, especially when it came to the word "walking", he bit it very hard, poking her heart straight, making her heart sink.

"You haven't washed it yet, so hurry up and wash it! I just came out to take a look!"

Why is she so nervous!She is also a victim, okay?

Besides, she was totally irrational at the time, and he could have resisted when she was teasing him, but he didn't resist, so she can't be blamed.

Thinking of this, Lu Manman's heart is full of confidence, anyway, it's none of her business, why should she feel guilty!

Lu Manman raised his head, his aura gradually rose and became stronger, and he returned to his aloof look.

Seeing her series of changes, Gu Changye looked relaxed, it seemed that she didn't plan to be responsible for him anymore.

"Okay, then go for a walk in the yard! As for the outside door is closed, it can't be opened without my induction, and bad guys can't come in." Gu Changye said casually, laughing more deeply.

And don't even think about getting rid of her!
And Lu Manman listened to the first half of the sentence, and wanted to go out full of joy, but when he heard the second half of the sentence, his footsteps paused and his face changed. What is he talking about!

No bad guy can come in, he obviously just doesn't want her to go out.

Lu Manman became anxious, put his hands on his hips, and looked unhappy, "Gu Changye, what do you mean, you want to imprison me?"

Seeing her angry appearance, Gu Changye spread his hands out with an innocent look on his face, "Manman, what are you talking about? Do you want to go out dressed like this? You are a public figure, so you are not afraid of being attacked by the Gouzi team." Photographed, say you have a chaotic style!"

Gu Changye reminded her kindly, but Lu Manman didn't accept it. He was clearly dragging her in a different way.

"Gu Changye, don't cry like a cat and pretend to be merciful, let's talk about it! What do you want?"

Knowing that he couldn't escape, Lu Manman asked directly.

She knew that if she didn't give an explanation, Gu Changye would not let her go.

What kind of bad luck has she had this year!Lu Manman held his head with a headache on his face.

"Manman, what can I do? I want you to be responsible to me but you refuse!" Gu Changye asked with a pretended ignorance, would she listen to what he said?
Obviously, it is impossible!What he said was in vain.

"Gu Changye, you also know that when I was attacked secretly, I was out of my mind, so I molested you, but at that time you could push me away with one hand? And why didn't you knock me out! This way you and I It won't be like this, in the final analysis, this matter is your fault, as well as mine, since both of us are at fault, let's pretend that nothing happened." Lu Manman said without blushing. , very confident.

Anyway, it is impossible for her to marry him!Lu Manman was very disgusted with the question of marriage.

And Gu Changye ticked the corner of his mouth, knowing that she would beat him up!Now she was complaining about him instead.

"Manman, so you don't want to be responsible to me?"

Gu Changge folded his hands and stared at her.

And Lu Manman looked embarrassed. To be honest, she still had no idea when she said these words, but in order to calm Gu Changye, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue.

"It's hard to talk about it! Gu Changye, tell me, how much do you want! I will compensate you!"

Lu Manman directly asked for the price. She was indeed at a loss in this matter. She could only compensate him with money. It was impossible for her to get married.

I hope that Gu Changye can take a step back and talk, so that the two of them will not be so awkward when they meet in the future.

And Lu Manman's pretty face darkened when he heard that he wanted to use money to take responsibility. Did she think he was a duck?
I want to pay him off!

(End of this chapter)

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