Chapter 154 Became a strict wife (reward plus more)

Chapter 159
Because he was afraid that he would use strong means to keep him, Gu Changye quickened his pace and prepared to leave.

At least at this moment, he wanted to keep the best side of himself in her heart, he was never a kind person, if he was ruthless, he would be scarier than anyone else.

It's just that his appearance of a gentle gentleman blinded other people's eyes.

And at this moment, Lu Manman felt 1 reluctance to give up, because she knew that if she didn't do something, then even her last chance of happiness would be gone.

No matter who he is, she doesn't care!

Everyone has a past, no matter how heinous he is, his original intention is for her.

He killed people for her sake, she had no time to think, and her actions had already proved her intentions.

Afraid that Gu Changye would go far away, Lu Manman ran over desperately at an astonishing speed. Her big hands hugged his waist tightly from behind. At this moment, she didn't want Gu Changye to leave, she didn't want to!An idea popped into my mind, that is, I can't let him go.

"Gu Changye, don't leave me!" Lu Manman said eagerly, her hands hugging his waist tightly, like a bundle of ropes tightly binding him, preventing him from escaping.

And Gu Changye was stunned, with a look of disbelief, and then a look of surprise. He never expected her to behave like this, which really surprised him and surprised him endlessly.

His dim eyes instantly regained their light, and every muscle in his body was trembling because of joy, screaming joyfully...

She's trying to keep him... If he didn't feel her breathing, the scorching temperature, and the familiar fragrance, he would have thought that these were all dreams, but no, he could hear her heart beating, yes Beat violently for him.

She didn't know why she wanted to keep him, but when she thought of the lost and sad expression in his eyes, her heart also felt uncomfortable. Gu Changye was the only one she liked, and even she took a step to accept him How could he leave? If he left, who else could she rely on?Moreover, she has executed him on the spot, so he can only be hers.

"Manman, can you say it again?"

Gu Changye turned around and faced her, the affection in his eyes tightly surrounded her, almost melting her.

The voice was low and hoarse, because of the excitement, the tail was faintly trembling.

But Lu Manman was in a panic at this time, she lowered her head, because she didn't know what to do, she kept biting her lip, and kept pulling her lowered hands tightly, with a look of bewilderment.

She was also at a loss for her sudden action just now.

Gu Changye took the initiative to hold her hand, while Lu Manman raised his head in confusion, looked into his charming eyes, as if he had been electrocuted, "Manman, do you want me to stay? ?”

"En!" Lu Manman nodded involuntarily.

"That's great, Manman!"

Gu Changye held her tightly in his arms, enjoying this unexpected surprise.

"Manman, you really don't mind me?"

Gu Changye let go of her, and still asked in disbelief.

He has always been confident in everything, and everything can achieve the expected results, but she is the only one, she is an accident, he can't guarantee it.

"You are all mine, why do I mind what you do!"

Lu Manman turned his head away and said in a low voice.

"Manman, say it again!"

Gu Changye couldn't believe what he heard, and he wanted to hear her say it again.

"Don't say good things twice!"

Lu Manman opened his hand and walked away first, with a smile that couldn't be concealed from the corner of his mouth.

"Manman, say it again, I didn't hear it just now!"

Gu Changye chased after her relentlessly, insisting on asking her to say it again, but Lu Manman refused to say it.

"Gu Changye, give you three points of color, you really opened a dyeing workshop, do you still want to be with me!"

Lu Manman clasped his hands together, ordered, and regained his imposing manner, but Gu Changye was afraid that she would repent, so he didn't dare to ask any more questions. From a well-received gentleman, he became a strict wife.

The identity has changed a lot, but he is enjoying the change.

"Manman, when you thought of being the first to notify me, I'm really happy!"

The two sat on the sofa, Gu Changye embraced her, while Lu Manman leaned on his shoulder, Gu Changye held her hand and said seriously.

The first thing she thought of him meant that she had him in her heart. This was the thing he was most proud of!

"Ugh! That Gu Changye, it's not that I want to dampen your enthusiasm. I can say that I was in a hurry at the time, and I didn't have time to look at the name and randomly clicked. I didn't expect it to be you."

Lu Manman sneered, but the smile on Gu Changye's face froze, and his heart sank a lot. It wasn't that she really wanted to find him, but an accident!

Gu Changye was stabbed in the heart instantly, with a hurt expression on his face, this matter was the happiest thing for him, but he didn't expect it to be an accident!
She didn't want to be the first to find him!Why don't you make him feel sad!In less than half an hour of joy, Gu Changye felt that he had fallen from a happy paradise to hell.

"Manman, why didn't you hide it from me? At least it made me happy for a while!"

Gu Changye pinched her nose, his eyes full of sorrow.

Lu Manman smiled, "You know I'm a straightforward person and I won't lie."

But looking at the series of changes in Gu Changye's expression, she can tell that he is really funny.

"Then manman, tell me, if time permits, who will you call first?"

This question was a thorn in his heart, like a fishbone stuck in his throat, he couldn't get up and down, and his face was terrible, so he insisted on asking Chou Yinmo.

"Gu Changye, aren't you a very rational person? How could you ask such a hypothetical question?"

And it's quite naive, always obsessed with this question, is this answer really that important to him?

If you don't answer well, you don't know what he will do, so it's important to change the subject quickly.

You must know that a jealous woman uses cruel methods; but you don't know what kind of things a jealous man will do!
"I'm rational, but I also have an emotional side. Don't change the subject, tell me quickly, if time permits, will you stop looking for me? Or are you asking for help from your over-eager boss?"

Gu Changye was full of gunpowder, and when he thought of so many men surrounding her, he felt extremely aggrieved.

"My boss? Could it be that he called me? Oops! I didn't go to work today!"

Lu Manman suddenly remembered that she still called the boss to inform her boss this morning, what a disaster!

Lu Manman got anxious and withdrew from Gu Changye's arms, reaching out to take the mobile phone on the table, but Gu Changye's hand was a step ahead, and he took the mobile phone.

"Gu Changye, what are you doing! Give me my mobile phone, I'll call back to the company first."

Lu Manman frowned, he didn't understand Gu Changye's actions, what was he doing?What are you doing with her phone!
"Manman, you answer my question first, and then I'll give you the phone." Gu Changye raised his hand and said solemnly.

Lu Manman stood up, trying to snatch his mobile phone, but Gu Changye raised his hand. His hand was so long that she couldn't reach it at all, and if her movements were too large, her body would be very uncomfortable. Comfortable.

"Gu Changye, you still listen to me. You are clearly bullying me now! It seems that I have to consider whether to partner with you to live together." Lu Manman's face was full of displeasure.

As soon as Gu Changye heard her words, he put the phone in her hand without thinking, and he moved very quickly, for fear that she would regret it if he took a step too late.

Lu Manman couldn't help secretly laughing at his hasty move.

"Manman, go ahead! I won't force you to answer my question. I also know that you don't love me in the first place. Naturally, you won't be the first to seek me out."

Gu Changye said with a face full of self-knowledge, with deep sorrow in his tone, which immediately became a representative of resentment to his husband.

Gu Changye turned his head away, not wanting her to see his lonely side.

Although he has subconscious knowledge, he still has a little bit of expectation in his heart, but it is still quite uncomfortable to admit this fact face to face.

Why hadn't he met her earlier!Gu Changye turned to worry about this problem.

Lu Manman stretched out his hand, intending to pat him on the shoulder, but after thinking about it, he still stretched out his hands to hug his waist, and Gu Changye was startled, a little froze, didn't she want to talk to another man?
"Gu Changye, I don't want to lie to you. To be honest, if time permits, I think that the first one won't be you, but it won't be another man, either Ye Xiaoniu or idiot Liu!"


It can't be another man. Hearing this, Gu Changye couldn't suppress the surprise in his heart, and the starlight of joy kept jumping in his eyes, but when he thought that he wasn't the first one, he still felt a little fussy.

But this answer can barely make him feel better.

"And if it wasn't for this accident, how could another accident happen to you and me, and how could I accept you so easily, I can only say that this is a beautiful accident." Lu Manman said softly, if it wasn't for him How could she have a good impression of him?

"It was a beautiful accident!"

Gu Changye felt relieved, thanks to this beautiful accident, he could taste her beauty and have the opportunity to walk into her heart.

"Okay, now you don't have any grudges in your heart! Then I can make a call!"

Lu Manman asked with a funny face, just now the room was filled with a strong smell of vinegar, which almost made her sour.

When Gu Changye became jealous, he became mentally handicapped.


Naturally, he can't restrain her too tightly, otherwise he will scare her away!
Lu Manman was about to get up and make a phone call, but Gu Changye hugged her and made her lean into his arms comfortably, "You are inconvenient, it is better to sit here and make a phone call!"

Gu Changye said with a concerned face, in the name of caring for her, he actually wanted to monitor her words.

He was so cautious, how could Lu Manman not know, but thinking about it, her body was indeed inconvenient, and she was walking right, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

Lu Manman opened the business card folder, and Gu Changye did not forget to cast his eyes away. Seeing his name on the boss, he felt an indescribable sense of superiority in his heart.

If you want to climb on his head, don't even think about it, he will stomp him to the ground with one foot.

However, he also found that she had a lot of male friends, and her sense of superiority was instantly replaced by depression.

Lu Manman dialed the phone, and Qi Jue in the office saw that it was Lu Manman calling, so he quickly answered it, with a very anxious tone, "Manman, you are calling, where have you been all day? gone?"

When he thought that a man picked up the phone in the morning, he felt something was wrong, so he called Shangguan Liunian and asked Shangguan Liunian. He said that they had already left, but she didn't come back to work.

"Boss, I'm fine! I just didn't feel well all of a sudden. I came back to rest. I forgot to ask you for leave. Don't worry about me. I'll go back to work tomorrow." Lu Manman said with a calm face, while Gu Changye's ears perked up Woke up, listening to the conversation between the two of them, he had a gloomy face as they chatted so well.

I've never seen her talk to him in such a gentle manner. Gu Changye stared fixedly at the phone, and a burst of murderous intent passed through the phone.

"Manman, who is the man who answered your call this morning?"

Qi Jue couldn't help asking, the knot in his heart never dissipated.

"Ah? What man? It's a doctor, I'll let the doctor come to see me at home!"

Lu Manman was stunned, but then she came back to her senses. She glared at Gu Changye back, what the hell did this guy do with her phone!

She almost couldn't get over it!If the boss knows that she is in a relationship, then she will die. She has violated the contract, and there will be a large amount of money waiting for her to pay.

"Really?" Qi Jue faintly felt something was wrong, after all, the man in the morning claimed to be her man.

"Well, it's my friend's brother, we know each other very well!"

Lu Manman smiled, while Gu Changye behind him looked gloomy, why didn't she admit his identity, was he so shameless?
doctor!Doctor shit!
"Manman, why don't I visit you after get off work!" Qi Jue asked, he wanted to go and have a look.

"No need, boss, how dare I bother you! And you know that I've always been sloppy and my house is a mess, so I'd better invite you to my house some other day." Upon hearing that Qi Jue was coming to see her at home, Lu Manman hurriedly said.

If Qi Jue finds out that she is not at home, then everything she just said will be in vain.

"Okay then! I'll go to your house some other day!"

Listening to the content of the chat between the two of them, as well as their tone of voice, the two of them are quite familiar with each other, and they even came to her house.

"Manman, you are too tired in the morning, and your back hurts. I will help you press it. It's all my fault. It makes you suffer." Gu Changye said with a loud voice on purpose, and the voice flowed to the phone at once. I don't want them to talk anymore.

And Lu Manman was so scared by him that he almost yelled in surprise, she hung up the phone hastily, "Boss, let's do this first!"


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(End of this chapter)

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