Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 155 A Sudden Visit from Shangguan Fleeting Years

Chapter 155 A Sudden Visit from Shangguan Fleeting Years
"Gu Changye, you want to kill me! Are you deliberately trying to make people misunderstand! My future is almost ruined in your hands."

Lu Manman hung up the phone and turned around angrily.

But Gu Changye helped her pinch her shoulders, smiling innocently, the hateful thing was that she couldn't get angry seeing him smiling so brightly, and the flames that surged were immediately extinguished.

"Manman, did I say something wrong?"

Gu Changye asked with an innocent face, he did not forget to pinch his hands for her, he did it on purpose, he just wanted to warn her boss not to get her ideas, but he would not show his secrets in front of her.

I have to say that his craftsmanship is quite good, being pinched by him like this, the blood in the whole body seems to flow through at once, the pain is not so sore, the waist is not sore, and the anger in the stomach is also gone.

Seeing that he was so eager to help her massage, she naturally couldn't blame him.

He clearly grasped this point to deal with her, but she knew it well, but there was nothing she could do.

"Gu Changye, are you unhappy with what I just said? You know that I am an artist, I have signed a contract, and I cannot fall in love during the contract period. Otherwise, I will bear a large amount of compensation, and I My future career may also be affected, and now is the time when I am just starting out, and I cannot make any mistakes."

Lu Manman mentioned that this was the reason why she lied just now, and she didn't want to hide anything from Gu Changye.

Although she has expectations for this relationship, she dare not gamble with her career when her relationship is not really stable. She has already lost once and can't lose again, otherwise she will really have nothing. .

Although this career has not improved very much, it is also the goal she has been striving for. She cannot give up her career because of her feelings.

"I'll help you pay the compensation! This matter is not a problem for me!"

Gu Changye said with a relaxed face, with a little joy in his heart, he didn't expect that she would take the initiative to tell him, otherwise she would hide him like this, as if he was shameful, it should be very prestigious to take him out.

This little money is nothing to him, and he doesn't want her to hang out in that place where Yunlong is mixed, and he doesn't want her to get too close to other men.

Moreover, she was easy to attract men, so she was afraid that someone would have bad motives, and that was what he was worried about.

Besides, she spends all the money he earns, and she can buy whatever she wants, as long as he supports her.

"You know I'm not because of this. I know you have a lot of money, but I want to work, and it's a job I like, so I can feel safe."

Lu Manman expressed her thoughts, and she still has to insist on being independent financially.

She didn't want the two of them to break up one day. By that time, her career would be gone, and she would become a useless person when she got older. So she had to leave a way out for herself, at least when she earned enough money. With enough money, it is almost enough for retirement.

"Okay, okay, I won't interfere with your work, I'm willing to be the man behind you!"

Gu Changye held her in his arms and cared for her. Although he felt a little grudged, it was good that she liked it, and she couldn't interfere too much, otherwise she might leave with her fiery temper.

"Hehe, the man behind! Will this wrong you too much!"

Lu Manman laughed and said, the simple thing is that Gu Changye is very tolerant of her and her work, which is very commendable.

"Don't be wronged, it's my honor to be with you! Manman, do you want to know about me?"

Gu Changye couldn't help but ask, since she participated in his life, he didn't want to hide anything from her, it was necessary for her to know everything about him.

"Forget it. People who know too much will die earlier. I want to keep my head on my neck for a while longer. Gu Changye, I know you won't kill innocent people casually."

Lu Manman shrank his neck and said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, when you want to ask me, I will tell you everything!" Gu Changye pinched her delicate nose and smiled.

"By the way, Gu Changye, do you know who I met this morning!" Lu Manman suddenly thought of Shangguan Liunian, who might have something to do with them, so let them know.

"Who! Could it be the person who drugged you?"

Gu Changye raised his brows, and his beautiful pupils shone with a sharp light.

"Does Shangguan Jueshi still have a brother? I saw Shangguan Liunian this morning! These two look alike! I almost mistook him."

Lu Manman told Gu Changye about seeing Shangguan Liunian in the morning, but Gu Changye was shocked.

"Manman, you said you met Shangguan Liunian?"

Mentioning Shangguan Liunian, Gu Changye's tone became a little colder, and his reaction was very strong. He never thought that Manman would actually get in touch with Shangguan Liunian. Could it be that he knew about the relationship between them?
"Don't worry, I didn't tell you about Shangguan Jueshi. He doesn't know about our relationship yet."

Seeing that he was so emotional, it seemed that Shangguan Liunian really had a gap with Shangguan Jueshi and the others. Fortunately, she had the foresight at that time and didn't say anything she shouldn't say, otherwise it might cause them trouble.

"That's not a problem, anyway, he will investigate sooner or later, but Man Man, why did you go to see him? Could it be that he was the one who gave the medicine in the morning?"

Gu Changye asked, Shangguan Liunian should have nothing to do with Manman.

Although they are prejudiced against Shangguan Liunian, it doesn't seem like Shangguan Liunian would do such a low-level thing.

"I don't know either. After meeting him in the morning, I felt something was wrong on the way back, and then I was fainted." Lu Manman shook his head, his expression unclear.

"But the reason why Shangguan Liunian came to me was because he wanted to find my friend Xia Jin. He couldn't find out from me. Maybe he would go to Liu idiot and Ye Xiaoniu. You should inform Shangguan Jue in advance about this matter. Say hello! Maybe he has gone to the hospital by now!"

Lu Manman remembered this, and she forgot to inform Ye Xiaoniu and idiot Liu about it.

"Okay, I'll tell Juzzy to go to the hospital immediately!"

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, and fearing that Shangguan Liunian would harm Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian, Gu Changye hurriedly dialed the phone.

The phone went through, "Jazz, you go to the hospital first, maybe Shangguan Liunian went to the hospital to find your wife."


Shangguan Jueshi looked worried, thinking that Ye Qingxin might be in danger, he left the office without thinking.

"Jeez, don't worry, Shangguan Liunian may not know that Ye Qingxin is your wife's business, he just went to Liu Silian and Ye Qingxin to ask her friends, he asked Lu Manman in the morning, when you arrive Play by ear! Try not to let Shangguan Liunian know the fact that you are married, otherwise Ye Qingxin will be in more danger."

Gu Changye reminded at the right time that he knew that Shangguan Juesi was worried about Ye Qingxin's safety.


Shangguan Jueshi hung up the phone, knowing that Shangguan Liunian didn't know Qingxin's identity, a big rock in his heart dropped a little, but he was still worried.

I'm afraid that something unexpected will happen then, after all Shangguan Liunian looks so much like him, maybe she will admit her mistake for a while and expose herself.

At this time, Lu Manman and Shangguan Jueshi called one after another, but no one answered the phone.

in the hospital.

"Idiot Liu, I've been lying on the bed for so long, and I'm so exhausted, why don't you push me outside for a walk in the garden. Now that the sun is warm outside, it's best to go for a walk."

Ye Qingxin lay on the bed and said sadly.

She has been lying on the bed since the morning, and her bones are sore from lying on this good body. If she doesn't go out to bask in the sun, it will become moldy.

"Okay, that's what I'm thinking about!"

Liu Silian got up from the bed. The bed was really comfortable, but she was a little sore after sleeping for a long time.

Moreover, they had been playing with their mobile phones all the time, and their vision was a little tired. It was time to go outside to look at the green plants. The two of them put their mobile phones on the table.

"I'm going to push the wheelchair over."

Liu Silian got off the bed, walked to the side and pushed the wheelchair out.

"Qingxin, be careful!"

Liu Silian supported Ye Qingxin, gently helped her to sit on the wheelchair, and put a pillow behind her to make her sit more comfortably.

"Okay, idiot Liu, let's go!"

Liu Silian pushed Ye Qingxin into the elevator, they had just entered, but Shangguan Liunian from the other elevator came out, the elevator closed, and they just missed it.

Ye Qingxin only glanced at it. She seemed to have seen Shangguan Jueshi just now?

But how is it possible?Shangguan Jueshi is at work, how could he come at this time, maybe she missed him.

"Wow, the air down here is different!"

The two came to the garden. Ye Qingxin sat in a wheelchair, spread her hands, and took a deep breath. Sure enough, the air outside was much more comfortable. The ward was filled with the smell of disinfectant, and she felt uncomfortable smelling it. All right.

And Liu Silian sat on the bench beside her, enjoying it comfortably.

At this time, Shangguan Liunian came to Ye Qingxin's ward based on the information he had inquired, but to his surprise, many people knew him.

"Mr. Shangguan, good!"

When the nurses who came and went saw him, they gave a soft cry and hurried away.

Shangguan Liunian frowned, staring at their leaving backs, with a thoughtful look on his face, it is reasonable to say that the people in this hospital don't know him, but thinking that he has also been on the cover of impurities, maybe this is the reason.

Thinking of this possibility, Shangguan Liunian didn't think about it anymore, he went directly to the ward.

When he came to the door of the ward, because the door was closed, he who was always polite and gentle would naturally not open the door so recklessly. He knocked lightly with his hand for a while, but still no one came to open the door.

"anyone there?"

He asked aloud, he had already inquired beforehand, Xia Jin's friend Ye Qingxin was injured and lived in this ward, and her other friend Liu Silian was also taking care of her here.

He couldn't get any news from Lu Manman in the morning, maybe he could get it from the two of them. As long as there was news about her, he would not let go of any clues.

Unable to get any response, Gu Changye had no choice but to push open the door and walk in. He lifted the curtain to see the empty bed, and even went to the bathroom to check, but it wasn't there?

He couldn't see the person he wanted to see, so he walked out. Unexpectedly, he bumped into the nurse just now. She stopped him, and he paused.

"Mr. Shangguan, are you looking for Miss Ye? She just went to the garden to relax."

"Thank you!"

Shangguan Liunian turned his head, smiled to express his gratitude, and then walked away.

"Hey, Mr. Shangguan is so gentle today! How strange!"

The nurse looked puzzled, she mustered up a lot of courage to greet him just now, she didn't expect that Mr. Shangguan, who is usually as cold as ice, would say thank you to her!Still laugh at her!

Shangguan Liunian came to the garden according to what the nurse said just now.

He swept his blue eyes casually, and immediately identified the target. Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian were sitting there chatting at this time, and he walked over step by step.

Because of his arrival, the innate aura of a king, the air fluctuates a lot, so Ye Qingxin has to pay attention.

Sensing a strange gaze sweeping towards her, Ye Qingxin turned her head and faced her directly.

"Shangguan...not Shangguan Jueshi!"

When she saw the familiar face of Shangguan Liunian, she almost called out Shangguan Jueshi's name, but when she saw the strange feelings in those blue eyes, she knew at a glance that this man was not Shangguan. Guan Jue Shi.

Because the way Shangguan Jueshi looked at her was always affectionate, not so strange.

But I was still a little surprised, who is this man?How come she looks so similar to Shangguan Jueshi, she almost misses it.

But judging from the direction he was walking, he was coming towards her. Could it be that he wanted to find her?

Could it be Shangguan Jueshi's brother who knew she was injured and wanted to come and see her?
Ye Qingxin has a lot of doubts in her heart, but now that no one has brought it up, she naturally won't take the initiative to speak.

Shangguan Liunian came over, his blue eyes were smiling, staring at Ye Qingxin, while Ye Qingxin smiled with the corners of her mouth pursed, and said nothing.

"Qingxin, why don't you talk...Shang...Official...Noble...Shi?"

Realizing that Qingxin didn't even speak, Liu Silian looked back, and when she saw Shangguan Liunian who looked exactly like Shangguan Jueshi, she fell down in fright. Why did he come here without anyone noticing it? Fortunately, she was afraid , trembling as he spoke, his speech was a bit vague, he probably didn't hear clearly.

But Shangguan Liunian learned what she said from her mouth shape - Shangguan Jueshi!She knows Shangguan Jueshi!
I didn't expect to find this accident by accident today!
He smiled slightly, and walked towards Liu Silian. As for Ye Qingxin next to her, she was a little clever, and it was probably difficult to get her words out of her mouth, but this Liu Silian seemed easier in comparison.

And Liu Silian looked at Shangguan Liunian smiling at her, and felt something was wrong?I was really taken aback just now, but now I feel that there is no such cold chill all over my body. Did Shangguan Jueshi lose his mind?

Why did he suddenly become a different person?

 Thank you user Zhuzhuxiong for the reward, and the user drug lover ゛Elop for the rewards several times, thank you very much!Tears all over my face!If you like it, you can reward it, and if you reward it, you can add more!Favorites, comments, and votes are also smashed together!Continue to add more tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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