Chapter 157 She Is Your Woman?

"Okay, let's join in the fun too!"

Liu Silian looked excited, and hurriedly pushed Ye Qingxin to watch a good show.

"Let's let one let, let one let!"

Stupid Liu pushed Ye Qingxin and squeezed his way out of the crowd. He had to stand at the front when watching the show, so he wouldn't miss anything exciting.

"Qingxin, Shangguan Jueshi is fighting!"

Liu Silian was the first to see it, and Ye Qingxin thought she had misunderstood the person, but when she saw Shangguan Jueshi in the battle, she was shocked.

"It's really Shangguan Jueshi!"

But shouldn't he be at work?Why did you come here, and you even got into a fight with Shangguan Liunian.

"Wow, there are two Shangguan Jueshi! Clone special effects, just like filming a TV series."

Liu Silian covered her mouth and said in surprise, watching this fight with her own eyes is really thrilling!

Some of the people around couldn't help applauding, and some even took out their mobile phones to take pictures of this intense scene.

"Shangguan Jueshi, come on, come on!"

Stupid Liu started to be a cheerleader, cheering for Shangguan Jueshi, her voice was not fake, I think she was the cheerleader back then.

Hearing the familiar voice, Shangguan Jueshi looked along the source of the sound, and saw the two of them. Just such a moment of negligence, Shangguan Liunian started to fight back, and Shangguan Jueshi was punched abruptly.

He glanced at Liu Silian fiercely, this noisy woman caused him to be punched.

And Liu Silian was startled by his sharp eyes, her voice became hoarse, and she didn't dare to cry out.

What are you doing!She was kind enough to cheer for him, but she didn't expect that Shangguan Jueshi didn't appreciate it!
Liu Silian pouted, looking puzzled!
But seeing Ye Qingxin sitting on the side with nothing to worry about, Shangguan Jueshi finally felt relieved. Ye Qingxin's appearance greatly boosted his confidence. He must not lose face in front of his own woman!
With this strong belief, Shangguan Jueshi became more and more courageous after setbacks, his strength multiplied, and he pressed on every step of the way. Shangguan Liunian was a bit overwhelmed, and he wanted to beat Shangguan Liunian to the ground!
And Shangguan Liunian also noticed the changes in Shangguan Juesh, following his line of sight, he saw Liu Silian and Ye Qingxin, did they really know him?Looking at Jazz again, he was obviously powerless just now, but now his whole body seems to be full of strength, could it be the power of love!

But as for who his favorite is, he is a little unsure!

Logically speaking, Jazz should not have fallen in love with Ye Qingxin, because her temper is too wild, and Jazz should not cause trouble for himself!But Liu Silian, you are so stupid, Jue Shi's vision should not be so bad!

"Could it be that she is your woman?"

Shangguan Liunian guessed, because he didn't know who it was, so he didn't specify.

But Shangguan Jueshi's movements froze for a moment. Seeing this, Shangguan Liunian pulled his lips and smiled, "Jueshi, I really didn't expect you to fall in love with someone! It really surprised me."

"If you dare to hurt her, don't blame me for being rude!"

Shangguan Jueshi's blue eyes shot out a sharp brilliance, his whole body soared in the space, his feet kicked and beat Shangguan Liunian's chest repeatedly, Shangguan Liunian couldn't match his explosive power, and he retreated steadily.

I just felt a bruise in my heart, and Shangguan Liunian spit out a mouthful of blood, which was frighteningly red, but it didn't make him angry, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Jaz, I'm really happy to be defeated by you once." of!"

And Shangguan Jueshi looked at the bloodshot eyes at the corner of his mouth, his blue eyes flashed with emotion, but his expression returned to indifference.

"Jazz, look forward to our next chance to fight, I will not lose again next time."

After finishing speaking, Shangguan Liunian left with a smile. Before leaving, he glanced at Ye Qingxin and the others. Ye Qingxin was flustered by him.

"Why don't you fight!"

The surrounding crowd watched them walk away, and said with regret on their faces, they were watching wonderfully!
It wasn't a good show, and the crowd naturally dispersed. Shangguan Jueshi wiped the corners of his mouth, and some parts of his face were stained, but it didn't affect his demeanor at all. He walked towards Ye Qingxin and the others.

"Qingxin, I'll go upstairs first for convenience."

As soon as Shangguan Jueshi came, she felt her whole body was bitingly cold, so she ran away without any excuse.

Shangguan Jueshi came over, squatted down, kept at the same height as her, held her hand tightly, and asked in a low voice, "He didn't do anything to you, did he?"

He softened a lot, and his eyes were full of worry.

"I'm fine! It's your business, you see that you've lost the lottery."

Seeing that his face was bruised and purple, Shangguan Liunian, that bastard, was so ruthless that he beat Shangguan Jueshi's handsome face like a pig.

But what she didn't know was that Shangguan Liunian was not much better!

"This little injury is not a problem!"

Shangguan Liunian said nonchalantly, seeing her beside him intact, he was relieved, just now on the road, his heart was hanging on, fearing what Shangguan Liunian would do to her.

"I know, you have a tough skin! But Shangguan Jueshi, aren't you at work? Why did you come here!"

Ye Qingxin smiled and said, but seeing him being beaten like this, she still felt distressed.

"I heard that he would come to see you. I was afraid that something would happen to you, so I hurried to see you."

Shangguan Jueshi held his hand a little harder, and it was obvious that he was very nervous. In her eyes, Shangguan Jueshi had always been fearless, but why was he only afraid of that Shangguan Liunian.

And he didn't call Shangguan Liunian by his name directly, he seemed to see respect in his eyes, mixed with resentment, a series of complicated and unreasonable expressions, it is possible that he has a grudge with Shangguan Liunian.

"Shangguan Jueshi, what does this Shangguan Fleeting Years have to do with you? Why do you two look so alike!"

Ye Qingxin couldn't hold back her curiosity, and couldn't help asking, subconsciously wanting to know more about him.

Upon hearing Shangguan Liunian's name, Shangguan Jueshi's eyes deepened unconsciously, and even the surrounding temperature dropped, "Shangguan Jueshi, if you don't want to say it, then don't say it, we all have each other's freedom .”

Ye Qingxin didn't force her face, but when she said this, her heart was still sore, it was very unpleasant.

"No, I'll tell you whatever you want to know! Shangguan Liunian is my half-brother."

Afraid she might misunderstand, Shangguan Jueshi said in time that as long as she wanted to know, he would tell her everything.

"No wonder, I just said how can you two look so similar! If I didn't look closely, I would have thought he was you! But it's really unbelievable that half-brothers can look so similar Ya! I thought you both had the same parents!"

Ye Qingxin joked, but she never thought that her unintentional words would come true.

"I'm an illegitimate child!"

Shangguan Jueshi's eyes were dim, and he said with a lonely face.

But Ye Qingxin was surprised, never thought that the always glorious and domineering Shangguan Jueshi was an illegitimate child, no wonder he never mentioned his background to her, his life must be very difficult!Because you have to bear the curse of many people.

"Shangguan Jueshi, stop talking, I don't care who you are, I only know that you are my husband Ye Qingxin now, don't you want to protect me all the time?"

Ye Qingxin supported her body, and took the initiative to hug him, with a distressed expression on her face.

For a long time, Shangguan Jueshi was like a god in her heart. She never thought that he had such a bitter experience.

"I will protect you and not let you get hurt at all!"

Shangguan Jueshi was startled, he had never been so warm at this moment, owning her was like owning the whole world, he just wanted to protect her.

"Well, Shangguan Jueshi, I'm fine, don't worry about me!" Ye Qingxin murmured softly. At this moment, she had never understood her intentions so well. Whenever she saw him depressed, she would also feel distressed.

"Okay, stop squatting, are you tired? Look at your tired face. You are already older than me. If you continue like this, you will really be my uncle, Uncle Shangguan!"

Ye Qingxin joked, wanting to tease him.

And Shangguan Jueshi's face was wrinkled like a bitter melon, "You dare to yell again! It's almost the same if you call me husband again."

He actually dislikes him for being old, why is he called a husband if he is not old!

"Old, father-in-law!"

When Shangguan Jueshi heard her words, there was a hint of joy in his eyes, but when he heard her call his husband in a dragging tone, his face turned dark.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Shangguan Jueshi's complexion changed one after another, Ye Qingxin couldn't help laughing, and Shangguan Jueshi pinched her little nose punishingly, telling her to play tricks on him, if she didn't see her get hurt, next time he would It's not that simple anymore.

"Then what did he want from you?"

Shangguan Jueshi returned to the topic, obviously Shangguan Liunian didn't seem to be targeting him, but why did he find her.

"At first I thought he was coming after you, but I didn't expect that he was looking for my friend Xia Jin, Shangguan Jueshi, you know Shangguan Liunian a lot, do you know why he chased a woman like this? Let it go?"

Ye Qingxin was a little worried, she didn't want anything to happen to Xia Jin.

I don't know what happened to her in the past few years. She is usually the best friend with them, so why didn't she contact them?

"Shangguan Liunian has always been as calm as water. He is so persistent. There are two possibilities. Either he fell in love with this woman; or this woman did something unforgivable! But the latter is more likely."

Shangguan Jueshi said lightly, Shangguan Liunian seems friendly, but he is colder than him. For a person like him, the possibility of falling in love with someone is very low.

But Shangguan Jues ignored another possibility, because it was unforgivable, so he remembered it more and more.

When Ye Qingxin heard Shangguan Jueshi's analysis, her face turned pale, "Then what should I do? What about Xia Jin? If Xia Jin is caught by him, she must die!"

Ye Qingxin held Shangguan Jueshi's hand nervously, "Shangguan Jueshi, I know you are very powerful, if you help me, you must ensure Xia Jin's safety! She is my good sister!"

Ye Qingxin begged, Xia Jin is very important to them, and she can't just watch something happen to her.

"Don't worry, Shangguan Liunian hasn't been able to find it for several years, which means she hides very deeply. I will try my best to find your friend before he finds it."

Shangguan Jueshi agreed, and Ye Qingxin nodded repeatedly, anyway, Xia Jin couldn't be allowed to fall into Shangguan Liunian's hands, otherwise she would surely die.


It was getting late and the wind started to blow outside, Shangguan Juesh pushed Ye Qingxin back to the ward.

"Shangguan Jueshi, I'm fine now, can I be discharged from the hospital tomorrow! I'm suffocated to death lying on the bed all day."

Ye Qingxin pouted and couldn't help complaining that it would be better to go back to their villa in the hospital, at least she could face the sea and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

"Okay, I will go through the discharge procedures tomorrow, but the doctor has explained that you should try to exercise as little as possible, so as not to drag the wound again."

Shangguan Jueshi nodded in agreement, not forgetting to remind.

Because she is always sloppy and out of tune, I'm afraid she will get hurt again.

Moreover, Shangguan Liunian had already guessed their relationship, the hospital is not a place to stay for a long time, they should go back to the villa, at least Shangguan Liunian has not found out there yet.

"Si Lian, look at what delicious food I'll buy you."

Leng Yisheng came to the hospital in his free time, just wanting to spend more time with Si Lian.

And he knows that Si Lian is greedy and likes to eat the most, so in order to get close to her, he can only start from this aspect. He has already studied the strategy, the first trick is to use food diary, if it doesn't work, he will use the second trick to be handsome!You have to throw Si Lian down.

"Enen, it's my favorite flavor." Liu Silian looked at it, licked his mouth, and looked eager to eat. Leng Yisheng originally wanted to chat with her for a while, but who knew that she rushed to eat it? It's up, and I'm going to share it with Ye Qingxin.

It's the little wild cat again, when will it be Si Lian's turn to miss him so much!Leng Yisheng felt a little tasted.

"Qingxin, there is something delicious, there is something delicious."

Liu Silian looked happy, and ran back, just wanting to eat delicious food with Qingxin.


She broke into the ward, and when she saw Shangguan Jueshi beside Qingxin, she lost the confidence to speak, and the sound of an explosion turned into a small muffled thunder.

"Shangguan Fleeting Years!"

Ye Qingxin elbowed Shangguan Jueshi, the movement was familiar, idiot Liu is her good sister, don't treat her with such an attitude!

Otherwise, if idiot Liu is scared away, he won't come to take care of her.

But Shangguan Jueshi's expression softened a bit, this idiot Liu is really an eyesore light bulb, besides eating all day long, I don't know what else she would do!
It's okay for Ye Haoxuan's eyesight to be bad, but Yisheng's eyesight is also bad.

"Idiot Liu, go buy something delicious."

Ye Qingxin spoke, and when Liu Silian heard Ye Qingxin calling her, she walked over, and Shangguan Jueshi also walked out.

"I didn't buy it, I happened to meet Yi Sheng, and he bought it."

Liu Silian smiled, ready to eat.

But Ye Qingxin frowned, this Leng Yisheng came again!

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(End of this chapter)

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