Chapter 158 Urge him to go shopping
It's Leng Yisheng again, why is he clinging to his love like a bullshit plaster!

"Leng Yisheng, you follow my idiot wherever she goes? You also follow her when she goes to the toilet!" Ye Qingxin couldn't help but tease, if this continues, idiot Liu will be chased away by her.

This guy is lingering, and now he will use food to seduce idiot Liu.

"As long as Si Lian agrees, I don't care."

Leng Yisheng spread his hands, with an expression of indifference.

Anyway, he can no longer be at the mercy of Little Wild Cat, and don't expect her to help, he has to fight for it himself now!

"Hehe, you will be kicked out as a pervert when you go to the women's restroom." Liu Silian who was on the side chuckled softly while eating fish balls.

He is really humorous, he can't go to the men's room, but he wants to go to the women's room with her.

"That's right, Leng Yisheng, you like going to the women's bathroom so much, why don't you change your gender!" Ye Qingxin laughed, and Leng Yisheng looked annoyed.

"Don't even think about it!"

His throat is full of gunpowder. If he is a good man, he will become a woman. His brain is short-circuited!Besides, his orientation is normal!
What makes him sad the most is Si Lian's ignorance!But the bad thing is that he likes her ignorance.

"Silian, I will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. Then you can go to my villa for a few days for vacation. The scenery in the new villa is beautiful. There is your favorite sea. You can walk around the sea every day, and you can take care of me by the way. hit me."

Ye Qingxin said in front of Leng Yisheng, and the topic changed, if idiot Liu were to go back and not be in her sight, maybe Leng Yisheng would secretly eat him, for her brother's happiness, she still has to Put Si Lian by her side.

Leng Yisheng's eyes were like flamethrowers constantly spraying at Ye Qingxin, but Ye Qingxin just pretended that he didn't exist.

"Okay! The sea is my favorite."

When Si Lian heard about the sea, she agreed without thinking.

And Leng Yisheng didn't have time to stop him, so he could only stare at Ye Qingxin, she did it on purpose.

It seems that he wants to speed up his pace to deal with them, let her give birth to a child for Sir, and see if she still has time to meddle in other things.

Leng Yisheng made up this idea in her heart, she had a layer of worries before, but now she has no worries at all.

At this moment, Ye Qingxin's cell phone rang again. She stretched out her hand to pick it up and saw that there were so many unknown calls, many of which were from Lu Manman. She answered it without thinking.

"Ye Xiaoniu, you finally answered the phone! Where did you die? I made so many calls and you didn't answer." Lu Manman sat on the sofa and finally made a call. She didn't know how long she had been worried at home.

If it wasn't for her inconvenience, she would have rushed to the hospital a long time ago.

"I went for a walk in the garden below. Lu Manman, what's wrong with you? Why are you calling me so many times in a row? You should be fine!" Ye Qingxin asked, while Lu Manman looked up speechlessly.

"If I look for you in an accident, I probably won't be able to come back now. I'm worried about you!"

She is still thankful that it wasn't Ye Xiaoniu's number that she dialed in the morning, otherwise she would have lost her virginity long ago.

"What can I do in the hospital!"

Ye Qingxin said with a calm face.

"Let me ask you, has a man who looks like Shangguan Jueshi ever looked for you!" Lu Manman said with a worried face. Seeing that Ye Xiaoniu is fine now, it is possible that Shangguan Liunian didn't look for her!
"You're talking about Liu Nian! Wait... Maybe he's going to look for you too!"

Ye Qingxin guessed that the reason why Lu Manman asked such a question was that Shangguan Liunian must have found her too.

"He came to me in the morning to ask about Xia Jin. I don't think he can answer the questions from me. Maybe he will go to you and idiot Liu. You two are all right!"

She really guessed it, and Shangguan Liunian really didn't believe what she said, so he went to Ye Xiaoniu to verify it.

"We're fine. He came to me just now. I thought he was here for Shangguan Jueshi, but I didn't expect that he was after Xia Jin. I didn't expect Shangguan Jueshi to come at the end. The two fought hard, and Shangguan Liunian was killed. He beat him up and left."

Ye Qingxin told Lu Manman what happened in the afternoon, and both of them are now worried about Xia Jin's safety.

"Lu Manman, you have a lot of contacts. Is there any way for you to find out about Xia Jin? I have already asked Shangguan Jueshi to help. If Xia Jin is caught by Shangguan Liunian, it will end badly. We must be in Shangguan Liunian. Help her until you find her."

Ye Qingxin said with a worried face, they have deep feelings, if anyone has an accident, they will not feel at ease.

"Okay, I'll ask someone to look for it now! Don't worry too much, Xia Jin can hide so deeply, as long as she continues to hide, nothing will happen."

"Manman, it's time to eat!"

At this time, on Lu Manman's side, Gu Changye could not help but yell after the meal was ready.

"Lu Manman, why is there a man's voice in your house? And this voice is so familiar!"

Ye Qingxin's ears are sensitive, she just heard a man's voice, and it seems that she heard this voice somewhere before, so she couldn't remember it for a while.

"Ye Xiaoniu, you're out of your mind, how can there be a man in my family! I'm still in the company and haven't returned yet! Well, the boss is looking for me and I'm still busy, so I'll hang up first."

After finishing speaking, Lu Manman pressed the phone and was almost discovered by Miss Ye.

But why is she so nervous? It's not like she's doing something shameful. Besides, it's normal for her to have a boyfriend!


She hasn't finished talking yet, why did Lu Manman turn off the phone in such a hurry, could it be that she is in a relationship?

"Manman, do you intend to hide me with your actions like this!"

Gu Changye leaned against the wall, crossed his arms and laughed.

"Ah! I haven't adapted yet, it's not too late to tell them when I get used to it! Eat, eat!"

Being caught straight, Lu Manman said with an unnatural expression.

Just make a boyfriend, why is she so stressed?Or is it that she hasn't had a boyfriend for many years, and she is a little nervous and unfamiliar.

When the two came to the dining table, Gu Changye did not forget to add food to her, "Manman, eat more!"

"Well, you can eat it yourself, don't always bring food for me, I have my own hands and feet."

Lu Manman couldn't help but said that because she was used to eating alone, it was a little uncomfortable for someone to bring food to her suddenly.

But as soon as these words came out, she felt something was wrong, and hurriedly changed her words, "Gu Changye, I'm not..."

"I know, you are used to being alone, but with me here, I will let you get used to me slowly."

Gu Changye said with a calm face, he would slowly turn himself into her chopsticks and spoon, and gradually adapt to the life with him.


"What's wrong!"

Seeing her reaction like this, Gu Changye thought she was not feeling well!
"Gu Changye, I forgot to take the aftercare medicine."

Halfway through eating, Lu Manman suddenly yelled, "I was scared today, and because I had to explain to Gu Changye, and worried about Ye Xiaoniu, my mind was occupied by a lot of trivial matters, and I couldn't sleep at all." Take time to think about this.

And today is not her safe period, maybe she will be pregnant!

"Gu Changye, hurry up and buy me medicine after the event, I don't want to get pregnant!"

Lu Manman looked impatient, and hurriedly ate it before the time passed.

"Manman, let's talk after dinner!"

Gu Changye smiled. He didn't expect her to panic because of this incident. He understood the reason why she didn't want to have children, but he wanted her to conceive his child in his heart. He suddenly thought that if they really What will it be like to have a child!

He had never thought about this idea, and he didn't dare to think about it, but when she mentioned it, it made him think.

He never thought about getting married, and felt that getting married and having children was far away from him, but until he met her, everything suddenly felt very close, and it was very natural.

"No, no, I won't be calm if I don't take medicine, and I won't be able to eat if I don't calm down! Gu Changye, if you don't buy it, I will buy it myself!"

Lu Manman shook his head, insisting that Gu Changye go buy it now.

Otherwise, she really can't feel at ease!Now that she is secretly dating, she has already violated the contract. If she suddenly squeezes out a small bun at that time, it will be even worse.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to buy it now, you wait!"

She was so stubborn, Gu Changye had no choice but to compromise, otherwise she would be really anxious, and she would really go out dressed like this, he didn't want others to see her sexy side.

"By the way, Gu Changye, you can also help me buy two sets of clothes by the way! I have to go to work tomorrow, I can't go out dressed like this!"

Lu Manman suddenly thought, but wait, her style!

"Gu Changye, my style..."

"I know!" Gu Changye smiled, he knew her well.

"You know? How do you know!" Lu Manman asked casually, knowing that the dressing style is difficult to match.

"I have a natural sensitivity to scale data and style. As long as I look at it, I know what clothes suit you."

Gu Changye said meaningfully, those smiling eyes fell on her, and Lu Manman smiled, I have to say that his brain is really powerful.

"Get out!!"

Lu Manman couldn't help being rude, but Gu Changye laughed heartily when he saw her furious appearance.

This guy looks harmless on the surface, but he is such a jerk in his heart!

Is she in a big trouble!It's too late to run now!

Gu Changye drove to the pharmacy. It's not that he didn't know the side effects of taking the after-event medicine. He couldn't bear to see her body suffer a little bit of harm, and it was selfish. Considering the above comprehensive factors, he still felt that the after-event medicine was not suitable. .

But you still have to buy it.

Gu Changye asked for a bottle of after-event medicine and a bottle of vitamins, then poured out the pills in the bottle of after-event medicine, poured down the vitamin tablets, and left with satisfaction.

As for the child, it depends on how strong his seeds are, but he is quite confident.

When she has a child, she will not have to go to work, so that she will not be in contact with other men.

He can always think of every unexpected aspect.

Gu Changye came to the specialty store again. He has a unique vision, especially he knows Man Man's dressing style very well, and he picked out the clothes that suit her right away, not to mention the size.

He was carrying several big bags in his hand, wishing he could sweep all the clothes from this specialty store back and buy her the best of everything.

In the past, the money he earned was useless, but now he can be regarded as having found meaning. The money he earned was spent for her.

Lu Manman is full of food, and her stomach is full. If she is raised like this, it's no wonder she won't be a pig. She also needs to eat and exercise!

Lu Manman stood up and walked casually. I have to say that Gu Changye is a really nice man. Every corner of the house is clean and comfortable.

Now I feel that it is very warm to have him around. Isn’t this the kind of life she wants? To have a man who loves her, cares for her and pampers her. This is what every woman wants most, what she wants in the end It is still nestled in a warm embrace, and there is a broad shoulder to lean on.

"Manman, I'm back!"

Gu Changye opened the door and walked in, his arms were covered with bags, but it didn't affect his image at all.

Seeing him buying a bunch, Lu Manman looked shocked, "Gu Changye, you are going to move the mall back! You can just buy two sets, why did you buy so much!"

But seeing him buy so much for her, she was quite happy in her heart.

You know, it's quite difficult to find a man who is willing to spend money for a woman!How could she have the joy of picking up a treasure.

"If I don't give you the money I earn, who will spend it! Take a look and see if you like it or not!"

Gu Changye said with a gentle face, fully revealing his heart in front of her.

Such casual words are often the truest words in her heart. Although it is a very plain sentence, it stirs up waves in her heart when she hears it. It is warm and feels like her whole heart is almost filled with warmth and happiness. full.

Lu Manman pursed his lips and showed him a sincere smile.

"It's indeed my style! Gu Changye, why are your eyes so poisonous, you still know what I like!"

Lu Manman couldn't help but praise, it really was her dressing style, I have to say that he really knows him quite well.

"As long as there is everything about you, I will understand it one by one!"

Gu Changye's eyes were serious and his face was affectionate.

"Gu Changye, I will also try to get to know you slowly, although I don't know how long it will take, but I will get to know you little by little."

Lu Manman said softly, thinking of what Gu Changye had done for her, her closed heart was slowly opening for him, and her heart began to sprout.

"it is good!"

As long as she is willing to understand him, it will be too late for him to be happy.

"By the way, there's still my medicine!"

"it's here!"

Lu Manman was about to bring it over, but Gu Changye smiled, "Let me bring it to you!"

If she saw that the pill had been opened, she might doubt it according to her intelligence.

"it is good!"

Lu Manman didn't think too much, took Gu Changye's pills and water, and drank them.

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(End of this chapter)

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