Chapter 159 My seat is not for you!

"I can finally leave this ghost hospital. I've been suffocating to death for the past two days."

Ye Qingxin stood up and stretched, but she still didn't dare to let go of her movements.

She used to move her muscles and bones every day, and she felt uncomfortable when she didn't move. After lying down for two full days, she was finally able to get up and move around.

"Xin'er, don't be sloppy in doing things in the future, and be careful not to mess around when you go back." Ye Haoxuan did not forget to care, and suddenly there is no such small chattering mouth in this house, I am really not used to it!

He wanted to let her go home for a few days, but this girl was still angry with her father and refused to go back no matter what she said.

She would only agree if her father took the initiative to find her!

"Understood, brother, I will be careful! Brother, I want to remind you, if you continue to focus on work like this, I can't guarantee that Si Lian won't run away with others, this guy Leng Yisheng has already started to appear Recruited."

Before leaving, Ye Qingxin did not forget to remind Ye Haoxuan that he wanted to raise his awareness of danger.

If it wasn't for idiot Liu who likes to stay by her side, he might have been tricked by Leng Yisheng's flirtatious scum now.

My brother is still as calm as a mountain, not taking any measures!She broke into a cold sweat for him!
"No, this is the address of my new home. Si Lian is staying with me temporarily. I will protect Leng Yisheng for you, but you have to take the initiative yourself."

Ye Qingxin gave him the new address, is it easy for her to be a younger sister?You also have to worry about your brother's happiness!

"Xin'er, thank you!"

Ye Haoxuan had a doting look on his face, and he stroked her hair habitually.

And Shangguan Jueshi finished all the hospitalization procedures, just came in and saw this scene, even if it was her brother, he was still not used to other men touching her.

"Let's go!"

Shangguan Jueshi walked over, and calmly embraced Ye Qingxin, putting distance between her and Ye Haoxuan.

The corners of Ye Haoxuan's mouth raised slightly, and he didn't care about Shangguan Jueshi's domineering behavior. It can be seen that after this time, the relationship between the two of them is gradually getting closer.

"Brother, goodbye! Si Lian, let's go too!"

"Brother Haoxuan, I'm leaving too."

After Liu Silian waved goodbye to Ye Haoxuan, he also followed, and Liu Silian, who was left behind by Shangguan Jueshi, was this light bulb again.

In the past two days, he has long been disgusted by the light bulb. He just eats it, and even his brain is rusted.
If it wasn't for her helping to take care of Qingxin, he would have sent her to Africa long ago.

"Qingxin, did I do something wrong again, Shangguan Jueshi seems to be very hostile to me today, I feel so cold all the time!"

Liu Silian leaned closer to Ye Qingxin's ear and asked softly.

Coming out of the hospital, she was surrounded by bursts of severe cold, almost freezing her to death.

"It's okay, that's how he is! If he suddenly treats you softly, will you get used to it?" Ye Qingxin asked back, Shangguan Jueshi has always been indifferent to others, and she knows this.

"Forget it, he'd better be indifferent to me."

Liu Silian shook her head, if one day Shangguan Jueshi suddenly became friendly to her, she might be scared to death.

Shangguan Jueshi drove to their seaside villa, and the sea breeze blew through the window, bringing a hint of coolness.

Liu Silian stretched out her head, looked at the endless sea, and shouted excitedly, "Qingxin, what a sea! It's so beautiful!"

"Well, it will be more beautiful at dusk!"

While Shangguan Jueshi was driving the car, there was a noise coming from behind him from time to time, he frowned, and had the urge to seal Liu Silian's mouth.

"Qingxin, you enjoy living here so much!"

Liu Silian said enviously, she can embrace the sea every day, this kind of life is what she wants in her dreams!

"Si Lian, if you like it, why don't you move in and live with me, otherwise it would be quite boring for me to live alone."

Ye Qingxin suggested that having Si Lian as a companion is better than her!

Besides, she has nothing to do recently, and Shangguan Jueshi has to go to work again, how boring it is for her to be alone!No matter how new things are, there will always be a day when you get tired of watching them!
"Okay... I still have a store to look at!"

Liu Silian was about to nod and say yes, but when she saw Shangguan Jueshi's sharp eyes projected in the rear view mirror, she was so frightened that she hurriedly changed her words!
This idiot is quite clever!He didn't want their lives to be disturbed.

"Then come back for vacation when you're free, and let Lu Manman come with you. We'll have a barbecue by the sea, how romantic it is!"

"it is good!"

As for Shangguan Jueshi, he looked annoyed when he saw his wife trying to call some friends over from time to time throughout the day.

"Shangguan Jueshi, you go to work! Si Lian is here to take care of me, so don't worry!"

She didn't want to slow down his schedule because of herself, and after what happened yesterday in Shangguan's fleeting time, she felt that Shangguan Jueshi had more important things to do.

Shangguan Jue Shien said, he turned his head and glanced at Liu Silian, before he could speak, Liu Silian hurriedly said, "I will take good care of Qingxin."

This fool is quite funny!Just like Yisheng, they are just two teasers!
After Shangguan Jueshi left, all the chills disappeared.Liu Silian started to play freely, "Qingxin, I'm going to ride the waves!"

Liu Silian looked eager to run out and play in the water!
"You go, you go! I'll walk by myself!"

Ye Qingxin waved her hand, while Liu Silian ran outside with a look of ecstasy!

"Gu Changye, you don't need to see me off, I'll just go outside and take a taxi."

Lu Manman evaded, if people know that Gu Changye sent her to work, there are so many eighth wives in the company, maybe it will cause some troubles!
"No, I'm relieved to see you enter the company safely!" Gu Changye insisted, but when Lu Manman thought of what happened yesterday, he felt lingering fears. His scruples were right. Before finding out the person who wanted to harm her, She is always in danger.

"That's good, but you can take me to the bus stop opposite, and then I will walk in by myself."

"it is good!"

Gu Changye drove Lu Manman to the opposite side of her company, and Lu Manman got off at the bus stop opposite, "Gu Changye, you go to work too! I will stay at the company at noon and won't go home for dinner. As for me in the afternoon If you want to go back and pack some luggage, I’ll just drive home by myself, and you just need to cook at home and wait for me to go back to eat.”

Lu Manman confessed that it is not bad to have one more Gu Changye now, as soon as he returns home, he will have delicious food to eat.

This feeling is really quite warm. The two of them are busy with their own work, and then go home together at night, so they don't have to get tired of being together every day, so they maintain the freshness.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to go home!"

When the word "go home" was spoken, Gu Changye smiled. The smile on her face could not be concealed. She had already accepted his home in her heart.

"That's it, I'm going to work!"

Lu Manman held her bag and was about to leave, but Gu Changye held her tightly in his arms, stretched out his hand and tapped her gently on her forehead, "Okay."

And Lu Manman smiled, and also tiptoed, but she ran away irresponsibly before she approached.

"You little pepper!"

Gu Changye looked at her leaving back, then touched his own face with a smile on his face.

He has never been so satisfied and joyful as this day... With one more her, his life will become much more exciting.

Seeing her walk into the company, he turned and left.

Lu Manman came to the company and was about to return to his seat. Unexpectedly, Ruan Mianmian sat in her seat, and even seemed to enjoy it. There was a feeling of wanting to replace her, so Lu Manman paused. She smiled and asked, "Mianmian, is your seat broken? Or is my seat more comfortable, making you reluctant to get up!"

Although Lu Manman said it with a smile, her tone revealed strength. Her aura is already very strong, and most people would be stunned.

When Ruan Mianmian heard Lu Manman's voice, she couldn't help but startled, and looked up at her, while Lu Manman was looking at her with a smile on her face, but saw a look of shock in her eyes, "How is it possible? You are not... ..."

Ruan Mianmian had a look of disbelief, she wasn't..., why did she come to work today?After such a thing happened, shouldn't she hide at home and dare not come out?

What the hell is going on?Those bullshit guys can't even be contacted, so it's hard to screw things up!

"What am I not? I asked for leave yesterday for the whole afternoon, but I didn't say I wouldn't come to work this morning! And Mianmian, why are you so surprised when you look at me! I appear here, maybe you feel surprised, or Say you think I won't come today?"

Lu Manman noticed the change in her face, and said persistently, she had an answer in her heart, what happened yesterday must have something to do with Ruan Mianmian!
Otherwise, why did she panic when she saw her today, as if she saw a ghost, and even sat in her place. Isn't this trying to replace her?

Except for Ruan Mianmian who has too much prejudice against her in this company, who would dare to take action against her!But this woman is really hateful, she is also a woman, and she uses such despicable means to deal with her.

"Or you think I won't come today, so why don't you come and sit in my seat? My seat is very comfortable! Have you been thinking about how to sit in my seat all day long! Even trying hard, Want to destroy me!"

Lu Manman's tone became sharp, she never took the initiative to provoke others, but if others provoke her, then don't blame her for being rude!
Lu Manman chopped down every sentence, and Ruan Mianmian had no chance to fight back.

"It's a pity that I let you down! I, Lu Manman, are lucky to not be tripped up by your little tricks. Are you wondering why I was able to escape? Do you want to know what happened to those men! "

Lu Manman paused, a look of bloodlust flashed in his eyes, and he was not in a hurry to speak out.

And Ruan Mianmian looked nervous when she saw such a strange Lu Manman, but Lu Manman didn't intend to just let her go, this woman is really hateful!

She was almost destroyed in her hands.

Lu Manman leaned close to her ear and said softly, "Those men are dead!"

To put it so lightly, it's as easy as crushing an ant to death!
Ruan Mianmian was startled, and her body softened. If she hadn't grabbed the handle in time, she would have almost fallen off.

"You kill!"

She was so frightened that her face was snow-white, pointing at Lu Manman's hand was shaking all the time, she never expected that Lu Manman's methods would be so cruel!
"The next one might be you!"

Lu Manman pointed at her intentionally or unintentionally, and joked, but Ruan Mianmian fell off the chair accidentally, without any image.

Seeing her reaction like this, a smile flashed across Lu Manman's eyes. With just her guts, she still wanted to fight her!
Lu Manman smiled innocently, and she extended her hand towards Ruan Mianmian in a friendly manner, "It seems that my position is not something that ordinary people can sit in if they want to! Mianmian, do you feel pain from falling?"

The seemingly harmonious scene, but everyone present knew that Ruan Mianmian must have offended Lu Manman, otherwise how could Lu Manman be so angry!
After so many years of getting along, it is rare to see Lu Manman lose his temper. I have to say that it is really scary. She is trying to warn them in different ways.

"What are you still doing, aren't you her good friends?"

Lu Manman glanced at the rest of the people. Don't these people usually like to gossip?Why are they standing there at a critical moment, looking like they have nothing to do with them!
That's right, they are all used to playing around with the wind, and they will fall wherever it is good!
In this circle, this kind of thing is not used to.

"Mianmian, I really want to feel sorry for you. I didn't expect that at this moment, even a single person would not lend a helping hand to you. It can only be said that you have failed too much in life." Lu Manman continued to make up for it. Be happy, others can't even think about being happy!
And Ruan Mianmian glanced at them fiercely. The sisters who usually claim to be the best would not help at critical moments. A trace of hatred ignited in her eyes. Lu Manman was to blame for all this. If it wasn't for her, what would she do? Embarrassed in front of so many people!
Ruan Mianmian lowered her head, with deep hatred in her eyes, Lu Manman, I won't let you go so easily!

Ruan Mianmian got up from the ground by herself, and looked at Lu Manman with hostility before leaving.

After today's disturbance, their relationship can be regarded as irreparable, but this is also good, the two of them don't need to put on a show anymore, and then they will compete with each other!

Lu Manman took the dry cloth on the table and swept his position before sitting down.

Her position is not something she wants to give in to, and no one can grab it!

Lu Manman raised her legs, put aside the displeasure just now, and started working again, but soon, the phone next to her rang, and she answered, "Manman, I have something to ask you!"

It was Qi Jue calling.

As soon as Lu Manman heard his order, he stood up and walked to the office.


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(End of this chapter)

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