Chapter 167 Si Lian, You Love Me
Chapter 172 Si Lian, You Love Me
"Leng Yisheng, you provoked it, you can handle it yourself!"

Ye Qingxin said with a sullen face, she can't help now.

I knew that Leng Yisheng didn't have any good intentions. Fortunately, she didn't press it at the time, otherwise it would be really hard for her to imagine that if she was touched by another opposite sex, would she rely on him like this? Guan Jueshi is about to breathe fire.

At that time, he will not be able to eat and walk around.

Leng Yisheng had a bitter face, what can he do!He should be the saddest person!No one cares, it's all his fault.

He walked to Xiao Silian's side, with a sad face, seeing the woman he likes following other men again and again, why doesn't it make him feel uncomfortable!

He was hit hard again.

"Si Lian, be good! Let go!"

Leng Yisheng wanted to pull her hand off, but Xiao Silian held on tightly and didn't hear what he said at all.

"If you don't let go, I'll cut off your hand."

Shangguan Jueshi said harshly, while Xiao Silian pouted, with an expression of about to cry, and then put his hand down.

Seeing her letting go, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but the matter was not that simple, and what happened next made their hearts clasp again.

"Woo! Woo! Woo! Hee! Hee!"

Xiao Si Lian pouted, but smiled again, tightly holding Shangguan Jue Shi's arm with both hands, refusing to let go.

I can't bear it anymore, I don't need to bear it anymore, just shoot!
Shangguan Jueshi shot too quickly, before everyone could react, he pulled Xiao Silian off with his big hand, and threw it out in one fell swoop.

The movements are smooth and smooth, without sloppy.


Fearing that the No. [-] teaser would stick to him again, Shangguan Jues hurriedly dragged Ye Qingxin upstairs.

"My longing!"

Leng Yisheng watched Xiao Si Lian fly out of the air, with a distressed expression, he threw himself on the ground, making her the last one.

Seeing this, Liu Silian on the sofa felt sore and a little uncomfortable.


Leng Yisheng was pressed down and let out a muffled sound, even if she wasn't real, but the weight changed with Si Lian, just like the real one, his old waist could hardly straighten up.

He had forgotten that she wasn't real!no feeling, no pain
But at that time, when he thought that Si Lian was injured, he rushed over without thinking, Leng Yisheng couldn't help but smiled, he was really hopeless.

"Yisheng, are you okay! Does it hurt?"

Seeing him fall to the ground, Liu Silian flinched and ran over to ask.

But Xiao Si Lian temporarily failed due to too much vibration, and turned into a little doll in an instant.

Liu Silian put her aside, knelt down and looked at him, while Leng Yisheng looked surprised, this was his Si Lian, and his eyes were filled with emotion.

"Si Lian, I'm fine! Help me up quickly!"

Leng Yisheng said nothing on his face, he didn't want to lose face in front of Si Lian!

"Oh, good! Good!"

Liu Silian quickly helped him up and made him lie on the sofa more comfortably.

And Leng Yisheng was taken care of by her so much, his heart that was broken just now picked up again, what an unexpected harvest!

"Are you still in pain? Just tell me if it hurts, or I'll take a look for you!"

"It doesn't hurt, it hurts, it hurts!"

Leng Yisheng just said it didn't hurt, but when he heard that she wanted to help him take a look, he immediately changed his mind.

"Does it hurt?"

Liu Silian tilted his head, with a questioning expression on his face, he said it hurts and said it didn't hurt, whether it hurts or not!

"Si Lian, I'm in so much pain!"

Leng Yisheng gritted his teeth and screamed in pain, and Liu Silian saw him like this, and his heart was also torn into a ball.

"Can you turn over, let me see!"

"it is good!"

Leng Yisheng turned over with a happy face, his family Si Lian finally cared about him.

"Wow, it's all black and blue! No wonder you said it hurts, I'll help you apply the medicine, you hold on!"

Unexpectedly, she saw a large area of ​​bruises behind her, and this was the back injury that was blocked for her last time, and now it still left a scar.

"it is good!"

Leng Yisheng nodded and said yes, as long as she cared about him for a while, no matter how many injuries she suffered, it would be worth it.

Liu Silian took a cotton swab and dipped it in the ointment, and carefully wiped it on for him, her movements were more skillful than last time.

Leng Yisheng closed his eyes, with a look of enjoyment on his face, he took a deep breath, "Si Lian, do you still remember the last time you helped me with the medicine? I was almost wrapped into a mummy by you."

Leng Yisheng mentioned that since the last time he helped her with a cushion from Jue Shi, he is now used to being her cushion.

"Haha, but the scar on your back is still there!"

Liu Silian said with a chuckle, but looking at his back, last time he was stuck in the glass to save her, it was quite unpleasant to watch.

"What's the matter! It's okay! But Si Lian, your bandaging skills are getting more and more proficient."

Leng Yisheng couldn't help but praise, and Liu Silian blushed after being praised so much.

"I also feel that my skills are much better, all thanks to brother Haoxuan, he taught me."

She can only treat wounds of cats and dogs, but Brother Haoxuan taught her a few tricks when he had time, saying that people and animals are the same, and taught her hand in hand, so she learned these tricks, and now they finally come in handy up.


Leng Yisheng let out an indifferent oh, wanting to bite off his own tongue, which pot should he not be carrying!Why did you bring up this topic at this time, it's all right now, this guy Ye Haoxuan is stuck between them again, he's in a bad mood again.

"Then what else did Ye Haoxuan teach you?"

Leng Yisheng asked with an awkward expression, just wanting to know something from her mouth.

I don't know if this guy Ye Haoxuan taught her family Si Lian some nonsensical things. When he thought of Si Lian being with him, his heart became knotted and uncomfortable, which hurt even more than the wounds on his body.

"Brother Haoxuan, you taught me a lot! He taught me how to make dim sum! The dim sum made by Brother Haoxuan is delicious."

Liu Silian said with a happy face, no doubt he made up for Leng Yisheng's heart a few more times.

Knowing that cooking is his weakness, this Ye Haoxuan is a big man, he doesn't learn anything else, but he just likes to do things that women do, I don't know what he thinks.

The sullenness in Leng Yisheng's heart increased a little, and he was almost choked up with blood in his heart.

Is he a bitch himself? Knowing that mentioning Ye Haoxuan will make him angry, he just wants to know what else they did!
I especially want to know if Ye Haoxuan did anything to her!Where is their relationship?

"What else? Is there anything special?"

Leng Yisheng continued to ask, did Ye Haoxuan do anything to her?

"Something special?"

"Yes, think about it carefully!"

Leng Yisheng nodded, don't have it, otherwise he really wants to die.

"Yes, yes!"

"Really!" Leng Yisheng was worried, and he didn't want to listen anymore. Could it be that he really has no chance at all?

Why does Yisheng look more excited than her!

"Brother Haoxuan also taught me some wolf-defense skills! It's specially designed to deal with bad guys."

Liu Silian said seriously, this should be considered the most special!

Thinking of the two of them, Leng Yisheng's heart bleeds, but wait, Si Lian seemed to say something just now!

"Si Lian, is this the special thing you mean? Nothing else?"

Leng Yisheng said excitedly, his tone could not contain the excitement.

Is this Ye Haoxuan a fool? He taught her how to guard against wolves without paying anything else. Could it be that he wanted to guard against him specifically!
This Ye Haoxuan is really malicious!Unpredictable!Leng Yisheng had already cursed Ye Haoxuan tens of thousands of times in his heart!
"And let's watch a movie together!"

Liu Silian tilted her head and asked, these are already quite special to her, she never enjoyed them when they were in love before!
"That doesn't count, so did he say anything to you, did he hold your hand?"

Leng Yisheng secretly rejoiced, but luckily nothing happened.

"how do you know!"

Liu Silian blushed and exclaimed in surprise, she never thought that Leng Yisheng would guess it.

"You should have done nothing but do it with your own hands!"

When he thought of Ye Haoxuan kissing Si Lian, his heart started to get blocked again, it was just holding hands, isn't this foreigner's greeting also holding hands, it's not a big deal, but this heart is just damn minding.

"What else can I do?"

Liu Silian opened her eyes wide and looked at him with curiosity!
"Nothing, nothing!"

Leng Yisheng smiled, so they probably haven't reached that stage yet, so he still has a chance!

"Si Lian, you saw me hurt just now, are you worried about me?"

Liu Silian squatted next to him, and Leng Yisheng suddenly held her hand, as if an electric shock had occurred in the palm of her hand, she was startled and wanted to pull away, but Leng Yisheng held her hand even tighter.

"Si Lian, are you worried about me?"

Leng Yisheng continued to ask persistently, now there are only the two of them in this living room, and the little wild cat is not here, how could he let go of such a good opportunity.

"En! Seeing you jumping down so recklessly, I'm sweating for you! Don't do this in the future, it looks very dangerous!"

Liu Silian nodded, her voice was as quiet as a mosquito.

Just now, seeing him desperately protecting her sister, she felt a throbbing pain in her heart, as if being pricked by a needle, it was uncomfortable!
"Si Lian, do you still remember what I told you last time? Can you tell what is liking and what is love now?"

And Liu Silian licked his lips, his face was at a loss, and he didn't know how to place his eyes.

"Si Lian, you look at me, now I'm holding your hand, do you feel your heart beating fast, and you're even a little overwhelmed!"

Leng Yisheng sat upright, and Liu Silian raised his head nag, looking at him, his whole heart suddenly jumped restlessly, up and down, it might jump out at any time!
It has never been so strong before, and the blood in the whole body seems to be congealed.

Because of the tense relationship, both of their hands were covered with fine sweat and a little sticky. This feeling was quite uncomfortable, but Leng Yisheng still held onto her hand, he could feel her hand Trembling, he could see from her eyes that she loved him, not Ye Haoxuan!

"Si Lian, do you have such a strong feeling when you are with Ye Haoxuan, this heart-pounding feeling!"

Leng Yisheng was persistent and insisted on getting her to admit that no matter how simple she was, she could tell the difference, but no one guided her, and with the random guidance of the little wild cat, her feelings would be divided left and right. It's just unclear!

"Maybe not!"

Liu Silian said in a low voice, when she was with Ye Haoxuan, she would feel safe, and sometimes she would be nervous, but it was always like this, with ups and downs, and her whole heart was so intense and shocked!I was even vaguely looking forward to something in my heart!
"Si Lian, you love me in your heart. You like Ye Haoxuan, not love! Do you understand?"

Leng Yisheng looked at her and said seriously, he wanted to recognize his own feelings, instead of staying with Ye Haoxuan in such a daze!
"I love you, do I like Brother Haoxuan? But I feel very safe when I'm with Brother Haoxuan, and he treats me very well!"

Liu Silian tilted her head and said her thoughts. She and Brother Haoxuan have never quarreled before!The relationship is very good!
"Si Lian, I love you, as long as you are with me, I will treat you well, I will treat you thousands of times better than Ye Haoxuan treats you!"

If he didn't speak out what was in his heart, he would almost be suffocated to death. Once he said this, his heart relaxed a lot, but what made him more worried was Si Lian's reaction. This moment was even more tormenting for him !
But he couldn't take it anymore, he just wanted to express his feelings, whether she would accept it or not was another matter!

"you love Me?"

"I love you. If I hadn't hesitated for a moment, the person who is with you now should be me! Si Lian, do you know? Every time I see you standing with Ye Haoxuan, talking and laughing, I feel so It's as if thousands of holes have been hurt by a knife, the pain is unbearable!"

A trace of deep affection flashed across Leng Yisheng's eyes, and he held Liu Silian's hand more and more tightly.

"I've been stabbed so many holes by the knife, I would have died long ago, how can I still feel the pain!"

Liu Silian couldn't help interrupting, expressing her doubts, while Leng Yisheng was ashamed and didn't know what to say!
Why didn't her focus focus on his confession, instead she changed the subject, Leng Yisheng didn't say anything more, instead turned her head away, with a silent face, looking a bit lonely!
And Liu Silian saw that he was talking endlessly just now, and suddenly stopped talking, a strange feeling flashed in his heart.

"Yi Sheng, why are you silent!"

Liu Silian sat for a while, and couldn't help turning her head to cast a glance at him, he seemed to be angry!

"Si Lian, I know you understand my feelings, but you don't want to admit it!"

Leng Yisheng said lightly, is it really that difficult to admit his feelings for him?

And Liu Silian's eyes narrowed slightly, a little surprised.

"I'm already with brother Haoxuan now!"

Liu Silian said in a low voice, she has already used her brain, she must not let Brother Haoxuan down!
"That's what you're worried about?"

Leng Yisheng looked surprised, he never thought that she would take the initiative to respond!

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(End of this chapter)

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