Chapter 168 Personality Disorders

"Brother Haoxuan, you are very kind to me, I don't want to disappoint him, and I think we are quite harmonious together."

Liu Silian said with a serious face, his eyes were a little deeper, but the current Liu Silian gave people an unbelievable feeling.

Her whole thinking became smoother, she was just too lazy to think about it sometimes, but she was not stupid!Because she knows that once she uses her brain, she will become another self!
Leng Yisheng tried so hard to be nice to her, even if she is a fool, she still has feelings.

"But you don't love him!"

Looking at his Si Lian, he seemed to be a different person in an instant. He knew that her Si Lian was not stupid, but sometimes she was too lazy to think about it!

However, seeing her wise and sharp appearance now made him a little strange. He still liked the simple her, but no matter which one she was, he liked it all.

"But I don't hate him either!"

Liu Silian blocked the way, while Leng Yisheng had a headache on his face, why no matter if she was in a daze or sober, she had the ability to give him a headache, and she didn't let him worry at all!

"Si Lian, then where did you put my kindness to you? Why can't you give me some space!"

Leng Yisheng said with a hurt face, she would rather be nostalgic for the warmth in Ye Haoxuan's arms than believe that he would bring her safety.

He knew that he had been slutty before and looked very unreliable, but he was serious this time, he really only wanted to be nice to her!

Why didn't you want to give him this chance when he was tempted!
"I know you are good to me! But I can't be with you. Although I am a little confused sometimes, I can still see some things and some people clearly. I admit that I am really attracted to you, but you are not suitable for me. ! You can’t give me what I want.”

Liu Silian said calmly, only brother Haoxuan can give her such a sense of security.

She had to admit that Yisheng really moved her heart, but he made her feel very insecure. She just wanted to have a warm home and didn't want to suffer any more setbacks.

Leng Yisheng's face was depressed, he had never been so sober, so lost, and so worried at this moment!

He even hoped that Si Lian was still in the state of a muscle at this time, at least he wouldn't reject him soberly like this!

It turns out that being rejected is so painful!Every inch of my body was excruciatingly painful!

Could it be that he played with his emotions too much before, and now he will reap the consequences of himself!
"Si Lian, why don't you believe that I can give you happiness! Why don't you give me a chance to prove my heart!"

Leng Yisheng held her hand, every word he said seemed to be crying, he never begged for anyone!

The dark pupils were filled with a layer of water vapor, with a hint of pleading!
"But I dare not gamble with my life's happiness, I can't afford it!"

She was afraid that if she lost the bet, she would really have nothing. She would rather deceive herself like this!
Liu Silian withdrew her hand, but Leng Yisheng still held her tightly.

"But is this fair to Ye Haoxuan? Is it fair to me?"

When she was cute and stupid, she was so kind to everyone!But she, who is sober, is so heartless!
But he just fell in love with her, and the love was out of control!His heart could never be taken back.


Liu Silian was stunned, the guilt in her eyes couldn't be concealed!

"Si Lian, why can you admit everything when you are not sober! You can be desperate for others! But why are you now, why are you timid, but you don't have the courage to admit and accept my feelings! Why don't you believe that I can also give it to you? What you want, why are you so sure that I am the one who can't give you happiness! Do you want to dig out my heart for you to see, so you will believe it!"

Leng Yisheng spoke word by word, unable to suppress his excitement.

She didn't know when a sharp dagger suddenly appeared in her hand, and the flashing light flashed across her eyes, and she saw Leng Yisheng tearing off her clothes, seeing that her dagger was about to reach her chest!

"Leng Yisheng, are you crazy?" Liu Silian grabbed his hand with a look of panic, never expecting him to do such a thing.

"Si Lian, don't you believe me? I'll prove it to you now!"

Seeing the worry in her eyes, Leng Yisheng felt that there was something to be said for what he did, at least he could see that she was worried about him!

"Leng Yisheng, are you crazy!"

Liu Silian's voice trembled uncontrollably, what on earth was he thinking!
"I'm just crazy, I've been crazy since the moment I fell in love with you!" Leng Yisheng roared crazily, while Liu Silian felt a burning pain between his brows and couldn't help but fainted.

"Silian, Silian!"

With a sound of "Kang Dang", Leng Yisheng hastily threw down his knife and hugged Liu Silian in his arms.

"Si Lian, wake up! Wake up!"

Leng Yisheng looked helpless, he never thought that she would faint suddenly, what the hell did he do!

And at this time upstairs, "Shangguan Jueshi, are you going too far, how can you treat Si Lian like this!"

Ye Qingxin puffed her face and was furious, very dissatisfied with Shangguan Jueshi's rude behavior towards Si Lian just now.

"That's not her!"

Shangguan Jueshi calmly explained that she is still arguing with him because of a fake avatar, with a look of disgust on her face, even if it is the real Liu Doubi, if he is upset, he will still hit him!
But is she planning to get angry with him because of that fake clone?

"But she looks exactly like Si Lian! She looks like Si Lian! You can't be rude to her like this! And you usually have a bad attitude towards Si Lian!"

Ye Qingxin has a protective face, Si Lian is a very important person to her.

"In your heart, is this Liu Doubi more important than me!"

Shangguan Jueshi leaned over with a gloomy expression on his face, while Ye Qingxin took a step back, and she was pushed against the wall.

Looking at Shangguan Jueshi's gloomy face, but she knew he would not be rough on her!
"She has been my friend for so many years, of course she is important to me! If you don't respect her, you don't respect me! Do you want to treat me like you treated No. [-] Si Lian just now! Hit me!"

Ye Qingxin said to him angrily, although she said so, she was still quite afraid of being beaten.

But she bet on her position in Shangguan Jueshi, I hope she bet right!
Shangguan Jueshi's face was ashen, his hands were clenched into fists, and Ye Qingxin's eyelids twitched when he saw him like this, he really wanted to fight!

If he really dared to be rough on her, she would definitely divorce him without saying a word!
What she hates the most is rough men!
A gust of fist wind came over, brushing her hair, Ye Qingxin closed her eyes in fright.

She frowned, her body tensed because of fear, but she didn't feel any pain!
She tried to open half of her eyes, and found that the fist hadn't landed on her face, and she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Opening his eyes, he saw Shangguan Jueshi's fist hit the wall, and couldn't help but chuckle in his heart.

Seeing her frightened look, Shangguan Jueshi couldn't help but stroked her face, and said in a low voice, "How could I hit you!"

A look of helplessness flashed across his eyes. No matter how angry he was, he would never do anything to her, and he was reluctant to do anything to her. How could he be willing to touch a hair of her hair when he couldn't love her enough? You know, looking at her has been painful for the past two days His heart clenched and his heart ached.

He would rather get hurt himself than get hurt by her.

"Who knows if you'll hit me! You've been rough on No. [-] Si Lian just now! I can't guarantee that you will do the same to me!"

Ye Qingxin pursed her lips, and said with an awkward face, in fact, she knew in her heart that Shangguan Jueshi would not be willing to do anything to her, she bet right!

She was secretly delighted!
"She is her, you are you!"

How can she compare with her!
"But she is my good friend, Shangguan Jueshi, you have to have a better attitude towards Si Lian! Otherwise, I will be angry."

Ye Qingxin said with a stern face, only she can joke with Si Lian, no one else!
"You defend her so much, aren't you afraid that I'll be angry!"

Shangguan Jueshi asked rhetorically, seeing that Liu Doubi was always sticking to her, such a big light bulb, it would be an eyesore to anyone, let alone him!Besides, his attitude is already very good, if it were someone else, he would have already been cut into pieces by him.

It's not for her sake!

"Shangguan Jueshi, you are going too far now! You are even restricting my spiritual freedom now, aren't you! Have you forgotten the regulations in the contract?"

Ye Qingxin had her hips akimbo, with a stern face, like a housekeeper!
"Don't forget!"

Shangguan Jueshi lowered his voice, his face was a little ugly.

"Then do you respect me now? Do you still want to live a good life with me? I'm still sick, and you refuse to obey me. Do you want to divorce me?"

Ye Qingxin said threateningly, and when Shangguan Jueshi heard the damn divorce agreement, especially when she divorced one by one, his face became extremely dark.

"I respect you!"

Shangguan Jueshi said word by word, as for Liu Doubi's matter, he would secretly think of a way.

He will secretly destroy that agreement, so that it will never see the light of day again.

"It's almost there!"

Ye Qingxin smiled with satisfaction, it seems that the agreement is quite effective, at least it can hold him down.

"Si Lian, wake up! Wake up!"

Leng Yisheng shook Liu Silian, but she still didn't wake up.

Don't make such a big joke with him, she doesn't want to admit it, and he won't force her anymore!As long as she wakes up!
"Shangguan Jueshi, did you hear Leng Yisheng's voice!"

Ye Qingxin's ears are sensitive, she seemed to hear Leng Yisheng's nervous cry, and she kept thinking about Si Lian Si Lian!


"Could something be wrong with Si Lian!"

Thinking that something might happen to Si Lian, Ye Qingxin didn't have time to quarrel with Shangguan Jueshi anymore, so she ran down quickly, but Shangguan Jueshi felt very uncomfortable seeing her anxious look.

Even if it is a woman, he feels very uncomfortable!A hint of impatience flashed across the blue eyes!

He only wanted her heart, her eyes, and her mind, and he was the only one!He is the only one who cares!
Shangguan Jueshi followed her down, Ye Qingxin hurried downstairs, and saw Leng Yisheng was about to get up and go to the hospital with Si Lian in his arms.

"Leng Yisheng, what's going on? Why did Si Lian faint?"

Could it be that her illness has struck again.But she hasn't had an illness for several years.

"I don't know either, just now she was talking about Si Lian and she passed out suddenly."

Leng Yisheng showed nervousness, even guilt, if he hadn't been so extreme just now, Si Lian wouldn't have been frightened.

"Did you irritate her? Put her down quickly!"

Although Ye Qingxin was worried, she already had contingency measures for this situation. She should have suffered from Si Lian's illness a few years ago, but fortunately, everything was normal, but she was still taking the medicines often.


Hearing what she said, Leng Yisheng seemed to have a solution, so he quickly put her on the ground, while Ye Qingxin searched Liu Silian and found a bottle of medicine in her pocket.

She opened the bottle cap and poured out a few pills, "Leng Yisheng, go get a glass of water!"


Upon hearing Ye Qingxin's explanation, Leng Yisheng quickly stood up and poured water.

And Ye Qingxin helped Liu Silian up, leaned on her body, opened her mouth, put the pill in her mouth, took the water from Leng Yisheng, and gently sent it to her chest In his mouth, he patted her on the back and took the pills and water.

"Leng Yisheng, put Si Lian on the sofa and sleep for a while, she will wake up later."

Watching her swallow the pill, Ye Qingxin breathed a sigh of relief.

And although Leng Yisheng didn't understand what was going on, he still followed what Qingxin said, hugged Liu Silian on the sofa, covered her with a coat, sat beside her the whole time, holding her hand and never letting go .

When Shangguan came down, he saw No. [-] Liu Doubi lying there and sleeping peacefully. He thought it was No. [-] Liu Doubi who was playing tricks again!

But what is the matter!This Liu Doubi was not well just now, why did he faint!

And look at his family's worried face, this Liu Doubi is really troublesome!Always worrying!

She suddenly quieted down, without her chirping mouth, I'm really not used to it!
"Wild Cat, what's going on? What happened to Si Lian?"

Leng Yisheng couldn't help asking, otherwise why would she carry the pills with her, damn it, why didn't he notice it before!
If she knew she was sick, she would definitely not force him like this!
Leng Yisheng looked remorseful, and only hoped that she was okay!

"Si Lian can't be stimulated! You must have said something that stimulated her just now, and she fainted! She hasn't had an illness for several years."

It's useless to blame Leng Yisheng now, because looking at Leng Yisheng is more worried than her.

"What's wrong with her! It's been several years!"

Leng Yisheng couldn't believe it, he never thought that Si Lian had been entangled with illness for so many years!Distressed!
"Since I met Si Lian, she has had this symptom. She has a personality disorder. When she is good, she is her usual appearance, but if she is stimulated, she will change into another appearance, a completely different personality! But She hasn't had an illness for a long time in the past few years, but I didn't expect her to relapse now."

Ye Qingxin said lightly, while Shangguan Jueshi on the side looked relieved, this is why she cares about Liu Doubi so much!
(End of this chapter)

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