Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 169 She Started to Care About His Feelings

Chapter 169 She Started to Care About His Feelings

"Si Lian, how did you get this disease?"

Leng Yisheng couldn't help asking, seeing that she was in good health, she didn't look sick at all!

He would rather her mouth chattering all the time, stupidly, not understanding his feelings, than she would lie here quietly at this moment.

"I don't know. Si Lian was sent to the orphanage when she was very young. I met her when I followed the old man to the orphanage to donate money. When I saw her, she was playing alone, very lonely. Other children I didn't play with her either! Later I played with her, she said she had good and bad temper, sometimes she forgot what others said, everyone said she was weird, and then no one played with her, Dean I also said that she seemed to have suffered some kind of stimulation to change into this way. Later, my old man took Si Lian home to live with me for a period of time, and also specially asked an expert to help her see a doctor. It has been many years since I saw this disease. However, she has not relapsed in the past few years, and her memory has gradually improved." Ye Qingxin said with a serious face, hoping that Si Lian can get rid of the clutches of the disease as soon as possible and recover healthily.

"That can't be cured?"

Leng Yisheng continued to ask, wanting to know more about her, he wished he was a doctor now, at least he could help a little!

He even blamed himself for not studying medicine at that time!Why didn't he change his interest at that time and learn a little medical skills.

"Medicine can only play a supporting role, and she has to come out on her own. I don't know what she went through. She only came to the orphanage when she was four years old. I have never heard of what happened before, and all of them After so many years, maybe she forgot!"

Ye Qingxin shook her head, her expression helpless!

"What about hypnosis?"

Leng Yisheng mentioned that he also experienced inhuman pain, and he also got out of it through hypnosis, maybe this method is useful for Si Lian.

"It's useless! Her heart is confused, and hypnosis is useless! And every hypnosis will only make her more painful and she said that she likes this kind of life very much now."

I have tried all these methods, and every time Idiot Liu is hypnotized, she will wake up in a panic and panic, so she gave up this idea, and she said that it is good for her to live like this, very happy!
After that, I didn't continue to look for a solution, but I was afraid that I would get sick at any time, and she never left her medicine. After waking up this time, I don't know who she will be?
"Is there really nothing you can do?"

Leng Yisheng clenched his fists and beat his own feet with resentment on his face. The most hateful thing was that he was powerless and could only watch her suffer.

"I don't know either! She hasn't taken any medicine for the past few years. Sometimes she is confused and sometimes awake, but it's just for a moment, and it doesn't have any effect!"

What is surprising is that she has not forgotten all the knowledge and essentials she has learned, but sometimes some people and things are forgotten after too long, but she can remember them a little bit!But the reaction is a little slow.

Her mood has always been stable, optimistic and happy, without any stimulation!

She was cheated many times, but she was able to hold on. What did Leng Yisheng say to her this time to make her so emotionally fluctuate.

This is also the reason why she intentionally let Si Lian stay with her elder brother, who knows Si Lian's condition very well and can take good care of her.

"Then what will happen when she wakes up?"

Leng Yisheng asked worriedly, would it still be that calm and wise Si Lian?He still hopes that she is that stupid foodie!At least she can be happy!
"I don't know either! I can only wait for her to wake up and see! What did you say to her just now, and she was so stimulated! Even if she is usually cheated, she has never been so stimulated."

Ye Qingxin couldn't help asking, "Wait a minute, Leng Yisheng, don't you think it's right..."

I want to use force on her family's Si Lian, to stimulate her family's Si Lian!
Don't blame her for thinking too much, because Si Lian fainted the day before yesterday because he was suddenly scared to faint!
If Si Lian hadn't whispered to her quietly, she wouldn't have known what was going on!This guy Leng Yisheng unexpectedly covered up his unpreparedness, and took advantage of Si Lian under her nose. This is the reason why she wanted Si Lian to come and stay with her, for fear that when she was not around, Si Lian would wear a headband. All the bones were eaten clean by him.

"No! Do I look like this kind of forceful person?"

Seeing Ye Qingxin's stunned look, Leng Yisheng hastily explained, what is the wild cat thinking, does he look like that kind of person?

Besides, Si Lian is the one he loves, even if he doesn't want to, he won't use strong means to force her.

As for what happened the day before yesterday, he couldn't help it!involuntarily!

"Hard to say!"

Ye Qingxin smiled and said, it's not that she doesn't believe him, it's that he has too many criminal records.

And Leng Yisheng looked annoyed, even Jue Shi looked at him with strange eyes, is he so unbelievable?
"I really didn't! Anyway, if you don't believe it, forget it."

Leng Yisheng's voice was a little annoyed, all these people wanted him to be a heinous, hungry and thirsty person!

Seeing Leng Yisheng's aggrieved face, Ye Qingxin couldn't help but chuckled, she just talked, but didn't say what was wrong with him, but he explained it himself so anxiously, it's no wonder people couldn't doubt it!

At this time, Liu Silian who was lying on the sofa groaned softly, and was about to wake up.

Everyone stopped arguing about the issue just now, instead they all came over, "Si Lian, are you okay?"

Ye Qingxin squatted next to her, and Liu Silian opened her eyes in a daze. When she raised her head, she just saw Shangguan Jueshi's indifferent front, and she got up straight away in fright.

"Si Lian, do you feel uncomfortable?"

Leng Yisheng was sitting next to her, watching her nervous reaction, thinking that she hadn't recovered yet, everyone was waiting for her to speak, and they didn't know what was going on with her?

"Qingxin, what's wrong with me? You surround me one by one."

Especially when Shangguan Jueshi actually stood up, she was almost scared to pee.

And when everyone saw that she had returned to her original dazed look, they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, fortunately, nothing has changed!
"Si Lian, have you forgotten? What I told you just now?"

Leng Yisheng couldn't help asking, did she forget his confession?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but seeing her wake up safely, he was even happier!

"Just now? Didn't I fall asleep?"

Ye Qingxin tilted her head, her small face wrinkled into a ball, and began to think.

Did Yi Sheng say anything to her just now?All she remembered was that she seemed to have fallen asleep!
"Yes, yes! You are lying here to sleep, Si Lian, you go back to your room to sleep when you are tired, why are you lying on the sofa to sleep, there is no room for you to sleep at home!"

Ye Qingxin interrupted, and gave Leng Yisheng a look, telling him to stop talking, so as not to arouse Si Lian again.

But Leng Yisheng had no choice but to give up, but his heart was depressed, Si Lian, how could you forget my confession?
Could it be that he couldn't bring up this matter again in the future, could it be that he just watched her and Ye Haoxuan together like this?
Damn it, Ye Haoxuan!In addition to being able to cook, he is also a doctor, so why are all the advantages in him.

At this moment, Leng Yisheng was jealous of Ye Haoxuan, wishing to copy everything that Ye Haoxuan knew, after all, Si Lian was the most suitable doctor by his side for a condition like Si Lian!
Why is he not a doctor!no!He wants to study medicine!
But he is so old, is there still time to study?When he becomes famous, his family Si Lian will be with Ye Haoxuan by then, maybe he will even have a child by then.

He didn't want to see such an eyesore!He quickly dismissed the idea.

However, I was still very upset, and my prejudice against Ye Haoxuan deepened.

"Si Lian, you and me tonight..."

Before Ye Qingxin finished speaking, Shangguan Jueshi suddenly pulled her away.

"Shangguan Jueshi, I haven't finished my sentence yet!"

She also wanted to say that Si Lian should sleep with her, but Shangguan Jueshi ignored her wishes and dragged her away.

"Let's go back to the room if we have anything to say! She's already awake, so it's none of your business."

Shangguan Jueshi said lightly, is it possible that Liu Doubi will occupy his position if he stays here for a day, even if he is in the hospital, but this is his home, don't even think about it, he wants Ye Qingxin to get rid of it as soon as possible thought.

He can go along with her and spoil her for anything, but this is the only thing that violates his interests, don't even think about it!
"But I have nothing to say to you! Shangguan Jueshi, let go!"

Ye Qingxin looked back at Si Lian on the sofa, she still had a lot to say to Si Lian, but Shangguan Jue Shi straightened her head and pulled him upstairs.

"You have nothing to say to me, but I did tell you!"

Seeing her so uncooperative, Shangguan Jueshi had no choice but to hug her up.

"Shangguan Jueshi, why are you so crazy!" Ye Qingxin kept beating his shoulder lightly, but Shangguan Jueshi just refused to let her go and kept walking upstairs.

"Hello, Shangguan Jueshi..."

There was only a "bang-dang" sound from the door upstairs, but no sound could be heard.

At this moment, only Leng Yisheng and Liu Silian were left in the living room, "I still want to sleep with Qingxin tonight!"

"Si Lian, don't you feel any discomfort yet? Do you feel dizzy or heavy?"

Leng Yisheng sat next to her, looked at her carefully, still a little worried.

"No! I squinted for a while, and felt that my head was much more relaxed. I don't know how comfortable it is!"

Liu Silian shook his head and said with a smile.

And Leng Yisheng was completely relieved when she heard that she said it was fine, but what made him sad was that she actually forgot all the words he just confessed to, and she forgot nothing else, but just forgot that memory. torture him!

Just now seeing her fainted from the stimulation, he is now chilled, and will not dare to express his feelings in front of her in the future.

But he is very unwilling?Not to mention, how would Si Lian know his feelings for her!
Why is it fine for Ye Haoxuan to confess to her, but when he comes to him, she will be stimulated!He still can't think of a reason!
What kind of bullshit luck did Ye Haoxuan have, all good luck was taken away by him.

Leng Yisheng cursed Ye Haoxuan thousands of times, tens of thousands of times in his heart!
"Yisheng, it's so late, why don't you go back?"

Liu Silian looked at him, why did she feel that Yisheng was not very happy?Especially looking at her eyes, a little complaining?
"I'm staying here tonight!"

Leng Yisheng smiled and said, she is like this, how could he go back now!

"Yisheng, do you have something to say to me? I can see from your eyes that you are not very happy?"

Liu Silian asked directly, but Leng Yisheng was stunned.

"Si Lian, do you feel that I am unhappy?"

Is this an unexpected surprise?Si Lian had never paid attention to his expression before, let alone understood his mood, but now she actually asked him!She also started to care about him. Could it be that what he said just now played a subtle role in her mind?
Did he also have a shit luck!unexpected surprise!

"Well, I see that you seem to have something to say, but you seem to be struggling with something?"

Liu Silian nodded, she could see clearly, and she didn't like to see his brows knotted.

"Si Lian, I don't worry about anything now, if you can pay more attention to me, I'm too happy!"

There was a smile on the corner of Leng Yisheng's mouth, and he rolled aside in frustration.

"Then I will pay more attention to you in the future, and I will make you happy."

Liu Silian smiled, she didn't know why, seeing him unhappy made her unhappy too!
"Si Lian, what you said is true? Did I hear you right?"

Leng Yisheng couldn't believe his ears, was all this a dream?Or is it an image he fantasized because he suffered too much stimulation?

Si Lian said that she would pay more attention to him and care about him more!

If this was a dream, he hoped he would never wake up!
"Of course it's true!"

Seeing his expression, Liu Silian couldn't help chuckling.

"Si Lian, I'm so happy."

Leng Yisheng was so excited that he hugged Liu Silian in one fell swoop, and spun several times in the air, "Ah!"

The sudden height made Liu Silian startled, she never expected that Yisheng would suddenly hug her up, and even hugged her in circles, her heart was pounding again, and she blushed.

When Leng Yisheng heard her frightened sound, he thought of her body. He quickly put her down, with a nervous expression like a child who has done something wrong, "Si Lian, I'm sorry! I'm so excited, I didn't even Concerned about your body."

Damn it, why is he so impulsive!If something happened to Si Lian, he would regret it.

"Si Lian, do you feel uncomfortable? Do you feel dizzy?"

Leng Yisheng hurriedly asked, afraid that something would happen to her again.

And Liu Silian looked at him so nervous, couldn't help but smiled, "Yisheng, why are you so nervous! Turn around a few times and you won't die, I just got scared all of a sudden!"

"It's good that you're fine, Si Lian, are you sure you really don't have any discomfort?"

Halfway through Leng Yisheng's speech, he became nervous again.

"I'm fine, I'm fine!"

Suddenly found that Si Lian woke up this time, something seemed to have changed, and even treated him a little differently.

Could it be that his shit has arrived.

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(End of this chapter)

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