Chapter 170 Take Her Away
"Shangguan Jueshi, what are you doing! I haven't finished my sentence yet!"

Along the way, Ye Qingxin yelled dissatisfiedly, but Shangguan Jueshi turned a deaf ear to her and carried her back to the bedroom.

When he reached the bedroom, he gently put her on the bed. Seeing her baring her teeth and waving her claws just now, she had the strength to curse. It seemed that the wound was almost healed.

She got up and moved away, but the tall figure of Shangguan Jueshi blocked her direction. Seeing that the way was blocked, Ye Qingxin stared at him with wide eyes, "Shangguan Jueshi, what are you doing?" ? You are trying to interfere with my freedom, our contract clearly stated it, and you have not complied with it in just a few days."

Ye Qingxin puffed up her face and looked angry!
"I only know that it's very late now, and your wound is just right, so you shouldn't go to bed late! You have a whole day to find Liu Doubi tomorrow, and I will definitely not stop you then."

Seeing those clean feet standing on the ground, so ignorant of taking care of himself, Shangguan Jueshi's eyes flashed with anger, he picked up Ye Qingxin again, and hugged her on the bed.

Ye Qingxin was taken aback, thinking that Shangguan Jueshi wanted to do something to her, she kept yelling, "Shangguan Jueshi, what do you want! Let me tell you, if you dare to do something to me, I will not let you go!" of."

She stepped back subconsciously, pulling the quilt over her chest.

Seeing her being so wary of her, Shangguan Jueshi narrowed his deep eyes and smiled, what did she think he wanted to do?
"I've been busy all day today and I'm a little tired."

Shangguan Jueshi said with a tired face, he is not interested in teasing her today, he just wants to sleep peacefully.

"Shangguan Jueshi, don't think that I don't know what you want to do? It's stated in the agreement that we are only a couple in name only! If you dare to mess with me, I will divorce you!"

Seeing such an approaching face, Ye Qingxin swallowed her saliva, feeling a little nervous, she couldn't help turning her head away, trying to put some distance away.

And Shangguan Jueshi smiled lightly, simply sat beside her, took off his shoes, and lay down.

He stared at her with a smile on his face, "I'm really tired today, you should sleep too!"

Shangguan Jueshi said with a weak face that he really didn't have enough sleep these days, and he didn't feel like joking with her anymore.

Ye Qingxin looked embarrassed, she wanted to find a hole to get in, she was really ashamed, she was embarrassed in front of Shangguan Jueshi.


With a sullen face, she lay down, with her back to him, and covered her tightly with the quilt.

The smelly Shangguan Jueshi actually played tricks on her!Now she has no silver 300 taels here!

Just when she was secretly distressed, a huge warmth came over, and Shangguan Jueshi held her in his arms and pulled her quilt away, "Do you want to suffocate to death? Go to sleep, I won't do anything to you. "

Leaning in his warm arms, Ye Qingxin's eyelids slowly closed, and Shangguan Jueshi also fell asleep listening to her even breathing.

At this time, under the living room, Liu Silian yawned again and again, a little sleepy, "Silian, are you sleepy, why don't you hurry up and go to sleep!"

Although he really wanted to sit with her for a while longer, but considering her body, he spoke.

"But Shangguan Jueshi is still in the room? I dare not go up to sleep?"

Liu Silian said annoyedly, she said that she would sleep with her tonight, but Shangguan Jueshi was still up there, where should she sleep then?

And Leng Yisheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she sat here and waited for the grand master to come down, how could this be possible!

He knows best about Jazz's temperament, domineering and domineering, seeing a beauty in his arms, it is too late to enjoy the warmth, how could he return it.

"Si Lian, don't wait! Jazz is going to sleep with the wild cat tonight, there is also a room below here, you can find a room to sleep in!"

Leng Yisheng spoke, and Liu Silian suddenly realized, "I forgot, now Qingxin is with Shangguan Jueshi!"

Liu Silian scratched her head, Yumu's head suddenly opened up, she was so stupid!No wonder Shangguan Jueshi looked at her coldly every time, it turned out to be like this!
"You just know!"

But when Si Lian woke up this time, not only did she care more about him, but her mind also gradually became more flexible.

"It's no wonder that every time Shangguan Jueshi looked at me, he always looked like he wanted to kill me. After a long time, it turned out to be like this. I'm a fool, and I only realized it now."

Liu Silian laughed a few times, but fortunately, it's not too late to react, otherwise Shangguan Jueshi would chop her up if she continued to be so confused.

"Then I'll go find a room to sleep in! Yisheng, you should go to bed early too."

"it is good!"

He is so excited that he can't sleep now!Si Lian finally knows how to care about him!Is this true?He didn't forget to pinch his thigh hard, it would hurt!it is true!

Liu Silian stood up, yawning repeatedly, unable to open her eyelids.

She half-closed her eyes, walked casually, and stepped on Xiao Si Lian on the ground!

But she was so sleepy that she pushed a door casually, and fell down as soon as she saw a bed.

While Leng Yisheng watched her walk in, he fell down on the sofa with a smile all over his face, wrapped his hands around his head as a pillow, and crossed his legs lazily.

"Grand Master! Sir!"

He suddenly heard a familiar voice, calling Jushi's name delicately, he didn't pay much attention at first, but suddenly thought of something and was startled, "I'm dead, Xiao Silian woke up?"

He quickly got up to take a look, and saw a familiar figure strung up from the ground, "Xiao Silian! Where are you going!"

Xiao Si Lian turned into a body, jumped up and down the stairs, and Leng Yisheng called her from behind, but she didn't hear it at all.

"Xiao Silian, what are you doing?"

Broken, broken!Afraid that something might have happened to her, Leng Yisheng quickly followed her and ran up, but this little Si Lian was so fast that she couldn't keep up at all.

"Jaz, Sir! Here, here!"

Xiao Si Lian sniffed her nose and clearly smelled the scent belonging to Shangguan Sir, she came to their bedroom.

She pushed, but the door still didn't open, her little face wrinkled into a ball, but she seemed to have thought of a way, so she couldn't help but giggled a few times, and ran down the same path again.

And Leng Yisheng just went upstairs to chase her, but she didn't expect her to jump downstairs again, "Xiao Silian, wait for me, don't run too fast!"

Leng Yisheng really wanted to hug his head and cry, but he did it himself!He could only run out with her again.

But why is she running out here?And where did they all go, why are they nowhere to be seen?

In a blink of an eye, she was no longer visible, "Xiao Si Lian, Xiao Si Lian!"

Leng Yisheng looked around, but he didn't see her figure at all. Could it be that she still has human consciousness?impossible!
Leng Yisheng felt his forehead was hot, he couldn't help but raised his head and stroked his forehead, but he didn't know that he suddenly saw a delicate figure - it was the little Si Lian he was looking for.

What is she doing?She is actually climbing a water hose, and she is still so tall!It will kill her!Damn it, he forgot, she doesn't listen to people.

"Xiao Silian, come down for me quickly!"

Leng Yisheng shouted from below, especially looking at this familiar face, he was even more anxious.

What's going on?Is this designer perverted? He actually gave her such a good function.

But Xiao Si Lian didn't hear it at all, and climbed nimbly with his hands and feet, Leng Yisheng below was terrified. He knew she was fake, but she was a part of Si Lian's consciousness, so he was very worried.

Wait, why is she afraid of being so tall?Look at the location of the room, isn't this Jazz's bedroom?
Maybe it's because she wants to go to Jazz!Thinking of this possibility, Leng Yisheng wanted to die, and now he has to climb upstairs to stop all this, otherwise Juzzy will beat her to death.

Only then did he sway for a while, but there was no one there, and Xiao Si Lian had already climbed in smoothly.

Afraid that if he took a step too late, his family's Xiao Silian would lose his life, so Leng Yisheng turned around and quickly ran into the house.

"Jaz! Sir! Here, here!"

Xiao Silian crawled in, and because of her happiness, she kept repeating a few simple words.

When she saw Shangguan Jueshi lying on the bed, she smiled even more, because she followed Liu Silian's photography changes at that time, so she also has clothes on her body now. She is actually a magical doll, but the difference is that she Having the same figure as a human, and some special functions, such as changing various cosplays, changing every day... Functions should be possessed, only you can't think of them, there is nothing you can't do.

But the final effect of this doll is that there is only one person, that is, it can talk and chat with the owner when he is bored.

She looked at Shangguan Jushi lying there and fell asleep, screaming, "I want to be with Jushi!"

Then quietly squeezed Ye Qingxin away from Shangguan Jueshi's arms, and entered instead.

Because Shangguan Jueshi was a little tired these two days, and with Ye Qingxin in his arms, he slept very deeply this time.

Xiao Silian nestled in his arms, because the idea of ​​this doll itself is to take good care of its owner, it is now equivalent to a pillow.

It nestled in Shangguan Jueshi's arms, smelling something wrong, and when Shangguan Jueshi opened his blue eyes, what's going on?

Apart from sleeping restlessly, she has never seen her so close to him before. Shangguan Jueshi opened his eyes. His blue eyes in the dark night were extremely sharp, and at a glance, he found that the woman curled up in his arms was not her. !
"Jazz, hee hee! Hee hee!"

When Xiao Silian saw him wake up, she even smirked, and when Shangguan Jueshi heard the voice, his eyes became cold and hazy for a moment, this damn number two Liu Doubi was not afraid of death, and even climbed onto her bed.

Looking at Ye Qingxin at the side, she actually slept like a pig, suddenly there was someone on the bed, and she didn't respond.


Shangguan Jueshi said coldly, grabbed her hand, and lowered his voice for fear of waking Qingxin up, but his coldness remained and his eyes were frightening.

"Hee hee! Jazz, good! Good!!"

But Shangguan Jueshi forgot that dolls don't have feelings, and Xiao Silian thought that Shangguan Jueshi wanted to play with her, so she huddled in his arms even more.

"I'll say it again, get out!"

What the hell!He had forgotten that this thing has no feeling.

"No! No!"

Xiao Silian automatically switched to the voice function, the voice was so kawaii, but unfortunately it didn't have much effect on Shangguan Jueshi.

You must know that he has no feelings for women, let alone this doll.

Also, he didn't like Liu Doubi himself, and when he heard that she was so cute, he wanted to punch her a few times.

"Grand Master, Sir!"

At this time, Leng Yisheng's anxious voice came from outside the door, this damn, no one will let him sleep well.

Afraid of waking her up, Shangguan Jueshi could only deal with it quickly and punched her in the neck. Xiao Silian suddenly passed out, but her body remained unchanged.

He picked her up with one hand, walked out of the living room, opened the door, and threw her out, but Leng Yisheng caught her in time when he saw this. "Don't let me see it again, otherwise I will destroy both the real and the fake!"

Shangguan Jueshi put down his harsh words and closed the door with a "bang", it was obvious that he was in a better mood now.

"I see!"

Knowing that Jue Shi is very popular now, Leng Yisheng naturally didn't dare to provoke her anymore.

Looking at Si Lian in his arms, he shrunk into a doll again, with an aggrieved expression on his face, "Xiao Si Lian, how could you climb onto Jue Shi's bed!"

These were supposed to be her benefits, but now Xiao Silian has recognized Juzzy!

If it continues like this, it will climb onto Jue Shi's bed every night, and when Jue Shi gets mad, even his longing will be implicated.

Now she can only be destroyed, but this is his little love, he is so reluctant to let it go!

It's better for him to do it himself than to let her be chopped into pieces by Jazz.

Leng Yisheng took it down, looked up the relevant information about this doll, followed the above steps to dismantle the parts on her body, and the special functions of this doll also failed, and now it is really a Just an ordinary doll.

But now it is not a faceless doll, but a miniature version that looks like Si Lian. Fortunately, he can hide it, and he feels a little more comforted.

Leng Yisheng was lying on the sofa, holding the little doll in his arms, "Si Lian, you will be with me from now on!"

He even leaned over and kissed it, with a baby face on his face, and held it in his arms, for fear of being snatched away.

Leng Yisheng lay on the sofa, hugged and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Liu Silian came out because she was thirsty and wanted to drink water. She half-closed her eyes, but she didn't see Leng Yisheng sleeping on the sofa, and sat down directly. When she touched a pile of meat, she screamed out in fright .


And Leng Yisheng also woke up after being called out by her.

At a glance, I saw Si Lian shrinking aside, holding her head and looking scared.

"Si Lian, it's me! There is no ghost!"

Leng Yisheng patted her on the shoulder to comfort her, never thought that he would scare her.

"Yisheng, it's you! Why are you here! I thought it was a ghost just now!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Liu Silian opened his eyes, but his heart still hadn't calmed down and was still beating the drums.

"Hehe, I just fell asleep while lying down, and the light was on, how could there be ghosts!"

Leng Yisheng smiled and said, but why did she come out in the middle of the night!

"I wanted to come out to drink water, but I bumped into you as soon as I sat down. My eyelids are still fully open!"

Liu Silian smiled awkwardly.


(End of this chapter)

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