Chapter 171

Chapter 176

In the Gu family's villa, Gu Changye was about to get up with a look of reluctance. Thinking of the sweet dream of last night, the smile on the corner of his mouth became brighter and brighter.

Seeing that she had slowly accepted him in her heart, the speed of their relationship was natural and progressed rapidly, which completely exceeded his surprise.

Gu Changye propped up one arm and looked at it quietly, with tenderness in his eyes, his hand stroked her flowing hair from time to time, smelling her unique fragrance, "Little pepper!

Gu Changye called out softly, with his fingers down, stroking her little face with tenderness and affection.

He stretched out his fingers and leaned closer, tapped her forehead lightly, and helped her pull the quilt back up. He got out of bed with a look of nostalgia, because she still had to prepare breakfast for her.

The future is long, don't rush at this moment!
After a while, there was a rustling sound from the kitchen, Lu Manman turned over impatiently, and his mind suddenly woke up.

"Oops! What time is it now!"

...Did she oversleep...

Lu Manman scratched her hair, and immediately got up from the bed. She has important things to do this morning, so there must be no mistakes.

Lu Manman stretched out his hand and took the mobile phone on the table, "Ten ten in the morning! It's okay!"

She was about to collapse. Every morning, she sweated because she was late for work, but she clearly remembered to set the bell to ring. She must have thought about it many times at this time, but it never rang once. Could it be her fault? There is a problem with the phone.

Forget it, I'd better get up quickly, go out to have breakfast and drive to the company, it's almost time.

In the past few years, she has been picking up the time to go to work every time, and she doesn't want people to think that she has a good relationship with the boss and make people gossip behind her back.

Lu Manman stroked her hair with one hand, arched it back, pulled back the quilt and stood up, suddenly felt a coolness on her body, she looked down, and was so scared that she quickly pulled the quilt over.

Look at the unfamiliar place at this time, she has forgotten it!She has moved to live with Gu Changye, thinking of what happened last night, Lu Manman exhaled, her cheeks flushed.

Forget it, forget it, what happened has already happened!And it's not that it hasn't happened, besides, she was really moved last night, and they are already a formal husband and wife relationship.

But now this feeling is quite good, at least the current life makes her feel at ease.Look at the clothes on the corner of the bed. Needless to say, Gu Changye carefully selected them for her. He is a very considerate man.

Thinking of this, a trace of warmth flowed into my heart, an indescribable joy.

Lu Manman picked up the clothes, put them on, and then went into the bathroom to freshen up. Gu Changye made breakfast to see if she was awake, lest she be late for work.

As soon as he entered the room, there was no one on the bed, only the messy quilt was left. Gu Changye smiled helplessly, and heard the sound of water running from the bathroom.

But he was also willing to tidy up. He folded the sheets neatly, and the bed became clear again.

After Lu Manman finished washing, he walked out of the bathroom. When he saw Gu Changye, a look of unnaturalness flashed across his face.

Seeing him, her brain exploded, and Lu Manman bit her lip with an awkward expression.

"Manman, you're up! I've made breakfast, and I'll send you to work after eating!"

Gu Changye spoke first, walked towards her, and habitually held her shoulders, while Lu Manman obediently followed him.

"Manman, eat more! You have been too busy with work recently, and your complexion is not very good."

Gu Changye never forgot to help her add food. Hearing his concerned words, Lu Manman was moved, "Okay!"

She was indeed too busy with work, and she was really tired last night, so she fell asleep right away.

"! You eat more! I also boiled a pot of black-bone chicken soup with red dates for you, and you can drink it when you come back tonight." Gu Changye couldn't help but smiled, and said caringly.

Seeing how considerate he was, Lu Manman didn't say anything more about him. I have to say that now someone is waiting at home, cooking for her, and being taken care of so carefully. This is exactly what every woman wants most, and she is no exception. .

"You don't need to drive me to work, I will drive by myself, lest you have to pick me up after get off work, what a trouble!"

Lu Manman couldn't help but said that she knew how tired she was after get off work, so naturally she didn't want Gu Changye to be too tired.

"Manman, can I understand that you care about me?"

Gu Changye smiled lightly with joy on his face.

And Lu Manman snorted, "You can think whatever you want! I don't care!"

Lu Manman lowered his head, biting the bread in his hand, trying to hide his unnaturalness.

"I'm full, I'm going to work."

After Lu Manman finished eating, he walked to the sofa, holding his bag, and was about to leave.

"My wife, don't you have anything to say before you leave?"

When Lu Manman came over, Gu Changye spoke in a timely manner, his gaze full of anticipation.

And Lu Manman couldn't help but smile when he heard his plaintive tone, "Well, since you cooked such delicious food for me early in the morning, I'll reward you with one......"


Before Lu Manman said anything, Gu Changye was overjoyed. Lu Manman was walking towards him, and he closed his eyes expectantly.

Seeing him happy, he closed his eyes and thought what she wanted!

The corner of Lu Manman's mouth showed interest, and she wanted to tease him. She gave him a hug, then retreated from his embrace, and walked lightly to the door to put on her shoes.

He opened the door, and Gu Changye still closed his eyes, looking forward to what he expected in his heart, but why hasn't Manman acted yet!

"Gu Changye, I'm off to work, okay!"

Hearing the sound of her leaving, Gu Changye opened his eyes immediately, and saw a blown kiss towards him, with a dull expression on his face?
No kiss, just a blown kiss?
"Ha ha!"

Seeing his dumbfounded expression, Lu Manman laughed a few times, then closed the door and left.

Gu Changye's dazed look is so funny!

And Gu Changye twitched the corner of his mouth, with a pampering expression on his face, waiting for her to come back tonight to deal with her, how dare he lie to him and make fun of him!

Looking at the bowls and chopsticks on the table, Gu Changye tidied them up, put them in the automatic dishwasher, and then got dressed and went to work.

Lu Manman came to the company and was about to take the elevator upstairs when a woman with a charming figure bumped into her hard, then walked past her and took her place.

If it wasn't for the number of people in the elevator and the door being closed, she would definitely have pulled her out to have a fight!
At this moment, there was still a strong smell of perfume in the air, Lu Manman covered his nose with a distressed expression!Don't even know who this woman is?To be so domineering, he bumped into someone without even saying an apology.

Forget it, I can't ruin my mood today because of this kind of person. Today is about to usher in the pinnacle of her r career, and she must seize the opportunity.

And the person just now is Bei Renshan, she is also a member of Tianyu Company, and now she can be regarded as prosperous.

Bei Renshan tossed her hair casually, wearing a hollow see-through V-shaped glass diamond skirt, outlining her graceful figure, she looked quite open, and she didn't know how many people she attracted.

"Senior Beirenshan!! I finally saw you today!"

"Senior Beirenshan, you are so beautiful!"


In short, as soon as she appeared, there was a frenzy, and everyone rushed to flatter her.

As for Bei Eshan, facing the pursuit of so many people, her vanity was even higher. She smiled and behaved kindly and generously.

"Everyone is our own family, don't call me senior, I will be embarrassed! If you don't mind, just call me Sister Eshan!" Bei Eshan was very generous. Everyone revolved around her.

"Sister Eshan, you are so kind!"

"Yes, Miss Eshan is beautiful and has a good personality! No wonder she is so famous!"


Bei Renshan chatted with them for a while, and even asked the assistants around him to deliver a beautiful skin care product, hoping to win people's hearts.

"Sister Eshan, you came here as soon as you came, and you brought us a gift, we are all embarrassed."

Ruan Mianmian said politely, the words of this flattery were smooth, which made Bei Renshan smile.

"These are trivial things, everyone, please don't be polite, I will bring you better gifts next time! I still have something to ask the boss, let's talk later."

Bei Eshan's performance was magnanimous, and everyone present liked her very much.

After she finished speaking, she walked towards the office.

As soon as Lu Manman arrived at the office, she saw everyone gathered in a group, but she didn't care much, and walked straight back to her seat.

"This Sister Eshan is kind and generous, magnanimous and dignified. Even if she flies out of Tianyu, she is now very popular, and she still doesn't forget to come back and watch her. It's not like some people who are self-righteous and start playing big names before flying to the sky."

Ruan Mianmian sarcastically said, with a needle in his words, meaning something.

"That's right! Some people can't become a phoenix even if they fly on a branch, they're still a chicken on the ground! They can't become a climate after all!"

"Now that Sister Eshan is here, some people will be happy for nothing."

A few of them agreed, but Lu Manman didn't care about them, and let them spit all over the place.

Lu Manman buried his head in filling out the lyrics, ignoring what they said at all.

But the Beirenshan they were talking about just now?Could it be the celebrity that Tianyu has made popular? Although I heard that she is now shining brightly in the entertainment circle, many people rushed to invite her, but this woman's reputation is not very good, right?

I heard that in order to become famous, she did not hesitate to sell her soul for profit, so she didn't have a good impression of this celebrity.

But what did she want to come here today to find the boss?

Lu Manman suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. Could it be that he has taken a fancy to her contract?

The boss said that there are so many people competing for the contract this time, not only their singers, but also other actors. Whoever can become the spokesperson of "Magic Clothes" is half the battle. not far away.

She used to think about singing in her own right and didn't want to accept other activities, but she changed her mind now, only by giving her a chance to be famous can she have the time to shine on the stage!
So if she wants to change her strategy now, the first step is to open up her popularity and let everyone know her existence. When her reputation becomes big, she will be able to sing the songs she likes, and she will no longer be an unknown little singer.

She also knew that this time the boss gave her this opportunity, it was really biased, but Shangguan Liunian called her by name, which was also the most important reason, so the opportunity she fought for was much higher than others.

However, with so many people under the company's name, even many who are better than her, maybe they will be dissatisfied with this decision, maybe Bei Renshan is here for this matter.

At first, I was a little worried. After all, Bei Eshan is very hot now. Many brand merchants approached her to shoot advertisements. It's a pity that this time the opportunity is hers, because the decision maker behind it, Shangguan Liunian, chose her.

Let other people fight over their scalps and their mouths, she is the one who is chosen by Shangguan Liunian!

Bei Renshan came to the door of the office, knocked on the door, "Come in!"

When she came, there was a lot of floating in the air, even though she was used to smelling too many women's perfume, but the smell was too strong, making him frown, he raised his head and looked at the person, "Why are you here? "

Qi Jue looked surprised, he never thought that Bei Renshan would come to the company.

Now that the company has terminated her contract, she is also very popular, so why come here?
I haven't seen her come back in the past two years. Could it be a conscience discovery this time?No, this woman has a lot of vanity, so why would she think of her family!
"Boss, what are you talking about? This is where I made my name popular. Of course I'm coming back."

Bei Renshan smiled humorously, walked to Qi Jue's side, and put his hands on his shoulders unconsciously.

"Boss, I haven't seen you for so many years! You are still handsome! Do I miss you?"

A trace of hot breath spewed out from that seductive red lips, sprayed on Qi Jue's face, with a deep smile on his face.

"Eshan, even if you leave the company, you shouldn't even forget the company's stated rules."

Qi Jue swept the hand on him, his tone was indifferent, with disgust on his face.

This woman actually paid attention to him, and didn't care how pretty she was!

He doesn't like other women, let alone her body that is almost muddy from being stepped on by others, and he is not interested in a prosthesis.

"Boss, don't be like this! Anyway, he used to be a member of your company!"

Bei Ren said coquettishly, but Qi Jue didn't take her coquettishness seriously.

She wanted to lean on Qi Jue again, but at this moment Qi Jue stood up, she was unreliable and almost tripped, a look of displeasure flashed in her eyes, but then a smile returned to her face.

Qi Jue patted the clothes on his body, as if she had touched them, as if they had been infected with a virus.



(End of this chapter)

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