Chapter 173 Unexpected Surprise

Chapter 178 Unexpected Surprise
"That's good! I'm optimistic about you! Since you agreed, I will find an opportunity to negotiate with Fleeting Nian as soon as possible, and then we will hold a signing meeting at a certain time."

"Okay, I will listen to the boss on this matter."

Lu Manman believed in him very much. She knew that the boss would definitely fight for her best interests and would not let her suffer.

All these years, thanks to her shelter, she was free from trouble.

And Bei Renshan was wearing clothes inside, and the conversation between the two of them naturally fell into her ears. She never thought that Qi Jue would hand over such a good opportunity to such an unknown little singer.

With a look of resignation, she pushed open the door, walked out, and said to Qi Jue dissatisfied, "Qi Jue, I really don't know what you think, you actually gave such a chance to such a small role as her. Do it, and you won't be afraid that she will ruin this press conference!"

I was thrown around by this woman just now, and I didn't pay attention to her directly. I didn't expect this woman to be more beautiful than her. She would never let her have a chance to stand out, which would affect her status.

Bei Renshan has faintly felt that her position has been shaken. If the conference is successfully negotiated, she is sure that the woman in front of her will have a huge impact on her career. She has worked so hard to get to where she is today. It won't be destroyed by anyone.

Feeling the hostility from Beirenshan, Lu Manman greeted him directly without any fear, "Miss Beirenshan, a person like you who takes off clothes at every turn, do you think you are a suitable spokesperson for MagicClothes? Could it be that you think Put on a special strip show for everyone."

Lu Manman smiled and said, and Qi Jue couldn't help giving her a thumbs up when he saw her counterattack.

Bei Renshan walked towards Lu Manman with a distraught expression on his face, raised his head and wanted to slap her, "You bitch, how dare you insult me!"

As soon as Qi Jue saw that she was going to make a move, he grabbed her hand in time, "Bei Renshan, don't go too far, let me tell you, now you are no longer a member of our company, and our company's affairs are not in our hands." It's up to you to intervene!"

After finishing speaking, Qi Jue shook off her hand, don't think that now that she is popular, she can do whatever she wants and don't take people seriously.

Hitting someone in his company depends on whether he agrees or not!
Bei Renshan had an unbelievable expression on her face. She never thought that Qi Jue would treat her with such an attitude. Her self-esteem was hit. Then look at him defending this little singer. Facing so many men, one glance at her I could see the affection in his eyes.

"So that's how it is! Qi Jue, I didn't think that you would like this woman when you were ambiguous about your business and private interests! You gave her the best chance! I never thought that you would violate your own principles for this woman."

Bei Renshan grinned and said, no wonder she tried all kinds of methods but failed to take him down. It turned out that she fell in love with this woman.

And Lu Manman looked shocked, and couldn't help but look at Qi Jue, was what Bei Renshan said just now true?
The boss is interested in her, so he specially gave her this opportunity.

No, the boss has always been a principled person, and he advocated that he would not fall in love with anyone in the company.

Facing Lu Manman's surprised eyes, Qi Jue looked calm, "Bei Renshan, don't go too far, this is specially selected by the chief of Magic Clothes, do you think I can control it? And this is the company's Things, when will it be your turn to intervene!"

Seeing what Qi Jue said, Lu Manman breathed a sigh of relief, luckily it wasn't what she thought.

And Bei Renshan smiled with his lips curled up, with a disapproving expression on his face, "Really? Then I will go to the chief of MagicClothes to find out in person. If I can win this contract by then, don't blame me!"

Bei Renshan smiled, no matter how much he denied it, he couldn't deny the affection in his eyes.

"up to you!"

Qi Jue said with a displeased face, he believed that Fleeting Years would not give her such a chance.

"Qi Jue, you yourself insist not to fall in love with the employees of the company, so don't talk about it yourself!"

Before Bei Renshan left, he did not forget to say, and then left with a strange smile on his face.

After Bei Renshan left, Lu Manman still had doubts about what she said just now. Could it be that the boss really likes her?Otherwise, why did Bei Renshan say that just now?
Looking at Bei Renshan's leaving back, Qi Jue's eyes flashed sharply, and then he looked at Man Man beside him, with his head lowered, wondering what he was thinking?Could it be that what Bei Renshan said just now troubled her.

It's true that he likes Manman, but he planned to reveal her feelings to her after her contract expires, but he didn't expect Bei Eshan to stir up such a mess.

"Manman, don't take what Bei Renshan said just now to your heart, she is very jealous."

Qi Jue spoke first, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"Well, I know!"

Lu Manman smiled, with a calm expression on her face, but the doubts in her heart were still unsolved. She didn't feel that much at first, but after being told by Bei Renshan, she found that her boss had indeed taken care of her a lot in recent years. Every time she has a problem, he can help her solve it in time.

Is the boss really interested in her?
Looking at her with doubts on her face, knowing that Bei Renshan's words have affected her, in order to make her work better, Qi Jue smiled, "You don't really take what Bei Renshan said to heart! Manman, you know what I always stand for!"

Anyway, her contract is about to expire, if this cooperation can make her prosperous, then she will have more choices in the future, so that he can also express his heart to her.

"No! No! I know boss, you have always treated me as an employee!"

Hearing what she said, Qi Jue's eyes were slightly disappointed, maybe his performance was too plain, and she couldn't detect it.

But they had a lot of time to spend together, after thinking everything through, Qi Jue had a flat face, "By the way, Manman, what do you want from me?"

"I almost forgot, these are the words I filled in, how about you help me see?" Lu Manman suddenly remembered, and quickly handed him the lyrics in his hand.

"Didn't you say you had no inspiration yesterday, why are you so fast today?" Qi Jue said with a puzzled face, took the paper in her hand, and looked down.

"I sat there in the morning, and my mind was refreshed after a while."

Lu Manman laughed, as if she had an inspiration today because she was with Gu Changye last night. Every word she filled in was what happened between the two of them.

Before she knew it, Gu Changye had already had such a big impact on her life, and she didn't know whether it was good or bad!
"One kiss to make love! The title of this song is good! And your lyrics touch your heart, Man Man, what influence did you receive?"

Qi Jue watched it several times and praised it again and again.

"I don't know about this, but I started writing as soon as the inspiration came."

Lu Manman looked ignorant, but he was actually happy.

"I'm making rapid progress, just follow the lyrics! This time, you will sing this song yourself, and your weather has come."

Qi Jue handed her the lyrics, but Lu Manman couldn't believe it.

"Boss, is what you said true? I sing it myself?"

Because of the excitement, her voice was trembling, she couldn't believe it!
For so many years, she wrote lyrics and composed music for others, and at most she imitated others. She didn't expect that she could finally sing by herself today.

"Well, in the afternoon, I'll have someone start arranging and recording for you. When you become the spokesperson of Magic Clothes and become popular, I will take advantage of the victory again and release your album. I'm afraid no one will know your ability!"

Qi Jue had thought about it beforehand and paved the way for Lu Manman.

"Boss, you are so kind to me, I really don't know how to thank you!"

Lu Manman covered her mouth with a look of disbelief that the boss had thought of everything for her.

"Manman, what nonsense are you talking about? You are my employee. I won't help you! Besides, I have noticed your hard work these years. Every step you take is steady and steady. This spirit It's already very rare in the entertainment industry, most people take shortcuts, but you are very stubborn, just like me!"

Qi Jue looked optimistic about her, he believed that she could see people right.

"Haha, so to speak, I'm the one who gave you the favor, the boss. I'm so lucky."

Lu Manman giggled, the succession of happy events made her unbelievable that Gu Changye was her nobleman!

Ever since she was with him, there have been many happy events one after another. He is her lucky star!

"I really like you!"

Qi Jue said with a deep expression on his face, looking at Lu Manman with a soft light in his eyes, but it's a pity that Lu Manman was too happy to ignore his expression.

"Boss, maybe the lyrics are still not very good, I have to go back and think about it!"

Lu Manman said with a serious face, took out her lyrics from Qi Jue's hand, and prepared to go back and study it again. This time, she is the lead singer, and she must write the lyrics that she is most satisfied with.

"I really don't know how to say hello! You can figure it out yourself!"

Seeing her full of energy, Qi Jue couldn't help but chuckled and let her go.

After all, this was the first time she sang her own song, and he understood her excitement at this moment.

"Boss, I'm leaving then."

After Lu Manman finished speaking, he hurriedly left, and Qi Jue couldn't help but smile when he saw her leaving figure.

Great, great, she must tell Gu Changye the news!
Lu Manman thought that the first person to share was Gu Changye, so she quickly took out her mobile phone and pressed Gu Changye's number familiarly, and she had already engraved his number in her mind before she knew it.

At this time, Gu Changye was trying to unlock the internal password of the Shangguan family in Europe, but he had set up a heavy password and couldn't unlock it for a while.

He frowned, paused his hands, and was about to pick up the cup on the table to drink water, when the phone on the table rang.

He picked it up and saw the signature on it. The frown that had been frowned because of the unsatisfactory work just now disappeared instantly because of the call. It was a call from Manman, and he looked surprised.

"Manman! It's rare for you to take the initiative to call!"

Gu Changye's voice was so soft that it sounded very comfortable.

"Gu Changye, let me tell you some good news! My boss said that this time I will write my own lyrics, compose and sing by myself. When I become famous this time, he will let me release an album in one fell swoop. I am very happy. As soon as I heard I will call to share this good news with you immediately."

On the phone, Lu Manman's tone was still uncontrollable excitement, and he wanted to share the good news with him quickly.

"Really! Then we're going out to celebrate tonight!"

Seeing her so excited and happy, Gu Changye's mood also improved.

Happily, Manman thought that he was the first person to share, but he frowned again, her boss?Isn't it the man who coveted her?
He must have bad intentions for helping her in this way!

"Manman! Why is your boss treating you so well?"

Gu Changye had a pimple in his heart, and asked with a sour face, just to make her have a sense of precaution.

He doesn't want Lu Manman to think that he is a small belly and will be jealous!

"He is my boss, of course he should be nice to me! And if I become famous, it will be good for the company."

Lu Manman said disapprovingly, she didn't realize the deep meaning in Gu Changye's words, especially now that she was overjoyed and didn't think so much.

"Gu Changye, you are my noble person! With you, good things come one after another. Let's celebrate together tonight!"

Lu Manman looked excited, no good, I have to tell Ye Xiaoniu and idiot Liu about this matter, good things should be shared together!

Gu Changye complied in one gulp, especially enjoying their two-person world.

She didn't know that he hadn't been happy for a long time, but she changed her mind again.

"Gu Changye, why don't we go to Ye Xiaoniu's villa, idiot Liu is also there, and then we will be happy and happy at the beach! Yes, we should share it with Ye Xiaoniu and the others."

Lu Manman happily made a decision, there was no room for him to speak.

The world of two that he wanted so much flew away!
"Gu Changye, why don't you talk anymore, aren't you happy for me?"

Lu Manman was talking to himself, but suddenly realized that Gu Changye didn't say a word!

"Of course I'm happy if you're happy! Manman, just do as you said!"

Gu Changye looked helpless, she only remembered his existence now!

"Okay! Then I'll go home then, and then we'll go shopping together. I'll call Ye Xiaoniu and the others first, Gu Changye, that's it first!"

After Lu Manman finished speaking, he hung up the phone and pressed Miss Ye's number.

Hearing the beeping sound from the mobile phone, Gu Changye chuckled, he hasn't finished yet!
Ye Qingxin and idiot Liu were sitting at home watching TV, but they didn't expect Lu Manman to call at this time.

"Hey, Lu Manman, don't you have to go to work? How come you have time to call!"

"Ye Xiaoniu, I have some good news for you. My sister is about to release her own album. My sister is going to your house to celebrate tonight. You should wash up and get ready!"

"Really, Lu Manman, are you kidding me?"

Ye Qingxin was also taken aback. You must know that Lu Manman has been looking forward to releasing his own album in the past few years.

"Sister, does it seem like you're joking? That's the decision. You tell idiot Liu, tell her not to eat too much tonight, and wait for a big meal. I still have things to do."

(End of this chapter)

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