Chapter 174

Chapter 179

"Qingxin, who is calling?"

Stupid Liu watched the frothy drama while eating snacks, and he was really absorbed in watching it.

"It's that chick Lu Manman, she said she's going to release her own album, come here tonight and let's all have fun together!"

Ye Qingxin said, her body is almost ready now, and walking is basically fine. Since they are all coming together, of course they have to prepare some things, and they can eat tonight.

"Really! That's great!"

As soon as idiot Liu heard that he could continue to eat, he didn't know how happy he was.

"Idiot Liu, are you happy for the food, or are you happy for Lu Manman to release an album?"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help asking, after she found out that Si Lian was in a coma, she became more enlightened after waking up, but luckily her condition didn't change, everything was normal.

"I'm happy! But I'm even happier if I have something to eat!"

Stupid Liu laughed, and Ye Qingxin put her arms around her shoulders, smiled, and really had a tacit understanding about eating.

"Si Lian, since we are going to have a celebration at the beach tonight, you should ask my brother to come together! You are my brother's girlfriend now, you won't take care of yourself!"

Ye Qingxin mentioned, and it's too dangerous for Leng Yi to go here twice in the last three days.

Brother, if he moves again, he will really suffer.

"That's right! I forgot! I'll call Brother Haoxuan."

Liu Silian scratched her head with a dazed look on her face.

"Say something sweet to my brother first, and I'll go upstairs to do something!"

Ye Qingxin was the first to speak before going upstairs, and she didn't know what happened to Shangguan Jueshi?His complexion isn't quite right today, and I don't know if he suffered from insomnia last night?
She came to the bedroom, picked up the mobile phone and wanted to call him, just picked up the mobile phone and wanted to call him, she suddenly paused, with a look of hesitation, if she took the initiative to call him, would Shangguan Jueshi think that She likes him first!

She remembered what was said in the contract—the old man specially added one, saying that if one of them is moved, then he must obey the other party unconditionally, no!She can't lose!

Thinking of this regulation, Ye Qingxin couldn't help shaking her body, almost something bad happened!
Shangguan Jueshi didn't even call her, why did she call first!

If anyone acts first, the possibility of losing is high.

But if I don't fight, I seem to have something hanging in my heart, and I can't do anything smoothly!
To fight or not to fight!

Ye Qingxin was laying on the bed, scratching her hair, looking anxious, why did she become so restless, it was all caused by Shangguan Jueshi, which made her almost crazy now.

Just when Ye Qingxin looked hesitant, the phone rang suddenly. When Ye Qingxin saw the signature on it, she was so frightened that she almost couldn't hold it. She didn't expect it to be from Shangguan Jueshi.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little joy in her heart. Fortunately, she didn't call him first, otherwise she would be ashamed.

She quickly pressed the answer button to calm down the excitement in her heart, "Shangguan Jueshi, why are you calling me! I'm having a good time now!"

At some point, she actually learned to lie.

"You are in good health! You can go out and play, but don't be too crazy, pay attention to safety!"

Although Shangguan Jueshi's tone was a little low-key, but every sentence revealed concern, and Ye Qingxin felt strangely sweet when he heard it.

"I know, I'm not a child, I can figure it out! But you, don't be too tired, don't be too busy making money to put your body in, it's time to rest or rest, your face this morning doesn't seem to be very good!"

Ye Qingxin muttered a lot, and couldn't help but care.


There was a shallow chuckle from the phone, and Shangguan Jueshi smiled, never expecting that she would take the initiative to care about him.

This is not to blame Liu Doubi, the number two, who broke into his room in the middle of the night last night, making him sleepless. When he woke up today, his head was heavy and he couldn't lift his spirits, but now he heard her concern , more special effects than coffee, full of energy.

"Shangguan Jueshi, are you laughing? What are you laughing at? I'm just saying something casually, don't think too much about it."

Hearing the laughter on the phone, although it was very soft, she still caught it.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxin hurriedly explained with an awkward look on her face, she didn't want him to misunderstand!

Seeing her explain in such a hurry, Shangguan Jueshi's blue eyes smiled deeper, "I just know that you care about me."

"Who cares about you anymore, I'm just talking casually, stop talking, stop talking, go to work!"

Ye Qingxin was flustered and hung up the phone quickly.

At this time, Shangguan Jueshi, who was in the office, had soft lines on his face and a slight smile on his face all the time, looking in a good mood.

The employees outside the office started talking again, and even took pictures of this historical moment, and their president actually laughed.

Ye Qingxin hung up the phone and couldn't help but snicker, "Shangguan Jueshi, you still have a conscience!"

She was lying on the bed, thinking of the lie she told Shangguan Jues just now, she couldn't believe it was true, she actually lied just now.I just want Shangguan Jueshi to care about it.

What is her situation?

Ye Qingxin hurriedly looked for Du Niang, entered a large number of words, and a series of answers were displayed on the phone screen.

When a woman falls in love, she just acts like a baby and tells little lies in order to make a man care and care for her...

Most of the answers were similar, Ye Qingxin looked shocked, she was really going to fall into a situation where she was worried about gains and losses in love.

She lied to make Shangguan Jues care more about her, and she unintentionally acted like a baby because she fell in love with Shangguan Jues...

crazy crazy!She did admit that he was different in her heart at first, but she didn't expect it to turn into this situation. She really seems to be in love now!
No, you can't tell Shangguan Jueshi!Otherwise, she will really lose!

Ye Qingxin was quite frightened by this answer, her first reaction was not to let Shangguan Jueshi know, otherwise she would really be caught by him.

Just as she was muttering and trying to calm down, the phone rang again. She was so frightened that her hands shook and the phone fell on the quilt.

Could it be Shangguan Jueshi calling again!

Ye Qingxin looked worried, afraid that she would reveal her feelings, but the phone kept ringing, and she insisted on beeping until she listened.

Ye Qingxin swallowed, cast a glance, and when she saw the signature on it—the old man, she breathed a sigh of relief, "So it's the old man! It's scary."

The old man finally couldn't hold back anymore and called her!

snort!Whoever told him to treat her like this should make him anxious.

In the past few days, because of her anger, she didn't call home, and the old man didn't call. She just kept stalemate, and the old man still lost in the end.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxin couldn't help but smile, and answered the phone, but just pressed the answer button, the old man's roar came from the phone, and the eardrums were almost shattered, Ye Qingxin pressed the speaker, Take it farther away.

"Smelly girl, I haven't seen you for a few days. Your wings are getting harder and harder. Now that you are married, I don't need to worry about it. You simply don't call home now, you stinky girl, are you trying to piss me off on purpose? I brought you up with shit and pee from a young age, just to let you treat me like this, and you were raised to anger me, right?" Ye Maosheng said angrily, his chest heaved up and down with anger, and he coughed .

This smelly girl is simply too much, to treat him like this!

These days, she waited for her to call back, but this girl was angry with her. She didn't call home a single call, and asked Haoxuan, but he didn't say anything, which made him unable to eat or sleep at home. This girl was fine after being with him for a few days, and she would call home, but he didn't expect that he would wait and wait, but still couldn't wait for her call, so he was so angry that he could only call by himself.

This stinky girl has such a stubborn temper that even ten cows can't be pulled back!He can guarantee that if he doesn't take the initiative to call, she will definitely not call.

That's what this heartless, stinking girl did to him.

"Smelly girl, do you think I can't control you now that you're married, don't you, I can't do anything with you..."

Ye Maosheng read a lot, Ye Qingxin covered his ears and listened, and didn't say a word to him.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!" Ye Maosheng said a lot, his throat was dry, and he coughed several times in a row.

Ye Qingxin heard that he was coughing, so she took off her hands that were pressing on her ears. This old man is really, he knows that he will cough when he gets angry, and he doesn't care about his body.

"Old man, I told you to stop talking so much all of a sudden, what should you do if you get so angry! Hurry up and drink some water! You can scold as much as you want after drinking!"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help but said, he can scold as much as he wants!
"Smelly girl, don't think that I won't be angry, wait until I finish drinking the water!"

This girl finally spoke, and she knew how to care about him, so she still had a conscience.

After speaking, Ye Maosheng cleared his hoarse throat, picked up the glass of water on the table, and took a few sips, the anger in his heart gradually calmed down.

After drinking the water, he continued to bombard again, "Smelly girl, are you trying to piss me off on purpose? I just asked someone to move your luggage over there. As for you still holding grudges, it's been a few days. Don’t go home and take a look! You still have to wait until I die in the future before you are willing to come back!”

He admitted that he was in a hurry to strike while the iron was hot, but without him rushing the ducks to the shelves, this girl didn't know what tricks she was going to come up with.

"Old man, you are full of energy now, with such a high lung capacity, you won't die so early!"

"You stinky girl, sooner or later I'll be mad at you!"

"Old man, don't blame me! When I called back, no one at home listened. I just thought, maybe the phone at home was broken, so I didn't call."

Ye Qingxin said with an innocent face, who made the old man deliberately not answer the phone that day, she stomped her feet in anger, and then she deliberately did not call home. As for the problem of going home, she has been hospitalized for the past two days, how could she still There was time to go back, and she didn't want the old man to worry.

"You stinky girl, you can just argue! The phone is broken, so you can go home! Why don't you come back to see me!"

Ye Maosheng's anger started to burn again when she said that.

"I'm not following your instructions to learn how to be a virtuous and virtuous wife at home."

Ye Qingxin continued to talk, but Ye Maosheng couldn't help her. He said a word, and she bet that she would always make him half dead.

"Smelly girl, you have no other skills, just use your lip service!"

Ye Maosheng said with a sullen face, and Ye Qingxin giggled, this kind of lip service also requires skill, okay?
"Smelly girl, when will you come back!"

Ye Maosheng said softly, if he didn't give her a step, this girl would definitely not come back.

"The old man has only been gone for a few days, and you miss me. Now you know my important ****!"

Ye Qingxin said triumphantly, it seems that there is nothing wrong now, since the old man gave her a step down, why not go back, and she is really homesick.

"I think you can do it! You stinky girl!"

This girl is finally willing to go home!

"To tell the truth, old man, I miss you too! Whoever told you to treat me like this, I will ignore you when I get angry."

Ye Qingxin's tone softened a bit. At that time, she was so angry that she felt as if she had been sold out. The old man had gone too far.

"Smelly girl, then you should calm down now! Do you want to come back?"

Ye Maosheng had a loving father's expression on his face, this matter was related to her safety, he had no choice but to do this!It was inevitable for this girl to complain.

But if he had the choice again, he would still do it.

"You come back, I'll ask my auntie to prepare delicious food for you." Fearing that she wouldn't come back, Ye Maosheng seduced her with delicious food.

"Okay, I haven't eaten the dishes cooked by auntie for a long time, I'll go back now! Si Lian is with me, let's go back together."

"Si Lian is with you too?"

Ye Maosheng was puzzled, why did Si Lian go to Juzzi's house?

"Yes, Si Lian is here to take care of me."

Ye Qingxin didn't pay attention for a while, and she slipped her mouth.

"Take care of you? What's the matter? Girl, what's wrong with you?"

When Ye Maosheng heard this, he became anxious. It's fine, and Si Lian definitely doesn't need to take care of her. Maybe this girl got hurt somewhere.

"No no!"

Ye Qingxin had a terrible expression on her face, she never thought that she had slipped up, and now it would be difficult for the old man not to find out.

"Girl, you still said no! Tell me quickly what's going on?"

Ye Maosheng shouted, something must have happened, but this girl didn't tell him at all.

Ye Qingxin pouted, and now I have to say it, "Old man, I'm fine now. I accidentally fell down and stayed in the hospital for two days. I'm fine now and have been discharged. What's the matter?" Things are gone."

Ye Qingxin said with a calm face, now that she is fine and discharged from the hospital, there is no need to worry about her.

These years, she didn't go home to say anything if she felt uncomfortable abroad. What she was most afraid of was that the old man was worried.

"You girl, you didn't tell me you were injured. How is your injury now? Does it still hurt?"

(End of this chapter)

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