Chapter 180 You Are Deliberately Telling Me

Seeing that she was only a few steps away from successfully escaping, Xia Jin looked hopeful. At this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside, and everyone couldn't help but look outside. Unable to suppress the curiosity in her heart, she also She couldn't help raising her head and took a look. When she saw Shangguan Liunian getting out of the car and bringing a group of people in, her face turned pale instantly.

It's him!It really is him!So many years have passed, and the nightmares are constantly recurring every night. Her deepest memory is this stern face, and those cold eyes have been staring at her, refusing to let her go, chasing her all the time.

After so many years, he still hasn't changed, the same gentle smile, noble demeanor, and leisurely steps, but she can clearly feel that the coldness on his body has become more intense these years, and because of fear, her body began to endure I couldn't help trembling.

It was a kind of panic from top to bottom, with uncontrollable hands and feet, trembling constantly.

No, she must not fall into his hands, otherwise she will be a thousand times worse than the life she is living now.

And Shangguan Liunian wore a retro European windbreaker and walked in calmly with black shiny boots. Although he was smiling, his blue eyes were cold, and he was not so easy to approach.

Because of his arrival, it caused a great commotion, as lively as the presence of a big star.

She was only a few steps away from going out, Xia Jin was about to take a step, who would have thought that when the girls in the crowd saw Shangguan Liunian's heroic appearance, they all turned back to take another look, so crowded, Xia Jin Instead of taking the first two steps, Jin was squeezed down abruptly.

What frightened her even more was that she was squeezed away, but at this time Shangguan Liunian walked in, guarded by bodyguards on both sides, the distance between the two was so close, as long as he glanced casually, he would definitely find her existence.

Shangguan Liunian had a stern expression on his face, his insight was extraordinary, he found several eyes staring at him in the air, and he even smelled a familiar aura - it was her aura.

Even though so many years have passed, he still vaguely remembers this smell, because there are very few things that can make him care, and he is naturally more sensitive to things that he cares about than ever.

She must be in this shopping mall. Even though there are so many people in the shopping mall, he is still very sure in his heart.

"and many more!"

Shangguan Liunian said in a low voice, stopped in his tracks, his sharp eyes swept back and forth in the crowd, and at the moment Xia Jin, who was standing aside, heard the chilling voice, and was so frightened that his feet went limp. She held on just in time.

Seeing how close the two of them are, Ye Qingxin couldn't help but sweat for Xia Jin.

I wish Shangguan Liunian would hurry over there, at least not to get derailed at this critical moment, after all, success is not far away, don't make any mistakes, her heart is beating up and down, this is more exciting than riding a roller coaster.

I even held my breath with worry, God bless!Bless Xia Hibiscus from being discovered.

At this time, Liu Silian on the third floor was also being chased to death. She was almost exhausted. These people were not human at all. If she hadn't been trained many times since she was a child to escape, she would have been arrested.

But being chased so frantically, no matter how good her physical strength is, she can't last long!
Xia Hibiscus!I can not make it!
Taking advantage of them being blocked by the crowd, Liu Silian quickly turned a corner, ran to the bathroom, quickly tore off the wig from his head, messed with it for a while before coming out, and came to the second floor.

"Qingxin, Qingxin, where are you now?"

Because there were too many people in the mall, Liu Silian didn't know where Qingxin was, so he could only use WeChat to contact her.

Hearing the phone ringing, Ye Qingxin took out the phone and took a look. It turned out to be idiot Liu. It seemed that she escaped safely.

Previously, she was worried that idiot Liu might be in some trouble, but it seemed that she was overthinking it. After all, every time it was a matter of life or death, her potential could always be stimulated, and she could always escape in time.

"Idiot Liu, I'm at the railing, come here, something is wrong! What we can do may be in vain."

Ye Qingxin said anxiously, looking at the serious situation below, Shangguan Liunian suddenly stopped in his tracks, he might have doubts.

Looking at the situation below, Ye Qingxin's voice trembled unknowingly, and her whole heart couldn't stop.

At this moment, Liu Silian was walking in her direction, when he heard the place she was pointing at, he looked through the crowd and saw Ye Qingxin standing there at a glance.

"Qingxin, I finally found you! I'm so tired that I'm dying."

As soon as Liu Silian saw Ye Qingxin, her whole face collapsed. She bent over and beat her limp calf. This was the first time she was so tired from being chased by someone. She really couldn't do it anymore. He simply sat aside regardless of his image.

"Qingxin, what do you mean by what you just said?"

Liu Silian sat down, and then remembered what Qingxin said just now, but why did Qingxin stand there without moving, what's so interesting here!

Liu Silian couldn't help the curiosity in her heart, and stood up, "You can tell by looking at it, Xia Jin hasn't gone out yet, Shangguan Liunian is not far away, and the two of them are about to run into each other."

Ye Qingxin pointed down, while Liu Silian followed her line of sight, screaming loudly in fright.


Liu Silian yelled, "I'm dead!"Xia Jin was about to bump into it.

Shangguan Liunian's ears moved sensitively, followed the source of the sound, and at a glance saw Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian who were above at this time.

Why are the two of them here?A flash of surprise flashed in Shangguan Liunian's eyes.

Could it be related to her?
And the moment he turned his gaze away, Xia Jin lowered her body, supported her trembling legs with fear, squeezed a way, and walked outside.

Shangguan Liunian suddenly came to his senses and followed the line of sight of the two of them, but there was no sign of her in the crowd.

Shangguan Liunian withdrew his gaze, with a suspicious expression on his face, maybe he was thinking too much.

"Idiot Liu, do you feel that your hands are itchy and there is nothing to do every time you don't find me something to do!"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help grunting, and looked at Shangguan Liunian below, looking at the two of them!This Shangguan Liunian's nerves are too sensitive, the shopping mall is so chaotic, and they can still find the two of them.

I have to say that these two blue-eyed monsters from Shangguan's family have extraordinary insight!

Fortunately, the idiot Liu's shout attracted Shangguan Liunian's attention, Xia Jin escaped smoothly, and the stone in their hearts finally sank.

"I don't have it! I'm just scared."

Liu Silian said with an innocent face, and she never thought that Shangguan Liunian's ears would be so good that she could still hear her voice.

"Okay, remember not to say anything later, lest you miss something."

Ye Qingxin instructed in a low voice that she could handle it by herself, but what she was most afraid of was that idiot Liu's trumpet mouth might cause accidents at any time.

"I know."

Liu Silian nodded obediently, but fortunately Xia Jin had already gone out safely, and they didn't have any scruples.

Facing Shangguan Liunian's eyes, Ye Qingxin smiled and waved to him from the second floor.

And when Xia Jin left, even her aura disappeared, and all the bodyguards came down one after another, "Master, Miss Xia is gone."

When Shangguan Liunian heard the news, his expression changed, and he actually let her run away again, he was still a step too late.

He clearly felt her presence just now, and even could smell her unique breath in the air, but he didn't expect to let her slip away from under his nose just after a while.

After searching for so many years, I didn't expect to have a clue, and I didn't expect this clue to be cut off abruptly.

What surprised him was that she was still hiding in City A. I have to say that she is really brave. The most dangerous place is the safest place. He really did not expect this, she is still cunning.

She seemed gentle and calm, but she revealed that kind of resilience in her bones, and he didn't understand why he was so obsessed with hunting her down.

Now that he finds her hiding here, she must hide without a trace again, but this time he will not give her any chance to escape, since she likes this place so much, then stay here.

"Send my order to block all intersections, and check the latest information of any hotel. As long as there is news about her, send someone to arrest her immediately."

Shangguan Liunian said in a cold tone, this time he wanted to cut off her almost escape route, leaving her with nowhere to go, he couldn't believe that in such a small urban area, he still couldn't catch her.

Even if he digs three feet, he must find her.


As soon as Shangguan Liunian explained, several bodyguards went down one after another and started to take care of their own affairs.

"Qingxin, what should we do? Will he find out that it was the two of us who did it!"

Liu Silian held Ye Qingxin's hand and said with some anxiety.

Although this person always looked smiling, he was even more frightening than Shangguan Jueshi.

Shangguan Jueshi's indifference is directly expressed, but this Shangguan Liunian looks easy to talk on the surface, but he is extremely indifferent in his heart, which she can clearly feel.

"Si Lian, we are here to buy things, what the hell can the two of us do!"

Ye Qingxin said innocently, as long as she doesn't say anything, she won't say anything, then who knows!Genius knows!
"Love, I know."

Hearing what Qingxin said, Liu Silian also understood, anyway, she is the best at this kind of thing, and Shangguan Liunian has nothing to do with the two of them.

"Come on, let's go down and buy the clothes you fancy just now!"

Now help Xia Jin escape safely, and they can shop with confidence.


Ye Qingxin took Liu Silian down the elevator to the first floor, and Shangguan Liunian wanted to go back after explaining the matter, but after thinking about it, he had no plan to go back.

Watching the two of them come down, Shangguan Liunian walked over straight away, but Ye Qingxin never thought that Shangguan Liunian hadn't left yet, Xia Jin had gone, why is he still here!

Although she couldn't figure it out, she still had to be careful so as not to make any mistakes.

"Mr. Fleeting Time, what a coincidence! I can still see you in the mall. Why are you so interested in shopping here today?"

Ye Qingxin walked down and couldn't help laughing.

When Shangguan Liunian looked at the two of them, he thought that Jurst did not hesitate to fight with him that day, and it must be to protect one of them, but he still doesn't know which one is the one who made Jurst change.

This Ye Qingxin looks flexible and has a personality. According to Jue Shi's temperament, he probably doesn't like such an active person; as for Liu Silian next to her, she looks a bit innocent, but it's too simple, Jue Shi probably doesn't like this That's right, for a while, he couldn't judge which of them was the one that Jazz liked.

"It's really a coincidence! I didn't expect to meet Miss Ye and Miss Liu here!"

Shangguan Liunian said calmly, of course he didn't believe their so-called coincidence, just now he also heard about the bodyguard Bingming, saying that Xia Jin escaped too fast, slipping from the first floor to the second floor in one fell swoop, even with ease. I escaped their pursuit, strung up to the third floor, and then disappeared.

You must know that these subordinates are carefully selected, and all of them are among the best in skill. If they still lose to a woman who has no strength to restrain a chicken, then they can really go home and eat.

Besides, based on what he knew about Xia Jin, her small body definitely didn't have such explosive power. The only thing that made sense was that someone was secretly helping her.

As for the people who helped her, needless to say, it must be the two of them.

Xia Jin is here, the most familiar friends are the few of them, and they happen to be here again, which has to make him connect this matter.

"We also come here to shop."

Ye Qingxin said, looking relaxed.

And Shangguan Liunian's sharp eyes swept over her empty hands, as if to say: Where are the things you bought?
Ye Qingxin obviously also noticed his doubts, but Liu Silian beside him secretly lowered her head, not daring to look directly at him.

"We've just arrived and we're going to buy something!" Ye Qingxin reacted quickly, and Shangguan Liunian smiled. I have to say that Ye Qingxin's reaction ability is really fast.

Now he is somewhat sure which one Jazz likes!

"Miss Ye, is Jazz all right?"

Shangguan Liunian smiled, and asked suddenly, but Ye Qingxin never thought that he would suddenly change the subject, catching her off guard.

Upon hearing about Shangguan Jueshi, Ye Qingxin reacted quickly without thinking, "Of course he's fine."

"That's good!" Shangguan Liunian said with a chuckle, now he is very sure that the person Juzzy likes is undoubtedly her.

And when Ye Qingxin reacted, it was already too slow, "You deliberately deceived me!"

Ye Qingxin looked at Shangguan Liunian with hatred on her face, she never expected that he would secretly trick her, she didn't pay attention for a while, and fell in with him.

Seeing this old fox who hides his secrets so happily, Ye Qingxin wants to tear his smiling face apart.

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(End of this chapter)

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