Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 181 I Just Treated Them to Dinner

Chapter 181 I Just Treated Them to Dinner
"Miss Ye, it's too outrageous for you to say that. You must know that you are the person Juzzy likes. Seeing that he has a partner now, I, the eldest brother, am too happy for him. In order to express welcome, Miss Ye and Miss Liu Stay here at noon, let's have lunch together!" Shangguan Liunian said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, since he didn't get any news about Xia Jin, he didn't mind learning more about Jushi from them.

"Mr. Fleeting Years, I think you misunderstood. Shangguan Jueshi and I were jealous when we met as enemies. No one can understand each other. We fought when we first met. That day I was injured and hospitalized by him." .”

Ye Qingxin said frankly, how could she not know that Shangguan Liunianjia wanted to detain them in the name of inviting them to dinner, in order to learn about Shangguan Jue Shi or Xia Jin from their mouths? , she didn't want to drag down Shangguan Jueshi.

So she can't show any expression of liking Shangguan Jueshi, so as not to cause trouble to Shangguan Jueshi.

And Shangguan Liunian stared at her suspiciously, trying to see something from her face, and saw that she was so disgusted when she mentioned Jazz, and even showed a hint of disgust on her expression.Could it be that s is wrong?
But on that day, Jue Shi fought him because of one of them, so how can he explain it!

And her current expression doesn't look fake at all?Could it be that he was wrong?The person Juzzy likes is another one, Liu Silian.

But according to his understanding of Jazz, the taste should not be so low!He still thinks that Ye Qingxin is more likely.


Shangguan Liunian pursed his lips and asked back, those eyes full of deep meaning kept staring at her, she was almost seen through by him.

"Of course, Shangguan Jueshi's blue eyes are indifferent and ruthless. He has no sympathy at all. I was beaten by him and sent to the hospital. Of course I have to rely on him. I insist on pestering him until his head hurts."

Ye Qingxin continued to open her eyes and talk nonsense, making Shangguan Juesshi useless.

As soon as Shangguan Liunian heard the words about Shangguan Jueshi being insulted, his gentle face suddenly turned cold. He didn't like others insulting his younger brother like this.

Ye Qingxin also felt the coldness emanating from him, she insulted Shangguan Jueshi so much, shouldn't Shangguan Liunian be happy, why did he express dissatisfaction with her instead.

Ye Qingxin raised her head and glanced at him without fear of death, and found that there was a sullen look on his face, could it be that he was trying to defend Shangguan Jueshi?

Shouldn't it be?Isn't the relationship between Jazz and Shangguan Liunian so good?But why did she see a feeling called maintenance in Shangguan Liunian's eyes?

What happened to these two people?Some do not understand for a while?After all, this is Shangguan Jueshi's private matter, she doesn't want to interfere too much, lest she think he cares about him!
"Then the last time you and I met, why did you say you didn't know him?"

Shangguan Liunian asked with sharp eyes, wanting to thoroughly detect her true thoughts.

He could remember the last time she deliberately concealed it, but today she kept scolding him, why?

"Mr. Fleeting Time, you are so stupid! You were beaten to the hospital, and it was too late to hate that person, who would want to mention him! I wish I didn't know him!"

Ye Qingxin chuckled a few times. You must know that she is a professional in acting, and it is not easy to fool someone.

While Shangguan Liunian listened to her narration, his eyes were full of doubts, and even showed a trace of regret. He thought that Juzzy would be able to find someone he likes, but he didn't expect it to be!

However, she couldn't be sure based on her few words, and another method was needed. Thinking of this, Shangguan Liunian had a deep smile on his lips.

Seeing this, Ye Qingxin felt a bad feeling in her heart.

"Miss Ye, as the elder brother of Sir Sir, since he has been rude to you, then I, as an elder brother, should apologize to you here on his behalf. I wonder if the two young ladies would appreciate your visit. I invite you to have a meal , as an apology, I wonder what Miss Liu would like?"

Shangguan Liunian invited sincerely, but instead asked Liu Silian who was at the side, but Ye Qingxin's eyes flickered, wondering what Shangguan Liunian was planning.

She made it so clear that she just wanted to shirk the chance to get in touch with him, but Shangguan Liunian, a cunning fox, was always able to knock from the side, and was always very purposeful.

Dealing with him would cost a lot of brain cells.

"Please invite us to dinner, yes, yes!"

As soon as Liu Silian heard that someone invited him to dinner, he immediately agreed.

She ran so crazy just now, she digested all her breakfast, and now she is hungry.

"Then it's decided, let's find a place nearby to have a meal."

Shangguan Liunian smiled, a flash of success flashed in his eyes.

"Idiot Liu!"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help complaining in a low voice, this idiot Liu lost his soul when he heard about the food, and he didn't even look at what it was. News came out of her mouth, but she still felt that it was not that simple.

"Qingxin, I'm really hungry."

Liu Silian opened those innocent eyes and said embarrassingly.

And Ye Qingxin stroked her forehead, not knowing what to do with her foodie!Forget it, forget it, since people have invited them so sincerely, they won't be free.

I have to say that Shangguan Liunian is really cunning, he can't change his direction if he can't deal with her, and deal with idiot Liu.

Shangguan Liunian looked at the two of them whispering in secret, he didn't know what they were discussing, and he kept a slight smile on his face.

During these two meetings, he had a deep impression of Ye Qingxin. She seemed savage, but she was very flexible. She tried her best to hide it just now, but it made him suspicious.

As long as he informs Jazz, telling him that Ye Qingxin is with him, as long as he sees his reaction, then everything will be clear.

"Miss Ye, Miss Liu, let's go!"

Shangguan Liunian made an invitation gesture, but Ye Qingxin gave him an annoyed look, and then pulled Liu Silian out together.

"Idiot Liu, don't worry about eating later, put your mind on my guard, you need to know what to say and what not to say, otherwise if you accidentally leak it out, you won't be able to rest after eating this meal. You are going to report to Yama.”

Ye Qingxin clung to her ear and said in a low voice.

If you don't intimidate her much, she will not be flexible.

"Qingxin, don't scare me!"

When Liu Silian heard that he was going to die, he looked terrified.

"I didn't mean to scare you, you can figure it out! Just eat your food then, as for what Shangguan Liunian asks, just treat it like a fart!"

Ye Qingxin reminded again, and Liu Silian nodded emphatically, as long as there is something delicious, she is of course the first to eat it, as for the others, she doesn't care about anything else.

Shangguan Liunian looked at the two of them whispering, with a deep smile on the corner of his mouth, this time he didn't intend to get anything out of their mouths, as long as they stayed obediently, someone would give him the answer.

Shangguan Liunian and Ye Qingxin walked out together, while Xia Jin, who was hiding in the dark, had been paying attention to the situation here, because she was worried about the safety of the two of them, so she did not dare to leave, when she saw Shangguan Liunian and Qingxin When the two of them came out together, her face went pale again.

Have the two of them been found?
Shangguan Liunian walked halfway, when he stopped suddenly, his sharp eyes glanced at the corner, but Xia Jin noticed his attention, and quickly backed away, and found no one, Shangguan Liunian looked surprised, did he see wrong?

"Mr. Fleeting Years, what are you looking at?"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help asking, and felt that there was something wrong with his face. This man's insight ability is really too powerful. If there is a slight disturbance, he will immediately notice it.

Could it be that Xia Jin didn't leave?Thinking of this possibility, Ye Qingxin's heart was raised again. Xia Jin must have been afraid to go far because she was worried about the safety of the two of them. Shangguan Liunian hasn't left yet. It would be terrible if he found out .

"It's nothing! It's just that I haven't been back for so many years, so many things have changed a lot."

Shangguan Liunian withdrew his serious expression and returned to a gentle expression.


Ye Qingxin let out an oh, this guy can talk better than him.

"Then let's go!"

This way Ye Qingxin always played with her little hands, her hands must be in an OK position to form a crab, her little paws kept moving, and sometimes she looked at the sky through the two small rings as a telescope, but Shangguan Liunian didn't pay much attention, thinking she was It's okay to be idle.

As soon as Shangguan Liunian and the others left, Xia Jin, who was hiding in the dark at this time, peeked out her head and saw Ye Qingxin's hand gesture. Seeing this, she breathed a sigh of relief. Send a message, tell her that they are all right, let her leave quickly, Shangguan Liunian's sharp eyes have been staring secretly.

After so many years, their tacit understanding is still the same, because this is the secret code they often used in school.

Since they were all able to handle it, she had to leave as soon as possible, otherwise Shangguan Liunian's wise mind would definitely send someone to watch secretly around here. Thinking of this, Xia Jin left quietly.

Shangguan Liunian found a high-end restaurant nearby, and they sat down one after another, "Miss Ye, Miss Liu, order whatever you want!"

Shangguan Liunian said with a gentlemanly face, and handed the recipe to the two of them.

"Since Mr. Fleeting Nian said so, then we will not be polite."

Ye Qingxin had a smirk in her eyes, since she invited them to dinner, don't blame them for being rude.

"Of course!"

Naturally, Shangguan Liunian didn't let go of the trickery in her eyes, this amount of money was nothing to him.

"Come on, this, this, and this..."

Ye Qingxin didn't even look at what it was, so she ordered the most expensive one, and she ordered a lot at once.

Thinking of how sad Xia Jin was crying just now, the man who made women cry is not a good man, she must get it back for Xia Jin.

Be sure to eat until he bleeds profusely.

"Miss Ye, Miss Liu, I still have something to deal with, I'll go out and answer a call first."

Shangguan Liunian said, it seems that the time is about the same, he should notify Juzzi!

"Go! Go! Remember to pay the money before you leave."

Ye Qingxin waved her hand, wishing that he would leave quickly.

"Then enjoy your meal!"

There was a smile on the corner of Shangguan Liunian's mouth, then he got up and walked out.

"Qingxin, order so much, can we finish it?

As soon as Shangguan Liunian left, Liu Silian who was on the side saw Qingxin ordering dishes so randomly, ordering many dishes, couldn't help but said.

"Anyway, if we don't pay for it, we can just eat and don't care about anything."

This idiot Liu actually wants to save money for Shangguan Liunian!If you don't eat for nothing, you can eat as much as you want.

"Okay, then I'll let go and eat."

Stupid Liu nodded, and at this time the dishes began to be served plate by plate, and the two of them began to eat freely.

And Shangguan Liunian went outside, took out his mobile phone, dialed the most familiar number, and called.

At this time, Shangguan Jueshi was working in the office, but the phone rang suddenly. He frowned, and picked up the phone beside him. When he saw the signature on it—brother, his blue eyes dimmed.

How could it be him?Shangguan Jueshi looked hesitant, and wanted to turn off the phone directly, but in the end he couldn't help but answer it.

"Big brother!"

Shangguan Jueshi yelled, even though the relationship between the two is not very good, but from his tone, it can be seen that he respects Shangguan Liunian from the bottom of his heart.

"Jazz, where are you now?"

Shangguan Liunian's gentle voice came over the phone, and he seemed in a good mood.

"I'm at work." Compared with Shangguan Liunian's gentleness, Shangguan Jushi's voice was very indifferent.

"Then you continue to work! By the way, Jazz, I forgot to tell you that Ms. Ye, Ms. Liu and I are having dinner at the French restaurant. Why don't you come over and eat together?"

Shangguan Liunian spoke in a casual tone, and when Shangguan Jueshi heard that Ye Qingxin was in his hands, his face changed, and he could vaguely hear the sound of his hand holding the phone, sounding very happy.

"What do you want to do to them?"

Shangguan Jueshi asked in a cold voice, trying his best to suppress the anger in his heart.

"Jazz, you misunderstood me. I didn't do anything to them. I just invited them to have a meal together. The two of them are eating happily now, so you don't have to worry."

Shangguan Liunian smiled, and it could be heard that Jue Shi was holding back his anger.

It seems that the relationship between Jazz and these two people is not simple anymore, and he likes this answer very much.

"Shangguan Liunian, I warn you, if you do something that hurts the two of them, I will not let you go."

Shangguan Jueshi warned, as soon as he heard what Shangguan Liunian said, he immediately walked out of the office.

"Jazz, they are none of you, why are you in such a hurry! Alright, let's stop talking, I'll go to dinner first."

After Shangguan Liunian finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

There were bursts of beeps on the phone, Shangguan Jueshi wanted to say something more, but damn it, Shangguan Liunian actually hung up the phone.

Shangguan Liunian looked at the phone in his hand with an evil look on his face, it has been a long time since Jue Shi saw you getting so angry with me.

(End of this chapter)

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