Chapter 183 Detain them
Shangguan Liunian thought that he had made it so clear that the two would come forward, but he underestimated Ye Qingxin's courage and Liu Silian's ability to change.

"Was Xia Jin really in the mall just now? It's such a pity. If we had known she was in the mall earlier, we would have dragged her to Mr. Fleeting Years and told her that Mr. Fleeing Years had been looking for her for a long time!"

Ye Qingxin patted the table and said with regret.

"Yes! We haven't seen Xia Jin for a long time. Mr. Liunian, did you see Xia Jin in the mall just now? We have been looking for her for so many years but we couldn't find her. Mr. Liunian, you are so good. If you help find her, That would be twice as successful.”

Regarding the matter of her own safety, Liu Silian was so frightened that her mind suddenly became more flexible, and she followed suit.

Seeing the two of them talking, you saying something to me, as if they were singing a double reed, Shangguan Liunian's face was extremely ugly.

These two women are really not to be underestimated!No one can match his ability to play tricks.

Since he dared to ask him where Xia Jin was?If it wasn't for the two of them secretly helping, he still couldn't find her.

"No! If I find it, I will definitely let her meet you."

Shangguan Liunian said indifferently, and Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian saw Shangguan Liunian's face as black as ink, they looked at each other, and couldn't help snickering a few times.

"Mr. Fleeting Years, you are so persistent in chasing my Xia Jin, does she owe you money? Or did she do something to make you unhappy!"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help but probed, luckily they made the right bet, Shangguan Liunian couldn't find any evidence about them helping Xia Jin.

But he was so obsessed with finding Xia Jin, what exactly did Xia Jin do that made him so brooding and lingering.

Thinking of Xia Jin's desperate eyes just now, no matter what happens, she has never seen her cry so sadly. She must have suffered a lot in the past few years. Undoubtedly it was brought by Shangguan Fleeting Years.

What kind of unreasonable thing did Xia Jin do to make him pursue her so hard.

"You have to wait until you see her, and ask her yourself."

Shangguan Liunian's voice showed a cold breath, it seems that the name Xia Jin is his forbidden zone.

"Of course! Of course!"

Ye Qingxin said perfunctorily, in fact, she was just trying to ask, and she also knew that getting news from Shangguan Liunian was more difficult than reaching the sky.

It seems that we will have to wait for Xia Jin to contact them, and then they will get to know it better.

"Master, this is what you want!"

But at this moment, Shangguan Liunian's bodyguard came over, holding a CD in his hand, Ye Qingxin faintly felt that this was not a good thing.

It's better to withdraw first and say, "Mr. Fleeting Years, we've almost finished eating, and we have something to do at home, so we have to go ahead. As for Mr. Jazz's apology, let's make an appointment at another day!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Qingxin pulled Liu Silian who was on the side to leave, and the woman's intuition told her that they were about to face a catastrophe.

Seeing that they were in such a hurry to leave, Shangguan Liunian had a cold smile on his lips, now he knew he was in a hurry!
"I'm leaving so soon! Ms. Ye and Ms. Liu, why don't you sit down and enjoy the content of the video! This is today's surveillance camera that I asked my subordinates to get from the mall just now. Don't you really want to see Xia Jin? She might be in there."

Shangguan Liunian seemed to have a casual face, but his tone revealed a sense of compulsion, and the chill was self-evident.

How can you let them go like this before this grand master comes!Besides, the two of them don't cooperate perfectly, since it's none of their business, how about enjoying it!

"We really have something to do, it's not too late to see it another day!"

Ye Qingxin laughed a few times, this Shangguan Liunian's actions were too fast, they even brought over the surveillance video of the shopping mall, and I don't know if they were caught and caught up with Xia Jin.

Just when they were about to step out, the bodyguards at the door surrounded them and blocked their way, preventing them from leaving.

If they don't read it today, they will never leave!But the scary thing is that after watching it, I can't do without it even more.

"Qingxin, we can't get out!"

Liu Silian said nervously, and Ye Qingxin was not much better than her.

"It's okay, it's none of our business!" Ye Qingxin comforted, but what she said was very baseless!

"Miss Ye, Miss Liu, there's still so much of this food left, let's sit down and eat slowly together, and eat while admiring."

Shangguan Liunian said with an evil smile, but Ye Qingxin couldn't help but give him a blank look, why did he say it so nicely!He clearly wanted to detain them.

Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian had no choice but to return to their seats, but Shangguan Liunian made a look, and the bodyguard walked aside with the film, put it into the machine, and started playing it.

"Qingxin, what should we do! Will we die this time?"

Liu Silian stood next to Ye Qingxin, and said worriedly.

"Don't panic! We can't admit it until the end. Besides, there are so many people in the shopping mall today. We shouldn't be so lucky to be caught! Besides, the last shot was not so easy!"

Ye Qingxin said nothing on her face, but these words were to comfort herself, who told her that her recent luck was really good.

"Si Lian, you're still in the mood to joke around! I'm scared to death."

Liu Silian wrinkled her face, smiling uglier than crying.

"Then eat more, it's better to be a full dead ghost than a starving ghost!"

Ye Qingxin comforted her, and Liu Silian felt that what she said made sense, maybe this was their last meal, and they had better eat enough to go on the road.

"Idiot Liu, did you follow what I said just now and avoid those monitors as much as possible?"

Ye Qingxin asked in a low voice, she thought she was doing well, but she didn't know what idiot Liu was doing?

"I don't know either! I was so scared that I forgot."

Liu Silian was about to cry while talking, did she avoid the monitor just now?

"Eh! Then you wash your neck and wait to be slapped!"

Ye Qingxin was speechless, she could still forget such an important thing, they had already prepared the moment they acted just now, and even changed every piece of clothing, she thought she did a good job, but I don't know if idiot Liu made a mistake.

I don't know if they made a mistake in estimating, and what monitoring they ignored.

It's all like this now, and I can only do my best to obey the destiny.

And Shangguan Liunian looked at the two of them whispering, with a deep smile on the corner of his mouth, I have to say that these two are really fun.

"Eat, eat this!"

Ye Qingxin picked up some vegetables and put them in idiot Liu's bowl. Anyway, I don't care about anything now, just eat when I'm full.

Shangguan Liunian couldn't help chuckling as he watched them frantically sweeping the food on the table, looking like they were waiting to die.

"Shangguan Liunian, why are you laughing! You don't let us go, don't you let us eat?"

Ye Qingxin said with a dissatisfied face, while Shangguan Liunian spread his hands, as if she just wanted to eat.

"Slow down this part!"

Shangguan Liunian suddenly saw a familiar figure out of the corner of his eyes, turned his gaze back to the screen, and saw a familiar figure, although his face was different from before, and his body was much thinner than before, but he still recognized it at first sight. Her distinctive long hair - the most noticeable.

Seeing that slender figure at this time, Shangguan Liunian frowned very tightly, how did he make himself like this!

I have been lurking beside him for so long, presumably the people of Juzzy would not treat her badly, but made themselves so miserable. I don't know why when I saw her again, I was not as angry as I imagined, and my heart was full of anger. It's a pity.

Shouldn't she be living a good life by running away from him?Shangguan Liunian felt very uncomfortable at this time, and did not have the kind of joy he imagined.

When he said this, Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian stopped the food in their hands, and all looked at the screen. Could it be that they were discovered?
Sure enough, I saw Xia Jin on the screen, wasn't this the moment when she pointed to Xia Jin just now!
Then look at Shangguan Liunian holding the remote control in his hand, always repeating the clear picture of Xia Jin just now, playing it back and forth, and I don't know what he is thinking!
Looking at his gloomy face, he doesn't seem very happy!It would be terrible if Xia Jin was caught by him.

Ye Qingxin looked rejoicing, luckily they bumped into Xia Jin, otherwise Xia Jin would fall into Shangguan Liunian's hands, it would be worse than falling into hell.

Realizing that Ye Qingxin's eyes fell on him, Shangguan Liunian withdrew his expression, pressed the remote control, and continued to watch.

"Miss Ye, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

Shangguan Liunian asked, as soon as she appeared, Xia Jin slipped into the crowd and disappeared. She also said that she had never seen her!

Ye Qingxin must have discovered her by accident, and she didn't want to be discovered, so she ran away.

The person in the picture was indeed her, but she was only exposed for a moment. This Shangguan Liunian had such poisonous eyes that he was able to find her out.

But this picture can't say anything, she is indeed chasing, but she can't catch Xia Jin!

Ye Qingxin shrugged her shoulders, and said with an innocent face: "This person is indeed me! I accidentally saw a figure, I thought it was Xia Jin, and then chased after him, but that person disappeared, I think If it was Xia Jin, she would definitely come out and meet me if she heard my voice, so I thought I had misunderstood the person, so I didn't take it seriously."

I have to say that she is quite smart, and she admitted it directly, but she was able to leave it clean.

"is it?"

Shangguan Liunian curled his lips, hoping that she could still be so calm later.

"You'll know if you look at it."

Ye Qingxin pretended to be relaxed and said, in fact, she didn't know if they were recorded by surveillance, they had tried to avoid it as much as possible, anyway, the result was here, they could only bite the bullet and watch.

Seeing all this process, Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately their faces did not show up, and Shangguan Liunian had nothing to say if he wanted to suspect them.

Their mood was ups and downs like a roller coaster, and they were so scared that they were sweating. This meal was hard to digest!

"Mr. Fleeting Years, do you have any questions!"

Shangguan Liunian frowned and slowed down repeatedly, but there was no trace of the two of them helping them escape, and he even wondered if he was thinking wrong.

Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian looked at each other and smiled, they could finally feel at ease now.


Shangguan Liunian said lightly that he still didn't believe that she could escape from so many people by herself, but for a while there was no evidence that the two of them helped, and Shangguan Liunian didn't say anything more.

Seeing Shangguan Liunian's shriveled face, Ye Qingxin was very proud, she wanted to fight with her aunt, you are still very young!
"Then Mr. Fleeting Time, we can leave now!"

Ye Qingxin wiped her mouth, still had her hands, picked up her things and prepared to leave.

Before Shangguan Jue Shi came, she had to take a step first.

"Miss Ye, why don't you just sit here for a while! Sir, come here quickly, lest Sir Sir can't see your people and think he was arrested by me."

Shangguan Liunian changed his posture and said evilly.

Since they couldn't catch their evidence, then naturally they couldn't miss another good show.

The bastard Shangguan Liunian obviously kept them on purpose so that he could confirm their relationship with Shangguan Jueshi.

Because the bodyguards were around, Ye Qingxin didn't dare to act rashly, so she could only continue to sit.

Shangguan Jueshi drove the car and quickly headed towards the destination of the French restaurant. He was afraid that Shangguan Liunian would play some tricks, so he made several phone calls in a row, but Ye Qingxin's cell phone was turned off.

Thinking of her falling into his hands at this time, Shangguan Jueshi held the steering wheel with great strength, and veins emerged. He had never seen such tension on his face before.

"Miss Ye, do you think Sir Sir will beat me up like last time when he comes down?"

Shangguan Liunian stretched out his slender fingers, wiped the corners of his mouth, and asked leisurely.

"I'm not Shangguan Jueshi, how would I know if he will beat you!"

Ye Qingxin rolled her eyes and said angrily.

He wished that Shangguan Jueshi would beat this smiling fox to the ground later, preferably until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, to see if he could still smile.

"Miss Ye, why don't you avoid it for a while, so that we don't accidentally hurt you when we start to move, what are you still doing, why don't you escort Miss Ye and Miss Liu to the back room together."

Although Shangguan Liunian was asking for their opinions, he never gave them a chance to answer.

As soon as he finished speaking, several bodyguards beside him walked towards them, "Miss, please!"

Forced by their muscular figures, Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian had no choice but to get up and follow them. This Shangguan Fleeting Time was too much, knowing that she might do tricks later, and now they are actually asked to avoid it.

 Dear friends, regarding the update, I have always been weak and suffering from miscellaneous diseases. If I am in good condition, I will write more and update more. Please be considerate!Support me if you like it, recommend votes, and comment, I will continue to work hard.


(End of this chapter)

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