Chapter 184 What Did You Do To Her?
She doesn't know how to notify Shangguan Jueshi now, according to Shangguan Jueshi's temperament, if someone who doesn't see her later will definitely fight Shangguan Liunian, forget it, this is what Shangguan Liunian asked for.

It would be better for Shangguan Liunian to beat his face until it was as swollen as a pig, so that he couldn't laugh.

Thinking of Shangguan Liunian scaring them so much just now, how many cells were scared to death, so Shangguan Jues should teach him a good lesson.

And subconsciously, she wanted to see how important she was to Shangguan Jueshi's heart. Of course, this was her secret.

At this time, Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian were placed in the small room at the back, and Silian was about to cry, "Qingxin, what should we do?"

It's none of their business anymore, Shangguan Liunian still refuses to let them go.

"It's okay, Shangguan Jueshi will come to rescue us soon, let him give Shangguan a good lesson and see how proud he is." Ye Qingxin said with a calm face, as if Shangguan Jueshi was around, everything would be fine. do not be afraid.

Before she knew it, Shangguan Jueshi had already occupied such an important place in her heart.

When she realized this, she was taken aback. She regarded Shangguan Jushi as her own superman.

At this time, Shangguan Liunian was sitting outside, waiting for Shangguan Jueshi's arrival with a calm expression on his face.

He crossed his legs and sat lazily. His blue eyes kept staring at the video on the screen. He couldn't believe that she could escape under his nose alone. He must have missed something just now.

Just when he was about to see the clue, he heard a rush of footsteps outside, and Shangguan Jueshi arrived here with a cold face.

"Jazz, I didn't expect you to come so soon."

Looking at the source of the sound, Shangguan Liunian smiled at the oncoming Shangguan Jueshi with a smile on his lips.

He came here sooner than he had imagined. It seemed that one of them had a very important place in Juzzy's heart, which made him so impatient now.

Looking at Jazz's gloomy face and those blue eyes full of anger, it seems that he hasn't seen so many expressions on his face for a long time.

"What did you do to her!!"

Shangguan Jueshi had a cold face, his hands clenched into fists, as if he was holding back his anger.

The same blue eyes, different from Shangguan Liunian's with a smile, his pupils are jumping with fire, which may explode at any time.

"Jazz, who are you referring to!"

Compared with Shangguan Jueshi's anxiousness, Shangguan Liunian seemed very slow, and the smile on the corner of his mouth widened even more. This matter seemed to be getting more and more fun!

"I warned you last time! Don't touch the people around me, or I will be rude to you. You asked for it this time."

Shangguan Jueshi said angrily, and walked towards Shangguan Liunian with clenched fists. Seeing his behavior, the bodyguards at the side instinctively blocked him.

But Shangguan Liunian waved his hand casually, and they retreated consciously.

"Where did you hide her!"

Unable to get an answer, Shangguan Jueshi was furious, he raised his fist and attacked Shangguan Liunian. Shangguan Liunian, who was sitting there leisurely just now, put his foot on the table, borrowed his strength, moved his position, and avoided Shangguan Liunian. Guan Jueshi punched.

When Shangguan Jueshi threw his second punch, he quickly left his seat and started to counterattack.

"Jazz, this is not like your temperament! It seems that Miss Ye holds a very important position in your heart!"

Shangguan Liunian laughed and said, sure enough, when Ye Qingxin's name was mentioned, Shangguan Jueshi's eyes became even more angry. He swung his fist towards Shangguan Liunian harder and harder. punched.

However, he was not displeased by this, instead a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Jazz, just now I didn't know who you cared about, but now I know."

It turned out that he had guessed correctly, Ye Qingxin was indeed the one he had his eye on, and it was no wonder, after all, Ye Qingxin did have her charms.

"If you dare to touch her hair! I will never let you go today!"

Shangguan Jueshi was furious, thinking that it would be unsafe for Ye Qingxin to fall into his hands, he swung his fist with great force, and kept hitting Shangguan Liunian, each punch was fierce, Shangguan Liunian didn't fight back, Instead, quickly avoid it.

"Okay, Jazz, I'm playing with you! Ms. Ye is resting inside after eating!"

Seeing him beating so desperately and perseveringly, since he got the answer he wanted to know, Shangguan Liunian was naturally satisfied.

But he never thought that Jazz would fight him so hard for a woman. It seems that he already has someone he wants to protect in his heart.

"Is what you said true?"

Upon hearing Ye Qingxin's news, Shangguan Jueshi stopped immediately, but the anger in his eyes still did not subside.

"You'll know if you go and have a look."

Shangguan Liunian smiled, and as soon as he finished speaking, Shangguan Jueshi had disappeared, and he ran towards the back room.

Seeing his urgent and nervous appearance at this time, Shangguan Liunian tickled the corner of his mouth, with a happy expression for him, Jue Shi, find someone you like, and you will not be alone in the future.

It's a pity that Shangguan Jueshi was eager to find Ye Qingxin, and missed the affection in Shangguan Liunian's eyes.

When Shangguan Jueshi saw the closed door, he kicked it open because he was anxious to see Ye Qingxin. At this time, Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian who were inside were all shocked when they heard such a big movement. Was taken aback.

She thought it was Shangguan Liunian who found a loophole and wanted to settle accounts with them.

However, when she saw a familiar face and smelled a familiar breath, Ye Qingxin smiled and called softly, "Shangguan Lord!"

Unable to suppress the joy in her heart, she just looked at him with such a smirk, she knew that Shangguan Jueshi would come to rescue her, and she was just talking, but she didn't expect him to come so soon.

Shangguan Jueshi walked in, without saying anything, he hugged her tightly in his arms. At this time, the anger in his eyes was covered by the brilliance of joy, and it could be seen that he was very anxious.

"Little wild cat, are you okay! Did he do anything to you?"

Only when he really felt her presence, Shangguan Jueshi looked at ease, but he let go of her, wanting to see if she was hurt.

"It's okay! He didn't do anything to us! Don't worry about it."

Ye Qingxin shook her head with a calm face.

When she saw the worry in Shangguan Jueshi's eyes, her heart ached. Did she go too far? Knowing that Shangguan Jueshi was worried about her, she was still testing him.

"Shangguan Jueshi, now that Shangguan Liunian knows about our relationship, will it be bad for you!"

Ye Qingxin said with a worried face, she didn't want to drag Shangguan Jueshi down because of herself, making it difficult for him to move forward.

"No way!" Shangguan Jueshi habitually stroked her mushroom head with a calm expression on his face.

As long as she's okay, the rest is all right.

"Then let's go back!"

She has been worrying and fearing all day today, especially fighting wits and courage with Shangguan Liunian. Now she is really tired enough and wants to go home and lie down comfortably.


Shangguan Jueshi held her shoulders and was about to leave.

"Idiot Liu, let's go, what are you still doing in a daze? Maybe you still want Shangguan Liunian to treat you again."

After walking two steps, realizing that idiot Liu hadn't followed, she couldn't help but turn her head and said.

"I don't want to!"

Although this meal was very rich, she was terrified after eating it, she would not do it again, for fear of being left behind, Liu Silian hurriedly followed.

Shangguan Jueshi took Ye Qingxin's hand and walked out, while Shangguan Liunian still sat there and did not leave. Seeing the intimate behavior of the two of them, he smiled, "Miss Ye, seeing Jueshi so distressed You should be very happy now!"

And Ye Qingxin never expected that the little secret in her heart would be guessed by Shangguan Liunian and even revealed in front of Jue Shi, and felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

Does Shangguan Liunian, a cunning fox, have an itchy mouth?If he doesn't speak, no one will think he is dumb!
It made her so embarrassed now!I wonder what Shangguan Jueshi would think?She subconsciously took a peek at Shangguan Jueshi, but fortunately he had no doubts.

It has to be said that Shangguan Liunian's EQ is many times higher than Jue Shi's. Fortunately, her family's Shangguan Jue Shi's EQ is not very high, so he can't guess her little thoughts.

"Of course, it's better than being detained by Mr. Fleeting Years."

Ye Qingxin said with a grumpy face, while Shangguan Jueshi showed indifference towards Shangguan Liunian, subconsciously he didn't want her to talk to him, so he couldn't help but tighten Ye Qingxin's hand.

And Ye Qingxin realized his actions, so she stopped bickering with Shangguan Liunian.

"But I just saw that Ms. Ye has a good appetite and eats quite a lot."

Shangguan Liunian smiled, and swept the food on the table, but they were basically swept away by the two of them.

Ye Qingxin glared at him, "If you don't eat, you don't know if you will die in the next moment."

Now that Shangguan Jueshi is beside her, she has enough confidence to speak.

"By the way, Miss Ye, didn't you just say that you and Jue Shi were enemies when you met, and you were so jealous when you met him, that you were beaten by him and sent to the hospital, didn't you always blame him just now, and you said that the two of you have nothing to do with each other , what is the situation now?"

Shangguan Liunian deliberately said what Ye Qingxin said just now without saying a word, and then looked at Shangguan Jueshi's face, it was a bit ugly.

Ye Qingxin stared fixedly at Shangguan Liunian, this bastard was here to provoke trouble.

Looking at the face of Shangguan Jueshi at her family, thinking he was angry, Ye Qingxin hastily explained, "Shangguan Jueshi, don't listen to his provocation, things are not what he said, I just didn't want him to know That's why we said that on purpose because of our relationship, I didn't mean to target you."

"I know!"

Shangguan Jueshi held her hand with a look of understanding, while Ye Qingxin breathed a sigh of relief.

She glanced at Shangguan Liunian proudly, and facing her provocation, the smile on the corner of Shangguan Liunian's mouth grew deeper.

Shangguan Jueshi watched the two of them interact in private, a look of displeasure flashed in his eyes, and he pulled Ye Qingxin behind.

For this series of domineering actions of his, Shangguan Liunian could see in his eyes, it seemed that Juzzy really fell in love with someone this time.

"Liu Silian, take her out first."

Shangguan Jueshi instructed Liu Silian who was at the side, his tone was much better than usual, he still had something to tell Shangguan Liunian.

"Okay, okay! Qingxin, let's go out quickly!" Upon hearing Shangguan Jueshi's order, Liu Silian hurriedly pulled Ye Qingxin along.

Ye Qingxin looked at Shangguan Jueshi worriedly before leaving, Shangguan Jueshi opened his lips with a gentle face, "It's okay, wait for me outside!"

Now that he said so, Ye Qingxin had no choice but to go out with Liu Silian, and before leaving, he did not forget to stare at Shangguan Liunian fiercely.

After Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian left, Shangguan Liunian also removed the bodyguards beside him. At this time, there were only Shangguan Liunian and Shangguan Jueshi in the room.

"Jazz, don't stand, sit down! You must be tired from the beating just now! Sit down and drink some water!"

Shangguan Liunian changed his posture again and said calmly.

And Shangguan Jueshi glanced at him, with a little bit of anger remaining in his eyes.

"Jazz, it's been a long time since we sat down and talked like this! Speaking of it, I have to thank Ms. Ye for the opportunity to sit and talk like this." Shangguan Liunian made tea casually, his steps were gentle, and his movements were like flowing clouds and flowing water Smoothly, under his brewing, a cup of fragrant tea floated in the air, with layers of water vapor floating on it.

"Come on, have a drink! You haven't had the tea I made for a long time."

Shangguan Liunian took a cup and handed it to him, and Shangguan Jueshi took it with a calm face.

"How about it? Does it taste good?"

Shangguan Liunian asked, the memories of the past were rippling in his eyes, he remembered that Jazz always pestered him to make all kinds of tea for him, but after so many years, everything has changed.

The two of them got to the present situation, he wanted to get close to him, but Jazz is no longer what he used to be, and he was alienating him, thinking of this, he had a bitter look on his face.

"En!" Shangguan Jueshi hummed lightly, feeling indescribably complicated.

"Jazz, it's been a long time since I saw you defending someone like this. Ms. Ye is very smart and really suitable for you."

As soon as Shangguan Liunian mentioned Ye Qingxin's name, a look of vigilance flashed across Shangguan Jueshi's eyes.

"If you touch a hair on her, I won't let you go."

Shangguan Jushi warned that he would never allow anyone to hurt her, and whoever hurt her, he would definitely get it back thousands of times.

"She's the one you like, and no one will touch her if I touch her."

Shangguan Liunian saw him so excited, and the relationship between the two of them finally stagnated quickly.

"Didn't you say that at the beginning, you would not hurt the people around me, but in the end you also hurt me and my friends, do you think I will still trust you as before? Your words are already in my place It's of no use."

Shangguan Jueshi said coldly, with a trace of frost on his face.

"Jazz, this matter is not about you..."

"Shangguan Liunian, if you dare to hurt the people around me again, I won't let you go." After Shangguan Jueshi finished speaking, he got up and walked out.

Seeing his leaving back, Shangguan Liunian feels lonely for a while, Jue Shi, you still refuse to believe me!
(End of this chapter)

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