Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 190 Was Teased and Lost Miserably

Chapter 190 Was Teased and Lost Miserably
"I'm not angry! You saw me angry with that eye! I'm too happy! Now that you've found your new goal, you'll naturally let me go. Let's get a divorce sometime. From now on From now on, you and I have nothing to do with each other!"

Ye Qingxin said with a puffy face, her voice was much higher than usual, especially when it came to divorcing Shangguan Jueshi, her heart seemed to be empty.

Isn't this what she wants?She should be happy, she will be free from now on, but why is she still feeling very uncomfortable and stuffy!
"Who told you that I have another woman! Don't you know that I am only attracted to you here?" Shangguan Jueshi grabbed Ye Qingxin's hand and placed it at his heart, although it was separated by several floors. But she could vaguely hear the powerful heartbeat, beating so fast, as if his heart was held in her hands at this moment.

She was so frightened that she couldn't help shrinking her hands. Facing his deep blue eyes, Ye Qingxin's heart began to beat again, "Who knew you! Maybe your heart beats faster when you meet other women!"

Ye Qingxin said with a sour face, but she vaguely remembered the rhythm of his heart beating just now, it was so fast and so strong!
"Little wild cat, I'm really happy to see that you care so much about me." The laughter in Shangguan Jueshi's eyes widened even further, and he chuckled softly.

The more angry she is, the more she cares about him.

"Shangguan Jueshi, why are you smiling? Who cares about you! Don't be too narcissistic."

He is still laughing!I don't know if she is still angry now?LOL!
"It was Yisheng who called just now. There is no woman. If you don't believe me, take a look."

Shangguan Jueshi explained, dialing the phone and showing her the call records just now. Ye Qingxin turned her head away, but she still couldn't help but take a look. There really wasn't anyone there, and the one with the most call records was her. I got the number, and I saw the note on it—my wife, her heart is so sweet, it's like eating candy.

Could it be that she misunderstood!
"Who knows if you just wiped out the evidence!"

Ye Qingxin pouted and said, and Shangguan Jueshi saw her pursue her so persistently, he didn't feel displeased, on the contrary, he felt happy.

"Then what do you want me to do to believe you!"

Shangguan Jueshi put his hands on her shoulders, turned her around, faced her, and asked patiently.

Seeing the faint smile on his face at this time, Ye Qingxin felt that she seemed a little unreasonable, and instead let him see a joke, she pouted, "Anyway, my old man heard it with his own ears, saying that you It's been a sweet chat with a girl, if you still want to quibble now, maybe my old man will lie to me!"

As soon as the words fell, Ye Qingxin began to realize that something was wrong, could it be... the old man was lying to her!

It was because of what the old man said just now, so she didn't have to think about it, so she came to Shangguan Jueshi to settle the score!Looking at Shangguan Jueshi's serious eyes again, she was really deceived by the old man.

The smelly old man actually lied to her and made her lose face in front of Shangguan Jueshi.

"Shangguan Jueshi, wait until I go to clarify the matter!" After speaking, Ye Qingxin was about to walk away, but Shangguan Jueshi hugged her from behind, making her tense up involuntarily.

"No need to explain, I already understand your intentions."

Shangguan Jueshi clung to her ear and whispered.

"Shangguan Jueshi, what do you understand! Let me go!" Ye Qingxin turned her head away, her face was as red as an apple, she never expected him to make such a sudden move.

"Understand your feelings for me! Qingxin, you have my place here!"

Shangguan Jueshi pointed back at her heart, and the moment his finger touched her heart, her whole body froze, as if her heart had stopped at that moment, bursts of abundant warmth flowed in quickly , prevent carelessness.

"Qingxin, you love me, don't you!"

Shangguan Jueshi's voice was hoarse and powerful, as if under a spell, she nodded uncontrollably.

But when she realized it, she quickly shook her head again, "Shangguan Jueshi, what nonsense are you talking about! How can I say I like you, I don't like you!"

Ye Qingxin swung her hands towards the back vigorously, propped Shangguan Jueshi away, and then quickly left his arms. If she admitted that she liked him, then she would lose, and she would have no initiative in the future. .

She can clearly remember what the old man said, so she can't lose!Even if you like it, you can't admit it.

Although he knew that she was denying it, Shangguan Jueshi's face turned cold and he was a little displeased when he heard her say it in person.

"Shangguan Jueshi, stop following me."

Looking at his affectionate eyes, Ye Qingxin ran away in fright. She didn't like this strange feeling, she couldn't find her side at all, which made her feel so helpless.

Seeing her running so fast because of fear, Shangguan Jueshi couldn't help shaking his head, with a look of helplessness on her face, is it that difficult for her to admit her feelings for him?
What's more, they are still husband and wife now!Forget it, forget it, now I know that she has his place in her heart, it's quite gratifying.

Shangguan Jueshi lifted his footsteps and followed her in.

The stinky old man actually lied to her and made her lose face in front of Shangguan Jueshi, he was almost ashamed to death!

Ye Qing rushed to the dining table angrily, "Old man!"

Ye Maosheng was sipping a small wine, drinking to his heart's content, when she drank it like this, he choked in his throat, coughed a few times, then looked at this little bastard, "Stinky girl, you want to murder your own father!"

This girl is getting smaller and smaller.

"Old man, who told you to lie to me, saying that Shangguan Jueshi had a sweet chat with some woman, there is no such thing at all, you made me lose face in front of Shangguan Jueshi so much, you How dare you say it!"

Thinking of what Shangguan Jueshi said to her just now, she now wished to find a hole to drill into. She had never been so ashamed in front of him, especially when he saw through her mind, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

Is there such a cheating old man?How dare he cheat his daughter so much.

"Girl, it's your fault! I mean he had a sweet chat with the girl just now, but it's none of your business! You are not a real couple, and you don't like Jazz! He and others You should be happy that women can chat well! Why are you reacting so strongly. "

Seeing his girl's fiery temper, Ye Maosheng snickered from time to time, this girl still refused to admit it, otherwise why would she run out when she heard him say that, she obviously cared.

"Who said I don't like Shangguan Jueshi anymore!"

Ye Qingxin almost yelled, but by the time she realized it was too late, she had already spoken out what was on her mind.

"Haha!" Seeing her like this, Ye Maosheng couldn't help laughing out loud, this girl still couldn't help being irritated.

Ye Qingxin was so depressed that she almost bit off her tongue, what was she talking about!It was all the old man's fault, and she was so mad that she lost her mind.

Fortunately, Shangguan Jueshi was away, so he didn't hear what she said, otherwise she would really be thrown at grandma's house!She's completely lost!
Just when she was relieved and secretly relieved, she felt a scorching gaze staring at her from behind. This familiar feeling... came from Shangguan Jueshi, it was impossible!

Ye Qingxin covered her head with a pained expression on her face, it's impossible, Shangguan Jueshi is definitely not behind!It was her illusion, it must be her illusion!

Sure enough, Ye Maosheng turned to Shangguan Jushi behind him and said, "Jeushi, did you hear that, my girl admits that she likes you."

This kid, Jue Shi, came just in time. Now that he heard her girl's confession clearly, his hard work was finally not in vain.

If she hadn't been stimulated so much, this girl would still be beaten to death for refusing to admit her feelings.

Ye Qingxin turned her head to take a look, and saw that Shangguan Jueshi's stern face not far away from her softened a little, and he kept smiling at her.

She wished so much that this moment was fake, her hallucination, but it was all real!She was mistreated by the old man!
Shangguan Jueshi never expected that when he arrived, he heard her confession, and he heard that she liked her!He had been waiting for this answer for a long time, and it was a surprise to him.

Because of joy, his eyes deepened a bit, and Ye Qingxin took a step forward, ready to run away.

She was already ashamed to see people, and she couldn't stay any longer.

Just when she started to take light steps, a pair of big hands clasped her small hands, and Shangguan Jueshi had drifted to her side at some time.

"Girl, you lost. You confessed your feelings for Juzzy yourself. From now on, you have to listen to Juzzy."

Ye Maosheng on the side laughed out loud, while Ye Qingxin stared at him with dissatisfaction, "Are you still my real father?"

She felt that Shangguan Jueshi was his real son, otherwise how could she cheat her daughter so much.

"Girl! You can't blame me for this. I was just joking about it. I didn't know that you reacted so strongly. If you didn't have Jue Shi in your heart, you wouldn't react so strongly. This is the most authentic reaction of your own." !"

Ye Maosheng said with a face of nothing to do with himself, and Ye Qingxin wanted to die, she had to admit that she was really anxious at the time, so she couldn't help expressing her feelings.

But if the old man didn't trick her, she wouldn't be irritated!

"Jess, my girl will be handed over to you now. You can completely overturn the unfair regulations she cited before. Now you can make any demands on her. If this girl doesn't agree, you will Take this whip and beat her."

Ye Maosheng stood up, took the whip off the wall, walked over to them, and handed the whip to him.

If this girl doesn't obey the order, just whip her a few times to see if she is not obedient.

Don't blame him for going too far, who made this girl go so far before and proposed such harsh regulations, but now these are useless, Jazz regained the game.

"Old man, you are too much, I will lose because you lied to me, I object, I object!"

Ye Qingxin said with a dissatisfied face, thinking that she was going to be dominated by Shangguan Jueshi now, and she lost, she was very upset.

This is not fair at all. If the old man doesn't intervene, she won't lose!

"Girl, you still don't accept it! You owe it to me, don't you!"

Seeing that she was still resisting, Ye Maosheng took the whip from Shangguan Jueshi's hand, and made a gesture to beat her. Ye Qingxin was frightened and quickly stood behind Shangguan Jueshi.

Without such a thing, he actually subdued her with a whip!

"Old man, you are eccentric! You are eccentric! I am your own daughter. If you don't help me, it's fine. You are still uniting with outsiders to deal with me, and you have made me lose with such a messy method. Now I don't accept you still hit me."

Ye Qingxin stayed behind and said dissatisfied, looking at the whip in his old man's hand, he felt a little scared.

"Jazz is not an outsider, he is the son-in-law of our Ye family now, he is equivalent to my son, and I was just joking, if you really don't care about Jazz at all, you wouldn't be so angry, okay, Now you have to obey if you refuse to accept it, or you will be whipped."

Ye Maosheng said harsh words, Ye Qingxin could only suffer from being dumb because of the whip, but she was still very dissatisfied, but if she said another word, the old man would definitely whip her.

"Shangguan Jueshi, say something! This gamble is not counted at all, let's have a fair and honest gamble."

Ye Qingxin had no choice but to focus on Shangguan Jueshi, the old man was unreasonable, but Shangguan Jueshi was different.

But she forgot that Shangguan Jueshi is still a cunning fox, of course he only does business that is beneficial to him.

Seeing that Shangguan Jueshi did not speak, Ye Qingxin thought he was thinking, and continued to urge, "Old man, Shangguan Jueshi has something to say!"

Shangguan Jueshi didn't say it, she said it for him.

Seeing her anxious look at this moment, Shangguan Jueshi curled his lips. He was very satisfied with the result, how could he just let it go!Besides, if it is overturned, the words that she admitted that she likes her before will just be gone, and the next time she wants to admit it herself, she doesn't know when it will be.

Considering all the above, this bet is of course like this.

"Jazz, you have something to say!"

Ye Maosheng glanced at him, and did not forget to wink at him: Boy, I've already helped you like this, don't tear me down!
Otherwise, according to girl's flexible mind, after learning this lesson, it will not be so easy to tame her next time.

"Shangguan Jueshi, tell me quickly, what you said just now doesn't count!"

Ye Qingxin subconsciously tugged at his arm, urging.

As long as Shangguan Jueshi says it doesn't matter, the two parties objected, and the old man can't say anything.

With the lesson learned this time, she will definitely not suffer from being dumb again next time!Old man, I won't believe your words anymore, Ye Qingxin made a warning in advance.

"I agree with Dad!"

When Ye Qingxin would object in the future, Shangguan Jueshi would not expect him to say such a sentence, which made her happy for a while, and Ye Qingxin was so angry that she almost jumped.

 Isn't Papa Ye very fun!Qingxin was cheated miserably!If you like it, reward, bookmark, comment, and vote, thank you for your support, and continue to add more!
(End of this chapter)

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