Chapter 191 A Message From Xia Jin
"Shangguan Jueshi, why did you agree!" Ye Qingxin puffed up her face with anger.

Dare to feel that these two people are joining hands to deal with her together, how can it be possible!

"If I don't agree, then don't you forget what you just said. I will never forget what you just said in my life."

Shangguan Jueshi said seriously, looking at his innocent blue eyes, she found that she couldn't even get angry.

"Girl, how do I usually teach you? If you lose, you lose. If we lose, we must lose with confidence. It's settled. From now on, Jue Shi, you have the right to ask her to do anything. If she If you don't implement it, I will hand over the whip to you now, and if she doesn't obey, beat her, and beat her hard, don't be polite."

Ye Maosheng confessed, but Ye Qingxin turned her head and snorted, is this still her father?Ye Qingxin was so angry that she had no choice but to shake her hands and walk away.

"Boy, hurry up!"

Seeing Shangguan Jueshi still standing there in a daze, Ye Maosheng couldn't help reminding, and Shangguan Jueshi expressed his gratitude and then walked up.

Stinky old man, bad old man, mom, if you are alive, come and find the old man to settle the score, he actually joined forces with outsiders to bully me.

Ye Qingxin sat on the sofa, opened the drink, and gulped it down, otherwise the fire in her heart would not be able to subdue, it is really abominable, and Shangguan Jueshi is really, actually cooperating with her to plot against her.

These one and two have actually started to plot against her. Recently, she has become anxious about her IQ.

Shangguan Jueshi looked at her sitting on the sofa, throwing a temper tantrum against the pillow, was it so difficult for her to admit his feelings for him?
Noticing that someone was coming, Ye Qingxin turned her head and saw Shangguan Jueshi walking over, holding the long whip that the old man gave him in her hand. She was not afraid of anything else, but when she saw this long whip, her heart was full of fear. Subconsciously nervous.

"Shangguan Jueshi, what are you doing here! Now the result is as you imagined, did you come here to see me laughing?" Ye Qingxin said to him, thinking of her own confession to Shangguan Jueshi She lost the initiative, and her heart was very unbalanced.

"Little wild cat, is it that hard for you to admit your feelings for me?"

Shangguan Jueshi sat down, put the whip on the table, and spoke to her calmly.

He doesn't care about other winning or losing issues at all. He just wants her to admit that he is in her heart. As for her future life, it will still be the same as now. She can do whatever she wants without changing anything.

"This... Anyway, I feel unbalanced when I lose to you. I have changed from a master to your slave, how can I be reconciled!"

Ye Qingxin didn't know what to say, anyway, this was what she was concerned about, whether she would be ordered to do things by him in the future.

"It turns out that this is what you're worried about. If I say that the regulations you enumerated before will continue to count, but you must listen to me in some major matters, and everything else will remain the same as before. Do you think it's okay?"

Shangguan Jueshi lowered his face and said softly.

Besides, he should be used to pampering her.

"Shangguan Jueshi, is what you said true? Still follow the previous method, you must listen to me."

Upon hearing what Shangguan Jueshi said, Ye Qingxin hurriedly grasped the point, and couldn't believe it.

"You are my wife, if I don't listen to you, I will listen to someone else."

Shangguan Jueshi smiled and said, and Ye Qingxin embraced him full of joy. For this unexpected surprise, Shangguan Jueshi couldn't laugh or cry. It turns out that there are such benefits, which seems to be good.

Fortunately, his decision was not wrong.

"Shangguan Jueshi, you have performed well recently! I reward you with a sip of your drink."

Ye Qingxin praised, Ye Qingxin handed him her drink, and personally handed it to his mouth, Shangguan Jueshi looked down, a smile flashed in his eyes, and then he took a sip.

This should be considered an indirect kiss!It seems that if she wants to make her happier in the future, there may be other benefits.

"Okay, Shangguan Jueshi, it's almost time, should you go to work?"

When she came to her senses and realized that she was acting a little strangely, she had better make him disappear quickly, so she wouldn't be so strange.

"Okay! Then you wait for me to come back!"

Shangguan Jueshi nodded and looked into her watery eyes. Every time he looked into his eyes, it was like being electrocuted, and he couldn't help but think of her confession to Shangguan Jueshi just now.

She lowered her head and blushed. Anyway, this matter has been overturned, so I can't bring it up again, or I will lose my life.

Just when her thoughts were flying wildly, Shangguan Jueshi gently held her small face, covered her forehead lightly, and stood up, "Then I'm leaving, your body is just right, be careful not to be sloppy."

Before leaving, Shangguan Jueshi did not forget to remind, Ye Qingxin touched her hot forehead, a little puzzled.

There is anticipation in the strangeness, mixed with bewilderment and joy, this strange feeling, could it be love!
When I realized this idea, I was really shocked!
She is in love!But this feeling is really not bad!
Now that she has admitted it with her own mouth, and now Shangguan Jueshi knows it too, there is nothing to hide anymore. If she likes it, she likes it. She will follow her feeling and everything will develop naturally.

Ye Qingxin just stupidly maintained the action just now, sat for half an hour, and Liu Silian saw that she hadn't gone upstairs yet, so she went downstairs to look for her.

At a glance, I saw her smirking sitting there alone, and the TV was not turned on, so she kept smirking like this, and she didn't know what was so funny.

"Qingxin, what are you laughing at!"

Liu Silian sat beside her and couldn't help asking, but Ye Qingxin still didn't respond, as if she didn't hear what she said.

"Qingxin, you don't have a fever!"

Liu Silian poked her arm with his finger, then touched her forehead, everything is normal.

"Si Lian, what are you doing!"

Realizing that someone was playing tricks on her, Ye Qingxin finally regained her composure. She was actually insane just now!She even fantasized about all kinds of strange things, she was actually involved in keeping up with Shangguan Jueshi and having a child.

God!She actually wants to give birth to Shangguan Jueshi, she is crazy!Ye Qingxin slapped her small face with her hands, trying to wake herself up, it's really strange that she would also have this kind of daydream.

"Qingxin, what were you thinking just now! You have been infatuated for a long time!"

Liu Silian couldn't help asking, but Ye Qingxin blushed.

"Where am I crazy, I was seriously thinking about something just now!"

Ye Qingxin quibbled, she didn't expect to be caught by Liu Silian.

"Look at it, you're drooling."

Liu Silian touched the corner of her own mouth with her finger, it was really wet, she was actually crazy, and she was really thrown at grandma's house today.

"I'm thinking too much, okay, okay, let's take a nap if it's okay!"

Ye Qingxin quibbled, but Liu Silian looked puzzled and didn't say anything, and half pushed her upstairs.

Just when they were about to go to bed, Ye Qingxin's cell phone rang suddenly, "Who could it be at this time!"

Ye Qingxin got up and saw that the number on it was very unfamiliar, but she picked it up, "Hello!"

"Qingxin, it's me! Are you all right?"

A soft voice came from the phone, his tone mixed with worry.

"Xia Jin is you! We've gone home, how are you doing?"

Ye Qingxin was startled when she heard the familiar voice, she never expected that it would be Xia Jin calling, so she should have escaped smoothly.

"I'm fine. I've already returned home. I borrowed this mobile phone from my colleagues. I just want to tell you that I'm safe, so as not to worry you."

Because of the real-name system, she was afraid of being caught by Shangguan Liunian, and she didn't use her phone anymore, so she had to borrow it from a colleague.

"Okay, as long as you are safe! We are safe now, Shangguan Liunian dare not do anything to us, you don't have to worry about us, but you, where are you hiding now? Are you safe?"

Ye Qingxin asked worriedly, now that Shangguan Liunian has confirmed the area where Xia Jin is located, although it is difficult to find it in a short time, but after a long time, maybe he will thoroughly search the entire city A, and then it will be easy up.

According to Shangguan Liunian's temper, if Xia Jin is caught, then Xia Jin will definitely have nothing good to eat.

"This one……"

Xia Jin hesitated, not knowing whether to say it, for fear that if it was leaked, she would be in trouble.

But when she thought of Qing Xin and Si Lian risking to save her regardless of safety just now, how could she be wary of them!

"Xia Jin, as long as you are safe anyway."

Seeing Xia Jin's hesitation, I knew she was worried, and they wouldn't ask if she didn't tell, just worried about her safety.

"Qingxin, I am now teaching at the place where we used to go to primary school! I live in the school."

Xia Jin whispered, Shangguan Liunian must have checked these places before, so she created a new identity for herself and sneaked in. She has been teaching here for the past few years, and the most dangerous place is the safest.

Shangguan Liunian probably would not have thought that she would be here for the time being.

"What! You actually stayed in our former elementary school, Xia Jin, you are desperate, you are not afraid that Shangguan Liunian will notice and arrest you."

Ye Qingxin was surprised, she never thought that Xia Jin would hide in the school, she was pushing herself to death!

"It's fine for the time being. I've lived here for several years, and I changed my name again. He won't find me for a while." Xia Jin said with a calm face, but it's not hard to hear that even she herself said this She had no confidence when she was young, and she was worried every day, fearing that she would accidentally fall into Shangguan Liunian's hands, and the thrilling scene in the morning was unforgettable.

"Xia Jin, it's not so easy now. You showed up in the morning and the official Jueshi has already found out that you are in City A. Maybe he has seen through your method, and maybe he will have to investigate again next time. "

Ye Qingxin couldn't help reminding that this method is indeed difficult to detect, but Shangguan Liunian already knows it now, maybe the next step will be to investigate again, so the target will be narrowed down, and she will be even more dangerous.

"I know!"

Xia Jin's voice was a little crying, how could she not know, but where could she hide now?As long as he shows up, he might fall into his hands in the next second. This place is safe for the time being, but how long can it last.

Ever since she came back, she has been trembling, and even almost broke down emotionally.

Listening to Xia Jin's mood on the phone, Ye Qingxin knew that she must be scared now, "Xia Jin, don't be sad, you still have us, I was just about to tell you, or I'll have someone send you to Hide somewhere safe so you can live in peace."

Ye Qingxin suggested that Shangguan Jueshi had already said that he would help in this matter, and now he finally waited for Xia Jin's news and told her. I don't know what she thinks.

As long as Shangguan Jueshi came forward, Xia Jin's safety would be guaranteed.

"Qingxin, I've troubled you enough, I can't drag you down anymore, and Shangguan Liunian is not a simple character, you can't beat him." Xia Jin politely refused, she couldn't let Qingxin and the others because she was alone And being implicated, besides Shangguan Liunian's ability is not something ordinary people can solve, no one can help her, it will only harm them.

She can no longer bother them and drag them down.

They helped her once in the morning, and the two of them almost got into trouble, and she really couldn't bother them any more.

"Xia Jin, I know what you're worried about, don't worry! We'll be fine this time, you know! My man is Shangguan Jueshi—the younger brother of Shangguan Liunian, he is the only one who can resist Shangguan Liunian Man, I have already told him about this, he will help you, as long as you promise now, he will send someone to send you to a safe place to ensure your safety, Shangguan Liunian will not find you."

Afraid that Xia Jin might have concerns, Ye Qingxin told Shangguan Jueshi. With Shangguan Jueshi as his backer, Xia Jin didn't have to worry so much.

"Qingxin, are you married?" Xia Jin looked surprised, she never expected that Qingxin was married, and the person she married was Shangguan Liunian's younger brother, Shangguan Jueshi, who used to stay next to Shangguan Liunian, she had heard of it Regarding his matter, Shangguan Jueshi is also a very powerful person. I heard that their brothers were very good before but fell out later. She even wondered whether her previous mission was sent by Shangguan Jueshi. It is unknown now.

"Well, I'll tell you about these things later, Xia Jin, Shangguan Jueshe is the only one who can help you now, with him here, you don't have to worry about our safety, think about it, this matter can't be delayed any longer , delay for a moment and you will be in danger."

Ye Qingxin said anxiously, it won't be too late for them to get together again after Shangguan Jueshi takes Xia Jin to a safe place.

And now Shangguan Liunian is suspicious of them, maybe he will monitor their actions secretly, as long as they go to Xia Jin, they will definitely be caught, so they can't come forward now, they can only let Shangguan Jueshi arrange.

(End of this chapter)

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