Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 193 Even a dog is better than a human

Chapter 193 Even a dog is better than a human
At this time, Xia Jin was staying in the dormitory for teachers and staff. She was the only one living here. The place was not very big. The decoration in the room was very simple. There is nothing else in the cabinet except books.There is still a walking path in the middle, and when you go out, you will see the balcony. The basic cooking tools are placed on the left, and the toilet is in the corner.

The hut was cleaned quite cleanly, spotless, and she had pasted some warmer wallpapers herself, so it didn't look so dreary.

Xia Jin buried her head and sat at the desk, earnestly correcting the students' homework.

Because there was no class in the morning, she went to the shopping mall to buy some school supplies. She never thought that someone was secretly looking for her whereabouts, and she was even about to be caught. Thinking of the glimpse of Shangguan Liunian in the shopping mall, it still chills her heart.

At this time, she was still in the same disguise that she had been so fond of giving her before, and she did not dare to show her original face again. After all, it was safer, the target was smaller, and it was harder to be discovered.

Her complexion is not very good, her curved willow eyebrows are tightly frowned, but it is much better than the white face in the morning, listening to the words of admiration, she has a reliance, and at this time her heart is much better , not as anxious as before.

In the past few years, she has been afraid to contact them, but in the end she still needs their help, and only they regard her as her own family and a good sister. She is really relieved at this point, and it is also the only source of warmth.

She still has two classes in the afternoon. After class, she will go back to say goodbye to her family. Although she knows they don't care much, she still wants to say it before she leaves. After all, they used to be family members.

Since her father left, Aunt Qin and Qin Meng also left together for fear of being dragged down by her. Aunt Qin found a new home and reorganized a new family. In addition to calling her every month to ask her to send some money back, They had nothing to do with each other, and they even wished that she would stay far away so as not to drag them down.

Originally, these things had nothing to do with her, but because of her relationship, they encountered a lot of troubles in the past few years, so she could only try her best to help as compensation. Now that she is leaving, I don't know when we can meet again. Think about telling them ahead of time.

In the past few years, she ran around alone, and finally hid back to her hometown. Although she was safe for the time being, she was still very uneasy every day. Let it go, so that she can't sleep peacefully.

"Mr. Xia, Mr. Xia, I have your call."

Just when Xia Jin was lost in thought, a moderate voice came from outside the door, it was the concierge's uncle, pulling her back from her thoughts.

Xia Jin got up and opened the door. Uncle Ah came over with the phone, "Mr. Xia, listen to the call from your home."

"Uncle, I'm really bothering you." Xia Jin answered the phone with an apologetic expression.

Because she doesn't have a mobile phone, every time she contacts her family, she always calls the concierge. Every time there is a call from home, she always asks Uncle to bring the phone. She feels very sorry.

"What's the matter! Teacher Xia, just put the phone in the original place after you finish the call." Uncle Ah said with a face of indifference. It's not easy for a girl like Teacher Xia to live here. The money they spend frugally is always taken back to their unrelated family members, but they live a simple life by themselves. Such a good girl is too rare nowadays.

He felt sorry for her when he saw it, and told her every time that your stepmother has re-established a family, and this is none of your business, but Teacher Xia is too responsible, and he gets his salary every month day, always sent back in time.

"Okay! Uncle, you go slowly."

After Xia Jin finished speaking, she took the phone and went into the room. In fact, she already knew who was calling, and who else was there besides them.

"Auntie, you are looking for me!"

Xia Jin called softly, but she didn't know that there was a disgusted voice coming from the phone, speaking very impolitely, without any courtesy that elders should have.

"Xia Jin, what's the matter with you? It's No. 11 this month. Didn't you get your salary on the tenth? Why didn't you send some money back? The family is almost out of control. Your sister Xia Meng will die in two days." Going to the interview, you have to spend some money to buy her two decent clothes, you will be waiting for you soon."

Xia Jin frowned, with a bitter expression on her face. Every time she came to her, it was only money. They never cared about her life. The compensation for them in the past few years should be enough. Ever since she came to save her father a few years ago, She would find a shortcut to save her father. Before she left, she told them to take good care of her father, but when she finished her work and received the money, her father had already left, and they didn't tell her until she came back.

The money was not big or small, and she gave it to them. In addition, she also gave it to them every month when she received her salary in the past few years, but this man's heart is not enough, he pushes his limits, thinking that she is weak, It's just that she doesn't care.

Unexpectedly, her forbearance made them go too far. Even though they were married to their father, they had never seen them take good care of him. The doctor said that his father was still in the early stages of recovery, and the possibility of recovery was very high. As long as he took good care of him and waited to raise money for surgery She could live for another two years, but not long after she left, her father left.

When she thought about this, it was the constant stalk in her heart. She even wondered if her father would have survived for a while if she had been with her father at that time. She was extremely regretful in her heart.

Thinking of this, Xia Jin's eyes turned red unknowingly, she bit her lip with a mocking expression, but the mother and daughter never cared about her except for asking her for money.

"There's been a lot of things recently, I forgot, wait for me..."

Before Xia Jin finished speaking, a sharp voice came from the phone.

"Forget, I didn't forget anything, but this happened, Xia Jin, you did it on purpose! Don't you want to raise us? Your father said before he died that he wanted you to take good care of our mother and daughter. Now you You can live a happy life outside alone, and you plan to leave us alone, if it wasn't for your troubles, why would we be living so hard now!"

The person next to the phone started crying and complaining again and again, as if everything was her fault alone.

She didn't know how many times she had heard these words, and every time they would only bring out her father, wasn't she tired of playing tricks for so many years?For her father's death, she has always been the saddest point in her heart, and she has always felt guilty.

Maybe it was just a compromise that made them more and more pushy, unsatisfied, and always using deadly excuses. At first, she tried her best to make up for it, but when she was packing up her father's belongings, she accidentally saw I saw the letter my father wrote to her. In the letter, I told her everything. After she left, their mother and daughter ignored her father. My father left after a short time. In the letter, my father mentioned that she should live a good life alone. , Don't worry about that wolf-hearted mother and daughter anymore.

She won't do it in the future, this is the last time, and what should be compensated for so many years is also compensated.She wants to live for herself, she is not so great, and takes on the lives of others for a lifetime.

There are a lot of school things these days, and she was a little tired from being busy, so she forgot about it for a while, but she didn't expect that they called to urge her in just one day. It will also stay close to you, but people are not as good as dogs.

"I will find time to go back in the afternoon." Xia Jin said lightly, not paying attention to her crying.

"Just send the money here, and take a little more to buy clothes for your sister. You'd better work hard and don't come here."

As soon as she heard that Xia Jin wanted to come over with money, the woman over there stopped crying, but as soon as she heard that she wanted to come over, she immediately said no and treated her like a plague god.

"I'll buy it for her later! I have something to tell you when I go back."

Xia Jin said lightly that she didn't have a good impression of this younger sister either. Like her mother, she was greedy for money and vain. In the past few years, she was the one who made money for her education. At that age, she also relied on She makes money by herself, but this younger sister only relies on her and asks her for money at every turn. Fortunately, she didn't tell her where she works, otherwise she wouldn't get the money, and would have come to school to make trouble.

She gave them [-] yuan for the [-] wages she earned each month, and she only kept [-]. She thought it was enough for her conscience, and she took it as a debt to them these years, but these years also If the repayment is enough, it is impossible for her to pay for them for the rest of her life.

"Okay, buy some decent ones that can stand on the table."

As soon as she heard that Xia Jin was going to buy clothes for her daughter herself, Qin Lanhua immediately changed her mind, and she even didn't forget to mention it, and Xia Jin has long been used to these things, as long as they are good for them, they will promise.

The house they used to live in had been sold by them a long time ago, and she didn't take any money, and it all fell into their pockets. Now the place where they live is her man's house, and she has no right to go back, of course she I know this, so I just want to make it clear to them when I go back this time.

"Okay, I have something else to do first!"

Xia Jin said lightly, but the other side had already hung up the phone, Xia Jin had a bitter face.

"Mom, what does that silly woman Xia Jin say, will you give me money?" A girl dressed in a unique way couldn't help coming over and asked, she was dressed very fashionable, with curly hair, and The make-up is also very heavy, and both ears are full of ear diamonds, leaving no room for them, which is not mainstream at first glance.

At this time, there were Qin Lanhua and Qin Meng's mother and daughter in the community.

"I'm her stepmother. If she doesn't use it to honor me, who will I give it to! That dead girl has already said that she will come over and give us money later. She said that she has something to say, and I told her you are going For the interview, ask her to buy you two decent clothes." Qin Lanhua smiled and said with a self-righteous face.

"Mom, you are not as rigid as her, and you don't know what clothes she will give me. Why didn't you just let her buy it for me directly? What if I don't like what she bought!" Qin Meng was not satisfied, but complained instead.

She doesn't like that woman Xia Jin anyway, she's very rigid, she has no aesthetics at all, and she doesn't know what clothes she will buy her, why don't you just give her the money!It's really maddening.

"I also said it just now, but this girl just said that she will buy it for you herself. Anyway, if you don't like it when she buys it, throw it away. Mom will buy you a new one with the money. My daughter just wants to dress up beautifully. to find a good job.”

Qin Lanhua said dotingly, and when Qin Meng heard what she said, she was satisfied and stopped losing her temper.

"Mom, what do you think that silly woman Xia Jin is doing at home? She doesn't have a place to go, so she wants to live here!"

Qin Meng on the side couldn't help asking, but Qin Lanhua's expression changed immediately when she heard this.

"Don't even think about it. Her father died a long time ago. This is our home. Why should she live here? When she comes, I'll let her go back early. I won't let her stay here. "

Qin Lanhua said cruelly, this is their own home now, but it has nothing to do with that stinky girl, why should she live here.

"Yes, mom, you are right, anyway, she has nothing to do with us, but mom, when she comes, you have to ask her for a little more money, just say that we don't have enough money every month, let her pay more Take some, I don’t know what this woman is doing outside, and she doesn’t let us know about it, she must make a lot of money but she doesn’t want me to know.” Qin Meng did not forget to remind, of course Qin Lanhua would not Forgot, Xia Jin, that stinky girl, eats, dresses and dresses outside alone, and lives a happy life, she is so heartless.

"Of course you don't need to tell me about it. Mom naturally knows what to do! This stinky girl doesn't know what she offended outside, which made us hide everywhere in the past few years, and our lives are very unhappy."

Qin Lanhua complained, if it wasn't for that stinky girl Xia Jin, they would have been rich by now, all of this is the fault of that stinky girl.

At the beginning, that stinky girl didn't know where to get 100 million, so she took it from her hand. She gave it a go and hit the lottery. Seeing that the money was about to be obtained, she was chased and killed halfway. He hid in XZ, not daring to show his face.

Those millions of dollars were wasted.

"Yes, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be doing so badly."

Qin Meng also said with a dissatisfied face, and blamed all the faults on Xia Jin.

"Okay, Meng'er, let's go out and play! Remember to make friends with those who are rich, and ignore those who are short and poor."

Qin Lanhua did not forget to remind her that of course her daughter will be a high class person.

"Mom, if I find a good family, I will definitely honor you in the future, it's just my clothes..."

"No, here you are, girls will dress up nicely."

Qin Lanhua gave it to her daughter because she was rich.

"Mom, I'm leaving..."

(End of this chapter)

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