Chapter 194
Seeing that there is still time, I should buy two sets of clothes for Qin Meng first. This might be the last time. Xia Jin returned to the room, packed everything, and walked out with her bag.

Fortunately, this outfit can still be concealed, and she has changed herself a bit, so she won't be watched when she buys clothes in a store near the school.

"Uncle, I put the phone here."

Xia Jin walked to the concierge and put the phone in its original place, just in time to bump into Uncle Ah who was having lunch.

"Mr. Xia, where are you going? Have you eaten yet? Do you want some?" Uncle Ah greeted Xia Jin with enthusiasm when he saw that the child was so thin, he felt distressed when he saw him.

"No need, Uncle, I'll just go out to do some errands and have some food outside."

Xia Jin smiled, waved her hand and said no need.

"That's good! Hurry up and eat something. It's getting late and don't starve yourself. But, Mr. Xia, you dress up like this today, so you might want to teach the students a magic class. If you didn't get closer just now, I thought got the wrong person."

Seeing Xia Jin's attire, the concierge uncle couldn't help but ask, but Teacher Xia still looks better in the original way.

"Hehe! Yes!"

Xia Jin laughed a few times, she couldn't say that she was dressing up now to avoid being pursued by others, the less people knew about it, the better, otherwise she would be more dangerous.

"Uncle, then eat slowly, I'll go first."

"Okay, be careful on the road."

There is still some time now, and I will come back to class later, so I told the concierge Uncle, and Xia Jin walked away.

Just as she was about to step out of the school, bursts of cold and stern aura came over the sky, it was a chilling strangeness, this familiar feeling **** haunted her every night, only Shangguan Liunian was there, That's why it gave her such a dangerous feeling. Xia Jin couldn't help but glanced at the crowded place, not daring to draw conclusions, and even wanted to deceive herself. A familiar figure—Shangguan Fleeting Years.

Xia Jin's face turned pale in an instant, and she couldn't help stepping back. She never thought that Shangguan Liunian had already found this place. At this time, her feet were as heavy as lead, and it was difficult to lift them. She was involuntarily frightened all over her body, and her body couldn't help shaking.

Shangguan Liunian actually found this place!Could it be that he already knew that she was hiding here, so he came to catch her so brazenly.

Because of fear, her subconscious mind always called her to run away, to run away, her footsteps could not help moving, and she squatted in the garden. Fortunately, there were a few students playing there, who could resist for her.

She didn't even know how she got here, it was an instinctive self-help.

Xia Jin tried her best to calm down and observed the situation outside. This time, there seemed to be less people than expected. There were only two bodyguards at the door. Could it be that Shangguan Liunian just came to check and didn't get any information about her.

Thinking of this possibility, her heart calmed down a bit. The most important thing now is to leave. She can't stay here any longer, and she has to leave quickly.

"Teacher Xia!"

When the elementary school students saw her sitting here, they all called her respectfully, with a little excitement, their voices inevitably raised.

At this moment, the air was frozen, Xia Jin held her breath and dared not speak out, never expecting such an accident, a cold and stern look followed.

Hearing the familiar surname, Shangguan Liunian glanced here subconsciously, and vaguely saw a blurry figure, his vision was a little blurry, but that person was wearing a pair of big black glasses, or had short hair, and his skin looked very thin. It's dark yellow, and it's still aunt's style, it's not her!
Because of Xia Jin's makeup, I tried to cover her most eye-catching parts. If you don't look closely, you can't recognize her, and her current dress is too low. The class is like an aunt's type, much older.

Xia Jin clenched her fists subconsciously, showing anxiety, and Shangguan Liunian's eagle-like eyes kept staring in this direction, because she knew that as long as she made a move at any time, it would definitely attract Shangguan Liunian's attention, so she couldn't mess around. move.


Xia Jin lowered her voice, the voice she said was a bit harsh, rough and loud, and it naturally reached Shangguan Liunian's ears.

not her!Her voice is not so ugly, her voice is very soft and pleasant, it seems that he is too sensitive.

Shangguan Liunian was still staring at them. Since Xia Jin dared to show up in City A, she must have thought that the most dangerous place is the safest place. Before coming, he had someone check here, but they couldn't find her. There may be some negligence in it, so he went to check it out himself.

"Master, I seem to have heard news about Miss Xia from other places." At this moment, the bodyguard at the door received a call, saying that there was news about Xia Jin, and he quickly brought the phone.

Only then did Shangguan Liunian look away, answered the phone, and said that someone had inquired about Xia Jin, and he didn't know if it was true or not, so he wanted to find out.

"Let's go and see now!"

After Shangguan Liunian answered the phone, he prepared to leave. Before he left, he did not forget to land in the direction just now, but the teacher had already gone far away. Maybe he was too sensitive to the name. Who let that cunning woman make him miss it so much? for many years.

As long as there is everything about her, he will come and see for himself.

Taking advantage of Shangguan Liunian's negligence, Xia Jin hid in the crowd and followed her away. She walked out, stopped a car and left.

She stayed in the car with an uneasy expression on her face, as if she hadn't come out of the shadow just now, she was almost scared out of courage, she never expected to run into him twice in one day, if she hadn't had a disguise, He will definitely be recognized.

Xia Jin has lingering fears on her face. Shangguan Liunian has found this place, and she can no longer stay here. Before she came here to work, she had explained to the principal in advance and changed all her identities, but if Shangguan Liunian came to the school to find her , then it is bound to be impossible to hide.

After all, although she has changed her identity, her appearance has not changed in the past few years. As long as Shangguan Liunian is a little more careful and asks each one with a photo, he will recognize her sooner or later.

It seems that after seeing Aunt Qin and the others today, she will leave soon.

Now that time is in a hurry, she has to deal with her private affairs quickly, and then notify Qingxin.

Xia Jin rushed to the place where Qin Lanhua was in a hurry, searched according to the location on the paper, and finally came to a neighborhood. It didn't look bad here, much better than where they lived before. Found a good next home.

Because she has been hiding in the past few years and rarely came to them, and they wished that she would be far away, so today is the first time she has come.

Seeing that they lived in such a nice place, they must have a good life, so she felt relieved, and she also felt relieved to leave.

Xia Jin got out of the car, paid the money, and then walked in, looking at the house numbers from house to house, spending a lot of time.

Finally found it, Xia Jin rang the doorbell, and at this time Qin Lanhua was playing mahjong with someone in the room, "Who, why didn't you come, why not come at this time."

When Qin Lanhua heard the doorbell, which disturbed her mood, she said dissatisfiedly.

"Don't steal cards while I'm not paying attention, I'm watching!"

Qin Lanhua stood up, did not forget to say, and then hurried to open the door.

"Who, who, always pressing!"

Seeing that no one came to open the door, Xia Jin pressed it several times, what's going on?Didn't she say she would come in the afternoon?Why are they not at home?
Qin Lanhua murmured, and simply opened the door. Hearing Qin Lanhua's sharp voice, Xia Jin frowned unconsciously.

"Who are you! What are you doing here!"

When Qin Lanhua opened the door, she saw a strange face. She couldn't help cursing, anyone can come to her door, and she has to go back to play mahjong!
Because she hadn't paid much attention to Xia Jin for many years, or even said she didn't care, she didn't recognize Xia Jin in front of her at all.

As Qin Lanhua was about to close the door, Xia Jin said in time, "Auntie, it's me, Xia Jin!"

When Qin Lanhua heard Xia Jin's name, she couldn't help being stunned, and then she looked carefully, she was really that dead girl, but why did she get into this state, she was so old, she died with her The mother is almost the same, she almost thought that the woman came to her to ask for her life.

"Xia Jin, are you Xia Jin?"

Qin Lanhua looked at her hesitantly.

"Well! I have something to tell you."

Xia Jin nodded, and Qin Lanhua, seeing her desolate appearance, thought to herself, could it be that this stinky girl really came to seek refuge with her? Thinking of this, she couldn't help becoming vigilant, she naturally wouldn't let this stinky girl come to seek refuge with her. The girl left it.

"Xia Jin, let's talk about something outside!"

Xia Jin looked inside, thought she would invite her in, but she never expected to be so unfamiliar with her, and listening to the voice inside, it was not difficult to hear that it was gambling, Xia Jin looked sad , she spent all her hard-earned money on entertainment, and every penny was saved by her frugality.

She complained to her on the phone every month, but she still had spare money to gamble with others. Seeing this, Xia Jin was not in a good mood at all.

Xia Jin was pulled aside by her, "Xia Jin, don't you want to give me living expenses? Bring it! If you have something to do, hurry up and get busy!"

Qin Lanhua asked for money as soon as she opened her mouth, but Xia Jin's expression was calm. This was the last time, and she would not take care of their affairs in the future.

"Auntie, today is the last time I will give you money, and I'm leaving here."

Xia Jin said lightly, and when Qin Lanhua heard this, she couldn't help jumping up, what did this stinky girl say, she didn't give her any money.

"Xia Jin, what do you mean? Could it be that you don't want to take care of us anymore, and you want to go outside alone, regardless of me and your sister's life or death." Upon hearing this, Qin Lanhua's voice couldn't help but sharpen, this The stinky girl actually wants to go outside alone to enjoy herself, regardless of their life or death.

"Xia Jin, before his death, your father told you to take good care of our mother and daughter, and you plan to leave us alone like this. How can you be worthy of your dead father?" Qin Lanhua began to cry, Calling my father and my mother, it made me miserable.

In the past, she might be soft-hearted, but now she really has no time to spend with her. They live so freely here, but they never care about her, even a word of concern is enough.

"Auntie, you've said these words so many times, don't you feel tired? Aren't you tired?" Xia Jin said blankly, she wasn't tired from acting, she was still tired from watching, if she really had no money, How could they gamble at home?

Have you always treated her like a fool?In the past, she tried her best to make up for it because of guilt, and they are living a good life now, and she will live for herself once.

And Qin Lanhua was stunned, stopped crying, and looked unhappy, "Xia Jin, what do you mean? It's fine if you don't support me, but what about your sister! You can't let her suffer outside alone! "

"Auntie, Qin Meng is now an adult, and she has graduated from university and is able to earn money to support herself. On the contrary, I am in such a state of desperation. I plan to live here for a while, and I can take care of you by the way, you how do you feel?"

Xia Jin said casually, and sure enough, Qin Lanhua's face changed when she mentioned that she wanted to live here, and that girl Meng'er really told her that she was right, and this girl actually planned on their family.

The corner of Xia Jin's mouth twitched. She never knew that their mother and daughter were just using her as a tool to make money. Now that Qin Meng has graduated and is able to support herself, she can't be their tool for making money all her life. .

"Auntie, what do you say? If I live here, I can take better care of you. In this way, when my father sees my filial piety in the sky, he will also rest in peace." Xia Jin continued, and Qin Lanhua paused Dayton, I didn't cry any more.

"Xia Jin, what are you talking about? You know Auntie's. This is your Uncle Liu's home, not Auntie's. You also know that Auntie has nothing to say here." Qin Lanhua said with a straight face. It sounds good, the three of them feel crowded here, if this stinky girl also comes, then it's okay.

"But Auntie, didn't you say that you treat me like a daughter? Qin Meng can live here, why can't I? Or Auntie, you treat me like an outsider at all, besides, I live in the same room with Qin Meng, and I don't care about it. It will be so crowded, didn’t you say this is my dad’s last words? I am here to take care of you, he will be happy in heaven.”

Xia Jin continued, every sentence was reasonable, and Qin Lanhua was not given the slightest chance to argue.

She just mentioned it like this, and she was afraid of it; when she asked her for money, why was she so straightforward!
And every time I always put my father in my mouth, why am I afraid now, afraid that she will come here to stay.

Qin Lanhua's face was ugly, she never thought that Xia Jin, a girl, could be so eloquent, and there was nothing she could do about it for a while.

 I don't know if you like Xia Jin or not, but she won't be bullied, she looks gentle, but she is more stubborn than anyone else.Today's [-] updates, if you like it, reward it and collect it.

(End of this chapter)

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