Chapter 195 The Best Mother and Daughter
"Auntie, you also know that all the money I've earned in the past few years has been used to honor you. Now that I'm down and out, I don't even have a place to stay. Auntie can't bear to see me wandering and helpless outside."

Xia Jin said calmly, this time she wants to break with them completely, so that they will not trouble her again, and even if she falls into Shangguan Liunian's hands, at least they will not be involved two.

"This Xia Jin, it's not that Auntie won't help you. Auntie can't make the decision. Besides, the house is not big, and the three of them are already crowded enough. You should go find another place! Take the money, Auntie I won’t take yours anymore, you can rent a house outside!”

When Qin Lanhua saw that Xia Jin had made up her mind to stay at home, she looked terrified and wished she could go back quickly.

"Auntie, every month from now on I..."

"No, no, just take care of yourself. Auntie has something to do and won't entertain you. Just do it yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Lanhua stuffed the money in her hand into Xia Jin's hand, then walked back and closed the door firmly.

This stinky girl wants to stay at her house with such a small amount of money, how cheap is that!Besides, it's not her biological daughter, so why live here!

Xia Jin looked at the closed door with a calm expression on her face, as if she had expected such a scene, and then looked at the money in her hand, this was the last time.

She put the money in the crack of the door, "Auntie, this money is for you, I'm leaving."

After finishing speaking, Xia Jin left straight away. Now she has to go back to pack her things and explain to the principal how to deal with school affairs before she should leave.

And Qin Lanhua heard Xia Jin keep calling her, afraid that she wouldn't leave and the door wouldn't open. She didn't open the door until she heard the sound of footsteps fading away. I opened the envelope, opened it, and counted it, and it turned out to be 3000 yuan!

She narrowed her eyes and smiled so proudly. She didn't know if she was stupid to say that this stinky girl was so downcast that she gave them the money. Forget it. Since she gave it willingly, of course they would take it. .

Besides, it was only natural for this girl to give her money.

At this time, Qin Meng came back from playing around outside, and saw her mother Qin Lanhua counting the money at a glance, she moved over with a happy face, "Mom, is that woman Xia Jin here with the money, hurry up Give me some points!"

Fortunately, it was just right for her to come back, so she could share some money.

"Wow, mom, why are there so many this time? It's double the number from last month. I know that Xia Jin is living a carefree life outside, and she always pretends to be poor in front of us."

Qin Meng counted for her, but she didn't expect there to be so many. Now it's good, she can buy new clothes again.

"Stinky girl, what do you know! You really guessed right, that stinky girl Xia Jin is really going to depend on us when she comes back this time."

Qin Lanhua said with a grumpy face, it's a pity that this stinky girl, Xia Jin, made a mistake in her wishful thinking, and she wanted to live here with such a small amount of money, don't even think about it.

"No way, I was really right! Then she just left? Did she say anything?" Qin Meng covered the corner of her mouth with a look of surprise. She really guessed it, and she knew that Xia Jin was a woman. If you want to come back, you must have bad intentions.

"You didn't see it just now. That stinky girl is dressed poorly. She said that she is unemployed and wants to live at home. She takes care of me and honors me! That's so nice to say, she just wants to stay at our house."

Qin Lanhua clicked her tongue, her tone full of disgust.

"Mom, you are right! Don't think that you want to live in our house with such a small amount of money. She is really good at making up her mind, but Mom, she is unemployed now. Doesn't she have no money to give to us every month? We are."

Qin Meng suddenly thought of this important point, she tilted her head with a look of suspicion, thinking that the matter was not that simple, maybe it was the woman Xia Jin who lied to them, she clearly didn't want to give them money.

"You are stupid, do you still think that she lives in our house!"

Qin Lanhua took a look at her and analyzed, but Meng'er was right, wouldn't that stinky girl never give them money again.

"Mom, do you think it's an excuse that this woman, Xia Jin, doesn't want to give us money! She has a good job, and after so many years of work, she's unemployed. Could it be to scare us? Even if I quit, she will have a lot of severance pay, so she only gave us [-], and it's clear that she sent me as a beggar." Qin Meng said with a grumpy face, and Qin Lanhua Listening to her words, I think it makes sense.

Thinking of Xia Jin's stinking girl just now, her words were well-founded, which made her unable to speak, maybe she wanted to leave them alone and go outside alone.

"Meng'er, what you said is also reasonable. Maybe it's this stinky girl who wants to put aside our bitter tricks, and makes it clear that she doesn't want to give us any more money." The more Qin Lanhua thinks about it, the more reasonable she is. This stinky girl just deliberately dressed So down and out, I just wanted to act in front of her, but I didn't expect that after a few years of absence, this stinky girl has learned to deceive people, even better than her.

"Mom, what do you think we should do now!"

Qin Meng didn't forget to draw a few Red Bulls from Qin Lanhua's hand. Seeing that she was still drawing, Qin Lanhua couldn't help but slapped her hand. This stinking girl wanted more, and they belonged to her.

"How do I know! This stinky girl doesn't know what she's doing outside, and we don't have a place for her to work, so how can I find her!"

Qin Lanhua said with a sullen face, putting the money in her pocket, she really didn't realize that Xia Jin, that stinky girl, wished to plan so loudly, it's no wonder that no matter how she knocked on the phone, this damn girl just kept her mouth shut and didn't tell them Where does she work, she has long planned to leave them to run errands!

"Mom, don't we have a phone number to contact her? We'll find out if we call and ask."

Qin Meng smiled so proudly that Xia Jin wanted to get rid of them, but she didn't even think about it.

"You're still a smart girl, so why don't you hurry up and call and ask."

Qin Lanhua urged, as long as they find the address of that stinky girl, they will confront her face to face and see if she has anything to say. If she doesn't give the money, then they will make a big fuss in the unit where they work. Let's see how she can stay.

Qin Meng quickly took out her mobile phone, quickly found the number and dialed it, and the call was connected immediately.

"Hello, is Xia Jin here?"

Qin Meng pretended to be polite and said, while Qin Lanhua at the side also simply shut up and listened quietly.

At this time, it was the uncle in the concierge who answered the call. He frowned and looked puzzled. Why did it come from Teacher Xia's family again? Didn't he call just now?

As soon as he heard this familiar voice, the concierge's uncle's attitude was not good. The mother and daughter called in a hurry to ask for money in the morning. What are they calling now? I don't know why Teacher Xia endured them so much. horrible.

"Not here, Xia Jin has gone out."

The porter's uncle said bluntly, once he heard that the porter's uncle had such a bad attitude, Qin Meng's nature was hard to change, and he wanted to drink, but was stopped by Qin Lanhua at the side.

"Meng'er, is it time to lose your temper?" Qin Lanhua reminded in a low voice, this girl didn't see the situation clearly, but Qin Meng rolled her eyes, who did this stinky old man think he was, how dare to be so right she.

"Uncle, where did Xia Jin go? I'm her younger sister. I need to find her. Can you tell me where she is now? I want to bring her some of her favorite food."

Qin Meng lowered her airs and said politely.

I don't know if this woman Xia Jin is pretending to be poor on purpose, and she doesn't buy a mobile phone. Every time she always has to call through this smelly old man, it's annoying to death.

"That's right! This is a secret base, no comment!"

Being used to seeing so many people, how could the concierge uncle not know what she was planning? This little girl is so scheming at such a young age, no wonder Teacher Xia has been wronged.

When Teacher Xia came to work at the school, she had told her early in the morning that if her family members asked her where she worked, she must not tell them, otherwise, as they were aggressive, if they didn't get what they wanted, they would definitely come to the school to make trouble.

"You... stinky old man, are you going to tell me or not!"

Qin Meng had already lost his patience, and directly cursed at her. This stinky old man thought she was an idiot, and he kept a secret base just to bluff her.

Needless to say, it must be the stinky woman Xia Jin who told the stinky old man to say this, and she clearly didn't want them to know.

"You... little girl, you'd better keep your mouth clean, lest you go to hell and get your tongue cut off later." Uncle the concierge was so angry that he never thought that Teacher Xia Jin's sister would be so presumptuous and speak rudely. , simply hung up the phone.


"This old man dared to hang up on my phone! He even insulted me."

Qin Meng was so angry that her nose was about to smoke. She never thought that this old man would dare to hang up on her phone. She called several times without giving up, but the concierge uncle just sat there and didn't answer.

"Mom, that stinky old man insulted me just now. No matter whether I tried hard or soft, my mouth was worn out, but this dead old man kept his mouth shut, so he didn't say a word. Needless to say, that woman Xia Jin must have explained it in advance. Mom, we are all punished." She was lied to, this woman Xia Jin just wanted to leave us alone, now it's over, we don't know where she is, and it will be difficult to settle accounts with her in the future."

Qin Meng said arrogantly, and seeing her daughter being so wronged, Qin Lanhua hated Xia Jin even more in her heart, this stinky girl dared to lie to them.

"This stinky girl usually looks weak, but I didn't expect her to be so thoughtful, and even we were deceived by her." Qin Lanhua gritted her teeth.

"Mom, what are we going to do now? Do we just forget about it? No matter what, we have to make a big fuss and make her lose face. "

Qin Meng said with a grim face, she has hatred for Xia Jin, the woman she hates the most is Xia Jin, she always looks quiet and obedient, she is better than her in everything, she looks better than her, She is also better at studying than her. What she dislikes the most is that she always has an expression of neither arguing nor making trouble. She won so much love despite not arguing.

She must destroy everything about her, so that she will never be able to hold her head up in front of people.

"I think so too, but we don't know where she works, so where can we find her?"

This stinky girl dared to lie to them, so she had to be taught a lesson, and what she hated the most was that the dead woman gave birth to a daughter who was better than Menger in every way. At this time, her eyes were full of jealousy, wishing to give Xia Jin The urge to tear up.

"It's annoying, annoying, this woman Xia Jin is too much." Qin Meng stomped her feet angrily, and when the mother and daughter were helpless, the sharp-eyed she suddenly threw the envelope on the ground, There were a few large characters "Sunshine Elementary School" written on the envelope, and the corners of her mouth curled up with a proud face.

It seems that even God is on her side, Xia Jin, your days are coming to an end.

Qin Meng squatted down, picked up the envelope, her red lips smiled so proudly, "Xia Jin, Xia Jin, you have a thousand calculations, and you never thought that you would neglect this. She naturally knows this elementary school. The elementary school that Xia Jin attended before.

"Meng'er, there's no money here, why are you picking this up!" Qin Lanhua, who was on the side, couldn't help but said when she saw her behavior like this. She took at least all of them, so what's the use of picking up a broken envelope.

"Mom, do you see what is written on it?"

Qin Meng smiled, and Qin Lanhua looked at her so strangely, this girl must have been fooled by anger.

She leaned over and read the words on it, "Sunshine Elementary School, what's so strange about this!"

Qin Lanhua still didn't react, but Qin Meng laughed horribly, "Mom, this envelope is from Xia Jin with money in it, and it's from the elementary school she attended before. Where do you think she is staying now?"

After being pointed out by her, Qin Lanhua immediately reacted, and she immediately expressed joy, "Sunshine Elementary School, that stinking girl is here, Meng'er, you are so smart."

It's still Meng'er who is clever and able to get such important content from the envelope. This Sunshine Elementary School is the place where Xia Jin's girl used to stay, so she must be working there.

"Of course, Mom, I'm not as stupid as that woman Xia Jin." After being praised like this, Qin Meng looked quite proud, she would not lose to Xia Jin.

"Now that we know where she is, what should we do, Mom?"

Qin Meng said with a smirk, Xia Jin, you don't want to live a good life without us, with us, you won't have a peaceful day.

"Of course we went to look for her, but wait, it won't be too late for us to look for her after mom finishes this round."

Qin Lanhua originally wanted to leave now, but when she thought of her playing mahjong, she felt itchy, why did she leave after finishing this round.

"Okay, mom, have fun, I'll go shopping for clothes, anyway, that woman Xia Jin is staying at school, and will leave soon."

After Qin Meng finished speaking, she took the money and left proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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