Chapter 208 Being Taken Halfway

"Brother Haoxuan, it's so fun!"

The two rushed down from the slope above, sparking countless water splashes, splashing around, and the two slipped to the bottom.

"As long as you like it!" Ye Haoxuan smiled, and Liu Silian noticed that she was still nestled in his arms, her hands were still tightly hugging Brother Haoxuan's waist, she quickly let go, her face blushing .

Looking at her wet hair messed up by the water, Ye Haoxuan had a gentle face, Liu Silian was about to turn his head away, when Ye Haoxuan's low voice came from above, "Don't move."

He said so, Liu Silian had no choice but to maintain the original movement and dare not move, while Ye Haoxuan stroked her hair, but fortunately she has a mushroom head, as long as she strokes along the bangs, it will be neat.

"Okay, Si Lian, you should have long hair."

Ye Haoxuan said lightly, but this is not too bad, and Liu Silian bit his lip subconsciously, smiling.

And Leng Yisheng searched their exact location, and rushed over immediately, this Ye Haoxuan is really insidious, actually brought Si Lian to this kind of playground, needless to say, he definitely wanted to take advantage of Si Lian.

I didn't expect him to be so handsome, but he was so wicked. You must know that bikinis are a must in this water park. Ye Haoxuan just wanted to take advantage of Si Lian.

Thinking that Si Lian might wear a bikini in front of Ye Haoxuan, he became more and more panicked.

You must know that although Si Lian is very thin, but her figure is quite distinctive, if you want to see it, only he can see it, so you must take Si Lian away and keep her away from Ye Haoxuan, a hypocrite.

Leng Yisheng got out of the car anxiously, and was about to rush in, but the guard asked him to hand over the ticket, "Please show your ticket."

"Where does this place need tickets!"

Leng Yisheng said impatiently, looking at the people behind all holding a small ticket in their hands, it is really troublesome, there is nothing good about this kind of crappy place, and tickets are charged, even though he complained, Leng Yisheng had no choice but to go back and buy a ticket.

Looking at the long dragon in front of him, Leng Yisheng looked impatient, he didn't have the patience to wait any longer, and if he was late, he didn't know how much tofu Ye Haoxuan ate Si Lian.

Leng Yisheng had no choice but to play a beauty trick, tried everything, and he played from the back!string!When you get to the front, quickly get your ticket and leave, not even the rest of the money.

He walked in with the tickets, and at a glance, they were all hot girls, all of them dressed coolly, there were so many people, where is Si Lian?

If it was before, he would definitely linger, but now seeing these Yingying and Yanyan, he has no interest at all, he just wants to find his longing.

I don't know if Si Lian of his family is also dressed so coolly. Thinking of her beauty being bumped into by Ye Haoxuan, he quickened his pace, but there are at least a few thousand people here, so where to find them!

Leng Yisheng walked and made a phone call, but the phone just didn't answer, he became more and more cumbersome, walking on the road, because he was originally the kind of person who always keeps coming back, many crushes turned on him , and some even wanted to join him, but it was a pity that they were all sent away by Leng Yisheng.

This Ye Haoxuan, a wolf in sheep's clothing, actually brought Si Lian to this kind of place, it seems that he has bad motives.

At this time, in front of Leng Yisheng, Liu Silian and Ye Haoxuan played a few exciting water sports, and wanted to calm down a bit, wanted to play on the slide, "Brother Haoxuan, wow!"

Liu Silian slipped down from the slide, and Ye Haoxuan also followed, the two of them fell into the water with a thud, fearing that she would be suffocated, Ye Haoxuan picked her up from behind and held her by the waist , arching her up.

After all, it's inevitable that it will be close to the body, but idiot Liu had too much fun, so he didn't care much, while Ye Haoxuan just laughed and said nothing.

"Brother Haoxuan, look at me, I'm completely ruined."

Liu idiot's head leaked out of the water, and even her hair was wet. When she came out of the water, it made people feel refreshed. Ye Haoxuan was a little dumbfounded seeing the hibiscus coming out of the clear water.

"Hehe, do you want to play something else?"

Ye Haoxuan thoughtfully helped her tidy up her hair. The two of them were standing in the water, facing this side, they looked very close.

Leng Yisheng's heart moved violently, following the source of the sound, he seemed to hear Si Lian's voice just now, it seemed not far away from him.

His eyes were sharp, and when he looked forward, he happened to see a familiar figure from behind in the water, and a very annoying figure, it was really the two of them.

Because of the distance and the fact that they were in the water, he couldn't see very clearly, but the two seemed to be very close. Ye Haoxuan was helping Liu Silian to straighten her messy hair, and there was some misalignment. Leng Yisheng thought that Ye Haoxuan was playing hooligans. When I really saw this scene, a soreness spread from my chest to the surroundings. They are already engaged. In fact, it is inevitable to do these intimate actions. I understand it, but in my eyes, the whole person is not well.

Let's see how his family's Si Lian is dressed. Is Ye Haoxuan's brain soaked in water? The weather is so cold, and she is actually wearing so little clothes. Besides, the clothes are soaked in water, and the clothes are wet and fit better. It's natural. To outline her good figure, Ye Haoxuan did it on purpose.

Thinking of this, Leng Yisheng couldn't help clenching his hands into fists, wanting to rush over to separate the two of them, but he paused in the middle of the walk, what capacity is he taking Si Lian away now, maybe this time , Waiting to fight with Ye Haoxuan uncontrollably, how could Si Lian look at him, but seeing the two of them staying in the water, he couldn't bear it for a moment.

And Ye Haoxuan will definitely not let him take Si Lian away, so he wants to take her away secretly, so as to avoid a lot of trouble.

Having made up his mind, Leng Yisheng felt that he would wait for a good time and wait for a good time.

But at this moment in the pool, Liu Silian was playing with excitement, she waved her hand, a little exhausted, "No, no, I'm so tired from playing!"

She has already played more than half of it, and she is almost exhausted. She will come to play other games next time.

"Then Si Lian, why don't we go to the hot springs now, so we can relax?" Ye Haoxuan asked, seeing her so tired, he simply hugged her up, the sudden move made Liu Si Lian scream in fright .

And Leng Yisheng at the side, when he heard Liu Silian's yell, and looked at Ye Haoxuan hugging her up, his face was furious, but he still desperately told himself to restrain himself, so he knew that Ye Haoxuan, a hypocrite, was uneasy, kind, and yearning. Came here just to take advantage of her.

"Brother Haoxuan! Put me down, I can go by myself."

Noticing that the eyes of the surroundings were all on her, Liu Silian said in a low voice with a red face, and the two of them are wet all over, so it's strange to hug each other like this.

"It's still some way away from the hot springs, I'll just hug you."

Ye Haoxuan smiled softly, naturally he knew how nervous she was, but today he came here just to let her get in touch with him more, at least she wouldn't be so nervous when facing him.

"Okay!" Liu Silian had no choice but to agree, and let Ye Haoxuan carry her away, leaning on Ye Haoxuan's arms, and heard his heartbeat clearly, so fast!

As soon as Ye Haoxuan left, Leng Yisheng popped up from the corner and followed him. Fortunately, there were so many people in this place, so he wouldn't attract much attention when he followed, but where is Ye Haoxuan going with his love?

I didn't expect Ye Haoxuan, a hypocrite, to have such a good figure. I thought he was an embroidered pillow, but he was not as good-looking.

Leng Yisheng quickly ran to the side to buy swimming trunks, then followed them, and looked at where they went, it turned out that they came here to soak in the hot spring, Ye Haoxuan really had ulterior motives.

Ye Haoxuan put Liu Silian down, went through some formalities, and brought her to the designated hot spring pool, "Okay, Silian, come down! It will be more comfortable to take a bath."

"it is good!"

Ye Haoxuan took her hand into the water, Liu Silian was more or less scrupulous, after all, only she and Brother Haoxuan soaked in it, and felt somewhat at a loss and unfamiliar.

Leng Yisheng deliberately chose the side closest to them, changed his clothes and went into the water, there was only a screen in between, and through this screen, he could clearly see every move of the two of them .

If Ye Haoxuan dared to do anything disrespectful to Si Lian, he would immediately rush out to stop him. After making up his mind, Leng Yisheng leaned aside and stared at the movement on the other side.

"Si Lian, how is it? Does it feel comfortable? You close your eyes and put this face towel on your face, it will be more comfortable." Ye Haoxuan did not forget to say, and Liu Si Lian was a little embarrassed, but he still did as he did, leaning comfortably On the side, covered the face towel, it was really as Brother Haoxuan said, it was much more comfortable.


As soon as he heard that Ye Haoxuan wanted Si Lian to close his eyes, he immediately moved over, with a nervous expression on his face, what did Ye Haoxuan want to do?Could it be that he wanted to eat Si Lian's tofu.

He swung his fist, as long as Ye Haoxuan made any movement, he would strike at any time, but when he heard that the two of them leaned aside and did nothing, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Si Lian, if you are tired, close your eyes and take a nap, I will call you later."

Ye Haoxuan also leaned aside, with a face towel covering his forehead to cover his eyes, with a soothing expression of enjoyment.

"it is good!"

Seeing that there was no movement on the other side, they felt comfortable, but he still wanted to keep staring at them, fearing that if someone didn't pay attention, Ye Haoxuan would be obsessed with Si Lian.

Leng Yisheng looked at his muscular figure, his figure was much more eye-catching than Ye Haoxuan, anyway, he couldn't help but want to compare with him.

After a while, Liu Silian sighed comfortably, she looked at Ye Haoxuan at the side, Brother Haoxuan must be too tired, it's better not to call him, she went to get something to eat, because the game was too exciting just now , physical exertion a lot, so her stomach began to drum.

Afraid of waking him up, Liu Silian moved lightly and got up, while Leng Yisheng was so tired from staring at him that he lowered his head and dozed off, when he suddenly heard the sound of water coming from the next door, he was startled, Immediately woke up.

Thinking that Ye Haoxuan wanted to eat Liu Silian's tofu, he glanced over and saw Si Lian getting up from the water, he was relieved, but where is Si Lian going?

Anyway, I can't let Si Lian stay with Ye Haoxuan anymore, otherwise something will happen sooner or later, I just take this opportunity to take Si Lian away, so that he can sleep peacefully.

Just doing what he said, Leng Yisheng immediately came out of the water, followed behind Liu Silian, and wanted to take Silian away before Ye Haoxuan woke up.

Because I don't know where to eat?Liu Silian had no direction and walked around casually, but Leng Yisheng couldn't help watching her walking like this. He didn't know when he would go until Ye Haoxuan came to find her, it would be bad.

He quickened his pace, walked behind her, and patted her shoulder, "Si Lian, why are you here?"

Leng Yisheng greeted with a smile, pretending to be a coincidence.

Being patted from behind, Liu Silian was taken aback, but when she turned around and saw a familiar face, she breathed a sigh of relief, "Yisheng, you scared me to death, why are you here?"

Liu Silian was surprised, she never expected to run into him here again!She was so frightened that she almost had a heart attack, and she thought that someone was plotting against her.

"Si Lian, I'm sorry! As soon as I saw that the person in front seemed to be you, I couldn't help but come over to say hello. I wanted to come to the hot spring when I was free. I didn't expect you to be here too. What a coincidence." Leng Yisheng apologized, while Liu Silian scratched his head, looking okay.

But didn't he go back just now?why...

"Si Lian, don't you think it's too cold when you're dressed like this?" Leng Yisheng looked at her swimsuit, his eyes lit up, he didn't see clearly just now, but looking at her clearly now, it's really a bit irritating surprise.

But when he thought that Ye Haoxuan also saw her dress like this, he felt very upset.

I really want to hide her so that no one can see her.

"No! It's just right!"

Being watched by Leng Yisheng like this, Liu Silian looked embarrassed, she moved her feet closer, and subconsciously crossed her hands.

"Silian, where are you going?"

Leng Yisheng couldn't help asking, rolling his eyes, trying to get her to follow him out.

"I'm hungry, I'm going out to find something to eat!"

Liu Silian laughed dryly, and Leng Yisheng's eyes lit up when he heard her say that he was hungry.

"I'm also hungry, Si Lian, why don't we go out to eat, I passed by a restaurant just now, it's your favorite snack, let's go eat now!"

Leng Yisheng suggested, and when Liu Silian heard that there was something delicious, he immediately nodded, and when Leng Yisheng saw her nodding, he led her away without hesitation.

Liu Silian walked halfway, and suddenly thought of something, "Wait, I haven't told Brother Haoxuan yet, I will be anxious when he can't find me."

Liu Silian suddenly thought that if she just left like this, Brother Haoxuan would definitely be worried if he couldn't find her, so she had better go back and tell him not to leave him alone.

(End of this chapter)

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