Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 209 Don't Force Me To Make A Choice

Chapter 209 Don't Force Me To Make A Choice
"Si Lian, what's the matter? You can call him later and tell him if he's okay? Let's go change our clothes and eat delicious food, otherwise we won't be able to get in line if it's late. That restaurant is very famous, every day We only receive a hundred guests, we still have a chance to go now." Upon hearing that Si Lian was going back to inform Ye Haoxuan, Leng Yisheng urged, it would be fine if Ye Haoxuan knew that she took Si Lian away.

As for Liu Silian, hearing what he said in such a hurry, it seems to be reasonable, first change clothes and go out, and then call Brother Haoxuan later, but it doesn't seem very good to do so, but seeing Yisheng's appearance of thinking about her, She couldn't bear to refuse.

"Okay then! Let's change clothes first."

Liu Silian nodded in agreement, and when Leng Yisheng heard what she said, the smile on his handsome face became brighter, and it was his Silian who listened to him.

"Then hurry up and change clothes, wait a minute, you'd better put on this bath towel, it's warmer inside, so as not to catch cold outside." Leng Yisheng took a bath towel from the side, and wrapped her completely, he can She doesn't want others to covet her beauty.


Liu Silian didn't think much, and went out with him.

"Si Lian, let's all change our clothes separately. You change well and don't wander around. I will find you later." Leng Yisheng did not forget to say, but Liu Si Lian thought it would save time, so he went back to change clothes first.

She had just walked not far away when Ye Haoxuan in the hot spring pool also woke up. He didn't expect that he was too tired and overslept. to her people.

"Silian! Silian!"

Ye Haoxuan stood up with a nervous expression. He got up and started looking around, but he still couldn't find Liu Silian.

Could it be that she went back to change clothes first, thinking of this possibility, Ye Haoxuan immediately walked out of the hot spring pool, and came to the place where she changed clothes just now to look for her, this was the first thing he thought of.

And at this moment, Liu Silian had just changed his clothes and came out, before he could react, he fell into a warm embrace, "Silian, I thought I couldn't find you."

Seeing that it was her, Ye Haoxuan hugged her tightly. The nervousness just now finally subsided. He was afraid that she would be bullied by someone who didn't know her well here. Now he finally saw her.

"Brother Haoxuan!" Liu Silian was stunned, never thought that it would be Brother Haoxuan who came to her, and looking at his tense body because he was overly worried about him, a trace of guilt fainted in his heart .

Thinking that he planned to leave without saying a word, leaving Brother Haoxuan alone, if Brother Haoxuan really couldn't find her, he would definitely be worried to death, Liu Silian shrugged and felt guilty.

"Si Lian, I am relieved to see that you are safe and sound."

Ye Haoxuan let go of her, and said calmly, for fear that his impulsiveness would scare her.

"Brother Haoxuan, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have left you alone and made you worry so much."

At this moment, Liu Silian lowered his head like a child who has done something wrong, not daring to face him again.

"It's okay, as long as you're okay, I must have slept too much just now, you can't bear to disturb me, so you want to come out for a walk, it's my fault, let you be so boring by yourself." Ye Haoxuan lifted Lifting her head, he turned to caress her little face with a distressed expression.

Because he has been working too much lately, he hasn't had a good rest, and this relaxation has overly relaxed, which should be his fault.

"It's my fault!" Liu Silian first admitted that she shouldn't have left Brother Haoxuan in order to go out to eat with Yisheng, and she can't be such a jerk in the future, otherwise she will definitely be too hungry to be known by Qingxin.

"We are all wrong, so the head office is right!" Ye Haoxuan smiled, no one was vying to grab the wrong one, he looked at Liu Silian's eyes with a touch of doting, and Liu Silian was giggling.

"Si Lian, have you had enough fun? Why don't we go out and eat?"

Ye Haoxuan held her in his arms and asked softly.


Before Leng Yisheng could call out his complete name, he was stunned on the spot, wondering when did this hypocrite Ye Haoxuan come here, and how did he find Si Lian.

Afraid of embarrassing Si Lian, Leng Yisheng quickly hid aside, and seeing the two of them loving each other, cuddling each other, he was worried. Everything he arranged was about to succeed, but Ye Haoxuan just killed him. out.

Ye Haoxuan is a damned person, always doing bad things.

Leng Yisheng frowned, raised his fist and slammed the wall fiercely, as if taking the wall as Ye Haoxuan to vent his anger, his fist was torn and bloodshot.

What now!Could it be that he watched the two of them loving each other, but he had nothing to do, no, he had to find a chance to take Si Lian away, otherwise he would definitely die of heart attack.

"Okay!" Liu Silian nodded absently, not knowing what Yisheng would say.

"Okay then, I'll go and change my clothes first. Stand here and don't wander around, just sit here and wait for me." Ye Haoxuan took her hand and let her sit on the bench, while Liu Silian sat patiently wait there.

Seeing Ye Haoxuan walk away, Liu Silian took out his mobile phone, and it would be better to send a text message to Yisheng and tell him, otherwise the people who can't find her might worry about her like Brother Haoxuan again .

When Leng Yisheng, who was hiding in the corner, saw Ye Haoxuan go away, he secretly rejoiced, God helped me!

He quickly walked towards Liu Silian's direction, he spoke first, pretending he didn't see anything, "Silian, you changed your clothes, let's go now!"

In the middle of sending her message, Yi Sheng came unexpectedly. Seeing his anticipation, Liu Silian felt a little uncomfortable, because of guilty conscience, she didn't dare to look him directly in the eyes.

"Si Lian, let's go!"

Seeing her sitting there in a daze, Leng Yisheng couldn't help but speak again, if this delay continued, Ye Haoxuan would come.

Seeing that he was holding her hand and was about to leave, Liu Silian paused in his steps, but Leng Yisheng noticed her stop, and turned back to look at him, a dimness flashed in his eyes, and he stared at her with a complicated expression, "Silian, what's wrong?"

Is she not going to agree to him?He was reluctant to leave Ye Haoxuan alone, when he thought of this, his heart felt as uncomfortable as being bitten by thousands of ants.

He didn't ask, he would rather pretend that he didn't know anything, at least to deceive himself once.

"Yisheng, I can't be with you..."

"Is it because of Ye Haoxuan, is it because you don't want to leave him alone so you don't want to go with me, Si Lian, are you willing to leave me alone?"

Leng Yisheng was very impulsive and couldn't control the overwhelming jealousy in his heart. Before Liu Silian could open his mouth, he had already asked the question in his heart.

He has lost his mind, his brain is occupied by that strong jealousy, he just wants to see who she chooses in the end!
And Liu Silian was stunned, with a shocked expression on his face, so he knew all about it, and seeing how aggressive he was at this time, she didn't know how to respond.

Liu Silian lowered her head, clutching her clothes tightly with her hands, with a look of bewilderment.

"Si Lian, let me ask you the last question. Do you want to stay or go with me? Give me an answer. If you stay now, I will give up and won't pester you any more." Leng Yisheng shouted Asked, he was almost tortured to death by this feeling of worrying about gains and losses, he didn't want to go on like this anymore, he just wanted a relief now.

Go with him, or choose to stay, as long as she makes another choice.

Now his mind is filled with jealousy, he doesn't know what he is doing, and he only has one belief in his heart, which is to depend on her choice.

Liu Silian's hands holding on to the clothes were shaking tightly, don't force me!I really do not know!
She kept shouting in her heart, but when she thought that Leng Yisheng would never pay attention to her again, her heart felt as if someone had dug it out one by one, it hurt so much!She really wanted to catch him, but another voice in her heart told her: You can't choose him, he is not your lover.

Because of countless ideological struggles, her head was in pain like a burst. She squatted down in pain and hugged her head. She shook her head and kept repeating these words, "Don't force me, don't force me!"

Leng Yisheng turned his back to her, because his mind was controlled by jealousy, he could no longer see her pain, as time passed, his heart became colder and colder, "I think I already know your choice, I wish you You are happy!"

After finishing speaking, Leng Yisheng left mercilessly, and Liu Silian looked at his leaving footsteps, and wanted to call him back, but her head started to ache again, and she held her head with a pained expression on her face. Seeing his gradually leaving back, tears were streaming down his face.

Ye Haoxuan had already changed his clothes and came out. When he came out, he came across such a scene. He never expected that Leng Yisheng would find this place, and even got in touch with Si Lian. It must be because of him that Si Lian left suddenly. for the sake.

At that time, he wanted to rush out and beat him up, but in the end he thought that Si Lian would be embarrassed and stood aside. He subconsciously wanted to see how Si Lian would choose, and he felt that Si Lian's feelings for him didn't seem that strong.

During the waiting process, he was also very uneasy, but if Si Lian understood what he wanted, what would he do?
Just when he thought that Si Lian would choose Leng Yisheng, there was an unexpected turning point. Leng Yisheng left Si Lian and walked away without looking back. Looking at Si Lian not far away, something seemed wrong, and Ye Haoxuan hurried away come out.


"Yi Sheng!"

Ye Haoxuan squatted down and hugged her tightly, but Liu Silian thought it was Leng Yisheng who came back to look for her, but he didn't know it was Brother Haoxuan.

The hand holding her was stiff, Ye Haoxuan didn't miss the loss in her eyes, his eyes dimmed instantly, it seemed that Leng Yisheng was really important in her heart.

"Brother Haoxuan, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Liu Silian's tears flooded like the flood that broke the embankment, and she was full of apologies to Ye Haoxuan.

Seeing this, Ye Haoxuan felt uncomfortable. She should be happy, not so sad now.

"Si Lian, stop crying, I'm still by your side, as long as you need me, I will be by your side." Ye Haoxuan hugged her in one fell swoop, comforted her softly, his heart became more and more firm, as long as Si Lian didn't say leave him for a day , he will always guard her.

I don't know if it was because of the excitement just now, Liu Silian lay in Ye Haoxuan's arms and fell asleep, Ye Haoxuan had no choice but to drive her back.

After Leng Yisheng left the water park, he went straight back to the bar and started drinking wildly. Only by letting him die of drunkenness would he not be so sad...

Ye family, Ye Qingxin stayed at home, watching TV boredly, if she knew it, she would have made light bulbs, at least she could hang out with her brother and idiot Liu.

"Girl, don't just watch TV, you are married now, you have to learn to do something, aunt is busy in the kitchen, you hurry to help, take advantage of these few days to rest at home, and learn how to be a virtuous wife .”

When Ye Maosheng came back from a trip, he saw Ye Qingxin lying on the sofa and watching the frothy drama with a lazy face. Without thinking, he picked up the remote control on the table, pressed the power button, and the screen went black.

This stinky girl just finds something to do when she has nothing to do. Now that she has a family, she has to learn to take care of her husband no matter what. Let's see how lazy she becomes.

If this goes on like this, the bones will not be crispy, what will be done by then.

Girls are so young now, how can they be so idle, thinking that he started working when he was a teenager, I really can't stand it.

When the TV was turned off, Ye Qingxin was very dissatisfied, "Old man, why are you doing this? I finally went home, can't you make my ears clean? Or am I hindering you by staying at home, if so If so, I'll just go back."

Ye Qingxin pouted and said dissatisfiedly, she just wanted to eat delicious food when she came home, but who would have thought that the old man would ask her to do it herself, if so, why would she come back!

I don't know if the old man sees that she has nothing to do, so he always has to find something for her to do.

"You stinky girl, if you don't do something, you might as well go home. I don't raise lazy people in my family."

Ye Haoxuan said flatly, don't think that this can threaten him, anyway, she loves to come back, and he lives like this alone, besides, he still has a wife now, and at least one daughter-in-law is missing.

"Old man, you are partial now. It's really unfair that you don't want a daughter if you have a daughter-in-law. You don't feel comfortable when I stay at home, but you don't say anything when Si Lian stays at home, and you don't let anything go." She did it, what reason are you doing!" Ye Qingxin said with a face full of humiliation, could it be that a daughter is born to work and a daughter-in-law is married to enjoy the blessings.

"What I'm saying is the truth. If you don't accept it, you can go back! Hurry up and get up to work and learn some cooking skills from Auntie. Don't think that if I gave the long whip to Juzzy, the family won't need it. Bought a new one."

After finishing speaking, Ye Maosheng took out a new whip from the side, whipped it once, and there was a "crack", which made Ye Qingxin get up from the sofa in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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