Chapter 215 Emotional Crisis
"Okay, girl, Sir, I will have time to teach you in the future, and now the time is almost the same, Sir, you should go to work too! Girl, don't hesitate to help Sir with his briefcase and send him out."

At this time, the big clock on the wall rang, and the time was exactly 01:30 in the afternoon. It would take a while for Jue Shi to go to the company, and it would be almost the same time when he went to the company.

"Shangguan Jueshi, let's go!" Ye Qingxin helped him get the briefcase and sent him out.

Seeing the backs of the two of them leaving, Ye Maosheng smiled. This girl obviously has a great heart. Although she said she didn't learn cooking, she made a lot of progress when she put her heart into it.

"Shangguan Jueshi, drive hard! Be careful!"

Ye Qingxin stuffed the briefcase in his hand, said something official, and was about to pat his ass and leave.

Now she has to go back and study hard, and try it out by herself.

Who knew that she hadn't taken a few steps before her wrist was pulled by a force, and she leaned firmly into his arms. Before she could react, Shangguan Jueshi had already touched her forehead.

"Okay, wait for me to come back and teach you!"

After Shangguan Jueshi finished speaking, he let go of her, and the moment he turned around, there was a deep and charming smile on his lips.

"Just now, Shangguan Jueshi was laughing!"

Ye Qingxin clutched her forehead that he had touched just now, her face was shocked, and there was still warmth from him on it.

She was secretly happy, she can now meet the standard of a virtuous and virtuous wife that the old man said!She still feels good about herself.

Ye Qingxin was about to turn around and go back, when a familiar car sound sounded from behind, she looked back, it was the elder brother and idiot Liu who came back, why didn't they come back earlier, they all had a good meal, it is not easy for the elder brother to rest for a day, why? Don't play it thoroughly.

Ye Qingxin hurriedly opened the door for them, while Ye Haoxuan's car drove in, Ye Qingxin walked over, "Brother, idiot Liu, are you having fun today?"

She leaned over and saw that idiot Liu was sleeping with his head covered!
"Idiot Liu, wake up!"

How can you sleep so much!Why not go out and play!
And Ye Haoxuan reminded, "Xin'er, Si Lian is too tired from playing, don't wake her up."

"Got it, brother!"

Ye Haoxuan helped Liu Silian unbuckle his seat belt, then got out of the car, walked to the side and opened the door, "Brother, be careful."

Ye Haoxuan carefully carried Liu Silian out of the car, Ye Qingxin followed, what did the two of them go out to play, idiot Liu was so tired that he fell asleep like a dead pig.

Ye Haoxuan entered the living room, and Ye Maosheng was relieved when he saw them coming back, "Dad, I'll go to bed with Silian first."

"go Go!"

Ye Maosheng waved his hand, signaling them to go quickly, Ye Qingxin wanted to follow, but was stopped by Ye Maosheng.

"Old man, what are you doing!"

She still wants to go up and have a look!

"Girl, what's going on?" Ye Maosheng couldn't help asking, Ye Haoxuan's expression seemed a little weird just now, shouldn't he be smiling when he goes out this time, maybe the two of them had a quarrel ?

"Old man, who are you asking me? You also noticed something wrong with my brother's expression, right? I don't know what the two of them are doing. It's not very happy to go out to play, but my brother doesn't seem to be so happy!" Ye Qingxin also expressed her doubts. It seems that she and the old man have the same thoughts. After all, they are a family and are very used to each other's thoughts.

As long as there is something wrong, they can always easily detect it.

"That's right, Haoxuan frowned just now, I don't think it looks right, girl, wait for Si Lian to wake up, and take this opportunity to inquire about it."

Ye Maosheng did not forget to explain, and Ye Qingxin nodded, this is of course necessary, now I can only wait for idiot Liu to wake up.


Ye Qingxin made an OK gesture, then went upstairs and secretly came to Ye Haoxuan's room.

And Ye Haoxuan gently put Liu Silian on the bed, helped her take off her shoes, and covered her with the quilt.

He sat there, with an indescribable bitterness behind his smile, Ye Haoxuan's hand caressed that small face, with a cherished expression, "Si Lian, do you think he is the one you love in your heart!"

Ye Haoxuan said to himself, otherwise why would she be so sad because of Leng Yisheng's departure.

The name she called still rang in her ears, she thought he was Leng Yisheng.

Liu idiot may have been frowning because of being too sad. Ye Haoxuan stretched out his hand to help her smooth it out, and murmured, "Don't be sad, you still have me here!"

I don't know if I heard what he said, but the frown on Liu's frowning brows gradually relaxed.

Perhaps because all the attention was on her, Ye Haoxuan didn't notice that Ye Qingxin had come to him, she had heard what her brother said just now, the one he was referring to should be Leng Yisheng!
Could it be that Leng Yisheng found them and had a struggle with Si Lian, or that Si Lian was with Leng Yisheng and was broken by his elder brother, which made him so sad.

Ye Qingxin couldn't help running through several scenes in her mind, two men fighting for a woman, the fighting scene is so intense!

No, my brother doesn't have any scars on his face, it doesn't look like he fought with someone!

"Brother, what's going on? Leng Yisheng, this follower, won't really find you, will he?"

After thinking about too many possibilities, she couldn't think of any, so Ye Qingxin had no choice but to ask Leng Yisheng directly.

"Xin'er, let's go out and talk about something."

Ye Haoxuan's heart skipped a beat, he never thought that her sister would find out about it, since she knew about it, according to her temperament, she would definitely break the iron pot and ask the end, maybe Si Lian would be woken up by her then.

He didn't want Si Lian to know that they were troublesome because of her affairs, otherwise she would definitely feel guilty.

"Brother, I'm waiting for your words!"

Ye Qingxin walked out first, and Ye Haoxuan also followed, and the two came to the side of the stairs.

"Brother, did Leng Yisheng go to sabotage?"

It was the first time I saw my brother showing such a sad expression, needless to say, it must be what Leng Yisheng did to make him take it so seriously.

"He did go, and I also saw him and Si Lian together. Leng Yisheng wanted Si Lian to admit that he loved him and chose him, but Si Lian had no choice. In the end, Leng Yisheng left angrily, saying that he would never pester her again in the future."

Ye Haoxuan told his sister what he heard, with an indescribable loss on his face.

"Then Si Lian chose you when she came back with you! Then you should be happy. Now that Leng Yisheng has promised not to pester her, no one will rob you in the future. Brother, why do you still show such an attitude?" Expression." Ye Qingxin asked with a puzzled face, considering Leng Yisheng knew how to let go.

But my brother should be happy!Why do you look like you're going to die.

"Si Lian has no choice, but her actions have already told me her choice! I went to her side, but the name she called out was Leng Yisheng." Ye Haoxuan said with a gloomy face, the answer is not already obvious ?

Ye Qingxin was startled, the person Liu idiot likes is Leng Yisheng, so what should I do with my brother!

I've never seen my elder brother so lost for a person, he also loves Si Lian, but Si Lian has given his heart to Leng Yisheng now, isn't his elder brother unrequited love.

"Brother, maybe it's not what you think! Besides, didn't Leng Yisheng leave? He also said that he wouldn't pester Si Lian. Si Lian was hurt so badly by him, so he definitely wouldn't choose him again. Now is the time." You should fight for your good opportunity! I know Si Lian best, and she will definitely remember your kindness to him. The reason why she chose you in the first place must be because she felt your kindness before agreeing. Brother, at this critical juncture, you can't back down!"

Ye Qingxin encouraged that idiot Liu was her best friend, and she subconsciously hoped that she would be with her brother.

I don't know what's going on!Usually, she is the most familiar with idiot Liu, and when this girl is tempted, she doesn't tell her.

Needless to say, it must be Leng Yisheng, that flirtatious ruffian, playing tricks!Most girls will be overwhelmed, and Si Lian is certainly no exception.

"Xin'er, is what you said true?" Ye Haoxuan said with an uncertain face, because everyone's heart changes at any time, it is the most uncertain factor, and he has no certainty.

"Of course, brother, now you should take care of Si Lian and let her know that you are always by her side when she is most vulnerable. What idiot Liu has always wanted is such a warm and safe heart. "

Ye Qingxin continued, at this time, the person Si Lian needs most is him.

"Okay, brother, you must be hungry too, hurry up and eat, Si Lian has me watching."


Ye Haoxuan smiled. At the critical moment, this girl should be more rational. When she said this, the emptiness in her heart was instantly filled again.

Xin'er is right, Si Lian needs him most by her side right now.

"Brother, you should also make some cakes after eating. Silian likes to eat your cakes the most. She can eat them when she wakes up and is hungry. In this way, your status in her heart will definitely be greatly improved. .”

Ye Haoxuan went downstairs, Ye Qingxin did not forget to say behind his back, Ye Haoxuan showed a warm smile on his face again, Xin'er is the girl who wants to eat.

Old brother is an idiot, usually not very eloquent, but when it comes to Si Lian, he becomes an idiot, Shangguan Jueshi seems to be like this too!

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxin felt very happy, and she went to the house again to help watch.

"Don't go."

"Yisheng, don't go! Don't leave me alone!"

In her sleep, Liu Silian kept mumbling, Ye Qingxin was playing with her mobile phone, she was startled.

She hurried over and held her hand, Liu Silian's hand held her tightly, "Yisheng!"

When Ye Qingxin heard the name she was chanting, she was shocked. Liu idiot is still calling Leng Yisheng's name, what the hell is going on with this idiot?She didn't want her brother to be so nice, but she chose Leng Yisheng, that flirtatious ruffian.

Is she out of her mind?Ye Qingxin felt sorry for his brother, but luckily his brother went down to eat, if he heard it, his heart would definitely be broken into pieces.

But I can't blame her for this matter, after all, who can make sense of emotional matters!At the beginning, she tried so hard to deal with idiot Liu and her elder brother, but in the end idiot Liu fell in love with Leng Yisheng. Now she didn't know what to do, but she still hoped that Si Lian could be happy.

In the relationship, she is also trying her best to pursue her own feelings and choose the one she loves. After all, a person's life is neither short nor long, and it is really difficult to meet someone who makes her heart beat.

Once you meet, then you really want to forget, but you can't forget, his emotions will tie up all your perceptions, Liu Silian will be so heart-piercing watching Leng Yisheng leave her!
Maybe she did something wrong at the beginning, she shouldn't have prejudiced against Leng Yisheng, and tried her best to match her and her elder brother randomly, which resulted in the current stiff situation. Among the three people's relationship, one of them must be hurt.

Ye Qingxin looked annoyed, she seemed to have done something bad with good intentions, how should she deal with it now!

Just when Ye Qingxin didn't know what to do, idiot Liu on the bed woke up.

"Qingxin, why are you here?"

Liu Silian turned over, opened her eyes, and saw Qingxin sitting next to her at a glance.

"Idiot Liu, you finally woke up. My brother brought you back just now. Do you feel uncomfortable?" Ye Qingxin asked with concern. The most important thing now is to appease Si Lian and let her not think too much many.

"Qingxin, I'm fine, I'm fine."

All thoughts came to her mind, what Leng Yisheng said kept ringing in her ears, she forced a smile on her face, she couldn't let Qingxin know, otherwise she would worry about her.

As soon as Brother Haoxuan was mentioned, Liu Silian felt guilty, it was her fault, she betrayed Brother Haoxuan!

"Liu idiot, don't laugh, laughing is uglier than crying, come on! Cry if you want to cry, although my shoulders are not big, but they are enough for you, or you can nest in my arms and follow me Say it."

Ye Qingxin compared her shoulders, then stretched out her arms, showing her arms, Liu Silian smiled silly, and then threw herself into her arms.

"Qingxin, I did something wrong! I'm sorry for you and brother Haoxuan, I'm no longer qualified to be your good sister."

Liu Silian burst into tears, Qingxin had always been so optimistic about her and Brother Haoxuan, but she accidentally hurt Brother Haoxuan because of Yisheng just now, if Qingxin knew, maybe she would cut off her friendship.

She didn't do it on purpose, but she really couldn't control her heart. When she thought of Yisheng leaving her, her heart still hurts so much. She really wanted to forget him, but she deliberately tried to forget her, but instead remembered It became more and more clear that his smiling face and every word he said were completely engraved in his mind, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

"Si Lian, what nonsense are you talking about! Even if you break up with my brother, you will always be my good sister. This is an unchangeable fact." Ye Qingxin comforted, this idiot Liu is talking nonsense.

Could it be that their sisterhood for so many years is so weak?
(End of this chapter)

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