Chapter 216 To Pursue Your Happiness

"Si Lian, I really didn't do it on purpose. I want to forget him, but it's so uncomfortable here, as if someone stabbed me in the heart with a knife." Liu Si Lian said with a distressed expression while clutching his heart.

"I know, I know, let's not think about it, we'll always be by your side." Although she couldn't fully feel her heartache, seeing her in such pain, this kind of heartache can be imagined. I have never seen her so sad before when she was broken up. This time she was completely hurt, and the pain hit the most important part of her heart, which made her so painful.

"Si Lian, in the final analysis, it is also my fault. If I had understood your thoughts earlier and had not harbored such deep prejudices against Leng Yisheng, I would not have decided to match you and my elder brother without authorization and make you so embarrassed now."

Ye Qingxin looked apologetic. In the final analysis, this matter was still her fault. If she hadn't intervened, maybe there would be no further incidents.

"Qingxin, this is none of your business! It's my fault. I've always been attached to the warmth Brother Haoxuan brought me, but at the same time, I got too close to him, and I lost my heart unconsciously." .”

As soon as she heard that Qingxin blamed herself, Liu Silian hurriedly said, instead of calling Leng Yisheng by his name directly, she used the word "he" instead.

If she had discovered it earlier and woke up in time, maybe she would not have suffered as much as it is now.

Qingxin just cares about her, and wants to make her happy because she is not good and half-hearted.

"Si Lian, I can't blame you for this matter. We can't say anything about this relationship. When your heart is moved, your heart will be moved. This feeling can't be controlled." Ye Qingxin said with a calm face. The deeper the heart, Leng Yisheng has unknowingly deeply rooted in Si Lian's heart, and it is impossible to uproot it.

Most of the reason is because of her. She wants to solve it. Now she has to ask Si Lian what she thinks, and she will find a way to help her. If she still misses Leng Yisheng in her heart, then she will go to Leng Yisheng and talk to her personally. Clearly, as for his elder brother, he can only heal his wounds alone.

I believe my brother will also understand, compared to his own happiness, my brother definitely wants to see Si Lian's happiness.


Si Lian was buried in Ye Qingxin's arms and cried for a while, but Ye Haoxuan wanted to go upstairs to see if Si Lian had woken up after eating, but he didn't expect to hear her crying just outside the door, and his footsteps stopped down.

If he appeared in front of Si Lian now, she might be even more sad.

Hearing the cry, Ye Haoxuan frowned tightly, and could only stand outside the door and listen.

"Si Lian, don't cry yet! Let's sort things out first. Tell me, what are you thinking now? You are crying so sad because Leng Yisheng left you, right? Do you want to get it back?" he."

Ye Qingxin asked, first listen to Si Lian's thoughts before she can figure out what to do, and minimize the damage as much as possible.

Liu Silian stopped crying, with a look of astonishment, how could Qingxin know?

"Don't worry about how I know? Tell me, do you not want Leng Yisheng to leave you? Si Lian, it's only me now. You tell me what you really think in your heart. In this relationship, the three of you are definitely One person is going to be injured and that needs to be addressed quickly now to minimize the damage."

Ye Qingxin could see her worries, but if she continued to hide her heart, then this matter would really be difficult to handle.

Taking advantage of the fact that you have not yet entered the palace of marriage, there is still room for reversal, otherwise when you get married, you really can't look back.

When she heard that someone would get hurt, Liu Silian looked uncomfortable. She didn't want to see brother Haoxuan get hurt. Brother Haoxuan was so kind to him, she couldn't hurt him.

"Si Lian, don't think about my brother for now, just speak out your true thoughts."

Ye Qingxin continued, she didn't want to see her being stumbling over other things, most of the hesitation of Si Lian came from her brother, and now his brother's kindness to her has become her burden, Ye Qingxin wanted to beat herself to death, she What kind of bad idea did you come up with before?

"Qingxin, I really like him, I feel so happy with him, I have never felt so happy, but I am still very worried about him in my heart, I always feel that he can't give me a kind of security Stable life, that's why I rejected him and chose Brother Haoxuan, but today when I heard him say that he would leave me and would never pester me in the future, my heart seemed to be empty, my whole world seemed to be It collapsed in one fell swoop, and I couldn't find my sense of direction."

Liu Silian said with a choked face, with tears streaming down her red eyes, she didn't know how deep her feelings for Leng Yisheng were until now, she always thought that as long as she didn't think about it, she could stop thinking about it, how could she? I didn't expect that the more I want to suppress it, this feeling is like weeds growing wildly, silently, and it can't be contained at all.

I remember that when she rejected her last time, she was not so sad, but this time her heart seemed to be empty, she was really scared, what would she do if he stopped talking to her.

Listening to her words, Ye Qingxin felt uncomfortable. She never knew that Si Lian's feelings for Leng Yisheng were so deep, deeper than she imagined.

This should be the first time that Si Lian has fallen in love with someone. Seeing her in such pain at this time, Ye Qingxin is also worried. No matter what, she must help Si Lian. The culprit in this matter is her. She must help no matter what. Si Lian strives for the happiness she wants.

And the smile on Ye Haoxuan's face outside the door suddenly froze. He put his hand on the doorknob and didn't push it away. Although he knew that the person Si Lian was thinking of was Leng Yisheng, he never thought of her The feelings for Leng Yisheng are already so deep, and hearing her sincere words with his own ears, his heart changed for the first time, as if being pricked with a needle, it hurts.

"Si Lian, don't cry, it's still too late, let's go to Leng Yisheng and make it clear that you like him too, you two are together."

Ye Qingxin encouraged that there is still room for things to turn around.

"Qingxin, it's impossible. He said he won't pester me in the future, even if I go to him now, he won't want me, and I can't be sorry to brother Haoxuan!"

Liu Silian shook her head, with a look of hesitation, she was already engaged to brother Haoxuan, if she went to find Yisheng again at this time, then brother Haoxuan would definitely be sad.


Ye Haoxuan stood outside the door, thought for a long time, and seemed to have made a decision in his heart, he pushed open the door and called Si Lian's name.


"Brother Haoxuan!" Seeing Ye Haoxuan coming in, Liu Silian turned his back and rubbed his eyes for fear that he would find out that she had cried, wiped away the tears from his face, and then turned around to calm down his emotions.

Ye Qingxin never expected that her elder brother would appear here, and looking at his serious expression at this time, it is possible that her elder brother heard everything they said just now, forget it, the matter can no longer be concealed , it’s good that my brother knows, this way things will be much easier to handle, but it’s going to be hard for my brother.

"Xin'er, you go out first! I have something to say to Si Lian alone." Ye Haoxuan said calmly, and Ye Qingxin nodded. It's really not easy for her to interfere in this matter, only the two of them can say it clear.

"Si Lian, then I'll go out first, if you have something to say, please talk to my brother, my brother will not make things difficult for you." Seeing Si Lian's concerns, Ye Qingxin encouraged, and Liu Silian nodded.

Ye Qingxin got out of bed and walked out, not forgetting to close the door for them before leaving.

She hid outside the door, put her ear against the door, pricked up her ears and listened, wondering what my brother would do!

It's true that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry!She can only worry outside now!According to my elder brother's temperament, he should not quarrel with Si Lian.

But at this moment, there were only Si Lian and Ye Haoxuan in the room. Because of guilt, Si Lian kept her head down, not daring to meet his eyes.

"Si Lian, I already know the matter, you don't need to worry about it." Ye Haoxuan sat beside her, and said lightly, breaking the peaceful atmosphere at this moment.

He didn't want Si Lian to dare to face him like this because he felt sorry for him. Besides, there is no right or wrong in feelings. He lost her, and he was also at fault. If he hadn't often ignored her because of work before, she So he won't have feelings for Leng Yisheng, in the final analysis he still doesn't care.

Even if they can't be a husband and wife, they are still good friends. He will treat her like a younger sister. It's just that the transfer of this relationship will take a while, but the only thing that remains the same is that they will always be a family.

He knew that he couldn't let go of this relationship all at once, and he couldn't transfer his love for her into caring for his younger sister all at once. He couldn't do this yet, but time would dilute everything, and he would try to let go.

But what remains unchanged is that he will always take care of her and guard her.

"Brother Haoxuan! I'm sorry for you! I betrayed you."

Liu Silian looked astonished, she never thought Brother Haoxuan knew everything, she raised her head and looked at Ye Haoxuan with guilt.

She lowered her head again, she could no longer face brother Haoxuan, brother Haoxuan was so kind to her, but she still betrayed him.

"Si Lian, this is not your fault. Feelings are beyond our control. You have the right to pursue your happiness. Compared with my happiness, I want to see you happy. I like to see the smiling girl from before. Si Lian. Si Lian, from now on, we have nothing to do with each other, I will take back this ring, and you can pursue your happiness!"

Ye Haoxuan said with a serious face, he held her hand, and gently took the ring off her hand. He put this ring on her by himself that day, and now he took it back.

Seeing the ring leave her hand, Liu Silian thought that their relationship had been broken, and she cried more urgently, "Brother Haoxuan, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's my fault, it's my fault!"

Liu Silian whimpered and cried, the relationship between her and brother Haoxuan would not be as good as before, and when she thought of this, she cried harder.

"Si Lian, don't cry. Even if we can't be husband and wife, I will take care of you like Xin'er. We just changed our identities. Our relationship is still the same as before. You can still call me like before." Ye Haoxuan reached out his hand to wipe her tears, with a warm smile on his face all the time, his eyes were filled with distress, seeing her crying, he wanted to hold her in his arms, but he didn't want her to feel embarrassed again .

It's time for him to let go!Si Lian should be happy, she should be smiling every day, her sunshine is Leng Yisheng, only Leng Yisheng can give her happiness.

"Brother Haoxuan, is it true?"

Liu Silian had an incredulous expression, did Brother Haoxuan forgive her?But seeing Brother Haoxuan so good, she felt even more uncomfortable, she suddenly felt that she was so selfish, on the one hand she wanted to pursue her own happiness, and on the other hand she was attached to Brother Haoxuan's kindness.

"Fool, when did I make a joke? Alright, stop crying now. Would you like me to accompany you to explain clearly to Leng Yisheng?"

Ye Haoxuan took the initiative to mention that sending her to another man with his own hands would be worse than death, but this was the last thing he could do for her.

As long as she is happy, it is better than anything else!
"No, no, Brother Haoxuan, how can I let you accompany me! I can do it myself." Liu Silian shook her head. If Brother Haoxuan was to accompany her, then she would be too cruel. She looks for her own happiness, Brother Haoxuan has already helped her too much.

"That's good! Si Lian, this time you have to tell him everything you feel in your heart. I think he likes you quite a bit." Ye Haoxuan smiled slightly. He usually regards Leng Yisheng as a rival in love, but he didn't expect that today he would Will also help him speak.

"En!" Liu Silian nodded, this time she will no longer have any scruples, she wants to pursue her own happiness, even if the result is unsatisfactory, at least she has fought for it, and she has no regrets.

"Then go wash your face first, then go down to eat, and I will let Xin'er accompany you to find him later."

Ye Haoxuan's voice was very soft, and he had thought of everything for her.

"Brother Haoxuan, thank you!"

Liu Silian looked grateful, and took the initiative to hug Ye Haoxuan. She really didn't know how to thank him. Ye Haoxuan was stunned, and his hand that was suspended in the air dropped down, and patted her shoulder lightly, that was enough.

"We are a family, don't say such polite words in the future." Ye Haoxuan said softly, and then let go of her.

Ye Haoxuan also walked out after talking about what he wanted to talk about. As soon as he opened the door, Ye Qingxin was unprepared and threw herself into his arms. Fortunately, Ye Haoxuan caught her in time, otherwise she would definitely fall Dogs eat shit.

"Xin'er, you only recovered from the injury, do you want to get hurt again!"

Seeing that she was eavesdropping like a thief, Ye Haoxuan couldn't help but joked, this girl really can't sit still!But he also knew that this girl was worried about their affairs.

Xin took Ye Haoxuan's hand and walked out. She looked him up and down, trying to know his thoughts through his expression.

My brother is broken in love, and he still laughs leisurely, is he overly stimulated.

(End of this chapter)

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