Chapter 217 We Are All Family
"Look at me now, does something seem to be wrong?" Ye Haoxuan stretched out his hand to caress her mushroom head, he was not so fragile yet.

"Brother, you are still smiling when you are broken in love. I feel that it is not appropriate for you to do this. Brother, it is not a big deal. You can cry if you want to. My sister's shoulders are always ready for you to lean on.

If the elder brother showed a disappointed expression, she would feel better, but now he is no different from usual, and she feels uncomfortable for him.

"Xin'er, what nonsense are you talking about! Your brother and I are not so fragile yet, it's just that my heart is a little complicated."

Ye Haoxuan couldn't help laughing out loud, this girl always has the ability to make him laugh out loud, being made a joke by her like this, he couldn't help but feel a lot better.

But he wasn't at the point where he needed to borrow her shoulder to comfort him, he just let go, feeling a little bit sad and empty in his heart.

"That's good. It's okay to be bored for a while, but brother, have you really let go?"

Ye Qingxin understands, but feelings don't mean letting go. My brother must be feeling very uncomfortable now. If she had lost love, she would have cried and cried. Fortunately, her brother has a strong ability to resist pressure.

"To be honest, it's impossible to let go completely. Compared with me, Leng Yisheng can make Si Lian happier. This is already a better reason to let go." Ye Qingxin said bitterly, he couldn't do it Really let go, but someone gave her a happier life, so what if he doesn't let go!

If he persists and doesn't let go, it will only hurt Si Lian even more, and he doesn't want to see such a scene.

"Brother, you are really a good brother to me! You are so great, my little sister, I admire you so much, I'm all to blame for this, if I don't intervene and let you chase after love, things won't be as embarrassing as they are now It's gone." Ye Qingxin hugged Ye Haoxuan, patted his shoulder, and comforted his relatives.

Frustrated in love, at least their family is still there.

But the old brother is really stronger than expected, she knew that his old brother is the best old brother in the world, it's just that idiot Liu is not lucky.

"I can't blame you for this matter, who would have thought of such a result! It's just that I have nothing to do with Si Lian." Ye Haoxuan looked relieved, and said that love is gone, doesn't he still have family affection!It's just that love turns into family affection.

And he can also learn from this emotional failure, which may be more helpful to his future relationships.

Knowing your own shortcomings early can reduce the chance of making mistakes in the future.

He has always believed that every wrong start is to meet a bright future in the future.

"Brother, don't be discouraged. I know a lot of people about your sister, and I can introduce you to someone better." Ye Qingxin looked confident, and she would definitely not mess up again next time, she would definitely Ask clearly in advance, there is no reason why a person as good as her brother can't be happy.

As long as she announces the news, the girls who want to chase after him will probably line up at the door.

"Come on, come on, you'd better save yourself! I need to calm down for a while." Ye Haoxuan hurriedly stopped when he heard that she was going to be a matchmaker to help him match up. He wondered if he could not quickly accept another relationship. Besides, it would be too childish.

He asked himself that he was not ready to talk about the next relationship, and after experiencing this broken love, he felt that fate was beyond his grasp, and he just wanted to go along with it.

"It should be, it should be, when you let go of it completely, sister, I will help you connect, but have you ever heard a sentence, brother, that if you want to end a relationship, you have to start a new one. Don't you think about it?" Ye Qingxin expressed her understanding, brother is now in the period of vacancy, and the best way is to find another relationship.

But it is estimated that I was completely injured this time, so I dare not fall in love again, how pitiful!
"Don't think about it for the time being! Let's talk about it later when I'm forced by my dad and can't refuse!" Ye Haoxuan joked, and now he's single again. Good way to heal.

"Brother, listen to what you said, what's Si Lian's reaction?" Ye Qingxin asked, the idiot Liu has always been most concerned about the feelings of the elder brother, and now hearing that the elder brother let go, I don't know what she thinks, but there is one thing What exists is that she will always feel guilty.

"Xin'er, I was just about to tell you about this! You can take her to find Leng Yisheng now! Ask her to explain clearly to Leng Yisheng, and you should also help to talk and bring the two of them together again. "Speaking of this matter, Ye Haoxuan solemnly reminded that this time it is about Si Lian's happiness, so don't be careless.

And Ye Qingxin looked surprised, she didn't expect her elder brother to be so great, she just let it go with a heartbroken heart, but also to fulfill his rival in love, her stupid brother.

"Brother, I don't even know how to say hello, have you really decided to do this?"

Ye Qingxin asked again, he didn't want to fight for another try, maybe Si Lian would change his mind in the end.

"What else can I do besides fulfillment! As long as Si Lian is happy." Ye Haoxuan said with a bitter face, the heart of Si Lian has already been given to Leng Yisheng, no matter how much he does, it will be useless, and he can't get in, so he All I can do is watch her happy.

"Then brother, what if Leng Yisheng doesn't accept Si Lian?" Ye Qingxin asked in advance, it wasn't because she was thinking wildly, in order to reduce Si Lian's damage, she had to think of every possibility, and even prepared countermeasures.

"No, I can see that he likes Si Lian very much."

Ye Haoxuan shook his head, as both men, Leng Yisheng was indeed very persistent in his love for Si Lian, and even paid a lot more than him, now that they didn't intervene anymore, he should accept it.

"But Si Lian has rejected him so many times, maybe he has given up, what will happen to Si Lian then?" Ye Qingxin continued to ask, you must know that Leng Yisheng's skin is shameless, but no matter how thick his skin is, he will break it One day, I'm afraid that Leng Yisheng will give up. Wouldn't it be more painful to miss love at that time.

"If he gives up on Si Lian, then I will never give him any more chances in the future." Ye Haoxuan said seriously, this time he let go because he didn't want to embarrass Si Lian, fulfilling the two of them is the pain in his heart, if he is cold Yisheng doesn't know how to cherish, then he won't let go in the future, he will guard Si Lian until she accepts him, and won't give Leng Yisheng another chance.

"Brother, then I will accompany Si Lian to find Leng Yisheng now, and if there is anything, I will call and tell you." Ye Qingxin nodded, and then walked to the house.

Liu Silian tidied herself up and walked out of the bathroom. Although her emotions had calmed down, her eye sockets were still thick and red and swollen because she cried too much just now, but her mental outlook had recovered pretty well. It seems that she It's really a decision.

Si Lian has the right to pursue her own happiness. They are her good friends and her family. The only thing they can do is to support her silently behind her back.

Si Lian was thrown in an orphanage since she was a child. Although she was optimistic every day, no matter how much warmth they gave her, she still felt a little empty in her heart. She wanted a home of her own.

"Si Lian, let's go! I will accompany you to find Leng Yisheng and explain clearly to her face to face."

Ye Qingxin stretched out a hand towards her, and looked at her with a smile.

And Liu Silian smiled at the corner of her mouth, and put her hand together, she thought that Qingxin and the others would never treat her well again, it seemed that she was thinking too much.

"Let's go, I'll help you recover your happiness." Ye Qingxin reassured repeatedly, and walked downstairs holding Liu Silian's hand.

Downstairs in the living room, Ye Maosheng and Ye Haoxuan father and son, although the child Haoxuan didn't say anything, but Ye Maosheng probably understood the whole story, and they decided on the child's emotional matters, "Haoxuan, a man, take Can afford to let go, what is yours will always be yours."

"En!" The two father and son stared at each other tacitly, understanding each other's thoughts.

"Uncle Ye, Brother Haoxuan!" Liu Silian called the two of them with his head down, feeling guilty and afraid to face them.

"Si Lian, no matter what, you are part of our family, and we all want you to be happy! Go ahead and pursue your happiness, we will support you." Ye Maosheng said, originally wanting to match Si Lian and Haoxuan's, but it's really hard to say about the relationship. Although it's a pity that I can't be his daughter-in-law, it's okay to be his daughter.

The child Si Lian has been pitiful since she was a child, and they naturally hope that she will be happy.

In addition, although that kid Yisheng looks bohemian, he still conducts himself quite calmly, and being with Si Lian is also very suitable.

"Uncle Ye!"

Liu Silian's tears turned red again, she looked at them in disbelief, seeing their sincere blessings through her eyes, she had mixed feelings in her heart, very uncomfortable.

Uncle Ye and his family treated her so well, but she still did something that was wrong to them, and Liu Silian became emotional again.

"Silly boy, why are you crying! Don't cry, Uncle Ye feels distressed when you cry like this. Although it's a pity that you can't be Uncle Ye's daughter-in-law, I always treat you as a daughter. We are still a family. Whatever decision you make, we will support you, and this will always be your home."

Ye Maosheng patted her on the shoulder to comfort her, this child is so distressing, everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness, it is not her fault.

"Idiot Liu, did you hear that, my old man said so, don't always feel guilty towards us in the future, we are all a family, we are all happy when we see you." Ye Qingxin also hugged She, the four of them embraced tightly, with expressions of cherishing.

"Girl, Si Lian, be careful along the way, we'll wait for you to come back! Si Lian, remember that no matter what happens, this is your home, and Uncle Ye is your backing." Sending the two of them out, Ye Mao Sheng said with a serious face.

"Uncle Ye, brother Haoxuan, let's go then." Liu Silian and Ye Qingxin got into the car, greeted them and drove away.

At this moment, only the father and son were left outside the door. Ye Maosheng looked at his son, and patted him on the shoulder comfortingly, "Son, you did a great job!"

Ye Haoxuan raised the corner of his mouth and chuckled, and the two father and son walked in together.

Ye Qingxin was driving this way, but she also noticed that idiot Liu was extraordinarily quiet, usually the two of them chattered non-stop, but now that Si Lian had quieted down, she couldn't find anyone to talk to.

She is still used to the idiot Liu who chatted with her before, so being so quiet is not suitable for her.

"Si Lian, don't be nervous, some things are already doomed, we just need to face it." Ye Qingxin said to her, it can be seen that idiot Liu is very nervous this time, from just now until now, he has been pulling his hands He held on to the hem of his clothes, but it was useless to be nervous.

She was really worried, if Leng Yisheng really gave up, wouldn't Si Lian be in more pain then, and hoped that the final result would not disappoint them, otherwise Si Lian would be hit again.

"Qingxin, I really don't want to be nervous, but I can't control my heart. Tell me, Qingxin, will Yisheng really give up on me this time and won't talk to me anymore." Said in fear, she couldn't calm down, at this moment her heart was uneasy, thinking of Yisheng's decisive attitude in the morning, she was really scared, afraid that he would really stop talking to her in the future.

She has never been so nervous before. When she was rejected by her before, Yisheng would still talk to her, but she was never as determined as in the morning. At this time, she was really not sure, if, if Yisheng really gave up She, what should she do!
She dared not imagine any more.

"Si Lian, let me tell the truth! Once some people decide to leave, no matter how you try to keep them, they will still go. Once some people choose to stay, no matter how alienated you are, they will still linger. Promise me, no matter what happens today Whatever the result, don't get too excited." Ye Qingxin said encouragingly, not only Si Lian was worried, but she was also very worried, if Leng Yisheng accepted Si Lian again, the result could not be better; but if it really fails , then Si Lian will definitely be overwhelmed with pain.

"En! I promise you, no matter what the result is, I will try to calm down." Liu Silian hummed lightly. He was about to arrive at the bar. Will he be there?

I don't know what he did after he left in the morning. She never thought that she would miss her so much. His place in her heart was filled unconsciously, but it was too late when she realized it.

Arriving at the destination, Ye Qingxin put the car aside and got out of the car, "Si Lian, let's go! Don't worry about me, I have everything!"

Ye Qingxin took her hand and walked in. Even if Leng Yisheng got angry, she would explain it clearly to him. After all, most of this matter was caused by him.

(End of this chapter)

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