Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 218 Leng Yisheng With Another Woman

Chapter 218 Leng Yisheng With Another Woman

Ye Qingxin walked to the bar, and asked about Leng Yisheng's whereabouts directly, because the waiter at the bar knew Ye Qingxin and Liu Silian, and the boss had also explained that if they came here for consumption, they would be entertained for free.

"Xiao Li, is your boss here?" Because Liu Silian came here more often, he knew the waiter at the bar.

"No, no! The boss hasn't been here today." Xiao Li shook his head and said, his eyes were a little weak when he said this, but the boss specifically explained that no matter who came to him, he would say that he was not here, otherwise If it ruins his interest, he can't bear to walk around.

When Liu Silian heard that Leng Yisheng was not here, she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. If he wasn't here, where would he go?

And Ye Qingxin noticed that there was something wrong with Xiao Li's face, as if she was hiding something, could it be that Leng Yisheng is here?He is lying.

She smiled easily, and said, "Since your boss is not here, let's go play by ourselves! Let's go to the VIP room to play. If he comes, please inform us again. He asked me to wait for him here."

After finishing speaking, Ye Qingxin pulled Liu Silian to go in together, Liu Silian looked confused, Yisheng is not here, why are they still here.

Just when she was in a daze, Xiao Li at the bar was in a hurry. It's impossible. The boss couldn't have asked them out. He had explained that no one should disturb him.

"Miss Ye, the boss told me that no one should bother him."

"That said, you admit that you lied. Your boss is here. We are going to see him now. If you don't want to be beaten by me, you can just stand aside wisely. If Leng Yisheng blames you, Naturally, I will take care of it for you." Ye Qingxin looked as if she wanted to beat someone up, and Xiao Li naturally knew how powerful she was, because she made their bar go crazy last time, her The ability to destroy is unmatched.

Besides, if he made a move, it wasn't her who did it. After hearing what she said, Xiao Li had no choice but to dare not stop him.

"Go in! I'll just pretend I didn't see anything." Xiao Li went back to the bar again, pretending he didn't see anything, but now the VIP room is not just the boss alone!It doesn't seem appropriate for the two girls to go in!

Xiao Li wanted to remind them, but Ye Qingxin pulled Liu Silian away, and he had no choice but to remind them.

At this time, the VIP room was surrounded by a group of warblers and swallows, and some people were very lucky.

"Yisheng, don't drink all the time, let's play games!"

Leng Yisheng was sitting in the middle, with a drunken face on his face. There were more than a dozen empty wine bottles lying crookedly on the table.

"What do you all want to play?"

Leng Yisheng squinted his eyes, and said with interest on his face, without Liu Silian, there are so many women around him, didn't he come here like this before, but why is he not interested in them at all now.

My heart is still empty, very uncomfortable!

"Shall we play dice, and whoever loses will drink." One of the quite enchanting women suggested, you must know that Master Leng hasn't asked them to play for a long time, they should seize this opportunity well, and strive to win in the future. come here.

"Okay, just play." Leng Yisheng had a smirk on his lips, this is the life he should live, and only by having fun can life be happy!

"Come on, come on, Master Leng, guess how much!"

Every girl rolled the dice and asked Leng Yisheng to guess how much it was.

"I guess eighteen! Haha!" Leng Yisheng made a perfect guess, and now there are only three ones, usually he guessed right, but he didn't expect to be wrong this time.

"Master Leng, you are wrong, come, come, let me feed you."

Leng Yisheng held one in one hand, and the one closest to him poured him a glass of wine and handed it to him to drink. Leng Yisheng took the glass and drank it down.

"Young Master Leng, you are really good at drinking!" The women clapped their hands and applauded, but Leng Yisheng had a dissatisfied expression on his face, he didn't believe this evil, "Come again!"

This time he pricked up his ears and listened to the movement of the dice, but the strange thing was that he couldn't hear it at all now, his heart was in a mess, and he couldn't calm down to listen.

"Young Master Leng, how many guesses do you have? If you guess correctly, there will be a prize." The woman said with a sweet face, and kept winking at Leng Yisheng.

"Still eighteen!"

Leng Yisheng called out a random number, but the number inside was still very small.

how is this possible!This is his most powerful ability at ordinary times, but now he can't hear clearly, what is going on, he makes mistakes again and again.

Leng Yisheng had a look of disbelief, and even took the dice from her hand, shook it himself, and even set a number in his heart, but when he opened it, he still miscalculated, he shook it several times in disbelief, not once That's right.

He was overshadowed, what happened to him today?Why even these abilities that he was most proud of failed, could it be that his insight was affected by the blow.

"Master Leng, have another drink, this time I'll feed you."

Leng Yisheng had an irritable expression on his face, thinking of this possibility, he was not calm at all.

The woman took a sip by herself, and her bright red lips came towards Leng Yisheng, wanting to feed him a drink mouth to mouth, but Leng Yisheng wanted to push it away, but at this moment, the door of the VIP room was opened.

Hearing the movement outside, Leng Yisheng's eyes fell on the front.

Liu Silian and Ye Qingxin opened the door, but they never expected such a scene, Liu Silian was stunned on the spot, backed up a few steps, Ye Qingxin supported her in time, and watched as she was surrounded by those enchanting women Leng Yisheng's face was full of disbelief.

He, he, how could he do this!

There was a burst of suffocation in Liu Silian's heart, she felt almost out of breath, she had a wry smile on her face, and she was still confessing to her affectionately in the morning, but in a blink of an eye, she got involved with other women, and she even wanted to come and get her back He, thinking about it now, thought everything was ridiculous.

It felt like my whole heart was being torn apart alive, and the pain was so painful that I couldn't speak.

Ye Qingxin never thought that Leng Yisheng would be such a jerk. Fortunately, they still wanted to explain to him clearly, thinking that he was in pain now, but she was wrong, he didn't know how free and easy he was now, hugging left and right Hug, happy and leisurely!

Being caught by Liu Silian on the spot, Leng Yisheng subconsciously wanted to push them away, he never expected that she would appear here.

But after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, hasn't she already made a choice?Why are you still looking for him?

Ignoring the disappointment in her eyes, Leng Yisheng turned to embrace the beautiful woman at the side, ignoring the existence of the two of them, with a happy expression on his face, "Come on, let's continue playing the game, what did you just say, I want to win if I win." What reward will you give me?"

Leng Yisheng said with a chuckle, stretching out his hand and not forgetting to caress the face of the woman leaning on the side like a bird, with a look of unsatisfactory feelings.

Out of the corner of his eye, he did not forget to land on Liu Silian who was not far away. Liu Silian looked directly at him with a pale face.

"Young Master Leng, what reward do you want? As long as you can name it, we are willing to give it to you." Those beauties also agreed to ignore their existence, and did not forget to tease Leng Yisheng.

"What if I say I want to kiss you?" Leng Yisheng smiled evilly, making the beautiful woman beside her laugh.

"Of course, we will all give you a kiss."


Whether it's bearable or unbearable, she really can't stand it anymore, this couple really deserves a beating!

Ye Qingxin couldn't calm down anymore, her clenched fists were creaking, Leng Yisheng, a bastard, actually cheated Si Lian's feelings like this, if she didn't beat him up today, she wouldn't be Ye Qingxin.

"Si Lian, find a place to hide."

After Ye Qingxin finished explaining, she walked towards them angrily, but Liu Silian was too late to stop her.

"Love, don't..."

But it was too late, Ye Qingxin was surrounded by anger, she insisted on seeking an explanation for Liu Silian today.

"Be sensible and get the hell out of here, or don't blame me for not having eyes in my fist." Ye Qingxin walked to their side with a face full of fire, and one could imagine how dissatisfied she was feeling now.

But there are those who are self-righteous and don't know what to do. The woman who took the lead gave a smirk, as if she didn't take her words seriously, "Miss, it's not up to you here. Leng Shao said let me go, We're leaving."

"Leng Yisheng, don't let them go, otherwise don't blame me for smashing your place."

Ye Qingxin said harsh words, but she could say it and do it, Ye Qingxin held back her anger and tried to restrain herself.

"Ye Qingxin, don't think that you are a noble woman, I dare not do anything to you? This is my territory, not a place where you came here randomly." Leng Yisheng said in a cold tone, while the person standing by Liu Silian held Ye Qingxin's hand beside her.

"Qingxin, let's go back!"

She didn't look at Leng Yisheng again, maybe Qingxin was right, Leng Yisheng was not her lover at all, she didn't want to see him again, and Qingxin couldn't do anything with him.

Leng Yisheng followed Liu Silian all the time from the corner of his eye, when he saw such indifference towards him, his heart seemed to be ripped apart by someone, and he felt pain.

"Si Lian, you stay on the sidelines, I must help you get justice."

Ye Qingxin pulled Liu Silian aside, Silian could ignore it, but she couldn't.

Ye Qingxin picked up the empty wine bottle on the table and threw it hard on the ground. The ground was full of fragments. She also took a bottle and slapped it on the table, revealing a sharp light, and approached the woman. Shouted loudly, "Let's go!"

Seeing her ruthlessness, those girls ran away in fright.

At this time, there were only three of them left here, Ye Qingxin pointed at Leng Yisheng and cursed, "Leng Yisheng, you bastard, you keep saying that you are in love, but now you are with other women, you are just a human Scum, unworthy of love."

Being poked at the sore spot in the center, Leng Yisheng's expression changed, and he smiled coldly, "Since you already know what kind of person I am, why are you talking about this! Besides, it doesn't matter if I'm with these women." your business."

Anyway, in their hearts, didn't they always think of him like this?

And Liu Silian at the side listened to what he said, and her heart became cold little by little, yes, if I knew he was this kind of person, why would she still fall in love with him, she is so mean!

"Leng Yisheng, we came here in vain today, you deserve no one to love you, Si Lian, let's go back, why does this kind of scum still love him! You might as well accept my brother again."

Ye Qingxin kicked the empty wine bottle on the table, made a series of crackling noises, and fell to the ground, all shattered.

"Thinking of me! Impossible, impossible, she has already chosen Ye Haoxuan."

Leng Yisheng overheard the important point, Ye Qingxin said that Si Lian admitted to falling in love with him, so is she here today to find him?

Thinking of this possibility, Leng Yisheng couldn't help but feel happy, he couldn't help looking at Liu Silian who was at the side, but it's a pity that Silian didn't want to talk to him anymore.

"These things have absolutely nothing to do with you, Leng Yisheng, the opportunity has been given to you, and you are the one who wasted it for nothing! Let me tell you, my brother will take good care of Si Lian, and you don't want to destroy them again in the future."

Ye Qingxin sneered, especially when she saw the surprise on her face, but it was too late, and when he chose to hang out with those ghosts and said those hurtful things, he was no longer qualified to say Ai Si Lian.

Originally, she wanted to explain it to Leng Yisheng herself, and if she couldn't do it, she would put down her face and apologize to him, but now there is no need to say anything, a person like him is a dog who can't be changed, he deserves no love!

"Si Lian, let's go! You don't need this kind of scum, from now on, you and my brother will be together happily."

After Ye Qingxin finished speaking, she was about to pull Liu Silian who was beside her to leave.

Liu Silian didn't hesitate at all, because his actions just now had completely hurt her, and she didn't want to see him again.

"Si Lian, don't go! I want to explain to you that what happened just now was not what you saw. I was just mad at you."

As soon as Leng Yisheng saw that they were going to leave, if he let her leave this time, he really would have no chance, his head came to his senses, and he pulled Liu Silian's hand to prevent her from leaving.

Ye Qingxin couldn't pull it away, and when she looked back, she saw that Leng Yisheng's hand was holding on to Si Lian's hand, she looked angry, "Leng Yisheng, let me go of your dirty hands! Your hands are only It will tarnish Si Lian."

Seeing that Leng Yisheng still didn't let go, Ye Qingxin walked back, forcefully broke away her hand, and pulled Liu Silian behind her to protect her.

"Leng Yisheng, let me tell you, from now on I won't allow you to harass Si Lian anymore, you should continue to have fun. As for Si Lian, she will marry my brother, and they will live happily ever after."

Ye Qingxin put down her words, if Leng Yisheng dares to pester Si Lian in the future, then don't blame her for being rude.

"Ye Qingxin, why do you always have to intervene in the matter between Si Lian and me! If you hadn't been a hindrance, so many things wouldn't have happened. Si Lian will be happy with me. Where did I provoke you? Now, if you are so idle and have nothing to do, you can go to give birth to Juzzy, why do you have to meddle in our affairs."

Leng Yisheng shouted and said, he really can't understand Ye Qingxin's deeds, if it wasn't for her, he and Si Lian would have been together long ago, so there wouldn't be so many unpleasant things happening, the culprit is She, she is still qualified to speak here.

(End of this chapter)

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