Chapter 226 Dig a Hole for Her to Jump
"So, Jazz, you have agreed." Ye Maosheng's eyes lit up with joy when he heard his words, and what he was waiting for was his words.

As long as Jazz and him have the same ideas, it will not be difficult.


Shangguan Jueshi hummed lightly, and this idea became stronger.

"Jess, as long as you nod your head and agree, this matter will not be a problem. As for the matter of the girl, you don't have to worry. If she dares not to refuse, you can use your means. I won't take care of this matter." Ye Maosheng He agreed, and also acquiesced in his other actions.

He believes that this kid, Jazz, if he wants to do it, there is nothing he can't do.

"Okay, Dad!"

Shangguan Jueshi smiled. With his words, he would not have any burden in doing things, and it can be said that his confidence has doubled.

But if Qingxin knew that even her father was supporting him behind his back, I don't know if she would be half-dead from anger.

Ye Qingxin went to the kitchen, and when she came out, she saw the old man and Shangguan Jueshi mysteriously chatting about something, and they seemed to be having a very happy conversation. Seeing the satisfaction on the old man's face, he seemed to be marrying a wife Same.

"Old man, Shangguan Jueshi, it's time to eat."

Ye Qingxin came over and shouted, look again, the two of them stopped talking immediately when they saw her coming.

This is very wrong?It is said that when a group of women gather together, they talk about men's topics, and then when men gather together, they talk about women's topics.

"What are you two talking about, tell me and let me listen." Ye Qingxin also wanted to join in the fun.

"You girl, what are you doing to join in the fun? I'm explaining about your work. It's your first time to go out to work and you don't have any experience. I'll ask you to remind you and teach you some basic knowledge so that you don't lose your job when you go out. It hurts our Ye family's face, girl, remember to be careful when you go out and do things outside, and remember to restrain your temper." Ye Maosheng quickly changed the subject, if this girl knows that the two of them want her to have a baby, then it's okay, maybe there will be trouble It's upside down.

This matter can only be done in secret, and it is necessary to dig a hole well so that she will fall into it unconsciously, and after the work is done, it must be leak-tight, so that it has nothing to do with them, I believe this kid knows how to do it.

If Ye Qingxin knew that they were plotting against her so deliberately, digging a hole and waiting for her to fall, she would have fainted in the toilet.

"Got it, got it, old man, you are so wordy."

Ye Qingxin said impatiently, she knew all this, why did the old man look down on her so much.

She is a bit of a mess at home, but she knows how to measure outside. As long as others don't mess with her, she won't do anything.

"Okay, girl, go upstairs and ask your brother and Si Lian to come down for dinner." Ye Maosheng said, and Ye Qingxin nodded, and walked upstairs, as if he forgot something and couldn't remember it for a while.

Forget it, let's call my elder brother and Si Lian down for dinner first.

Seeing Ye Qingxin go upstairs, Ye Maosheng breathed a sigh of relief. This feeling is like a thief who has done something wrong. This is the first time he has experienced it, and it is still calculated on his daughter.

Fortunately, this girl will be fooled for a while, and she can't find any clues.

"Jason, be careful, this girl is very clever." Ye Maosheng did not forget to remind, Shangguan Jueshi smiled slightly, and he couldn't do enough to plot her.

"Dad, don't worry!"

Shangguan Jueshi said confidently, and the two looked at each other and smiled, their hearts connected.

Ye Haoxuan went upstairs and entered the room, and saw that Si Lian on the bed still hadn't woken up, so he simply sat beside her and waited, but more than ten minutes had passed, and she was still in a deep sleep.

I knew she was sad, but I slept all afternoon and my heart woke up, so she should wake up too.

Ye Haoxuan got up and called softly, "Silian, Silian, wake up!"

Ye Haoxuan yelled several times in a row, but Liu Silian didn't seem to hear it, and was still asleep, Ye Haoxuan became nervous now, he moved closer to her, stretched out his hand to touch her forehead, the scorching heat burned his hand , She has a fever, it's so hot, something will happen if she doesn't wake up.

Damn it, Ye Haoxuan looked nervous, but driven by occupational diseases, he quickly calmed down.

"Si Lian, wake up." Ye Haoxuan picked her up and leaned into his arms, her whole body was like a stove, very hot.

He patted her little face lightly, Liu Silian seemed to be aware of the pain, and then opened his eyes bewilderedly.

"Brother Haoxuan, what's wrong with me?"

His throat seemed to be blocked by something, his voice was hoarse, and he was thirsty and uncomfortable.

Her head is dizzy, her vision is a little blurred, and her eyelids can hardly hold up. What's wrong with her, her body feels limp, and she can't use her strength.

"Si Lian, you have a fever, you drink this water first, I will take you to the hospital."

Because there is only spare medicine at home, if she takes it now, the fever will not go away immediately. She has a high fever and can only go to the hospital for fluids.

Ye Haoxuan handed over the water on the table and brought it to her mouth, feeling hot and uncomfortable, Liu Silian drank it very cooperatively, Ye Haoxuan poured her several glasses one after another, telling her to drink it quickly.

"Brother Haoxuan, I can't drink anymore, I'm so sleepy."

Because of the high fever, Liu Silian's face was burning red, she said weakly.

"Si Lian, have another drink, and I'll take you to the hospital."

"it is good."

Liu Silian drank another cup, her eyelids couldn't hold it anymore, she fell asleep in Ye Haoxuan's arms.

Ye Haoxuan was about to put her down, pack her luggage and prepare to go to the hospital, when Ye Qingxin walked in.

"Brother, idiot Liu hasn't woken up yet?"

Ye Qingxin asked, idiot Liu was hurt so deeply this time, she must be tired, and she slept for so long, she might figure out something after sleeping.

"Xin'er, you came just in time. Si Lian has a fever. Go and help her pack her luggage first. Give me her ID first. I'll take her to the hospital first." Ye Haoxuan quickly confessed, hugging Liu Si Lian in one fell swoop. stand up.

"Brother, Si Lian has a fever." As soon as she heard that Liu Si Lian had a high fever, Ye Qingxin immediately walked over and touched her forehead. At this temperature, eggs can be boiled. Why is it so hot? People are burning stupid!

"Brother, Si Lian will be fine, right?"

Ye Qingxin quickly picked up Liu Silian's bag from the table, opened it to check, all her documents were inside.

"As long as the fever subsides, you'll be fine."

"Brother, Si Lian's documents are all inside, you can take her to the hospital quickly, I will go there right away after I pack my luggage."

This fever is not a trivial matter, if it burns the brain, it will be miserable, idiot Liu has one nerve, if the brain burns out, the only one nerve will be gone.

"Okay, I'll go first."

Ye Haoxuan went downstairs with Liu Silian in his arms, Ye Qingxin hurriedly helped her pack her luggage, and then prepared to follow.

Ye Maosheng and Shangguan Jueshi were waiting for them to go downstairs, unexpectedly they saw Haoxuan going downstairs with Si Lian in his arms, walking in a hurry, as if something happened.

"Haoxuan, what's wrong with Si Lian?"

"Dad, Si Lian has a fever. I'm going to send her to the hospital now. You can eat first. Don't worry if Si Lian is with me."

After Ye Haoxuan finished speaking, he went out with Liu Silian in his arms.

"It's fine, why did I have a fever." After all these things happened, how can I still eat now.

Ye Qingxin packed her luggage and went downstairs, pulling her luggage and preparing to follow, "Old man, I will send the luggage there first, brother and I are here, so you don't have to worry, Shangguan Jueshi, you can accompany the old man to eat .”

After Ye Qingxin finished speaking, she pulled her luggage and prepared to leave, but before she had gone a few steps, her hand was grabbed by Shangguan Jueshi.

"Shangguan Jueshi, what are you doing?"

She has to hurry over to have a look, what is he doing?
Considering that he hadn't eaten after get off work all day, she planned to go alone without calling him.

"Girl, you are still injured, let Juzzy go with you."

Ye Maosheng on the side spoke in time, he was not at ease to let this girl drive the night train alone, and let Jue Shi go with him, and he will wait at home to rest.

"Whatever, whatever, Shangguan Jueshi, let's go!"

Ye Qingxin took Shangguan Jueshi's hand and left together, Ye Maosheng's voice came from behind, "Girl, remember to call me if you have anything to do."


Along the way, Shangguan Jueshi's face was a bit ugly, and he kept a straight face. Ye Qingxin also noticed, "Shangguan Jueshi, what's wrong with you? Are you hungry? I told you to stay at home and eat with the old man." of."

Ye Qingxin thought it was because he was hungry, but in fact she was also very hungry, but the matter of idiot Liu is important now.

Unexpectedly, after hearing her words, Shangguan Jueshi's face became more gloomy and cold. He had a sullen face and didn't say anything. This feeling made people even more depressed.

"Shangguan Jueshi, there will be something to eat when we get to the hospital. I'm hungry too." Ye Qingxin continued, and Shangguan Jueshi had a gloomy expression on his face, as if he was holding back some anger.


"Shangguan Jueshi, are you talking? You make me feel very uncomfortable."

She was always the one talking, and Shangguan Jueshi remained silent, which made her very uncomfortable, and she couldn't stand it.

"You finally feel my presence, so why didn't you call me when you went to the hospital by yourself just now." Shangguan Jueshi said angrily, only now did he know his existence, he also understands that she cares so much about Liu foolishly , but she left him alone, driving while injured, did she think about his feelings?

Did she ever think that he would worry that his existence was so transparent to her?
"So you are angry because of this! Shangguan Jueshi, I am worried that you will be tired and hungry when you come back from get off work, and I want you to eat first!"

It took a long time for Ye Qingxin to know why Shangguan Jueshi was angry, but she really didn't want to call him, or she didn't want to make him too tired, but unexpectedly, she misunderstood him.


Hearing this unexpected answer, Shangguan Jueshi was overjoyed, he thought that his presence in her heart was so thin.

It turned out that she was worried about him. Thinking of this, Shangguan Jueshi's gloomy face just now disappeared.

"Then what do you think! You think I'm willing to suffer for myself if I get hurt!" Facing those affectionate eyes, Ye Qingxin said uncomfortably.

She also cares about people's well-being!She is not blind, of course she can feel Shangguan Jueshi's kindness to her.

"Little wild cat, nothing is as important as you."

There was a smile on the corner of Shangguan Jueshi's mouth, and he was in a rare happy mood.

"Of course, I am a rare treasure."

Ye Qingxin said triumphantly, a look of pampering appeared in Shangguan Jueshi's eyes, his rare treasure.

"Shangguan Jueshi, this time I have to blame Leng Yisheng, if it wasn't for Leng Yisheng who hurt Si Lian so deeply, she wouldn't be so sad. Don't be good and not learn from others. If you If you dare to do things that are sorry to me behind my back, I will definitely break up with you without saying a word." Ye Qingxin never forgot to say, Leng Yisheng is a bastard, she will hit him every time she sees her in the future, making Si Lian so sad.

This time, what she heard from her mouth was not the word divorce, but the word break up was obviously pleasant to the ear, but the meaning was not very good.

"I can't do it if I want to!" Shangguan Jueshi joked, it was the first time he saw how important she was to him, and he liked how domineering she was, otherwise he wouldn't know whether she cared about him or not.

"That's right, you only have feelings for me! But wait, what do you mean by saying that, so if you recover from your illness, you also want to fool around with Leng Yisheng, don't you?"

Ye Qingxin blushed suddenly and looked directly at him.

If Shangguan Jueshi didn't give her a good explanation today, she would never end with him.

Sure enough, he is a fox friend and a dog friend, and a dog can't change a ****.

"Little wild cat, I'm so busy with work that I don't have time to spare. I don't even have time to be with you, let alone another woman." Seeing her showing the jealousy of a little woman at this time, Shangguan Jueshi's eyes froze. The smile widened even more.

"That's about the same. A lot of work has drained your energy, and you have to face me when you come back. I don't think you have much energy to deal with others." Ye Qingxin said with a giggle, unlike Leng Yisheng. , do nothing all day long, and hang out with women.

And Ye Haoxuan came to the hospital, he had arranged for his colleagues to be hospitalized before he came, he got out of the car, opened the door, carefully carried Si Lian out of the car, and rushed inside.

Gu Changye made a meal for Lu Manman, and before she came back, he brought the lunch box to the hospital to deliver to Leng Yisheng.

I probably owed this kid a debt in my previous life, otherwise there would be so many troubles.

He also got out of the car, unexpectedly seeing a familiar figure at a glance, isn't that Ye Haoxuan?

Who is that in his arms?Looking at that body shape, how come he looks like the idiot Liu from Yisheng's family?

What's the matter?Why did Ye Haoxuan come to the hospital with her in his arms, seeing Ye Haoxuan's nervous face, could it be that something happened to Liu idiot?
Could it be that he was overstimulated by Yisheng and couldn't think about committing suicide.

(End of this chapter)

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