Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 227 Thank God He Doesn't Beat You Up

Chapter 227 Thank God He Doesn't Beat You Up
At this time in the ward, Leng Yisheng was lying on his stomach lying on his stomach, because his right hand was covered with plaster, and his left hand was wearing a cast, so he couldn't free one hand, and he couldn't even play with his mobile phone. The more depressed.

"Chang Ye, you ungrateful guy, I'm starving to death, why don't you hurry up and bring me food." Leng Yisheng couldn't help cursing, needless to say, Gu Changye is probably doing something now. The wife slave, his own wife who was with him, forgot about his brother.

He is so hungry!Who still remembers to send him food!It's such a failure to be human.

When Gu Changye rushed to the ward, he heard Leng Yisheng cursing from Leng Yisheng's mouth. Yisheng is really a dog biting Lu Dongbin and doesn't know good people. He brought him over as soon as he finished cooking. How about being a brother? How many of them did this, but he still cursed behind his back.

"Yisheng, you bastard, I wouldn't have given you food if I knew you, I might as well let you starve to death." Gu Changye came in with a thermos, and said with a sullen expression.

Leng Yisheng looked up, and immediately had a look of joy, "Chang Ye, you're finally here, I'm almost starving to death."

It seems that Chang Ye is quite loyal, unlike the typical wife-slave of Jazz, who didn't even look at him.

"I'm pretty fast. I'll bring it to you as soon as I finish cooking."

Gu Changye rolled his eyes at him, and Leng Yisheng gave him a thumbs up, with a flattering expression on his face.

"Then you don't have to eat at home with Lu Manman at home? You still think brother and I are alone in the hospital, so you came here to accompany me." Leng Yisheng asked with a smile, or Chang Ye was kind to him and had his heart.

"Don't think too brightly, I brought it to you because Manman is still off work."

Gu Changye looked disgusted, he would rather stay at home with his own wife than come here to listen to him complain.

"I knew it would be like this. Sure enough, I thought too much, but Changye, you can't be careless. Your road is so long and eye-catching, you'd better be careful, lest other men cheat her away."

I knew that his brother forgot about his brother when he got a wife. It really was his wishful thinking.

Leng Yisheng did not forget to remind, but Gu Changye didn't think about it that much, but after he reminded her, he suddenly thought of her boss on the phone last time, who had no good intentions for Manman, although he believed in Manman, but I'm afraid that other men have ulterior motives!

Manman always leaves work on time, but she hasn't come back tonight, and she suddenly feels a sense of crisis in her heart.

"Chang Ye, I'm not talking about you. Your Lu Manman is a typical flirt. You should pay more attention."

Unlike her Si Lian who is so honest and obedient, he doesn't have to worry much at all.

"You should take care of yourself, I saw Ye Haoxuan carrying your idiot Liu into the hospital just now, and I don't know what happened, I was wondering if your idiot Liu was too stimulated by you and committed suicide for a while. "

Gu Changye told Leng Yisheng what he saw just now, and when Leng Yisheng heard about Liu Silian's accident, he wanted to get up from the bed without even thinking about it.

"Si Lian, she also came to the hospital, Chang Ye, don't talk nonsense, Si Lian won't do stupid things."

Because he didn't notice the needle hole in his hand, he exerted a little force on his hand in this violent move, the needle was deflected, and the blood flowed backwards. Seeing this, Gu Changye forced him down, "Leng Yisheng, you This lunatic, you'd better take care of yourself first! Even if you go to Liu Silian now, she won't see you when she's angry, so don't let her be overly stimulated. "

This kid, when he mentioned Liu Silian's accident, his reaction was so big, he didn't look at himself as a dying sick cat, he should take care of himself first.

"Si Lian is in the hospital, can I not be in a hurry? Changye, why don't you go and help me look now."

Chang Ye is right, Si Lian definitely doesn't want to see him now, maybe his going will irritate him, he suddenly looks like a deflated balloon, with a dejected look on his face.

He really deserves death!If he is not injured now, he can go to see her secretly.

"It's up to you to see. You'd better take care of yourself first. I'll help you find out the situation later. Maybe things aren't what we thought." Gu Changye persuaded, knowing that he was impatient, but he had to take care of himself. Let's talk about the injury.

"No, eat this porridge, and I'll help you see it."

Gu Changye took the porridge scooped up on the table and placed it in front of him. The temperature was just right, "Pay attention to your posture with your hands, and be careful when eating. I'll go and take a look for you."

In case this kid doesn't pay attention, the blood has flowed backwards, this kid is really looking for guilt.

"Changye, don't worry about me, go and have a look."

Leng Yisheng waved his hand, signaling him to go quickly, he especially wanted to know about Si Lian's news.

"Understood, I'll come as I go."

As soon as Liu Silian's matter was mentioned, he lost his mind, and it was useless to worry about him.

Gu Changye walked out, and was about to ask Liu Silian which ward he was in, but he happened to bump into Jue Shi and his wife who came here, so it was much easier now.

"Jazz, I've seen you."

For Gu Changye's appearance, Ye Qingxin also looked surprised. If Manman is here, then it is understandable that he followed Si Lian to see Si Lian, but now that Manman is no longer so why is he coming to the hospital, there is no time to think about it. Many, Ye Qingxin said to Shangguan Jueshi who was on the side, "Shangguan Jueshi, I'm going to see Si Lian first."

"Why are you here?"

Shangguan Jueshi was puzzled, why did he also appear in the hospital.

"It's not that Leng Yisheng's insanity, he suffered on his own, caused himself a whole body of injuries, and is now in the hospital on fluids! By the way, what's wrong with Liu Silian? Could it be that she was overstimulated and overwhelmed?"

Gu Changye did not forget to ask Jue Shi, who came with the brothers and sisters of the Ye family, so he must know what happened.

Speaking of Leng Yisheng, Shangguan Jueshi remembered what his wife said, this kid deserved it, he didn't beat him up, but he went to the hospital by himself, which saved him a lot of energy.

"Liu Silian has a high fever."

Shangguan Jueshi said in a lukewarm tone, it's all over now, both of them have been admitted to the hospital.

"I have a high fever, so there should be nothing wrong with it!" Gu Changye heaved a sigh of relief, as long as the fever subsided, he would be fine, so he should hurry up and tell this boy Yisheng, otherwise, with his irritable temper, if he waited, he would be fine. I came out in no hurry, and I still don't know what troubles will happen.

"It's hard to say, there was only one tendon in the first place, but now there is probably not a single tendon left." Shangguan Jueshi said leisurely, but Gu Changye was stunned, not a single tendon was left, wouldn't he be stupid.

He thought he was used to a poisonous tongue, but he didn't expect Juzzi's mouth to be more poisonous than his.

"Would you like to go and see Yisheng together? I have to tell him that Liu Silian is fine, otherwise this kid doesn't know what he will do."

Gu Changye asked, with Jue Shi taking over, he can also find time to go home.

"Don't bother with him, I still have things to do."

After finishing speaking, Shangguan Jueshi walked out. When he came out just now, everyone hadn't eaten. The most important thing is not to starve his little wild cat, otherwise the few catties of meat that had just been fattened would shrink again.

It's no wonder that Jue Shi doesn't care about him, whoever let Yi Sheng dare to touch Jue Shi's woman is simply courting death.

And Leng Yisheng stayed in the ward, waiting anxiously, the porridge on the table did not move, he was so anxious that he lost his appetite.

What does Chang Ye do for food? He hasn't come back yet. It's possible that Si Lian's situation is not optimistic.

Thinking about Si Lian, he couldn't calm down anymore. He was about to get up when Gu Changye came back from outside.

"Yisheng, if you continue to be so reckless, I won't care about you."

Only he has the time to take care of him. If he still comes here indiscriminately, then he will leave directly and hire a nurse for him.

"Chang Ye, tell me quickly, how is Si Lian doing?"

Leng Yisheng was worried about this, and wanted to get news from Chang Ye that Si Lian was fine.

"I have a high fever, and it will be fine when the fever subsides."

Gu Changye said with a calm face, Liu Silian is a fool, he is a fool, and if he continues to be stupid, he won't go anywhere.

"I have a fever, and it's all Ye Haoxuan's fault. I have nothing to do in the morning and I want to take Si Lian to play in the water. Now it's better. Si Lian must have caught a cold to have a fever." As soon as Ye Haoxuan was mentioned, Leng Yisheng became angry, and Ye Haoxuan also I don't know what a pig's brain is. It's still very cold in this weather, and I took Si Lian to play in the water, which made Si Lian catch a cold and have a fever.

And Gu Changye looked at him so aggrieved, but Liu Silian had a fever and he couldn't escape the responsibility.

"Yisheng, have you never thought that Liu Silian was overly sad, and caught a cold when the wind blew while crying on the road?"

This kid, it's better now, he pushed everything on Ye Haoxuan.

"Chang Ye, are you my brother? You still help Ye Haoxuan speak."

In fact, he also knew that the biggest reason for Si Lian's fever was because of him, he broke her heart today, beat her, and made her sick and suffer, Leng Yisheng wanted to beat himself to death.

But Chang Ye shouldn't speak for his love rival Ye Haoxuan in front of him, who is his good brother.

"I'm seeking truth from facts! You'd better drink this porridge quickly. Now that there are brothers and sisters from the Ye family and Jue Shi watching over there, nothing will happen."

If he wants to ask for forgiveness, he must first fix his body.

"Jaxy is here too. I'm in the hospital, and he doesn't come to see me. This guy is a typical pervert." Leng Yisheng couldn't help complaining, and he got angry when he mentioned the little wild cat.

"If he comes, you probably won't even be able to talk now." Gu Changye smiled and said, if Juzzy really came, he wouldn't be able to walk around.

"What do you mean?" Leng Yisheng raised his eyebrows and asked, not understanding what he meant.

What is Jushilai, he can't speak, and it's not his throat that hurt him, so why can't he speak.

"You tried to hit his woman, and you should be thankful that he didn't chop you up."

Gu Changye had an expression that you should be thankful, while Leng Yisheng rolled his eyes, who told his wife to be so talkative and said such nasty things, he couldn't control his anger and wanted to beat her up, this is not the case It's unreasonable.

But he was secretly glad that he didn't come to see him, otherwise, according to Jue Shi's protective attitude, he was really beaten up to the point that he couldn't even speak as Chang Ye said.

"Chang Ye, don't you want to help me find a way, while Si Lian and I are both in the hospital, you help me think about it and match the two of us." Leng Yisheng strikes while the iron is hot, he doesn't want to go on like this, can't see Seeing her and not being able to care about her was worse than death.

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. You think it's so easy to think of a solution! Besides, the two of you fell out, and Liu Silian will be angry for a while. It's not so easy to forgive you. Let's talk about it when her condition improves a little bit." .”

Gu Changye persuaded him to think of a way for a while, but he really couldn't think of a way, and besides, he wanted to perfunctory him and let him deal with the wound first.

"Yes, we have to wait for Si Lian's condition to improve. Chang Ye, why are you standing here? Why don't you hurry up and find out the situation for me." Leng Yisheng urged, he wanted to know Si Lian's situation every minute.

Gu Changye gave him a blank look, and this guy treated him like a slave, "I haven't eaten yet! I won't talk nonsense with you!"

Besides, he didn't know if his wife had gone home now, so he still called and asked where she was, so he didn't have time to be an investigator.

Gu Changye walked out with his mobile phone, while Ren Leng Yisheng yelled behind him without looking back.

"Long Ye, this guy can't be a good person to the end and send Buddha to the west!"

Leng Yisheng let out a sigh of relief, now he has to take care of his body before he can take care of Si Lian.

He picked up the porridge and drank it in big gulps.

Gu Changye walked to the outer corridor and called Lu Manman.

Lu Manman is coming out of the company, and she will get off work late tonight, because she is busy with signing a contract with Magic Clothes tomorrow, and she is not far from being famous.

Lu Manman was in a good mood. She had just gotten into the car when the phone in her bag rang. Needless to say, it must have been Gu Changye.

She swiped the answer button, and Gu Changye's gentle and refined voice sounded from the opposite side, "Honey, are you still off work so late? I've prepared all the meals for you at home, and I'm waiting for you to go back to eat! "

"Gu Changye, so you're not at home now? Where are you?"

Listening to Gu Changye talking about his wife and being so caring, Lu Manman was very happy.

But judging from the meaning of his words, it seems that he is not at home.

"I'm in the hospital, wife, you go back to eat first, don't wait for me."

Gu Changye called Te Shun one by one, if it wasn't for Yi Sheng, he would have gone back a long time ago, what a fool.

"In the hospital? Gu Changye, what's wrong with you?" Upon hearing that he was in the hospital, Lu Manman thought that something was wrong with him, and she felt even more uneasy when she asked her to go home for dinner.

"It's not me, my wife. Your good friend Si Lian was also hospitalized just now. Would you like to come and take a look?" Gu Changye told her about Liu Si Lian's illness, knowing that she regarded Liu Si Lian as a good friend, and when he heard Liu Si Lian She would come over when she was sick, so he could see her.

(End of this chapter)

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