Chapter 232
"Manman, didn't you just say that you were glad I wasn't with him, why..."

"Did I say that just now? I don't know anymore. Anyway, this matter is important now, and we need to figure it out." Lu Manman pretended not to know, and Liu Silian looked puzzled about her changed attitude.

Didn't Manman persuade her not to feel sad because of him just now, so she changed her attitude all of a sudden, instead she said it was a misunderstanding, and Qingxin pleaded for him no matter what.

Liu Silian stared at the two of them suspiciously, but couldn't see why.

"Si Lian, let me tell you another piece of news. I think it should be good news for you. Leng Yisheng was sent to the hospital. He committed suicide because of love. It seems that you misunderstood him and he chose to end himself because of the pain. .”

Ye Qingxin planted a bomb, and Gu Changye who was at the side almost couldn't help but burst out laughing, committing suicide because of love, this kid Yisheng hasn't reached this point yet!Did the two of them go too far?

Afraid that Gu Changye would be exposed, Lu Manman couldn't help pinching his waist, and he was silent in pain.

Liu Silian's whole face turned pale, with a look of disbelief, and he murmured, "Impossible, how could he commit suicide for love!"

Waves of fear overwhelmed her. She didn't believe it would happen. She wanted to see how he was doing.

She couldn't sit still anymore, no matter it was true or not, she wanted to see with her own eyes that he was fine and nothing happened to him!Nothing can happen!

And she didn't listen to his explanation, how could he leave her!

Even if she gets angry again, she still hopes to hear her explanation in person, and what to do if there is a misunderstanding, then there will be no chance to speak.

Seeing Liu Silian's reaction, Ye Qingxin and Lu Manman looked at each other, Lu Manman continued, compared to Liu Silian's worries, she acted very indifferent, "Silian, anyway, he broke your heart, and you don't care about it." If you love him, he will die when he dies, so that you can enjoy yourself more."

"It's not like that, he's not like that."

Liu Silian said excitedly, recalling the little things Leng Yisheng did for her before, just as Mr. Gu said, even if she rejected him, he always appeared by her side, never left, and was always waiting her answer.

"Then what kind of person is he?"

"He is a good person to me. He has always been good to me. I am going to see how he is doing." Liu Silian stood up. down.

Ye Qingxin sent a signal to Gu Changye who was behind him, telling him to notify Leng Yisheng quickly, but he didn't expect that Leng Yisheng would not play cards according to common sense.


Liu Silian's eyes lit up with joy, he is not dead!
Joy immediately filled the entire atrium. Looking at him standing outside the door in hospital clothes, his face was haggard, and his right hand was still in plaster. How did he make himself look like this? I was puzzled and felt that his injury Can't get away from her.

"Si Lian, I know I did something bastard, you will never forgive me again, I just want to see how you are doing, I will leave after taking a look."

At this time Leng Yisheng stood at the gate, said in a low voice with a downcast expression.

He heard what Si Lian said just now, he didn't want to deceive Si Lian anymore, he just wanted to see her once, that's fine.

He wanted to leave after seeing her, but when he overheard her confessing to him, he was so happy that he couldn't help but stand up.

Ye Qingxin heard Leng Yisheng's voice, looked back, he really came, didn't he do what she said?Why did she come out so soon? What the hell is this Leng Yisheng doing?

Ye Qingxin turned her eyes to Shangguan Jueshi behind her, wanting to ask what was going on, but Shangguan Jueshi walked over and pulled her away without saying a word. She didn't want to see her doing this for others. enthusiastic.

"Manman, let's go too!"

Gu Changye came over, and Lu Manman also felt that they were redundant in this situation, so she handed the lotion in her hand to Leng Yisheng who was not far away, and then walked away with Gu Changye.

At this time, it's better for the two of them to talk alone, as outsiders like them can't help.

They left in pairs, and the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

"Si Lian, are you alright?" Leng Yisheng came over and raised his left hand to help her hold the lotion. Seeing her haggard little face at this moment, his eyes could not help but show a hint of distress. It was because he was too bastard that Si Lian will be sick.

"I'm fine, how about you!"

Liu Silian spoke lightly, her tone was a little unnatural, and the two were not used to such a polite way of speaking.

At this time, there were only the two of them left in the ward here. Seeing him hurt like this, the pent-up anger in her heart was replaced by worry, and she really wanted to ask him what was going on, but she couldn't speak out because she felt awkward.

Did he hurt himself so much because he hurt her? Didn't this right hand hit her hand just now?

Thinking that he hurt herself like this for this reason, she didn't feel the pleasure of revenge, and felt even more uncomfortable.

Why is he so stupid!Why hurt yourself so much!
"I'm fine, it doesn't matter." Leng Yisheng said with a calm face, and when she heard that she was willing to pay attention to him, a smile appeared on her face.

"You're hurt like this, and you still say it's okay, just sit down, I'll just take the lotion myself."

It must be a heavy burden for him to see that he is still holding it like this after suffering such a serious injury, and I don't want to see him feel uncomfortable.

After finishing speaking, she reached out to take the lotion from his hand, but Leng Yisheng refused, thinking that she was still angry with him, and felt even more uncomfortable.

"Si Lian, I made you sick, just let me hold it for you, it will make me feel better." Leng Yisheng insisted, if he couldn't do something for her, his heart would be crushed. The guilt was swallowed up bit by bit, at least he felt better in this way. Could it be that she didn't even want to give him this chance to make amends? The smile on the corner of Leng Yisheng's mouth froze instantly.

He knew that Si Lian would not forgive him so easily, after all he did such a bastard thing.

Seeing his disappointed expression, Si Lian knew that he had misunderstood. She stared into his eyes and said, "I saw you suffer such a serious injury and helped me carry it. I don't want you to suffer too much."

Seeing him hurting herself like this, she felt a twinge of pain in her heart, making it even more uncomfortable.

When Leng Yisheng heard this, a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes, his face was astonished, and his voice trembled uncontrollably, "Si Lian, are you worried about me? Does this mean that you forgive me?"

Because of being too excited, he even forgot the injury to his right hand, and he moved a lot. He wanted to hold her hand, but he pulled it so hard that his handsome face wrinkled in pain.

"What are you doing? You are still injured! Do you want this hand to be destroyed?"

Liu Silian hurriedly stopped him, what is he doing!If you don't cherish yourself so much, don't you know that she will feel distressed when she sees it.

"If you can care about me, it's worth throwing this hand away." Leng Yisheng stayed aside with a smirk, and kept looking at her with a smirk. If she still cares about him so much, does it mean that she has forgiven him.

It's worth the injury.

"Don't hurt yourself like this again in the future, I won't be happy watching it." Liu Silian murmured softly, how could he be so impulsive, just to beg her forgiveness and hurt himself like this.

"Whoever let it hit you, you should teach it a lesson." Leng Yisheng said with a smile on his face, and Si Lian rarely smiled at him.

"Why don't you hang the hanging liquid on the wall?"

The conversation between the two seemed to be back to normal, and Leng Yisheng looked okay, "No, it's fine for me to stand like this, and I'm injured right now, so I'm not suitable for sitting."

It was good to just stand like this, but it was even more uncomfortable for him to sit.

I thought he just hurt my hand, but I didn't expect him to hurt me like this. Because of the distressed relationship, I couldn't help being a little angry, "Leng Yisheng, what are you doing! Why are you treating yourself like this? Feel better, don't you feel even more uncomfortable when you do this?"

As he spoke, Liu Silian's voice became a little strange, a little choked up, and his eyes turned red unconsciously.

He thought that she would feel better in this way, so why would he do that in the morning!

What is it to make yourself look like this now!

"Si Lian, don't cry! Don't cry! Damn me, I'm the one who deserves to die, I was so mad this morning, that's why I played with those women in front of you, I know I used to be flirtatious Chengxing, you all think that I am unreliable, but since I understood my intentions for you, I immediately cut off contact with them. I want to change your opinion of me in your heart, and I want to be the one in your heart who can give You are a safe and reliable man, do you understand?"

Seeing that she was about to cry, Leng Yisheng became anxious, and he tried desperately to explain.

He just wanted to be angry with her, to see if she cared about him, but he didn't expect to hurt her instead.

"What you said is true? Do you really have nothing to do with them?" Liu Silian asked, really just doing that on purpose to anger her.

When she thought of him kissing and hugging those women in the morning, she felt very uncomfortable. She had never felt so sad. At that time, she felt that the whole world was empty, gray, without any hope, and felt as if she was about to die.

"It's absolutely true! Si Lian, please forgive me! Give me another chance, and I will let you see my changed side, and let you know that I am also a reliable man." Leng Yisheng repeatedly assured, Begging Si Lian's forgiveness again and again.

As long as she is willing to give him a chance, he will let her know that he is also a person worthy of entrusting her life, and he is not inferior to others.

"En!" Liu Silian nodded with a muffled voice.

Uncle Ye is right, to give him a chance is to give himself a chance to be happy. At the beginning, it was because she lacked the courage to love, but after what happened in the morning, she realized clearly that he had deeply rooted in her heart. From the bottom of her heart, she only wanted to be with him in this life.

"Si Lian, I will love you well in the future, take good care of you, and won't let you be wronged in the slightest."

Leng Yisheng said seriously, through his eyes he saw sincerity, persistence, and even deep love for her.

It was only at this moment that she could see so clearly and thoroughly. At this moment, the faces of both were reflected in the eyes of the two of them. Leng Yisheng propped up the injured hand and hugged her. This moment has never been so satisfying.

Si Lian finally accepted him, this moment was more exciting, happy and indescribably happy than imagined.

"Si Lian, when we are all discharged from the hospital, let's go get the certificate, okay?" Leng Yisheng struck while the iron was hot. Although Si Lian had agreed to be with him, he was still worried, fearing that something might happen again, as long as the certificate was obtained. He was relieved.

One must know that this guy Ye Haoxuan still hasn't given up on Si Lian!

"So fast!" Liu Silian exclaimed in surprise, shocked by his thoughts, she hadn't thought of this yet!And Qingxin said that getting married is entering the grave, and her scalp tingles when she thinks about it, she is not ready yet.

"How can it be so fast! Si Lian, we are already a lot slower. Ye Qingxin and Lu Manman have both obtained their certificates. You are a step slower than others. When they have a baby, we will not be able to catch up with them speed."

Leng Yisheng lured and said, he can only feel at ease when he gets the certificate, besides, he is so slow this time, he has to catch up no matter what!He can't be behind in everything, he has to be a child older than them, let Jushi and Changye have a child, call him big sister big brother!

Thinking about it, I feel refreshed. The three of them have similar skills, but his birthday is a little bit behind, and he is a few months younger than the two of them. This matter has always been a pain in his heart.

His children have to catch up no matter what, and call him big brother. The more he thinks about it, the more satisfied he is, and the more he wants to get the certificate as soon as possible.

Liu Silian tilted her head, thinking that what he said made sense, Qingxin and Manman were both married, and she was the only one left, shouldn't she be married too?

She looked hesitant and worried, "But marriage is a big deal, how can we compare it?"

"Si Lian, are you still unwilling to be with me?" Leng Yisheng's handsome face suddenly collapsed, did Si Lian still not believe that he could give her happiness, that's why he refused to agree.

"No! It's just that I think getting married is too soon." Liu Silian said with some embarrassment.

"That said, you just want to live with me. We've known each other for such a long time. It's not too soon. Besides, Chang Ye and Lu Manman have known each other for a shorter time than us. They are both married. We just got the certificate now. Alright, this way I can take better care of you." Leng Yisheng said persistently, and today she said that she would make Si Lian agree to go with him to get the certificate.

He suddenly thought about giving birth to a little princess with Si Lian, and their child would be very cute at that time, of course the most important thing is to be a big sister.

"OK then!"

In the end, Si Lian was attacked by Leng Yisheng's mouth that broke the pot and had no choice but to agree to his marriage proposal, but Si Lian also had a little requirement, that is, to learn to love her, and Man Man and the two of them had a trial marriage and a hidden marriage.

In order to hug the beauty back to Leng Yisheng, she had no choice but to agree.

(End of this chapter)

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