Chapter 233 Just When She Farts
Two days passed quickly, Leng Yisheng and Liu Silian were discharged from the hospital together, they didn't go home immediately but went straight to the Civil Affairs Bureau, under Leng Yisheng's tricks, Liu Silian agreed to collect the certificate with him.

They came back early in the morning after receiving their certificates, and went straight to the venue of Lu Manman's signing ceremony. Today is a lively and joyous day, double happiness.

Now that she has her own home, she feels that all this is incredible, as if she is in a dream, she has never felt so happy, having a home that belongs to her and Yisheng.

Her eyebrows, mouth, and eyes are stained with a happy smile, and she will be happy.

Not only her, Leng Yisheng was holding the two red books in his hands all the way, and kept giggling non-stop.

I have been staring at the photo above. Fortunately, he is a photogenic person. No matter what photos he takes, he looks handsome. He is no longer a bachelor, he is a married man now, and he is married.

Si Lian is now his wife. Looking at their names together, the homonym "Life Si Lian" is really charming. They really are a pair made in heaven, and now he has nothing to worry about .

Thinking about the agony of falling into hell a few days ago, but now he is so excited and excited as if he has entered heaven. If he hadn't held these two red books in his hands, he would have thought he was dreaming.

"Yisheng, why haven't you said a word since just now?"

Liu Silian couldn't help asking, it was completely different from the way he came here just now, he kept muttering and telling her not to be nervous, but now that he got his certificate, he kept talking quietly Not to mention, just like what Qingxin said, this man before and after marriage is very different.

Did you change your mind after getting the certificate with her?

"Si Lian, don't get me wrong, I'm so happy that I don't even know what to say."

Hearing Si Lian calling him, Leng Yisheng calmed down, he was so happy that even his wife was left aside.

But he can't be blamed for this, because too much displeasure happened before, and he never thought that he would get his wife so soon.

As Leng Yisheng said, he stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, now they are husband and wife, and there is no need to worry about anything.

"Oh, I thought I told Qingxin that you men will look different after you get married."

Liu Silian chuckled, but it was the first time she had such close contact with him, she was inevitably nervous, and she didn't know how to place her hands.

In fact, she was also the same, she was suddenly at a loss for words, and she didn't know what to say, and she was still a little uncomfortable with this new level of change for the time being.

"Si Lian, even if everything has changed, the only thing that remains the same is my heart that loves you, Si Lian, I love you!"

Leng Yisheng expressed from the bottom of his heart that he used to play tricks with other women, but now facing Si Lian, he wants to treat her well and live with her all his life, this moment has never been so clear.

He used to be bohemian and just wanted to have fun, but when he met Si Lian, he planned to settle down and start a family.

Although their journey was bumpy, fortunately, the result was not disappointing.

Leng Yisheng held her hand in both hands, and said with a serious face, the hands of both of them are very warm at this moment, and each other's heart goes straight to the atrium, he has never been so sober and rational at this moment - he wants to give her happiness.

"Yisheng, I love you too." Liu Silian said shyly, and finally heard these three words from her mouth, Leng Yisheng smiled brightly. He had waited for this answer for a long time, and finally made him wait.

Joy spread throughout his heart, Leng Yisheng smiled and hugged her tightly.


At this time, Tianyu Group was filled with people coming and going, and a lot of people gathered.

Today was the press conference for the signing of the contract between Tianyu Group and the world-renowned MagicClothes Group. The event was grand, and many media rushed to grab the headlines. They had been standing there for a long time early in the morning, waiting for this explosive news.

Because the two companies are very tight-lipped, they have not revealed who can be the spokesperson of MagicClothes, and it is rumored that the mysterious chief executive of MagicClothes will also arrive at the signing conference, and everyone is vying to see it.

You must know that the name MagicClothes is the dream of many girls, because it can turn the unknown ugly duckling into a popular white swan. Every girl has a princess dream, and MagicClothes is the place where your dreams come true. The concept was promoted by the mysterious chief a few years ago.

However, there are rumors that this time the spokesperson will choose the former Rentian Entertainment Group's now popular Ms. Beirenshan. This possibility is very high, but the result still depends on the final result.

On this day, Lu Manman had already arrived at the company very early. She was staying in the dressing room at this time. Although she had seen many scenes, she was a little nervous this time. This was her first chance to appear on the stage. She must Get it right.

At this time, she was sitting alone in it, exhaling all the time, because of the tense relationship, she still couldn't help calling Gu Changye, and Gu Changye was on the way here at this time, when she saw that it was her calling , answered immediately.

"Gu Changye, what should I do? I'm so nervous!" Lu Manman revealed her heart to Gu Changye. Although she kept telling herself to calm down, she really couldn't calm down. There will be mistakes.

"Honey, you're not usually fearless, why are you nervous this time, it's okay, try to relax, this time is when your dream comes true, you should be more calm."

Gu Changye did not forget to encourage her, knowing how important this press conference is to her, she has never seen her so nervous no matter what happens to her.

"Gu Changye, but I can't relax. My heart is still beating and it's about to jump out." Lu Manman's voice was a little agitated. The more she wanted to calm down, the more excited she felt and couldn't calm down. come down.

"Honey, why don't you try to divert your attention and hum your own song to see."

Gu Changye suggested that, in fact, he also had selfish intentions, and he didn't want her beauty to be exposed in front of others, but seeing her so obsessed with her dream and seeing her happy because of her dream, he had no choice but to fulfill her.

"Okay, let me try it. If it doesn't work, someone will come, so let's do it first."

Hearing movement outside the door, Lu Manman greeted Gu Changye and hung up.

"..." He wanted to say that he would be there soon, but he didn't expect her to hang up so soon.

Lu Manman put down her phone, took a few deep breaths, and started humming her own song. As Gu Changye said, she calmed down a lot.

But at this time, not only the makeup artist came, but also her colleague, Ruan Mianmian, followed behind.

As soon as Ruan Mianmian came in, she liked to find trouble, and she said mockingly, "A sparrow will never be on a big scene."

Ruan Mianmian looked at Lu Manman's nervous face at this moment, and sneered.

I couldn't destroy you last time, but this time I don't believe that there is no way to take you.

"Sister Mianmian, you are right. No matter how you dress a sparrow, it will never become a phoenix. Some people pretend to be like a jade girl." The people who came with her also echoed.

But Lu Manman smiled and didn't care about him, because it would only lower his gear.

Let her say whatever they want, at most she will treat them as farting, and once the stench wafts away, it will be fine.

As for what they said, she just needs to have a clear conscience.

Seeing that Lu Manman didn't pay attention to them at this time, it seemed that they were causing trouble for no reason, Ruan Mianmian held his breath, "Lu Manman, I want to see if you can still be so clumsy later!"

Ruan Mianmian and the others felt bored, so they walked out angrily.

Soon after Lu Manman finished her makeup, she sat inside alone, because it was not time yet, and she couldn't go out now.

Because this cooperation matter is kept confidential throughout the whole process, if it is accidentally spread, it must be investigated to the end. It will not be as simple as being fired, and being charged with selling business information and going to jail.

So no matter how disgusted Ruan Mianmian and his group were, they didn't dare to act rashly. If something went wrong, the entire entertainment industry would not be able to tolerate them.

As for Bei Renshan, although she knew about it, she still weighed it very clearly. If she offended Qi Jue and Shangguan Liunian, two local tyrants, then she would not be so smooth in the entertainment circle in the future.

Lu Manman sat with a bored expression on her face, and instead of doing nothing like this, she was even more nervous, so she had to find someone to talk to. Today I heard that idiot Liu was coaxed by Leng Yisheng to get the certificate, and I don’t know that they successfully obtained the certificate No, she has already given them an invitation letter, asking them to come and have a look and share her joy, and I don't know if they are all here now.

Just when Lu Manman was about to pick up the phone on the table, the door opened again.

"Long Man!"

"Boss, why are you here? Why don't you go outside to entertain me?"

Lu Manman looked back and saw a familiar face, which was her boss Qi Jue. He was a little surprised by his appearance. Now he should not go to the front to entertain guests, but why did he come to see her in the backstage instead.

"If you do everything yourself, then why should I hire those people! I'm here to see how you're getting ready."

Qi Jue's humorous face relieved her a lot of pressure.

He looked at her with deep eyes. Although he knew she was beautiful and had seen her dressed up many times, what was different was that the confidence and firmness she exuded today was something he had never seen before. Attracting him, this kind of beauty is not the beauty on the outside, but a more inner beauty, and his heart tightened.

"I'm almost ready, but when this day comes, I'm getting a little nervous." Sensing the burning in his eyes, Lu Manman said with a dry smile, what happened to the boss today, he looked at her with strange eyes.

"You just use your usual energy. Now is the time for you to shine. Just charge forward." Qi Jue put his hand on her tender and delicate shoulders, encouraging him, his eyes A little deeper.

"Well, I won't embarrass you, the boss."

Although Lu Manman went straight, she was also very delicate in her thoughts. Realizing that the two of them were acting a little intimate at this time, she pretended to reach out to sweep her shoulders and tidy up her clothes. Qi Jue then retracted her hand.

Qi Jue naturally noticed her actions, but he just smiled lightly.

"Okay, Manman, I'll go outside to have a look first, and someone will tell you to go out later." Qi Jue said, and Lu Manman nodded. The atmosphere has improved a lot since he left.

Lu Manman took a deep breath, the way the boss looked at her just now seemed to be very different from usual, did she think too much, Lu Manman looked confused.


At this time, Ye Qingxin was driving out of the Ye family. He originally went with Shangguan Jueshi today, but Guan Jueshi seemed to be caught by something early in the morning. Back legs, she had no choice but to tell him that she drove there by herself, and as for him, he would come here if he had time.

After all, Lu Manman is her best friend, they are all a family, she subconsciously wants to go to Shangguan, and share the joy of her sisters together, but who made him so expensive!

Although there was a little resentment in her heart, she also knew that Shangguan Juesshi was not an ordinary person, and she also said that she would not interfere with his freedom, otherwise it would appear that she cared too much.

Ye Qingxin drove the car and passed a flower shop on the way. By the way, today is Lu Manman's happy day. She should buy a bouquet of flowers for her, cheer her up, and make her happy.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxin turned around and came to the flower shop.

No, it should be two bundles. Today, idiot Liu got married, which is also a great joy.

Ye Qingxin took her wallet and got out of the car. Perhaps because she was too happy, her alertness decreased. A black shadow hurriedly passed by, and she felt a pain in her neck, and she was no longer conscious.

"Young master, the matter has been settled."

The dark guard passed on the news, and a deep chuckle came from the side of the phone.

The basement is another scene.

She has lived a fulfilling life here these past few days. The people sent by Shangguan Jueshi took good care of her, knowing that she likes to study, and specially arranged some courses for her, all of which are majors she likes. Needless to say, this must be a wholehearted help. her.

Knowing that today is the day when Manman signed a contract with MagicClothes Group, although she couldn't arrive at the scene in person, she watched the live broadcast at home with the TV on, but she also conveyed her heart to Manman.

She knew about the Magic Clothes Group, it was the place she most wanted to enter, but it was a pity that she couldn't go to this year's fashion show. If she watched the live broadcast later, she would not have this idea.

Staying here is the safest for her for the time being. Hearing that Shangguan Liunian is still staying here, he must not give up the idea of ​​arresting her, so in order not to cause trouble for Qingxin and the others, she had to stay here.

Qingxin said before that she was asked to go to the scene together to have a look, but knowing the horror of Shangguan Fleeting Years, she thought it best not to go out again to avoid trouble, because the last few times almost fell into his hands, now thinking about it I have lingering fears.

 Dear friends, today's post is a bit late, I haven't asked for support from relatives for a long time, please vote and comment!

(End of this chapter)

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