Chapter 235

For Shangguan Jueshi, Ye Qingxin is the most important thing, he had no choice but to agree to Shangguan Liunian's request, the most important thing now is her safety, as for other people, he has no control.

There was a smile in Shangguan Liunian's eyes, as if he was satisfied with Shangguan Jueshi's response.

It seems he was right!Jazz could not be more clear about which is more important. As for that woman, she will soon fall into his hands. Thinking of the past few years of ending without a problem, the smile on the corner of his mouth widened several times. It is time to end this It's a game of cat and mouse.

He wanted to see her reaction when he saw him, and he looked forward to it.

Now knowing that she fell into Shangguan Liunian's hands, Shangguan Jueshi felt relieved a lot, at least he knew that Shangguan Liunian would not do anything to her.

But he is very familiar with Shangguan Liunian, it is almost impossible to snatch someone from him, in the same way, it is also very difficult for him to snatch someone from him, he knows that admiration is his weakness, that's why he Deliberately tripped him and robbed Qingxin away.

"Jazz, the wild cat has really fallen into the hands of Shangguan Liunian, what is he trying to do!"

Leng Yisheng looked puzzled, this Shangguan Liunian must have also taken a fancy to the wild cat, otherwise why catch her!

"What he wants is Xia Jin, Jue Shi, you don't want to give Xia Jin to him, do you?"

Gu Changye worried. At the behest of his wife, he also visited Xia Jin several times when he was working in the basement. She was gentle and quiet, but she was strong in her bones. They sent her to poison Shangguan Liunian. Now that Shangguan Liunian is chasing her, it stands to reason that they have the responsibility to protect her safety, plus she is his wife's good sister, it is really hard to imagine what will happen if Xia Jin falls into Shangguan Liunian's hands fate.

Although Jazz is indifferent, he only kills those who deserve to be killed. As for Shangguan Liunian, it is like a mystery that is difficult to understand, maybe even Jazz can hardly understand him.

What is he trying so hard to catch Xia Jin?
It can be seen that Xia Jin is very afraid of Shangguan Liunian. If she falls into Shangguan Liunian's hands, will she be destroyed.

"No, Xia Jin will die if she falls into his hands."

As soon as he heard that Shangguan Jueshi was going to hand over Xia Jin to Shangguan Liunian, Liu Silian was the first to object without being afraid.

Xia Jin has suffered so much crying, she cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of the devil again, otherwise she will definitely collapse and die.

"Jazz, why don't we think of other ways! Your wild cat is so smart, she will definitely find a way to escape. If she knows that you exchanged Xia Jin for her back, she might be even more angry, or we will meet again Act on the machine."

Leng Yisheng suggested, but Shangguan Jueshi remained silent.

Indeed, his first thought was to exchange Xia Jin, because he only cared about her safety, as for other people, it didn't matter to him at all.

However, according to Qingxin's temper, she is warm-hearted. If she knew that he traded her good friend for her safety, she might be really angry and even feel guilty. Will not let people go.

Shangguan Jueshi was in a difficult situation, knowing that she was really good at escaping, but this time she was facing his elder brother Shangguan Liunian, it was not as simple as imagined, but he also had a faint feeling in his heart that he would not do anything to her , subconsciously feel that he will not hurt the one he loves.

But this idea was quickly rejected by him. Back then, he was able to hurt him like that, let alone his woman now.

"Change, must be exchanged."

Shangguan Jueshi finally decided to exchange Xia Jin. He couldn't allow her to make any mistakes. Even if she came back and lost her temper with him, it didn't matter. As long as she was safe, he couldn't make any unsure bets. , especially when people's hearts are hard to distinguish and family affection is hard to believe.

He has already been cheated once, he can't make the same mistake again, he can't ruin his love now after ruining Yi Sheng, otherwise he will feel worse than death.

Leng Yisheng and Gu Changye sighed, knowing that once Jue Shi made up his mind, he would not change it. They were all sweating for Xia Jin's safety, and could only resign themselves to fate!
And Liu Silian's face was broken, Qingxin and Xia Jin were her good buddies, she didn't want to see one of them get hurt, but now she had to make a choice.

"Then what time did Shangguan Liunian propose to exchange?" Leng Yisheng asked, he seemed to have thought of some way, Shangguan Liunian said he wanted to exchange it with Xia Jin, so let's exchange it with Xia Hibiscus, it's no big deal.

"We'll wait until the press conference is over."

Speaking of Shangguan Liunian, with the finale at this time, Lu Manman appeared on the stage, he walked up, took her arm, and smiled.

Seeing his wife getting so close to Shangguan Liunian, Gu Changye felt very uncomfortable. He knew that socializing with her at work was inevitable, but seeing her get so close to other men made him feel very uncomfortable.

Today, she is covered with a halo, her folds are glowing, and she is dazzling. Lu Manman keeps smiling at the corner of her mouth, smiling to everyone in the audience.

Especially when facing Gu Changye and her friends in the audience, the smile became brighter and brighter. This feeling is indescribable happiness.

And Liu Silian applauded very cooperatively, "Manman, you are so beautiful today!"

Manman is dressed up so beautifully today, and she is walking on the runway with a calm face. It is really admirable to be able to perform freely on such a big scene, otherwise her legs would have been weak.

In fact, she was still quite nervous, not as calm as her face, her palms were sweating, but fortunately Shangguan Liunian came up to support the scene in time, otherwise she was a little worried that she would be left alone.

Shangguan Liunian held Lu Manman's arm, with a smile on his lips, and spoke in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Miss Lu, are you nervous?"

"With you as a big guy here, I'm not so nervous now." Lu Manman chuckled lightly. Fortunately, Shangguan Liunian itself was a bright spot, which shielded her from many suspicious eyes.

The two smiled tacitly. Although Shangguan Liunian had bad intentions, he had to be said to be a gentleman at this time.

At first, everyone thought that today's heroine would be Bei Renshan, but unexpectedly, it was a new face, which was unbelievable. People in the audience started talking about it, and everyone didn't know much about Lu Manman, a newcomer.

But her beauty is obvious to all. Even though everyone was a little puzzled, they still supported her with warm applause. After all, beauties are the most popular.

At this time, the master of ceremonies on the side came over and introduced, "This is Miss Lu Manman, a powerful singer of our Tianyu Group, who will become the spokesperson of Magic Clothes today. Happy cooperation."

After speaking, representatives from both sides cut the ribbon and signed the contract one after another, and there was another upsurge in the audience.

The reporter took this opportunity to ask the question in his heart, "Mr. Fleeting Years, what is the reason why you choose to adopt a newcomer?"

Regarding this issue, everyone has doubts. They can't figure out why Shangguan Liunian did this, why he didn't choose a first-line big guy to sit in, but an unknown newcomer, isn't he afraid of being affected.

"Regarding this question, I just want to say that you must be thinking why I don't choose a big guy to endorse my product. If you think that if you are a big guy, then you will be very popular. Naturally, it does not conform to my philosophy. , our MagicClothes philosophy lies in change, and Ms. Lu is the most suitable person in my mind. She will shine brightly in time. Of course, if every lady here chooses our MagicClothes, you can also realize your dreams. I believe everyone There will be no doubts about my gaze, we'll see."

Shangguan Liunian smiled slightly, and his remarks won warm applause from everyone, breaking the inherent way and winning the appreciation of the ladies present.

Because of what Shangguan Liunian said, Lu Manman felt a lot more confident.

Shangguan Liunian and Lu Manman stood together, and the media took pictures of them one after another. The two stood together like a couple. Even Leng Yisheng, who was below, couldn't help but say, "Long Ye, look How well matched they are!"

Although they hated Shangguan Liunian, his skin was very eye-catching. Now that he was standing with Lu Manman, the two of them were so right, it was impossible not to let people think about it.

"Don't tell me no one thinks you're dumb!" Gu Changye said with a grumpy face. Damn it, seeing how harmonious the two of them stood on the stage, he really wanted to stand up and kick Shangguan Liunian down. Standing beside her.

"The air is so sour." Leng Yisheng continued to laugh, it was the first time he saw such a rich expression on Chang Ye's face.

At this time, the reporter will not miss this gossip, "May I ask Mr. Liu Nian, what is your relationship with Ms. Lu? Why did you only choose her to be your spokesperson? There must be some reason for this, can you share it with us. "

And Lu Manman naturally noticed a pair of mournful eyes staring at her from the audience, her scalp was numb, and she didn't dare to face Gu Changye directly.

These reporters are talking nonsense, you can't blame her!He took it seriously, she felt her scalp go numb at the thought of going home!

The clear one clears herself up, so she naturally won't explain anything, any more words will only make people more misunderstanding.

"I can only sum it up in two words: fate!" Shangguan Liunian said succinctly, but what he said made people even more unpredictable and had more room for imagination.

Lu Manman on the side didn't know what Shangguan Liunian was up to. This man was not an ordinary man, so it was hard to see through.

"This is the end of today's interview. Please sit back to your original seats. Next, we, Ms. Lu, will sing a song for you. Everyone welcomes you with applause." The emcee on the side did not forget to support the scene. After the interview, everyone had to return to their original seats , applauded one after another, waiting for Lu Manman's performance.

But Shangguan Liunian stepped down from the stage and sat back in his original position.

This is her first time to sing on stage. She didn't know how long she had been waiting for this moment. Accompanied by a graceful rhythm, a sweet singing voice slowly came out of her mouth. This song is her new work——A Kiss Affection.

Every line of the lyrics comes from the bits and pieces of her and Gu Chang's night life. It is simple and yet emotional. The audience and the people in the audience can't help drawing such a scene in their minds, imagining the sweet days with their other half. This song is the sublimation of their lives, reaching everyone's softness.

Gu Changye was a little upset at first, but when he heard the song she sang, he let go of all the unhappiness. Every line of her lyrics is a portrayal of their life, from the misunderstanding at the beginning of their meeting to the love at the end. Express your love for him.

Gu Changye looked at Lu Manman on the stage affectionately, with indescribable joy in his eyes, he never knew that Manman's feelings for him would be so deep, and Manman had never expressed it so clearly in his mouth, he was still worried She doesn't love him enough, but now everything is clear, and she feels indescribably satisfied.

Needless to say anything, this is enough.

At this moment, she smiled brightly, like a shining diamond, dazzling.

At the end of the song, almost all the people in the audience stood up, and there was warm applause.

And Lu Manman on the stage was obviously relieved, feeling hot sweat on her back, she was extremely nervous, but fortunately, her performance did not disappoint.

At first they thought that this newcomer was relying on their superiors, but they didn't think so at this moment. As Mr. Fleeting Nian said, gold will always shine one day, and Miss Lu Manman on the stage, today is her time to shine.

Her ability is extraordinary, and her singing voice is as beautiful as the sound of nature. She should not be buried. Now it is not difficult to understand what Mr. Liu Nian said just now.

"thank you all!"

Lu Manman bowed her waist to express her gratitude. She never thought that she could win the encouragement and appreciation of so many people. Their applause was her affirmation. She felt relieved, and a bright smile appeared on her face.

And Qi Jue, who was sitting under the stage, couldn't help giving her a thumbs up. He stood up, holding a bunch of flowers in his hand, and Gu Changye was a step slower.

"Manman, you are doing very well."

Qi Jue handed her the flowers, and Lu Manman smiled, and his peripheral vision did not forget to fall on Gu Changye who was in the audience, signaling him not to mess around.

"thank you boss!"

Lu Manman smiled, took the flowers he sent,
Afraid of causing trouble to her, Gu Changye didn't go up either, and Leng Yisheng, who was at the side, looked at his shriveled appearance, and couldn't help but make fun of him, "Changye, your wife's market is very good, you have to watch it." !"

Gu Changye glanced at him angrily, now it's his turn to scold him.

It was really uncomfortable, especially looking at the man on the stage, looking at Man Man clearly had malicious intentions in his eyes. Not only that, some men sitting below were also staring at her wife. At this moment, he really wanted to To take her away, I even wanted to be impulsive once, and announced loudly to the men present with malicious intentions - this is his wife.

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(End of this chapter)

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