Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 236 The Word Weak Doesn't Fit Her

Chapter 236 The Word Weak Doesn't Fit Her

At this moment, what appeared on the front screen was the works of MagicClothes Group which enjoys international reputation, but the picture suddenly changed, and everyone in the audience exclaimed. Gossip.

What the hell is it for hype!But someone did it on purpose.

Everyone was staring at the screen. The picture was the intimate behavior of Lu Manman and a man. Lu Manman's picture was very clear. As for the man, he only had a back view and couldn't see his front, but from her words and smiles, it could be seen that The relationship between the two is extraordinary, if they were ordinary friends, they would naturally not be able to be so close.

"How could this happen!" Liu Silian pointed at the screen with wide eyes and disbelief, his mouth was wide open because of shock, isn't the person inside here just Manman?As for the person next to her, of course it was Gu Changye, they all knew about it, but the others didn't know they would say that.

Whoever took this photo secretly and put them all here, knowing that today is the most important day of Manman, did it on purpose, this person is too poisonous.

A look of surprise flashed across Gu Changye's eyes in the audience, this is not the scene where he and Manman were in the hospital two days ago, who is behind the scenes trying to destroy her.Although it was a fact that they were together, the smile on Gu Changye's face became cold and severe when he thought of Manman being targeted and even deliberately trying to harm her future.

If she dared to harm someone under his nose, she would have to pay a small price. He would never allow others to hurt her even a single iota.

"Changye, isn't this you? But today's incident is too strange. When you don't expose it, you want to release these photos at this important moment today. It's clearly intended to ruin your woman's reputation."

Leng Yisheng on the side also said with an injustice on his face, needless to say, it must be those who are red-eyed.

If you want to find out who is behind this scene, you have to start from her company. You must know that women are more ruthless than anyone else when they become jealous.

And Lu Manman on the stage noticed that the people in the audience looked at her differently, from admiring her just now to making fun of her, what happened.

Following their gaze, the smile on her face froze immediately, how could this be!
This is not how she and Gu Changye went to the hospital to see Liu Silian, how they were photographed.

Just when Lu Manman was puzzled, the reporters in the audience naturally wouldn't let go of such an explosive news, and stepped forward to ask questions. The dazzling spotlights were all aimed at her and surrounded her tightly, "Miss Lu, May I ask if you put the photo on the screen? Are you doing it for hype?"

"Miss Lu, looking at this photo, you seem to have a good relationship with the man in the photo, who is he?"


All of a sudden, many questions came flooding in, and she was the only target of the attack. Lu Manman was surrounded by people, his mind was confused, his face was at a loss, and he didn't know what to do.

It was the first time she encountered such a difficult situation, and she couldn't switch from the scene where she was recognized just now, so she was caught off guard at this moment.


Lu Manman didn't know what to say. Now that the photos were all captured, it seemed useless for her to talk too much. It was the first time she faced so many reporters' pressing questions. She never thought that such a thing would happen, let alone deal with it. method.

Gu Changye sat under the stage, watching his wife being attacked, he really couldn't stand it anymore, so let's just take her away.

As for her dream, he will personally help her create it.

But he didn't expect that someone would move one step faster. Shangguan Liunian, who was in the audience, stood on the stage and immediately attracted the attention of those reporters.

The sudden appearance of Shangguan Liunian made those reporters' thinking advance by leaps and bounds, and they immediately targeted him, "Mr. Liunian, is the person in this photo you? Are you and Ms. Lu unusually related? Is it because of this relationship that you chose her to be your spokesperson?"

All of a sudden, the reporters matched the man in the photo with the back view of Shangguan Liunian, because Shangguan Liunian and Gu Changye were about the same size, so people had to think so.

Shangguan Liunian walked over and put his hand on Lu Manman's shoulder. The sudden contact made her startled. She stared at Shangguan Liunian with a face of astonishment. Shangguan Liunian looked at her with a smile in his eyes. .

But in the eyes of others, it was not as simple as he thought. His behavior undoubtedly made people more correct.

"If I had to tell you everything personally, wouldn't your work be too easy and simple?"

Shangguan Liunian embraced Lu Manman's shoulders, with a hint of oppression in his tone.

But when he said this, it made people feel that there was really something going on between the two of them, and it was a little ambiguous.

Lu Manman looked puzzled, not knowing why he said that, but his appearance did relieve her, but she had a faint feeling that something was wrong, and she couldn't tell the specifics.

Because of this incident, she didn't have the spare time to pay attention to the strange expression on Gu Changye's face.

Those reporters grasped the point and got the answer they wanted, so they naturally retreated.

"Long Ye, look at your family Lu Manman and Shangguan Liunian are really a match made in heaven! You said why Shangguan Liunian asked your family Lu Manman to speak for you, maybe he really likes your family Lu Manman!" Leng Yisheng was afraid that things were not bad enough, so he continued to add chaos.

This Shangguan Liunian and Lu Manman were standing on the stage, they were indeed a good match, if not for his understanding of Chang Ye, he would have really thought that the man in the photo would be Shangguan Liunian.

Gu Changye looked at the two of them with their eyes facing each other, and the people in the audience were coaxing their complicated relationship, and he felt very uncomfortable. Shangguan Liunian's hand on Manman's shoulder was chopped off in one fell swoop.

"Are you in need of a beating?"

Gu Changye said coldly, losing his temper for the first time.

"Oh, oh, I'm so scared!" Leng Yisheng teased, and Gu Changye shook his hands and left. Needless to say, the backstage must have been looking for a long way.

Fearing that someone would continue to mess things up later, Lu Manman and Shangguan Liunian walked backstage with the support of the bodyguards, "Shangguan Liunian, why did you do that just now?"

Lu Manman always asked questions, she was a little dizzy by the flustered situation just now, but now that she stepped off the stage, her reason has become clear, she doesn't know why Shangguan Liunian did this, wouldn't it make people People misunderstand.

She didn't believe that Shangguan Liunian was so kind to help her out, what was his purpose in doing this!
Lu Manman stared at his face, trying to get some clues from his face, but Shangguan Liunian hid it too deeply, and there was always a smile on his face, which could not be seen through, like a wall that could not pass through , No matter how you observe, you still can't see any flaws, it will always be that false mask.

"Miss Lu, you are the spokesperson of my group, so I naturally have a reason to help you out. Do you think I have other purposes?"

Shangguan Liunian clasped his hands together and said with a casual smile.

It would be strange if there was no purpose!Looking at Shangguan Liunian's sanctimonious expression, it was really embarrassing, and he couldn't help him at all, and he couldn't get half of the chance of winning with words.

"Then here I would like to thank Mr. Fleeting Nian for your kindness."

Lu Manman grinned and said, anyway, things are done like this now, people can say whatever they want, anyway, their mouths grow on other people's faces.

"Miss Lu, don't you ever think that I have selfish intentions for helping you? You are so beautiful, even men like it, and I am no exception." Pay attention, I was so scared that I almost fell down, but fortunately, I held the chair on the side with my hand in time to stabilize my position.

She secretly breathed a sigh of relief, what is this Shangguan Liunian doing, it's terrifying!
Although she looks pretty good, but she has self-knowledge, it is impossible for a person like Shangguan Liunian to fall in love with her, he is just talking nonsense.

"But getting into the eyes of Mr. Fleeting Years is harder than climbing to the sky. Maybe she hasn't been born yet!"

Shangguan Liunian joked, and Lu Manman followed suit.

"It's so far away from the horizon! Miss Lu is very pleasing to my eyes." Shangguan Liunian smiled, but Lu Manman's feet almost went limp, with goosebumps on his arms.

I was frightened by Shangguan Liunian several times today, but I have never been so embarrassed.

"Come on, Mr. Fleeting Years, you better stop joking with me. I know that the reason why you chose me as your spokesperson is because you want to restrain Xia Jin. Unfortunately, you are wrong. Xia Jin has already left. She will never It will fall into your hands, and you will be wasting your time."

I really can't continue talking with him, he speaks outrageously, scaring people to death, and talking to him like this, she will go home to cover the quilt in the cold, why not open the skylight and speak honestly.

"But Miss Lu, you are wrong, she will come back, and she will even fall into my hands." Shangguan Liunian had a look of confidence in his eyes, as if he was very sure, and Lu Manman had a vague premonition in his heart.

You have to know that Shangguan Liunian is an incomparably perverted person, he must have mastered something by saying that, but isn't Xia Jin well protected by Shangguan Jueshi, so nothing will happen to her!
Lu Manman looked puzzled. It stands to reason that Shangguan Liunian's attempt to snatch someone from Shangguan Jueshi would not be such a simple matter, but Shangguan Liunian looked like he was sure of winning.

There must be something wrong with it, Shangguan Jueshi would never send Xia Jin to Shangguan Liunian, unless...

His mind exploded immediately, unless Ye Xiaoniu - is Shangguan Jushi's Achilles' heel.

Thinking about today, Miss Ye was not seen from the beginning to the end. Now that Shangguan Liunian is so sure, it is possible that Ye Xiaoniu was arrested.

Otherwise, why Ye Xiaoniu didn't show up, and thinking back carefully on Shangguan Jueshi's solemn expression just now, he must be right.

"Shangguan Liunian, has Miss Ye been arrested by you?"

Lu Manman asked, but Shangguan Liunian's eyes were full of admiration, and the corner of his mouth smiled, "Miss Lu, she is the second smartest woman I have ever met. You are right, your friend Ye Qingxin is in my hands now, and now I will give you my best friend." I just wait for Juzzy to bring her to me, as for Miss Ye's safety, you don't have to worry, she is my younger brother and sister, so I will naturally entertain her well."

"You are despicable! Where did Xia Jin provoke you? Why are you holding on to her like this? You bully a weak girl, what kind of man are you!"

Lu Manman teared his face apart and said, with an injustice on his face.

She couldn't figure it out, for a high-ranking person like Shangguan Liunian, it would be worthwhile to argue with a weak girl, pursue her all the time, and insist on driving her to death.

Thinking of Xia Jin's thin and haggard face, Lu Manman still felt distressed. She had never seen Xia Jin so fragile. Even if she encountered any difficulties before, she would always smile and say it was okay, but now she looked desperate, Hiding in XZ, there is no freedom at all. These are all thanks to Shangguan Fleeting Years.

"Weak girl? Miss Lu, are you sure your friend is really weak?"

There was a mocking smile on the corner of Shangguan Liunian's mouth, she did look delicate, but how timid would someone who dared to poison him be!She is even stronger than a man in her bones, otherwise he would never be able to make her bow her head.

The word delicate is not suitable for her.

"I only know that Xia Jin is a good girl. In the past, no matter how hard life was, she always smiled and said she was fine, but now she has a desperate expression. Shangguan Fleeting Years, what the hell is our family Xia Jin doing? Things that make you pursue her so hard, and make you hate her so much!"

Lu Manman yelled angrily, she also asked Xia Jin what happened between her and Shangguan Liunian, but Xia Jin never said it, but even if there was a great hatred, it was not like this to torture people.

She really couldn't stand it anymore, and she had to figure it out today.

"It's my fault that she shouldn't appear in my world. Since she offended me, it's impossible to escape." Shangguan Liunian said with a deep expression, broke into his world, disturbed his heart, and I wanted to leave, but there was no door.

Shangguan Liunian turned his palm, if he didn't let go, she would never leave.

He said that if he stays obediently by his side, she will always be able to live a good life, but she chooses to betray him, so it has nothing to do with him if she lives in pain!
"You are completely crazy! Let Ye Xiaoniu go, if you want to vent, come to me."

Lu Manman cursed, he didn't even know what Shangguan Liunian meant, but the obsessive rhythm in his eyes was clearly crazy.

"Miss Lu, you are so beautiful, I can't bear to be angry with you! As for my younger siblings, I just invite her to sit and sit. When I get what I want, I will naturally send her home."

Shangguan Liunian approached with an evil look on his face, his eyes were horrifying and frightening, Lu Manman was so frightened that he took a few steps back and fell into a warm embrace.

(End of this chapter)

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