Chapter 239

Whispered in her ear with a voice that only the two of them could hear, Zhang Yuan's complexion changed, and a trace of struggle flashed in his eyes.

You must know that Ruan Mianmian is better than her in terms of strength and appearance, and she has not improved at all in this industry. She is very ordinary and difficult to be elegant, but Ruan Mianmian is different. She has a wide range of people , There are many opportunities, and she does have a chance to become popular.

But if Boss Qi really blamed her, would she be arrested and go to jail? She looked hesitant, whether she should take it on.

"Zhang Yuan, don't worry, I will intercede for you in front of Mr. Qi. As long as you admit it now, Mr. Qi won't get into it." Seeing that Zhang Yuan seemed a little tempted, and knowing her concerns, she whispered.

As long as you help her carry this time, she will not forget her dedication.

"Mianmian, I hope you can do what you say. If something really happens to me, you must treat my family well." Zhang Yuan pleaded, and Ruan Mianmian nodded. After all, Zhang Yuan has been with her for so many years. She is very cooperative with her, and she will naturally not forget this.

Seeing Ruan Mianmian nodding, Zhang Yuan let go of the stone in her heart. She took a deep breath and was ready to take the place of the dead ghost. She raised her head and confessed, "President Qi, I did this. Yes, I did all of this, I was temporarily obsessed, jealous of Lu Manman's goodness, I wanted to make her lose face on today's important occasion."

"Mr. Qi, the photo was really found in Zhang Yuan's bag, and it is exactly the same as the photo on the screen."

At this moment, under Qi Jue's signal, the people on the side opened Zhang Yuan's bag and found a set of photos - exactly the same as the ones on the screen. The evidence was in front of her, and she couldn't quibble.

And Ruan Mianmian's peripheral vision fell on those photos, and her expression was a little unnatural. In fact, she gave Zhang Yuan to do these photos.

After saying these words, Zhang Yuan looked desperate.

But Qi Jue's face was cold and stern, he faintly felt that things were not so simple, Zhang Yuan was a person under his name, even if he was not very good at ordinary times, but he had been observing everyone's performance, didn't it seem like she would do such a thing people.

"Did you really do it alone? No one ordered you? Do you know the consequences of this." Qi Jue said coldly, with a threatening tone, wanting her to confess the mastermind behind it.

According to Zhang Yuan's temperament, she didn't have the guts to do such a thing.

After Zhang Yuan heard this, her heart turned cold. Because of fear, she couldn't help but look at Ruan Mianmian at the side.

But Ruan Mianmian saw that the situation was not right, and she didn't want others to focus on her, so she said aloud, "Zhang Yuan, why are you so stupid? We are all sisters. Sisters also benefit, you are so confused!"

Ruan Mianmian accused, and couldn't help but give her a warning look.

Zhang Yuan cried bitterly and kowtowed her head, "Boss Qi, I know I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, please let me go!"

Hearing her begging for mercy, Mr. Qi looked impatient, and Ruan Mianmian urged the other sisters to help intercede, "Mr. Qi, Zhang Yuan already knew she was wrong, so please forgive her. What happened today didn't happen at all." It's getting to the point where Zhang Yuan is still young, if she is really sent to prison, she will be ruined for the rest of her life."

"That's right, Mr. Qi, Zhang Yuan was only fascinated by ghosts for a while, so you should spare her!"


Ruan Mianmian and his party pleaded for Zhang Yuan. Qi Jue lowered his head and thought about it. After all, he has worked with him for so many years. If she is sent to prison with his own hands, her life will really be over. Naturally, there is pity in her heart, because It is not easy for a girl to work hard in the society. As for Manman being elected as the spokesperson this time, he admitted that there is indeed a little selfishness in it. Today's press conference did not cause too much loss, so let her go .

Of course, those who harm the interests of his company can't stay here anymore.

Zhang Yuan looked at Qi Jue with a pitiful face, waiting for his verdict. Her future was entirely in the hands of this man, and she just begged him to show his respect and let her go.

Because Qi Jue hadn't spoken yet, the atmosphere was so cold that only the sound of his heart could be heard.

"Zhang Yuan, I can let you go, but you can no longer stay in my company. My company does not allow people with malicious intentions to exist. You should go to the Ministry of Finance to settle the settlement now. After you have stayed in the company for many years, I I will pay you another three months' salary. As for the future, you can do it on your own. Instead of spending your thoughts on harming others, you should take more time to exercise your abilities, lest the opportunity comes to you, but you are not prepared for anything " Qi Jue said lightly, let him go this time, and hoped that she would take care of herself.

Among these people, Manman is indeed the most outstanding one, and he can see her hard work.

He didn't talk to them one by one, it didn't mean he didn't care about them, he saw their performance.

"Thank you Mr. Qi, I will reform myself in the future." Zhang Yuan expressed gratitude. She was deeply touched by Mr. Qi's words just now. She didn't want to waste her time on being jealous of others. Mr. Qi was right. Opportunities are reserved for those who are ready. Now thinking about Lu Manman's performance on stage today, she is indeed well-prepared. She was indeed dissatisfied before, but now she is really convinced.

"Hope you can do what you say!"

Zhang Yuan nodded, packed her things, and left without saying hello to Ruan Mianmian. Maybe she is not suitable for this place at all. Before, she was driven by vanity, thinking that one day she would become famous in one fell swoop and enjoy the rich life of the upper class, but Now I feel that everything is unimportant, I should go the way I want to go, and happiness is the most important thing.

As soon as Zhang Yuan left, Ruan Mianmian was obviously relieved, feeling a little guilty towards Zhang Yuan in her heart.

Qi Jue took this opportunity to warn, "I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone once again, if anyone dares to do something that hurts my colleagues in the future, which will harm the interests of the company, I will never forgive you lightly. I will base my career on hurting others. Even if my body becomes red for a while, the road will not go far, and I don't want to see such a thing happen again."

After being trained by Qi Jue, those people with evil intentions in the audience immediately felt a little ashamed.

"Okay, that's all for today, you guys continue to be happy!"

After Qi Jue finished speaking, he stepped off the stage to entertain other guests.

"Sister Mianmian, Lu Manman is getting more and more arrogant now, and started throwing big names before he became popular."

The companion beside Ruan Mianmian couldn't help complaining, with a sour tone.

"Didn't you hear that just now? Boss Qi said he hates these tell-tale people the most. Do you still want to hit the gunpoint?" Ruan Mianmian said with a sullen face, and walked away angrily.

What happened today is enough to annoy her. Even though Zhang Yuan took the blame for her, what Qi Jue said just now was obviously aimed at her.

Lu Manman, a vixen, has seduced Boss Qi all over the place, and now she has nothing to do with her at all.

Thinking of what Bei Renshan told her, her head almost exploded. She couldn't let Lu Manman stand in the way of her future. Thinking of this, a shrewd look flashed in her eyes.

Lu Manman, I don't believe I can't bring you down.


And Xia Jin was sitting in the living room at this time, and she also saw what happened just now. Sitting at home, she was sweating for Manman, worried that something would happen to her, but what surprised her was that Shangguan Liunian would actually come on stage to help Manman rescue.

Seeing him and Manman standing together on the screen, the two are as intimate as a couple, while she was worried about Manman, a feeling of ignorance also flashed in her heart, but the worry in her heart prevailed.

According to her understanding of Shangguan Liunian, if there is no advantage to take advantage of him, he will never help. He has always refused to save Manman, but he helped Manman for the first time. What is Shangguan Liunian's plan for Manman?

Thinking of Manman doing things by his side, she worried that Shangguan Liunian would do something to hurt Manman and spread his anger towards her on Manman.

And Shangguan Jueshi walked out of the gate, wanting to keep up with Shangguan Liunian, but unexpectedly, Shangguan Liunian had gone far.

He stood at the gate, his eyes were filled with coldness, his hands were clenched into fists, the veins in his fingers were clearly visible, damn it!Did not expect him to go so fast.

His whole heart was on Ye Qingxin, and he couldn't calm down even if he didn't hear from her for a moment.

At this moment, his cell phone rang, and when he saw that it was Shangguan Liunian calling, he quickly picked it up without saying a word.

"where is she?"

Shangguan Jueshi asked coldly, his tone full of tension.

Compared to Shangguan Jueshi's nervousness, Shangguan Liunian on the other side of the phone seemed relaxed, he couldn't help chuckling, "Jeushi, you answered the phone a lot faster this time, it seems that you are really worried about Ye Qingxin. "

He didn't have time to talk nonsense with him, so he asked again, "Where is she? Tell me the location, and I'll bring you the person you want right away."

"Jazz, I suddenly changed my mind and didn't want to exchange it so quickly. It's rare to see you looking anxious."

Shangguan Liunian smiled with amusement.

Shangguan Jueshi held the phone screen tightly, the tempered film on it rattled and cracked.

"Don't force me!"

The veins on Shangguan Liunian's forehead burst out, he was not in the mood to joke with him.

"Okay, big brother won't joke with you anymore, don't worry, my brother and sister are here with me now, I won't hurt her hair! Let's exchange at Leng Yisheng's bar at three o'clock in the afternoon!"

Shangguan Liunian talked about one younger sibling, and Shangguan Jueshi listened, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Jazz, you know how powerful I am, don't play tricks on me, otherwise I can't guarantee that my siblings will return to you smoothly."

Shangguan Liunian didn't forget to say, but Shangguan Jueshi didn't answer, so he hung up the phone.

Afraid of being followed, he asked someone to bring Xia Jin out of the basement, but he came to Leng Yisheng's Fick Bar.

After watching the news, Xia Jin turned off the TV, but she was still very uneasy.

At this moment, a bodyguard walked in, "Miss Xia, the young master asked you to come with us."

Xia Jin was stunned, with a puzzled expression on her face, "Did Mr. Shangguan tell you where to go?"

Why did she want to go out all of a sudden? Could it be that it's not safe here and wants to send her to another place.

"No, the young master said let us pick you up, the rest of us who are subordinates don't want to ask more questions."

Naturally, Xia Jin didn't ask any more questions, but she felt a little uneasy in her heart.

"Miss Xia, take this with you!"

The bodyguard handed over a black blindfold, and Xia Jin put it on naturally, and followed him out. She was a little dizzy after going back and forth all the way, and when she took off the blindfold, she was already on the road.

Looking at the familiar sky outside, Xia Jin took a deep breath and smiled, she hasn't been outside for a long time, it feels so good.

"Brother Bodyguard, where are we going?"

Xia Jin couldn't help asking, it seemed that she had been in the car for almost half an hour, and she didn't know where Mr. Shangguan was going to take her.

“Fick Bar!”

Isn't this Leng Yisheng's bar?I heard from Si Lian that Si Lian wanted to see her.

Arriving at Fick's Bar, under the leadership of the bodyguards, Xia Jin came to their VIP room. At this time, Shangguan Jueshi and Gu Changye were all sitting in it, with serious expressions on everyone's faces.

"Manman, Silian!"

Xia Jin softly called their names, and when she saw the two of them, she couldn't help but smile.

It's great to see the two of them here. She hasn't been this happy for a long time, because she left in a hurry before and didn't have time to reunite with them, so she can only see them in the video, but now she really sees them, This feeling seems to be back to the time when I was in college, so kind.

Even after so many years, their relationship has not been destroyed by time.

When the men saw the girls hugging, everyone's faces were not very good.

"Xia Jin, I really saw you, you are so skinny, why did you make yourself look like this?"

Lu Manman hugged her, Xia Jin was so thin, no matter how hard life was, she had never been so haggard.

"Manman, I'm fine, but you have become a lot prettier." Xia Jin kept smiling and spoke very softly.

"Ha ha!"

And Si Lian hugged Xia Jin, and suddenly burst into tears, "Xia Jin!"

When she thought that Xia Jin would fall into Shangguan Liunian's hands later, she felt very sad. Will Xia Jin die?

"Si Lian, what's wrong with you, haven't we just met? Why are you crying?"

Xia Jin looked at her and burst into tears, what's going on!

"Xia Jin, just let me cry! I don't want to lose you."

Liu Silian was sobbing, and Xia Jin also noticed that there was something wrong with their faces, where did Qingxin go?

Mr. Shangguan was here, but Qingxin was not there, she couldn't help asking, "Silian, where did Qingxin go?"

"Hey, Xia Jin, Qingxin was captured by Shangguan Liunian!"

But the smile on Xia Jin's face suddenly froze, and her face turned pale.

Qingxin was captured by Shangguan Liunian, and it was this devil again.

"Mr. Shangguan, trade me for Qingxin and come back!"

Xia Jin seemed to have made a big decision, no matter how she tried to escape, she couldn't escape his clutches, she accepted her fate!
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(End of this chapter)

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