Chapter 240

No matter how hard she struggled, she still couldn't escape in the end. She really had enough of this kind of life, and now her heart is in her hands, and Shangguan Liunian's goal is her, and she can no longer drag them down because of herself.

She and Shangguan Liunian should also make a thorough end.

Shangguan Jueshi's sullen face relaxed for a moment. The most important person in his heart was Qingxin. He even made a plan. If Xia Jin refused, he would force her to exchange with Shangguan Liunian. He didn't expect her He said it so bluntly.

She looks weak, but she is very tough in her bones. Perhaps it is this hard temper that makes Shangguan Liunian want to step on the ground. He can say that he knows Shangguan Liunian best, but now he really can't see through it. I tried my best to catch this woman, why!
"Xia Jin, don't go! Shangguan Liunian has tried so hard to catch you, if you fall into his hands, you will die." Si Lian choked, and finally reunited with Xia Jin, she didn't want to sit idly by Seeing her fall into the tiger's mouth, she will be worse than death if she is caught by Shangguan Liunian.

Shangguan Liunian is even more afraid than Shangguan Jueshi, what should Xia Jin do then!

"Si Lian, don't worry about me, I'll be fine." Xia Jin said with a calm face, with a faint smile on her face, maybe she would never be able to escape his clutches in her whole life, she should accept her fate and shouldn't Drag her favorite relatives down.

I thought that after a few years, she finally escaped, but in the end it was still unavoidable.

"Why are you all right? You poisoned Shangguan Liunian, he wished he could kill you." Liu Silian sobbed, while Leng Yisheng watched her cry so sadly, and embraced her with a look of unbearable arms.

I don't know if it's because he used to hang out with women and cultivated his skills as a veteran in love. On the contrary, he feels that Xia Jin's life is not in danger if she falls into the hands of Shangguan Liunian. Of course, she can't escape the punishment.

Shangguan Liunian has spent so much time chasing Xia Jin for several years, it is possible that he wanted to take revenge, the matter should not be that simple!It can only be said that Shangguan Liunian has a certain kind of attachment to Xia Jin.

"He won't kill me."

Xia Jin assured them that at most it would only destroy her self-esteem, trample her personality, and make her feel worse than death.

She stayed by his side for so long, and she had already figured out his temperament. He would not kill people easily, but would make life worse for those who betrayed him, and it would be thousands of times more painful than death.

Her mind drifted past that familiar yet frightening face, and when she thought of meeting those bloodthirsty blue eyes, her body trembled unconsciously, trembling from the inside out.

"Xia Jin, what happened between you and him?" Lu Manman couldn't help asking, she had the most contact with Shangguan Liunian, and Shangguan Liunian wanted to get news about Xia Jin from her again and again. , especially when she mentioned Xia Jin's name, the color of Shangguan Liunian's eyes changed, it was complicated and difficult to guess, but it was not as hateful as he said on the surface.

If it was said that Shangguan Liunian plotted against Xia Jin, but she couldn't see that he had any affection for Xia Jin, she even wondered what kind of woman an unfathomable man like Shangguan Liunian would fall in love with.


A flash of panic flashed in Xia Jin's eyes, and she strongly denied it.

That nightmare has been haunting her, and she doesn't want to remember it anymore.

Knowing that she had something to hide, Lu Manman didn't continue to ask any more questions. The reason why Xia Jin is so confident is that she must be sure. As long as she can save her life, they will have time to rescue her.

"Xia Jin, don't worry, when Qingxin comes out, we will find a way to rescue you." Lu Manman patted her on the shoulder and said, while Xia Jin nodded, feeling sad in his heart, this time it fell into his hands. Here, it is impossible for her to escape.

But not wanting them to worry, Xia Jin didn't say much.

"Mr. Shangguan, trade me for Qingxin and come back!"

Xia Jin walked up to Shangguan Jueshi with a calm expression.

"Xia Jin, you must protect yourself well, and Qingxin and I will find a way to rescue you."

Liu Silian held her hand, crying until his eyes were swollen.

"I'll wait for you." Xia Jin said, everyone present was worried about her, but she seemed indifferent.

The time was ticking, and the agreed time was almost here.

Shangguan Jueshi, who was sitting silently by the side, suddenly untied a chain from his neck. Two blue crystals were hanging from the chain. If you look closely, there are two characters engraved on it. Guan Jueshi also has a character in the names of Shangguan Liunian.

This chain was given to Shangguan Liunian when he was young, and it is very meaningful. Although the relationship has been strained these years, he has never taken it off.

"This chain is for you, it can save your life at critical moments."

Shangguan Jueshi threw it into Xia Jin's hand, and said with a dull expression.

For the sake of her being Qingxin's friend, he will help out, and if Qingxin comes back, knowing that he will exchange Xia Jin, she will definitely quarrel with him according to her temperament of valuing love and righteousness. I hope Shangguan Liunian will see it. This chain, spare her life.

He never cared about other people's life or death, but all the exceptions were little wild cats.

"Thank you, Mr. Shangguan."

Xia Jin was grateful. She knew that Mr. Shangguan took care of her because of his love. She also saw the engraving on it. This chain must be very important to him!
Shangguan Jueshi hummed casually and didn't say anything else.

"Is there no other way?" Liu Silian was still thinking, usually they are not very good, why are they all gone now.

To be honest, when Qingxin fell into Shangguan Liunian's hands, she felt that nothing would happen, after all, Yiqingxin's ability to escape was amazing, she was able to escape from Shangguan Jueshi's hands again and again, and now she was It shouldn't be difficult for her to catch Shangguan Liunian; but Xia Jin is different, Xia Jin doesn't know kung fu, if it falls into Shangguan Liunian's hands, it will be really hard to say.

She actually wanted to say this, but Shangguan Jueshi on the side kept his face cold, and it was quite scary to watch. What he cared most about was his heartfelt love.

"Si Lian, you don't have to worry about me, I'll come back fine." Xia Jin smiled, her face calm and calm.

"Xia Jin, this is what you said, you must come back."


In the hotel, Ye Qingxin was lying on the soft sofa, her hands and feet were tied, she opened her eyes in a daze.

She only felt a soreness in the back of her neck. She subconsciously wanted to touch it with her hands to see what was going on, but found that she couldn't move her hands and feet. She suddenly opened her eyes wide in fright and woke up for a while.

Looking at the unfamiliar environment in front of her, could it be that she was kidnapped?
Her family's Shangguan Jueshi kidnapped her before to make her marry him, but what's going on now?In broad daylight, she was stunned by someone, but this time she didn't notice it at all.

Her kung fu retreated home.

Look at the two bodyguards guarding the door, the formation is not small!

"Who are you? Why did you arrest me here."

Ye Qingxin asked the two bodyguards at the door, now that her hands and feet are tied, she can't even move, let alone run away.

She was caught by Shangguan Jueshi before, and she never used such bad tactics to deal with her. What kind of bastard brought her here, Ye Qingxin has already scolded the culprit in her heart.

But the two bodyguards kept standing straight at the door, ignoring her, like two telegraph poles.

The young master has ordered that this woman is cunning, so watch her carefully, if she runs away, they won't be able to go around.

"Hey, are you deaf? Why did you bring me here?"

This feeling of being ignored was so uncomfortable. If they hadn't opened their eyes, she would have thought that they were no different from dead people.

She looks so cute, they at least have a little bit of pity, but they ignore her, and her self-esteem is a little frustrated.

But they didn't seem to want to hurt her when they arrested her. Could it be someone she knew around her?
Ye Qingxin's mind was spinning very fast, and a name that was itching to hate flashed through her mind in an instant: Shangguan Liunian.

Looking at this situation, it goes without saying that it must be Shangguan Fleeting Years, motherfucker!

Shangguan Liunian, a cunning fox, took advantage of this gap to catch her. He would definitely force Shangguan Jueshi to exchange Xia Jin. It didn't matter if she fell into Shangguan Liunian's hands, but Xia Jin was different.

No, she must escape before Shangguan Liunian returns, otherwise Xia Jin will be in danger.

Ye Qingxin rolled her eyes, she wanted them to help her untie the rope first, and then she would find a way to escape.

"I know you are from Shangguan Liunian. I am her younger brother and sister. You entertain me in this way. I need it now. Please help me untie the rope, otherwise if I suffocate, you two I can't even eat and walk around."

Ye Qingxin almost roared out, but the two people at the door were still indifferent.

"I'm about to die of suffocation, please let me go to the bathroom quickly, or Shangguan Liunian will come back later and see me don't suffocate, you killed his younger siblings, neither one of you will be able to escape."

Ye Qingxin kept chanting, and the two bodyguards standing at the door listened to her non-stop chanting. Finally, her handsome face as cold as iceberg changed, and she looked pained. This woman is really It's endless, if I knew it, I would have plugged her mouth.

"What do you think?"

One of them asked the other, the young master had told her to be more vigilant against her, but he couldn't wrong her.

If there was something wrong with this woman, it would be difficult for them to explain it to the young master. The two of them thought over and over again and made a decision unanimously.

"Untie her."

"Oh, I'm going to suffocate! I'm going to pee my pants!"

Seeing the two of them whispering to each other, as if they were discussing, Ye Qingxin continued to whine tirelessly, she couldn't believe that their ears could bear it, you must know that her lung capacity is very abundant, it is no problem to cry all day and all night Yes, but I don't know if their ears can bear it.

At this time, the two bodyguards came over, Ye Qingxin laughed and said, "Brothers, you two finally reacted, I thought you would turn a blind eye."

The faces of the two of them couldn't go anywhere, this woman was crying so much, it was difficult for them to pretend that they didn't know.

"Brothers, I won't make things difficult for you, I really can't stand it."

Ye Qingxin said it so cutely, but the two bodyguards didn't dare to be sloppy and looked wary.

After untying the rope for Ye Qingxin, they kept their eyes on her.

Freed, Ye Qingxin stretched her limbs, whistled, and looked proud.

She took a step, and the two bodyguards followed, she turned around suddenly, and the two behind her stopped in time, almost bumping into her, "Brothers, I just want to go to the toilet, why don't you You want to follow me in!"

Ye Qingxin joked, being teased by her like this, the two bodyguards blushed involuntarily, looking unnatural.

"Brother bodyguard, you are really innocent, you look so cute now!"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help teasing and said, she was just joking, she didn't expect them to be shy, their expressions didn't change just now, let them pretend to be aggressive again!
The two bodyguards stood where they were, and naturally they didn't dare to move forward. Ye Qingxin walked around, not forgetting to turn around and tease, "You two big brothers, you really don't follow in, aren't you afraid that I'll run away?"

The two turned their backs tacitly, not wanting to talk to this woman anymore.

Ye Qingxin laughed, walked into the bathroom, and immediately closed the door. She opened the curtains and looked down. She didn't know if she saw it, but her heart almost jumped out when she saw it, it was so high!

She couldn't help swallowing, and originally thought about whether she could escape by climbing the window, but at this height, if her hands and feet were weak, she would really be crushed if she accidentally fell.

She treasures her little life very much, this method can only be abandoned.

Shangguan Liunian, a bastard, didn't choose any location, but chose such a high place, knowing that she might escape, so he chose such a deadly place, even more perverted than Shangguan Jueshi.

Sure enough, the members of their Shangguan family are not only blue-eyed monsters, but also have perverted genes.

Looking at this place, it should be in a hotel. There are people coming and going in the hotel, so it is much easier to escape, but the premise is that the two big brothers at the door must be killed before she can walk out of the door.

There are only two people watching in this room. Since Shangguan Liunian has not come back yet, she has a chance of winning by running away, but her wound is healed now, and she is not suitable for fighting with others. Besides, she doesn't know the kung fu of those two elder brothers Anyway, she probably won't take advantage of it.

If the bright ones don’t work, then only the dark ones can come.

Ye Qingxin's eyes were moving around nimbly, and suddenly she dropped the hair spray on the table. If this thing sprayed on the eyes, it would be very irritating!
The corner of Ye Qingxin's mouth curled up into a wicked smile, she picked up the hairspray, put it behind her, opened the door of the toilet, exposed her little head, and yelled at the two bodyguards outside, "Brother Bodyguard! , there is no toilet paper in it, bring some in for me!"

No one thought that Ye Qingxin would be so troublesome, the two looked at each other and pointed at each other to bring it to her.

(End of this chapter)

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