Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 241 Brother and sister, where are you going?

Chapter 241 Brother and sister, where are you going?
After the two wrestled secretly, one of them, who seemed more talkative, brought it to her. He walked over with a box of tissues in his hand, turned his back and stretched out his hand to her, with a blank expression on his face. Said, "Here!"

Ye Qingxin didn't take the tissue, instead, when he wasn't paying attention, she grabbed his hand and quickly pulled him towards her, making him face her. The other hand didn't have time to spare, holding the hairspray and exerting all her strength. sprayed into his eyes.


The bodyguard covered his eyes and wailed in pain.

It never occurred to me that this woman would deal with him secretly. Another bodyguard rushed over when he heard the movement. Ye Qingxin hid behind the door and sprayed it right in the face of him. His eyes were stinging. He squinted his eyes and rubbed them vigorously.

Fearing that they would come after them soon, Ye Qingxin took the broom behind the door and beat them hard a few times, quickly closed the door, blocked the door with the broom, and ran out swiftly.

Fearing that there were still people guarding outside, she did not forget to bring her life-saving spray water.

She opened the door cautiously, and saw that there were two people standing outside the door. Before they could react, she pressed the spray water vigorously and sprayed it towards them until it couldn't come out. The bottle is empty, so hurry up and run away.

But she hadn't run a few steps when a gust of cold wind hit her face. Before she could react at all, someone grabbed her hand, and the speed couldn't be faster.

"Brother and sister, where are you going?"

The gentle voice of Shangguan Liunian could be heard next to his ears, and there was a windy smile on the corner of his mouth, seeing his hypocritical smile, Ye Qingxin was itching with hatred.

She never expected to bump into Shangguan Liunian, and she caught her straight. Seeing that she was about to run out, but unexpectedly fell into his hands again, Ye Qingxin looked annoyed.

But what annoyed her even more was Shangguan Liunian's kung fu, his movements were so fast, when he got close to her, she didn't even know how he did it without anyone noticing.

"Shangguan Liunian, don't yell nonsense, I don't know you well."

Ye Qingxin broke free from his restraints, and said with a grumpy face.

Who are his younger siblings? They call so kindly!
"You are the woman that Jazz has his eyes on, so of course it is my younger brother and sister. What? Where do you want to go when you hurt my bodyguard? Could it be that they didn't treat her well?"

Shangguan Liunian said leisurely, not taking her estrangement to heart, and kept calling her brother and sister.

Look at their subordinates again, each one in pain, if he hadn't arrived in time, she would really have let her run away.

His younger brother and sister are really not easy to mess with, and I don't know how much Jazz has suffered from her.

"Shangguan Liunian, who can't speak beautiful words! Why did you arrest me for no reason!"

Ye Qingxin gave him a blank look, and she didn't entertain him well, binding her limbs so that she couldn't move, what kind of hospitality is this!
Do you want to try changing him, and always pretend to be close.

If you open your eyes and tell nonsense, you won't be afraid of thunder!

"Brother and sister, you are wrong. I just wanted to invite you to Juju, but I didn't expect them to be ignorant and make you feel wronged." Shangguan Liunian smiled slightly, looking as if he deserved a beating.

If he didn't arrest her, how could Jue Shi obediently hand over Xia Jin.

"You have also seen me now, if you are really that kind, then let me go now." Ye Qingxin stared, it was clear that she was arrested to threaten Shangguan Jueshi to hand over Xia Jin.

This is too bad, Shangguan Jueshi must hand over Xia Jin because of her, Xia Jin escaped from Shangguan Liunian with great difficulty, if it falls into his hands again, the consequences will be disastrous.

But it's impossible for her to run away now!But until the end, she will not give up any hope.

Because only if she ran out, Xia Jin would not fall into his hands.

"That's not okay. I haven't treated you well, my brother and sister. If I let you go back like this, it would be too disrespectful for me as a big brother." Shangguan Liunian continued. Ye Qingxin saw that he continued to pretend like this, really I can't pretend to be with him anymore.

Why doesn't this guy act, he can pretend better than her!

"Shangguan Liunian, don't think that I don't know, what is your plan, you arrested me to make Shangguan Jueshi hand over Xia Jin! Let me tell you, don't be wishful thinking, I will not let Xia Jin It fell into your hands."

Ye Qingxin put her hands on her waist and pretended to be vicious and said that she wanted to improve her aura, but she knew in her heart that she was very hopeless.

"Sister and sister, you occupy a very important position in Judgment's heart. Let me tell you another news. Jurrer is already waiting for me to take you with him at Fick's Bar. He will exchange Xia Jin with you."

Shangguan Liunian smiled and told her the matter.

Now that Jazz has a weakness, it will naturally be self-defeating.

"What are you kidding!"

Unfortunately, Shangguan Jueshi really exchanged Xia Jin with her, how could this work!She can adapt wherever she goes, it doesn't matter if she falls into the hands of Shangguan Liunian, she will always find a way to escape, but Xia Jin is different.

She has no kung fu background, and she can't cheat.

"I never joke around, brother and sister, you should be happy that Juzzy cares about you so much."

At least he has never seen Jazz care so much about a woman, and it is conceivable that she holds a lot of weight in Jazz's heart.

Care about your ass!At this moment, she wished that Shangguan Jueshi would not care about her, so that Xia Jin would not be exchanged.

Ye Qingxin gritted her teeth, and she crushed Shangguan Liunian in one bite.

Naturally, Shangguan Liunian didn't miss her expression. He knew the advisor, "Sister and sister, you seem to have a problem with elder brother? Is there something wrong with elder brother that made you angry."

Opinions are huge!This wolf in sheep's clothing has been so hypocritical, he is not tired!

At least her Shangguan Jueshi dares to act bravely, unlike Shangguan Liunian who pretended to be hypocritical, and suddenly discovered that her family's Jueshi really has many advantages, which I hadn't discovered before.

"My big brother, if you let me go, I won't be angry."

Ye Qingxin yelled sweetly, she likes people to call him big brother so much, let's see if she doesn't make his ears explode.

"What did you just call me?"

Shangguan Liunian had a look of disbelief. She never thought that Ye Qingxin would call her big brother after Jue Shi. Although she was unwilling, she hadn't heard anyone call him that for a long time. Suddenly, there was a strange feeling in her heart. .

Since that incident happened, Juzzy has rarely seen him since then, and it is almost difficult to hear him call him affectionately from his mouth again. When she called him suddenly, she radiated a lot of her past. memory.

"You are Jazz's big brother, I don't call your big brother what do you call you!"

Through Shangguan Liunian's eyes, he saw a trace of joy and warmth, so what about him!Just call out big brother, why does he look so moved to death.

I haven't been a big brother for many years, and suddenly such a line of lyrics came to my mind, which fits the mood at this time.

It is rare to observe Shangguan Liunian's expression, this is the affection shown from his heart, which cannot be hidden.

But I heard that the relationship between Jazz and him is not that good, could it be because of this?

If that's the case, did she make a mistake?I don't know if Shangguan Jueshi would be angry if he knew that she called Shangguan Liunian like this!

After all, she didn't know how deadlocked their brother's relationship was!
"Sister and sister, I didn't give you any presents when we met for the first time. If you say what you want, I will give it to you."

Shangguan Liunian asked, he seemed to be in a good mood.

And Ye Qingxin looked astonished, feeling like she couldn't grasp the edge, but she just called him big brother, and the gift was accepted, did she take advantage of it, and the pie in the sky fell on her.

In this case, should she call a few more words, maybe it will make him happy, even if he agrees to let her go.

"Brother, are you serious? Will you give me any gift I want?"

A gleam flashed across Ye Qingxin's eyes, in this case, she will not be polite!
"Of course, apart from letting you go and letting her go, I can agree to the rest." Naturally, Shangguan Liunian didn't miss the trick in her eyes. His younger siblings are indeed a little clever, but it's a pity He has been looking for it for so many years, so naturally he will not let go of such an opportunity.

If Xia Jin is allowed to escape again this time, he doesn't know how many years it will take to catch her, he can't wait any longer, he can't wait to see her terrified look when she sees him.

When Ye Qingxin heard what he said, she immediately lost all interest, and rolled her eyes at Shangguan Liunian.

I thought I could take this opportunity to negotiate terms with Shangguan Liunian, but this guy is so smart, her little cleverness is nothing in his eyes, and she didn't get any advantages.

"If that's the case, then I don't need anything."

Ye Qingxin didn't have a good look at him, Shangguan Jueshi would give her whatever she wanted, what gift does she want from him!

And Shangguan Liunian saw her angry, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, as if she hadn't been this happy for a long time, at least he got along well with his younger brother and sister.

"Don't think about it anymore? You know, I seldom give gifts to others. Others don't even think about it." Shangguan Liunian did not forget to remind, and Ye Qingxin lowered her head, her round eyes kept moving. Walking around, although he is a bit narcissistic, but this big bargain in front of him is not for nothing.

Since he couldn't escape, he had to make good use of this opportunity and do something for Xia Jin.

"You said, except for those two conditions, you will agree to everything I say?"

Ye Qingxin asked again, as if she didn't quite believe him.

Dealing with Shangguan Liunian, I don't know how many brain cells I have to die, and her little cleverness is useless to him.

"Whatever brother and sister want, I, as the eldest brother, will of course be happy to agree to you."

Shangguan Liunian nodded, he did what he said, only his relatives could treat him like this.

"That's what you said, so I'll say it now, if Xia Jin falls into your hands, you can't abuse her. This abuse includes not only physical, but also spiritual. I am your younger brother and sister, and she is my sister." My good sister, she is also equivalent to your younger sister, so you must treat her well."

Ye Qingxin said a series of things, she could talk about the sky and the earth, talk about things, in short, she turned them into something if they had nothing to do with each other.

They all know that Shangguan Liunian is so powerful that Xia Jin can hide from the first day of the junior high school but not the fifteenth day. Sooner or later, she will fall into his hands. Security is not threatened in any way.

his sister?Shangguan Liunian snorted, this younger brother and sister are really good at talking, but he can't stand the younger sister Xia Jin!That's not what he wanted.

I have to say that her younger brother and sister's smart thinking ability is really extraordinary, and she really underestimated her before, she knows how to use this opportunity to provide protection for Xia Jin, but it's a pity that this rare gift is just for nothing. wasted.

Because he never thought of abusing her at all, on the contrary, he would love her well.

It's one thing for him to love her, but it's another thing for Xia Jin to bear it.

"I promise you!"

Shangguan Liunian agreed without any hesitation, but his straightforward attitude gave Ye Qingxin a bad premonition, always feeling that something was wrong.

Ye Qingxin stared at him from time to time, but Shangguan Liunian had a smile on his face all the time, and he couldn't see any evil intentions. Anyway, Shangguan Liunian had promised her that if Xia Jin was in his hands, there would be nothing for a while. What danger.

Afterwards, they tried to find a way to see if they could rescue Xia Jin from Shangguan Liunian, but Ye Qingxin had other plans in mind.

"Sister and sister, it's getting late. Jue Shi must be very worried after not seeing you for so long, let's go together!" Shangguan Liunian said lightly, and Ye Qingxin nodded.

Until the end, the situation may turn around in the end, so she will have to play by ear.

"Brother and sister, your ability is really powerful, all of my subordinates are almost blinded by you."

Shangguan Liunian and Ye Qingxin walked together, he joked intentionally or unintentionally.

And at this time, those bodyguards who were plotted against by Ye Qingxin just now followed, all of them had red eyes and looked embarrassed.

"You can't blame me! I can only say that the service of this hotel is great, at least it proves that the eruption water is not fake."

Ye Qingxin secretly laughed a few times, but she was really embarrassed.

"Indeed!" Shangguan Liunian echoed, it had been a long time since he had found someone who was so easy to chat with.

When she got outside, Shangguan Liunian opened the door for her with a gentlemanly face, Ye Qingxin sat on it, and both of them sat behind.

"Brother, can I ask you something?"

Ye Qingxin yelled sweetly, it was difficult for others not to pay attention to her when she yelled like this, but Shangguan Liunian felt that her address was particularly pleasant when she heard it.

"Brother and sister, what do you want to ask?"

Shangguan Liunian crossed Erlang's legs, put his hands on the back of his head and leaned comfortably on the back, his eyes were fixed on her, and his posture was lazy.

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(End of this chapter)

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