Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 244 Let them go and I will go with you

Chapter 244 Let them go and I will go with you
She sat down with a pale face, looking in the direction of Shangguan Liunian, the tenacity in her eyes instantly disintegrated into pieces, and there was a hint of unwillingness in her eyes, but she knew that no matter how hard she struggled, she still couldn't escape from his palm.

Hitting the snake for seven inches, he has been holding her seven inches tightly, she is like the poor struggling snake on the ground, she can only curl up and crawl on the ground.

Unless he was willing to let go, she would surely die.

He knew that what she cared about the most was the people around her, and the last thing she wanted to see was that the people around her were hurt because of her, but this cold-blooded and ruthless man didn't know what feelings were at all, and he would only threaten her with the people around her , she couldn't resist at all.

Although Qin Lanhua's mother and daughter treated her badly, they still had feelings after living for so many years, especially the last thing she wanted to see was dragging them down because of her own affairs.

"Xia Jin, don't worry, it might be fake, besides Qin Lanhua's mother and daughter said they have nothing to do with you, why do you care about their lives! Shangguan Liunian, let me tell you, you want If you want to kill, you can do whatever you like, anyway, those two have nothing to do with Xia Jin."

After Ye Qingxin comforted Xia Jin, she turned her head and said to Shangguan Liunian in a very aggressive tone.

Shangguan Liunian is simply too despicable to even do such a thing.

Knowing that Xia Jin's most important thing is feelings, and Qin Lanhua's mother and daughter are troublesome, if it were different, she would have cared about their lives long ago, but Xia Jin is kind and would not just watch their mother and daughter suffer.

"Really? Xiaoxia, then I want to see if you have the heart?"

There was an evil smile on the corner of Shangguan Liunian's mouth, which made people feel chills, what else did he want to do.

I saw Shangguan Liunian made a phone call. He didn't know what to explain. He pressed the speaker again, and Qin Meng's pitiful cry came from the phone, "Help! Sister Xia Jin, help me! I don't want to die Ah! Sister Xia Jin!"

"Sister, save me! Save me!" almost made Xia Jin collapse, she smiled wryly, and struggled for a long time before agreeing, "Let them go, I'll go with you."

The person he wanted was her, and she went with him, begging him not to hurt the people around her anymore.

Shangguan Liunian smiled triumphantly, and then hung up the phone. He knew she couldn't be cruel, and as long as she couldn't, she would never be able to escape from his side unless he killed him.

"Xia Hibiscus!"

Xia Jin stood up, Ye Qingxin, Lu Manman, and Liu Silian held her hand almost at the same time, not wanting her to walk over.

"Qingxin, Manman, Silian, these days have caused you a lot of trouble, I can't trouble you any more, don't worry, I'll be fine."

A forced smile appeared on Xia Jin's face. The matter had come to this point, and she was powerless to recover. If she escaped by chance this time, there would be another time, and the next time, unless this man disappeared, her nightmare would continue forever. As it continued, her frail face revealed a touch of firmness.

"Xia Jin, don't worry, I will find a way to rescue you."

"Xia Jin, don't die!"

"Idiot Liu, what nonsense are you talking about, Xia Jin, our sisters are waiting for you to come back and reunite."

The four hugged into a group, and Shangguan Liunian turned his back and left, giving her the last chance to say goodbye.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Xia Jin reluctantly withdrew from their warm embrace. She didn't know if she would be able to come back this time, but she didn't want to make them worry or feel sad.

"I'll be back, you have to wait for me."

A smile appeared on Xia Jin's face, and after waving goodbye to them, she left without looking back, and the moment she turned around, her eyes were full of mist.

"Xia Hibiscus!"

Listening to their calls behind her, she wanted to turn back several times, but she couldn't!She looked determined.

Love, Man Man, Si Lian, we will always be best sisters!Thank you, thank you for everything you have done for me, these are enough, if I want to escape from the clutches, unless that person disappears.

Xia Jin walked out of the door, and Shangguan Liunian leaned against the wall lazily and waited for her. Seeing her coming out, with a deep smile on his lips, he walked towards her, "Xiao Xia, I knew you would come back to me." side."

Facing Xia Jin, Shangguan Liunian's eyes were full of affection, and he held her in his arms possessively. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, enjoying the fragrance and happiness she brought him. His hands were habitually stroking her soft hair, with a look of nostalgia, but he knew how long he had thought about this moment, and now she was really in her arms.

But knowing that he was thinking about her every night, she was so cruel that she left without looking back.

But at this moment, his eyes were full of satisfaction, and the joy in his heart was screaming crazily, but this throbbing was suppressed by him.

Xia Jin put away her sadness, she didn't want this man to see her fragility, and she let him be with Shangguan Liunian's intimacy, because she knew that no matter how hard she struggled, it would be useless.

If it were different, she would definitely struggle before, but now she is really tired and doesn't want to struggle anymore, he can do whatever he wants.

Isn't what he wants to conquer her?Now she is what he wants.

"Xiao Xia, after all these years, you are much more obedient than before." Regarding her reaction, Shangguan Liunian looked dissatisfied, why didn't she struggle!

If it was before, she would definitely struggle hard, hammering and hitting him, but now she has no reaction at all.

Xia Jin lowered her head and did not speak.

Seeing her like a puppet at this time, Shangguan Liunian felt unspeakably depressed, "Xiao Xia, it's okay, I will slowly remind you of everything about us."

Shangguan Liunian leaned close to her ear, and whispered softly, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, his voice revealed bewitching, but when Xia Jin heard his words, her complexion began to change, and her eyes were full of fear.

"do not want!"

She was startled, and subconsciously stretched out her hand to push him away, but her strength was nothing to Shangguan Liunian, it could only be said to be a tickle.

"Xiao Xia, I thought you didn't respond!"

Seeing her resistance, Shangguan Liunian smiled happily, and he knew she was not suitable to be a puppet.

Regardless of her struggle, he hugged her in one fell swoop, he would make her think of him well, and make up for everything he had done for so many years.

The plane took off, and Shangguan Liunian left City A with Xia Jin.


At this time in the VIP room, Liu Silian was crying terribly. The crying lasted for several hours, and his vital capacity exploded.

Even Shangguan Jueshi's cold eyes could not be suppressed.

"Wuuuu, Xia Jin is gone now, she's dead!"

"Idiot Liu, don't cry, your ears can't take it anymore."

Lu Manman covered his ears, and said angrily, now that everyone has been taken away, what else can they do.

I didn't expect Shangguan Liunian to move so fast, and they took Xia Jin away before they could figure out a rescue strategy, and now Xia Jin didn't know where she would be taken, there was a huge crowd, where did they go to find her!

"But I'm really worried!" As he spoke, Liu Silian cried again, thinking that Xia Jin was as scared as a mouse seeing a cat when she saw Shangguan Liunian just now, and now she is facing Shangguan Liunian alone, Wouldn't she be very scared.

"Silian, don't cry, your friend will be fine." Leng Yisheng saw that there was no way for her to do this, it would hurt her health.

They didn't know the purpose of Shangguan Liunian coming to City A before, but now they probably all know it. They thought he came to City A to deal with them, but they were wrong. Shangguan Liunian only wanted Xia Jin, a man He was so attached to a woman, especially when he saw the emotion in Shangguan Liunian's eyes when he saw Xia Jin, it was already clear.

Shangguan Liunian was tempted by Xia Jin, no matter how much he tried to hide it, his feelings would not lie.

So with Xia Jin in his hands, her life would not be in danger.

"How did you know?"

Liu Silian looked puzzled, why all of them were sure that nothing would happen to Xia Jin.

"I'll tell you this when I get home."

Leng Yisheng pretended to be mysterious and said, but Liu Silian didn't cry anymore after hearing what he said.

So many unpleasant things happened today, and everyone was tired, so they went home to wash and sleep.

On the way, Shangguan Jueshi and Ye Qingxin were sitting in the back seat. After Xia Jin left, Ye Qingxin didn't say a word, appearing extraordinarily quiet.

"Are you mad at me?"

Being used to her fiery temper, Shangguan Jueshi would not be able to stand her suddenly being so quiet.

Is she angry that she exchanged her Xia Jin, but there is no way, he naturally wants to protect his woman.

And he knows that Shangguan Liunian will get what Shangguan Liunian wants. The brothers all have one thing in common, that is, once they have locked on the goal, they will be persistent to the end. No matter what the method is, as long as the final result is satisfactory.

He originally thought that Shangguan Liunian just wanted to report the poisoning to Xia Jin, but he didn't expect that he fell in love with Xia Jin, so he tried every means to tie Xia Jin by his side. unanimous.

"No! I just can't understand why your Shangguan family's genes are so perverted! You can do anything to achieve your goals. You treat me like this, and Shangguan Liunian treats Xia Jin even more so. Why are you all so paranoid? , Have you ever thought about our feelings?"

Ye Qingxin said with a puzzled face, in fact, she had long felt that there was something wrong with the relationship between Shangguan Liunian and Xia Jin.

But her relationship with Shangguan Jueshi is simpler than the two of them, not as complicated as the two of them.

Xia Jin was even more disgusted with Shangguan Liunian, if Shangguan Liunian forced her to stay by his side, she didn't know what would happen.

What Xia Jin wants is a respected relationship, but Shangguan Liunian has been trampling on her self-esteem in order to keep her by his side. His actions are too paranoid. It is almost impossible for Xia Jin to have feelings for him .

"The men in our Shangguan family are paranoid in their bones. I am so, and so is he."

Shangguan Jueshi said lightly, for some reason, seeing that Shangguan Liunian also had half of his heart, he was actually happy for him.

"Shangguan Jueshi, you still said that I haven't even said you yet! Did you know that Shangguan Liunian had other purposes for Xia Jin, that he would not hurt Xia Jin, and that's why you exchanged Xia Jin for me."

When it comes to this matter, she can't stop talking to him.

Although she knew that Shangguan Liunian would not do anything to hurt Xia Jin, but when she thought that Xia Jin had fallen into Shangguan Liunian's hands again, she felt uncomfortable.

"In my heart, no one is more important than your life."

Shangguan Jueshi looked at him, the deep affection in his eyes was about to cover her, and she was the only one in his eyes from beginning to end.

Facing his blue eyes, her heart also jumped up.

"What about Xia Jin? Do you know where Shangguan Liunian took her?"

Leaning on his shoulder, Ye Qingxin pouted and asked.

The bastard Shangguan Liunian actually took Xia Jin away so quickly, and he doesn't know where Xia Jin will be now.

"Should be at home in Europe."

When mentioning this family, Shangguan Jueshi's tone was indifferent, as if it had nothing to do with him at all, but there was an unknown emotion in his eyes.

"So far? That's Shangguan Liunian's territory, don't even think about saving people." Upon hearing what Shangguan Jueshi said, Ye Qingxin's face wrinkled instantly, turning into a bitter gourd.

It was almost impossible for Xia Jin to escape this time.

But this is the first time I heard Shangguan Jueshi mention his family. He doesn't seem to have any affection for his family. That's right. He is regarded as an illegitimate child and is not favored by others. How warm is that family to him? What to say!
She suddenly thought of his relationship with Shangguan Liunian, and she didn't want to get involved with his affairs at first, but she suddenly became a little gossip, couldn't hold back the doubts in her heart, and asked, "Shangguan Jueshi, what happened to you and Shangguan Liunian?" ?”

"You really want to know?"

Shangguan Jueshi held her hand and said seriously, as long as she wanted to know now, he would tell her everything about him verbatim.

Of course, the premise is that she is really ready to accept him in her heart. Shangguan Jueshi looked at him, waiting for her answer.

Looking at his blue pupils, she hated trouble the most. She faintly felt that Shangguan Jueshi was burdened far beyond her imagination, and she looked hesitant.

If she agrees, it means that she has truly accepted him, and everything about him will be shared with her.

"Then tell me!"

Ye Qingxin thought for a moment, then made up her mind. Now that Shangguan Jueshi is her man, she has a reason to know everything about him. She doesn't want to stand behind him and be protected by him all the time, but to stand with him and be with him. Overlook everything.

A flash of joy flashed in Shangguan Jushi's eyes. Did she know what it meant for her to agree, to accept him, and the joy in her heart suddenly flooded into a river.

"Don't worry, even if we get divorced in the future, I won't tell others."

Ye Qingxin suddenly said such a sentence, which spoiled the scenery greatly, and the smile on Shangguan Jueshi's face suddenly darkened.

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(End of this chapter)

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