Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 245 This Little Sincerity Is Not Enough

Chapter 245 This Little Sincerity Is Not Enough

"Why can't I hear a good word from you?"

Shangguan Jueshi snorted with a dark face, with a strong nasal voice, needless to say, his mood must be extremely bad at this time.

Why is it that every time the two of them have a serious conversation and are about to reveal each other's hearts, she can always talk nonsense, and she makes the embarrassment to the extreme after a good conversation.

Knowing that she did it on purpose, but there is nothing she can do about it.

"Peerless dear husband, cook something delicious for me when I get home. I'm starving to death."

Ye Qingxin said to him coquettishly, with a happy face, she was indeed cowarded, and she escaped halfway.

Shangguan Jueshi smiled helplessly, who made her always have a way to make him happy, for the sake of her husband, it would be impossible not to agree.

"By the way, Shangguan Jueshi, my body has almost recovered, and I have to go to work tomorrow!"

She had been thinking about this all the time. Shangguan Jueshi said that he would let her go to his company for a month's trial after she had a good rest. If she performed well and adapted to the social circle, he would let her break into the entertainment industry.

Anyway, a month passed in a whizz, and she didn't believe that she couldn't do it.

And she doesn't want to always live under the care of Shangguan Jueshi, what she wants is to face ups and downs together with him.

"Working by my side is not so easy." Shangguan Jues reminded, seeing that she was in a hurry and wanted to leave his side just like that.

Although she is a little smart and able to protect herself, she can't imagine where the entertainment industry is and how deep the water is. She is not as safe as Lu Manman. If her hot temper comes up, she will probably cause trouble .

Of course, nothing would happen if he escorted her all the way, but according to her stubborn nature, she would definitely refuse his help and wanted to rely on her own strength.

If he doesn't agree, she will definitely try her best to find a job secretly under his nose. In order to hone her irritable temper, she had to let her work beside him. Of course, the most important point is that she can see him 24 hours a day. she.

Only by watching her work under his nose can he settle down to do things, otherwise he can't help but want to know what she is doing at home if he is not paying attention.

"Peerless dear husband, you must be merciful to me. You promised me that if I pass the probation for a month, you must promise me to enter the entertainment industry."

Ye Qingxin took his arm and said coquettishly, she did not know when she became addicted to coquettishness, habits are really terrible things.

"I've always been a businessman." Shangguan Jueshi said with a serious face, he wouldn't let go.

Acting like a baby doesn't work for him this time. This time it's to exercise her social adaptability. Since she wants to step into the society, she has to get used to the reality of this society early. He will never let go of this point, because if she treats her If it is too loose, it will only harm her in the future.

"Hmph! Anyway, I won't be defeated." Ye Qingxin turned her head away and said confidently. Although she said so, she never thought that he would let go, because she was trained To become an independent and strong character, there is still the will.

"Then do you remember what you have to do if the one-month trial period fails?"

Shangguan Jueshi asked back, he promised to give her a one-month trial period, but there was one condition, that is, if she didn't pass, she would obediently give birth to him at home.

It's been a while since they've been married, and he's given her a long time. Shouldn't it be time for her to face this problem?

"Remember, remember, don't you just have a baby! But don't underestimate my ability, as long as I want to do, there is nothing I can't do."

Ye Qingxin looked embarrassed. Ever since the old man told him that he had to have a baby to change his luck, Shangguan Jueshi has been holding on to this matter. For her dream of freedom, she had to exchange the matter of having a baby with her.

She couldn't bear to let the child not be caught by the wolf, but this time she made a heavy investment, and she couldn't fail completely.

Of course that is what he said, and whether it is actually implemented is another matter. Anyway, she is the most shameless, and Shangguan Jueshi has nothing to do with her.

"Because of your usual bad performance, you have to show me some sincerity if you want to convince me?"

Shangguan Jueshi asked, don't think that he doesn't know what she is thinking, if she really fails the trial by then, she will definitely be reckless again.

At first, I thought that Shangguan Liulai was here to deal with him, but now that he is gone, he has no worries, so the things that should be done must be done!
He has endured it for so long, does she have to open her heart to accept him, but she can't let her act like this anymore.

Anyway, the time he gave was long enough, and she had to accept it if she didn't accept it.

Shangguan Jueshi has been staring at her, his scorching eyes are as fierce as flames, and he is about to swallow her into it.

"Sincerely, it's not easy!"

Ye Qingxin giggled, how could she not know what Shangguan Jueshi wanted!He wants her!
At this time, she was afraid and nervous, this time Shangguan Jueshi's attitude was serious, what should she do?Obedience or resistance?
But she was the best at pretending, she immediately smacked Shangguan Jushi's face like a dog.

I wanted to withdraw, but I didn't expect that the back of her head was held tightly by her, and the hot touch hit her. Her eyes were wide open, and she didn't react at all to the sudden move.

I just felt my mind went blank, and I was dizzy with fright.

"Fool, take a breath!"

Seeing that she didn't respond in a daze, her dry behavior made him happy, and he hugged her tightly.

This time he won't let her play tricks, hug her every day but can't do anything, what a torture it is for him, he will be married tonight.

Feeling that the air in her chest was about to be emptied, Shangguan Jueshi let go of her, "This little sincerity is not enough, I expect more sincerity from you tonight."

Shangguan Jueshi whispered in her ear, but Ye Qingxin tensed up, her face turned as red as a crayfish in an instant, and she buried her head in his arms.

The little hand behind his back did not forget to pat his back lightly. It was really embarrassing. I didn't see that there was a driver in front of him!

When Shangguan Jueshi saw her shy reaction, the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened, she would still be shy!She hadn't always been fearless.

But thinking about what Shangguan Jueshi said to her just now, Ye Qingxin grew up two heads, and it seemed that she couldn't escape tonight.

No, no matter what, I have to think of a way, she can't just be slaughtered like this!
Ye Qingxin was thinking about various countermeasures, her mind was about to explode.

 There is another chapter to come, I hope you like it.

(End of this chapter)

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