Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 248 My Romance Only Belongs to You

Chapter 248 My Romance Only Belongs to You
How could Shangguan Jueshi fail to see her careful thinking, she didn't even think about hurting herself, he walked over, saw that she still wanted to continue somersaulting, so he hugged her without saying a word, Laughing softly, "Let's exercise here tonight first, or save some energy for later."

Ye Qingxin listened to his whimsical words, her ears and the back of her neck turned red, and her little thoughts were seen through.

Shangguan Jues took advantage of this to carry her upstairs, and it would be better to talk about anything in the bedroom.

"Shangguan Jueshi, what are you doing! I still want to watch TV!"

Being carried upstairs, Ye Qingxin yelled inwardly, it's not so easy to go upstairs, she doesn't want to go upstairs!

She wants to resist!Can't wait to die!

"We also have a TV in the bedroom, you can watch whatever you want."

Shangguan Jueshi said with a smile, completely defeated her little thought, went upstairs and entered the bedroom, and things were much easier to handle.

Shangguan Jueshi carried her into the bedroom, put her on the sofa, and specially turned on the TV for her, "Come on, come on, you can watch whatever you want, I will be with you tonight."

Shangguan Jueshi sat beside her, with his arms around her waist, ready to watch with her.

Ye Qingxin looked devastated, that bastard Shangguan Jueshi, he knew all the little things in her heart, and he blocked her way out.

But she kept somersaulting just now, and now her whole body is sticky and she's so hot, why would she want to watch TV!

"But wife, don't you feel uncomfortable watching TV like this? Why don't you go take a shower first?"

It's rare for Shangguan Jueshi to make jokes, but he likes to make fun of her the most. Seeing her series of strange performances tonight, the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened.

She thought she could pass the test by delaying like this, and he would not let go of such a good opportunity.

Ye Qingxin glared at him angrily. At this time, she was transparent in front of him, and she was a bit ashamed to be probed into it clearly. "You did it on purpose, hmph!"

"Wife, you can't waste your time on a beautiful day! Or are you afraid of me, wife?"

Shangguan Jueshi said with an innocent face, he knew that the aggressive method was the most useful for her.

"I'm not afraid of you, just wash it, whoever is afraid of whom!"

Ye Qingxin was so stimulated, she stood up from the sofa, walked to the bedside, and took a change of clothes to go to the bathroom.

Ye Qingxin gave him a provocative look, then took the clothes and walked into the bathroom, Shangguan Jueshi watched her walk in, the smile in his eyes widened even more, and he knew that she couldn't help being stimulated.

Tonight was the most important night for the two of them, so he naturally wanted to give her a good memory. While she was going to take a bath now, Shangguan Jueshi was not free and started to prepare.

He took out a bottle of fine wine and two goblets from the cabinet, put them on the table, turned off the light, and lit the candles.

Not only that, heart-shaped candles are also placed on the edge of the cabinet, forming a piece, with continuous ups and downs, the room lights up instantly, and the atmosphere is extraordinarily warm.

As for the bedsheets and even the carpet, there are big and small roses in small shapes, spreading to every corner, and the fragrance of flowers lingers in the whole bedroom. .

A faint piano piece was also specially played, and the sound came out slowly, creating a more dreamy scene.

In order to get everything done before she finished washing, Shangguan Jueshi acted very quickly and took care of everything in an hour and a half.

He did all this well, but Ye Qingxin hadn't come out of the bathroom yet, Shangguan Jueshi couldn't help smiling, she still wanted to plan when the turtle would be.

Everything is ready and waiting for her to come out.

Shangguan Jueshi sat up for a while, then got up from the sofa, stepped on the rose petals lightly, and walked carefully, for fear that the beauty of the arrangement would be destroyed.

The pale yellow light flickered, and his slender body was projected on the ground. Under the illumination of the light, his face was soft at this moment, his blue eyes were like water, sparkling with waves, and he walked patiently to the door of the bathroom.

Ye Qingxin had already washed it, but she just stayed inside and couldn't come out, "What should I do? If she goes out now, she will have to face the next thing."

Ye Qingxin was standing inside and wandering, when there was a loud knock on the door, and the door was knocked non-stop, her heart tightened suddenly, Shangguan Jueshi came to urge her.

what should I do!Ye Qingxin tugged at her clothes, not knowing what to do.

How about hiding in here?play tricks?

"Honey, have you finished washing? Are you afraid that I won't dare to come out?"

Shangguan Jueshi stood at the door, and continued to speak aggressively, this trick is all-purpose.

"Shangguan Jueshi, who is afraid of you, who is afraid of you."

As soon as the doorknob was turned, Ye Qingxin opened the door, Shangguan Jueshi spared a smug smile.

But as soon as she opened the door, she regretted it, and she was fooled again!
"Honey, I thought you were hiding inside and couldn't come out because you were afraid of me!"

Shangguan Jueshi joked that Ye Qingxin snorted a few times in embarrassment when she was told what was on her mind. She was indeed afraid.

"No, I just wash it relatively clean."


Ye Qingxin said nonsense, Shangguan Jueshi was silently kind, this tepid response made her even more embarrassed, she wanted to bite off her tongue, what are you talking about!

Ye Qingxin walked out of the door with an awkward expression, looked at everything in front of her with a look of surprise, when did you prepare for this?

Before she could ask her doubts, Shangguan Jueshi hugged her in one fell swoop, and Ye Qingxin screamed in fright, thinking that he was going to get down to business so soon.

"Shangguan Jueshi, I'm not sleepy yet! I don't want to sleep yet!"

What is he doing!

Shangguan Jueshi was amused by her intense emotions, he chuckled lightly, "I didn't plan to sleep at all, are you impatient?"

Shangguan Jueshi hugged her on the sofa and sat on the sofa. Ye Qingxin listened to his teasing, and instantly wanted to bump her head with a piece of tofu.

Only then did she know that the reason why Shangguan Jueshi hugged her was because she didn't want her to spoil the beauty of the carpet arrangement, my God!Humiliated at grandma's house, Shangguan Jueshi must be laughing at her now!

Ye Qingxin blushed, but luckily she didn't turn on the light, so she couldn't see clearly, otherwise she wouldn't know how to face him.

"Shangguan Jueshi, did you prepare these?"

Such a romantic arrangement is not like what he, an iceberg, would do. When did he know how to be romantic?

Regarding everything arranged in this room, Ye Qingxin was stunned, and couldn't believe it was done by him.

"My romance belongs only to you."

Shangguan Jueshi held her hand and said seriously, it's not that he's unromantic, it just depends on who the object is, if it's her, then everything is another matter.

 Our family's good husband also understands romance, okay?Where is the ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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