Chapter 249
With the extinguishing of the candles, the warm morning light ushered in.

This night was warm and long, and it was the best memory for Shangguan Jueshi.

The roses on the carpet are in a mess, shapeless, and the messy clothes are intertwined, and the house is full of warmth.

Shangguan Jueshi opened his eyes, hugged her in his arms, his eyes were full of doting and distress, he stroked her hair gently, his face was gentle.

After all, he has been a vegetarian for so long, but once he tastes meat, he is out of control, and she is still his favorite woman. In his eyes, everything about her is the best.

He has always been very sensible, but when he meets her, he loses all reason. Looking at her tired little face, it is really embarrassing for her.

He asked for leave this morning, and she said that what she cares most about is the feeling, and she wants him to see her the first time he wakes up, not a cool empty seat.

Feeling attached to her temperature, Shangguan Jueshi hugged her, closed his eyes, and prepared to squint for a while.

The clock is ticking, nine o'clock in the morning.

Ye Qingxin had a dream, and the main character in the dream was her. She was startled suddenly and woke up.

"woke up?"

As soon as she moved, Shangguan Jueshi noticed it. Ye Qingxin opened her eyes and was about to turn over, but her body seemed to be falling apart, and all the bones in her body were sore.

Wait, why does it feel wrong!She stared wide-eyed, and when she saw Shangguan Jueshi's smooth upper body, she screamed in fright.

"Shangguan Jueshi, what did you do to me?"

Looking at herself in the quilt again, Ye Qingxin's mind went blank, they actually...

She subconsciously opened the distance, but how could Shangguan Jueshi allow it, and hugged her in one fell swoop, "Honey, you allowed it last night, and you pushed me down on your own initiative."

Fearing that she would catch a cold, he wrapped her in the quilt, seeing that she still had such explosive power early in the morning, it seemed that she was fine.

Ye Qingxin's mind was spinning, she did agree last night, and she was the one who took the initiative, so it was not a dream, it was real!
Thinking of her still taking the initiative to push him down, she was very shy, her little head shrank, and she shrank under the quilt, let her be a shrinking turtle.

For a while, she didn't know how to face it, especially since the two of them were so close now, she felt ashamed.

Seeing her reaction, Shangguan Jueshi couldn't help but smile, now that they have had an intimate relationship, she will have to face it sooner or later.

He also shrank his head, huddled under the quilt, and faced him, his blue eyes were extraordinarily bright.

"Honey, is there anything uncomfortable in your body?"

Ye Qingxin turned his back, Shangguan Jueshi embraced her from behind, leaned against her ear, and whispered concern.

"You still have the nerve to say it? You hurry up and cook for me, I'm starving to death."

Ye Qingxin muttered dissatisfiedly, didn't he know what he did?She felt that her whole body was falling apart, as if she had done a lot of heavy work, and she was almost starving to death.

Fortunately, she drank to build up her courage last night, so this matter was completed smoothly, with a kind of perfunctory way of completing the task.

But now when she thought of the scene last night, she still blushed like a fire, and something was wrong.

"Okay, I'll make some delicious food for you to replenish your energy."

Shangguan Jueshi smiled in satisfaction, opened the quilt, Ye Qingxin huddled in the quilt, listening to the rustling sound coming from behind, but there was no movement again.

Ye Qingxin thought he was gone, but she just lifted the quilt, who knew that she happened to meet that charming smile, "Honey, are you looking for me?"

"Shangguan Jueshi, damn it, you are still playing tricks on me." Ye Qingxin couldn't help but burst out, and found that Shangguan Jueshi always had a smile on his face today, and he was in an exceptionally good mood. Can't help but jump.

Ye Qingxin couldn't help but picked up the pillow at the side and threw it towards him. Shangguan Jueshi caught it accurately and smiled, "Honey, you're in pretty good shape."

His eyes were fixed on her, his eyes were burning hot, Ye Qingxin lowered her head, only then did she realize something was wrong, "Shangguan Jueshi, you bastard, hurry up and cook for me."

Ye Qingxin pulled the quilt and wrapped herself up completely, it was too much, and she still wanted to make fun of her.

"Obey! My wife!"

Shangguan Jueshi had a submissive face, Ye Qingxin saw him nodding and bowing like a servant, and laughed cheerfully, suddenly realized that Shangguan Jueshi seemed to be a different person this night.

Is this the power of love?It can make people change to such a great extent, but her loss is not small. Now her whole body seems to be run over by a few grass mud horses, and she doesn't feel like her body anymore.

Fortunately, Shangguan Juesi was considerate and helped her pack up her clothes in advance. She really didn't want to move anymore, so Ye Qingxin simply changed her clothes under the quilt.

Only then did he move his feet, and went into the bathroom to wash up. There was really nothing left of him being slaughtered, his whole body was weak, his legs were weak and his waist was weak, and his feet were still shaking after every step.

Ye Qingxin looked at the stairs, and had a thought that she didn't want to go down, this is simply fatal!

It would be great if someone would hold her down at this moment!

Ye Qingxin looked forward, and was about to go downstairs when Shangguan Jueshi suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, "Honey, don't move!"

Ye Qingxin was astonished, she didn't expect what she thought to appear, and she felt instantly struck by lightning.

This is only the treatment of a princess!One day the fairy tales befell her too.

Shangguan Jueshi walked up the stairs with a considerate look on his face, "I'll carry you down."

"Even if you still have a conscience, my peerless husband, I found that you have changed in an instant, from an iceberg boy to a warm man."

What Ye Qingxin was waiting for was his words, she didn't expect him to be so considerate, this feeling of being cared for is really not bad.

"Then do you like cold men or warm men?"

Shangguan Jueshi carried her downstairs and couldn't help asking.

The people he wants to care for are of course the best in the world, including him who is the best.

"I like both, haha!"

Ye Qingxin directly expressed that now that they are officially husband and wife, there is nothing to hide. Now that they admit it openly, they feel much more at ease.

"I'm so hungry!"

Shangguan Juez hugged her on the chair, while he went to the kitchen to bring over the cooked food.

"Drink this first!"

Jujube and wolfberry milk, the most nutritious and blood-enriching, is the most suitable now.

"it is good!"

Ye Qingxin drank it, and it tasted pretty good. Shangguan Jues specially cooked an exquisite breakfast for her, which was rich in nutrition.

She was starving to death and started bingeing.

"Shangguan Jueshi, I won't go to work today, I'll go tomorrow."

Ye Qingxin suddenly thought of this, it would only be embarrassing if she went to this state today, she'd better wait until tomorrow to adjust her state before going.

(End of this chapter)

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