Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 250 We won't have children, right?

Chapter 250 We won't have children, right?

"You can go to work anytime." Shangguan Jueshi lowered his head and chuckled, judging from his diligence last night, it was impossible for her to go to work today.

"It's all your fault, you still dare to laugh."

Ye Qingxin pursed her mouth, and complained, if it wasn't for him, she would be so tired now, her muscles and bones were sore and sore, if others didn't know, they would think she was tired from heavy work.

I don't know where he got his energy from, usually he looks tired when he comes home from get off work, but I dare to pretend to show it to her.

"My wife, I will take a day off with you today. As long as you give me an order, I will do it right away."

Shangguan Juzzi immediately became a loyal dog, ready to serve her at any time.

He knew that he had made her suffer a lot, but there was nothing he could do. This kind of thing is familiar once and for all, just get used to it slowly.

In my memory, he usually looked serious, but now that he was not serious, it really made her laugh.

I don't know if he pretended to be serious at ordinary times, but now his attitude has changed 360 degrees after eating fishy food.

"Go get busy if you have something to do. I don't want to miss your business. I don't want to be a troublemaker."

Ye Qingxin said directly, anyway, if she doesn't go out today, she will stay at home, and he can still go to work, so he doesn't have to worry about her.

"Honey, not only are you tired, but I'm also exhausted." Shangguan Jueshi said with a pointed expression on his face. It's a big deal to be with her, and work is not as important as her.

And found that it was much more fun to joke with her at home than to sit in the office and work tediously.

"Are you starting to be dishonest again? Shangguan Jueshi, you used to be a typical abstinent man, but now you have become so dishonest after breaking the precept."

Ye Qingxin couldn't help stretching out her hand to beat him, and now she was starting to tease her, she almost didn't recognize him after such a big change, let alone parry him.

In the past, he didn't talk easily when he was cold, but he poisoned people to death when he opened his mouth, but now he not only talks more, but most of them are about indecent topics.

She almost became Leng Yisheng's second.

"If I break the precept, I will naturally become a lay disciple, and I will naturally become vulgar." Shangguan Jueshi said with a face of course, besides, now that he has tasted the sweetness, what nonsense is forbidden!

He felt that he was too out of tune before, but fortunately he wakes up in time now and can get more unexpected happiness.

Of course, the premise is that he met her, which is worth his change.

"Shangguan Jueshi, the way you speak now is almost carved out of the same template as Leng Yisheng."

Ye Qingxin couldn't help but said, but Shangguan Jueshi looked disapproving, how is this possible!

That kid Yi Sheng is a typical coquettish coquette, as for him, of course he is more advanced than him.

Looking at Shangguan Jueshi's proud face, there is no way, he does have the capital to be proud!

"I'm full, I'm going to watch TV."

Ye Qingxin was so full that she hiccupped, and finally she was full and full of energy. She wanted to go to the living room by herself, but Shangguan Jushi had already picked her up and regarded her as his sweetheart.

"Shangguan Jueshi, after all, I'm also a martial arts practitioner, I'm not so delicate, okay?"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help but said, look at how nervous he is, she's fine now, she's full of energy now that she's had a full meal.

"I'm responsible for what I do. I'll clean up the kitchen first. Watch TV obediently. Call me if you need anything."

Shangguan Jueshi hugged her on the sofa and softly instructed that he would take good care of her when he was at home that day.

He really regarded her as a weak little girl, but seeing him running back and forth, still so diligent, made her feel unspeakably satisfied.

Outsiders thought he was as cold as ice, but now she realized that it was others who were cold, but she was the only one who was warm.

This unique feeling is really indescribable.

Ye Qingxin was lying on the sofa, happily watching TV, when her phone rang, she picked it up and took a look - idiot Liu, what the hell did you do last night, you couldn't find anyone at the critical moment, and you just turned it on now.

Ye Qingxin picked it up, and couldn't help but burst out, "Idiot Liu, you ungrateful guy, I kept calling you last night, but you actually turned off my phone, what did you do?"

"Qingxin, I didn't turn off the phone. I didn't find out that the phone was suddenly turned off when I wanted to find you in the morning. Only after I turned it on did I know that you called me."

Liu Silian's innocent voice came from the phone, but she didn't answer Qingxin's other question, last night she...

"Then what did you do last night? Could it be that you and Leng Yisheng had a wedding night?"

Ye Qingxin said casually, otherwise she would have turned off her phone so early last night, but idiot Liu said it wasn't her who turned it off, needless to say it must have been Leng Yisheng.

Last night was the day when Leng Yisheng and idiot Liu got their certificates, so logically speaking, it was indeed the wedding night for the bridal chamber.

She couldn't help but want to gossip, Yilen Yisheng, that cunning guy, he definitely won't follow the agreement, he must be cheating!
"Qingxin, how do you know!!!"

Liu Silian opened her mouth in surprise, how did Qingxin know!She is indeed with Yisheng.

"Idiot Liu, idiot Liu, I don't even know what to say about you. You were deceived by him like this. You have to neglect him for a few days at least. How could you let him succeed so easily? He feels so good about himself."

Ye Qingxin couldn't help but said, she thought it was just a casual talk, but she didn't expect it to be true, but she heard Liu's idiot's cheerful tone from the phone, and felt that she was very happy at this time.

Now that she and Leng Yisheng are finally together, she feels relieved.

"Qingxin, I'm not feeling well right now! I feel like my body is almost not like my own."

Liu Silian couldn't help but confide in her, in fact, she didn't think about developing further with Yisheng last night, but he was too romantic, she was confused.

"It's not just you, I'm also like you. I feel that the bones in my whole body are about to fall apart. We women are really suffering!"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help complaining, and accidentally revealed her own news.

"Qingxin, how do you know, you are the same as me, so it's possible that you followed Shangguan Jueshi into a bridal chamber."

It was the first time that idiot Liu's mind turned so fast, and he screamed in shock, while Ye Qingxin covered her ears, feeling almost deaf.

"You idiot Liu, you're thinking fast this time." Ye Qingxin said with a grumpy face.

It's really strange, idiot Liu became a lot smarter after one night, and Shangguan Jueshi became a lot less serious, why hasn't she changed at all!

The magic of this bridal chamber is truly amazing.

"Hehe, I think so too." Liu Silian smiled grinningly. Now she felt that her mind was much clearer than before, and her previous memories were gradually restored. Although it was some fragmentary and unhappy things before, but The whole person is indeed a lot clearer, and it makes her a lot more confident.

"Where is your Leng Yisheng now? Didn't you just go out for a stroll regardless of your life?"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help asking, her Shangguan Jueshi's performance today is not bad, and it is not in vain that she has suffered a lot.

I just don't know what's wrong with Leng Yisheng, he has never been able to stay at home, he always likes to go outside for a stroll, and I don't know if he has restrained his temper after getting married.

"Yisheng, he went to the kitchen to cook me food." Speaking of Leng Yisheng, Liu Silian's words were full of happiness, and Ye Qingxin was also happy for her.

Originally thought that Leng Yisheng would be as out of tune as before, but it seems that this man realized his responsibility after getting married and began to calm down.

It seems that idiot Liu made the right choice. Now the three of them have their own families, and they are also a sister group and a brother group. In the same city, it is easy to meet anytime, which is the best.

It's just that three are missing and one is missing, and I don't know how Xia Jin is doing now.

"My family, Shangguan Jueshi, also made me a lot of nutritious breakfast this morning. I was sitting down after I was full. He went to the kitchen to pack up. He even asked for leave today to stay with me at home! Don't let me move around , He was holding me."

Listening to idiot Liu showing off her husband, Ye Qingxin couldn't help but mention her peerless husband. Now when it comes to her husband, there are so many topics to talk about, it can be talked about for three days and three nights.

Such a good husband, don't say no!

I didn't feel that much before, but now I feel very good, enjoying the treatment of a princess.

"Qingxin, are you talking about Shangguan Jueshi? Does he seem to be able to do such a thing?"

Liu Silian couldn't suppress the doubts in his heart, he had a look of disbelief, the person Qingxin said was not like Shangguan Jueshi at all, he was almost the same as someone else.

Now when she thinks of Shangguan Jueshi's stern face, she can't help but shiver. Shangguan Jueshi doesn't seem like such a gentle person.

Even if you just imagine it, you can only imagine it as a big iceberg, and you can't relate to gentleness at all.

"Idiot Liu, don't say that about my peerless husband. He is cold to others, but I am the only one who is warm."

Ye Qingxin said proudly, now she doesn't allow others to speak ill of her peerless husband, not even Liu idiot.

Her old man was right, it was hard to find a man as good as Shangguan Jueshi even with a lantern, but fortunately he finally fell into her hands.

It seems that in the future, we should treat her family Shangguan Jueshi well, lest other wild flowers outside be missed.

"Qingxin, that's not what you said before. Why, in just one night, your thoughts on Shangguan Jueshi have completely changed."

Seeing her defending Shangguan Jueshi so much, Liu Silian couldn't help teasing, didn't Qingxin hate him the most before, why now she talks about Shangguan Jueshi and becomes his spokesperson.

"Of course, he is my real husband now. It's no wonder I don't defend him or love him. If someone else said bad things about you, Leng Yisheng, would you be willing?" Ye Qingxin said with a face of course, now But it's different, she and Shangguan Jueshi are now a veritable couple, they are connected as one, speaking ill of Shangguan Jueshi is tantamount to questioning her vision, which is of course not allowed.

"Of course I won't. My Yi Sheng is pretty good too." Liu Silian said sweetly. She didn't accept Yi Sheng before because she thought he had no sense of responsibility, but she was wrong. She was more advanced than he imagined. More responsible, it was her unilateral thoughts that had wrongly biased him, but fortunately they made everything clear in the end.

And after getting married, Yisheng's performance satisfied her even more. She felt that living with him was so happy!

"Ouch, ouch! You're even more nasty than me!"

Ye Qingxin teased, the two of you are talking about each other's husbands, and no one will let the other.

"Oops, Qingxin! I suddenly remembered an important thing."

Just halfway through speaking, Liu Silian suddenly yelled, and Ye Qingxin was startled by her.

"Idiot Liu, do you want to die? That's a good word, you suddenly went crazy, if you continue to be scared like this, I'm going to have a heart problem."

Ye Qingxin couldn't help cursing, she had a good chat, but she was so startled that her heart almost jumped out of fright.

What made her startled? Isn't her family, Leng Yisheng, responsible for the big thing!Why all the fuss.

"Qingxin, do you think we will have children?"

Liu Silian asked anxiously, Qingxin said before that if the two had an intimate relationship, a child would emerge, so she might have a child right away.

I remember that nothing seemed to be done last night!

"Oh my god, after you remind me like this, I'm in a bad situation, and I haven't taken after-the-fact medicine! I don't want a child now, idiot Liu. I have to deal with my own affairs."

After Ye Qingxin finished speaking, she quickly hung up the phone.

"Qingxin, don't hang up, I haven't finished yet!"


But Ye Qingxin has already hung up the phone, so what should she do!

If it wasn't for the reminder from idiot Liu, she would have forgotten about it. She and Shangguan Jueshi did not take any measures last night, and the current days are not her safe period. It is easy to conceive a child too much.

The thought of having a child made her brain explode. Her dream hadn't started yet. If a child came along, there would be nothing to say.

"Shangguan Jueshi, Shangguan Jueshi, come here quickly!"

Ye Qingxin hurriedly yelled at Shangguan Jueshi in the kitchen, it's still too late to ask him to buy after-event medicine, as long as she takes this medicine, she will feel at ease, and all troubles will be gone.

As soon as Shangguan Jueshi heard her cry, he thought something happened to her, immediately put down what he was doing, and rushed over without saying a word.

"What's wrong? Is there something uncomfortable?"

Shangguan Jueshi looked at her, stretched out his hand and touched her forehead, wanting to see if there was any discomfort in her.

"Shangguan Jueshi, I'm fine! It's just that it's not a safe period, and I don't want to have children yet! Hurry up and go to the pharmacy to buy me aftercare medicine!"

Ye Qingxin pulled his hand down and said anxiously.

After listening to what she said, Shangguan Jueshi understood the ins and outs of the matter. It turned out that she was worried about pregnancy.

(End of this chapter)

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