Chapter 287

This time, she slept until almost noon. If it wasn't for the fact that she was hungry, she probably would have continued to sleep.

After Ye Qingxin brushed her teeth and washed her face, she went downstairs to look for something to eat. She walked to the kitchen and opened the incubator. It was her favorite breakfast. Ye Qingxin quickly took out one by one and put them on the table, and began to eat.

While eating happily, the mobile phone on the table rang and vibrated continuously. As soon as I heard the familiar ringtone, I knew it was Lu Manman calling.

Ye Qingxin was puzzled, why did Lu Manman call before it was time to get off work, maybe she was looking for something urgent.

Ye Qingxin put down the spoon, picked up the phone on the side and answered it, not forgetting to listen while eating with a piece of bread, "Hello? Lu Manman, why are you free to find me at this time?"

"Grandma, you finally answered the phone. I've been buzzing the phone all morning, and I finally answered it."

When Lu Manman heard Ye Qingxin's voice, she looked thankful. You must know that she called countless times this morning, but Ye Xiaoniu didn't answer any of them. She was looking for her urgently. If Ye Xiaoniu heard what she said, she must have called her. She will be very happy.

"You called me all morning, wait for me to see!"

I don't know if I don't know, I was shocked when I saw that Lu Manman actually called her like this.

Whoops, because she was afraid that the bell would ring again in the morning, she automatically turned on the silent mode. She just turned it on when she went downstairs. Because she was so hungry, she didn't look at her phone.

"Lu Manman, I turned on the silent mode in the morning, and I didn't wake up until now. What important things do you have?"

Ye Qingxin explained that she was so hungry that she took a big bite of a piece of bread, and when Lu Manman by the phone heard this, her ears immediately perked up.

"Have you slept till now? Hahaha! Ye Xiaoniu, didn't you and Shangguan Jueshi fought wildly last night?"

Lu Manman couldn't help gossiping, she thought Ye Xiaoniu had gone to work, but she didn't expect her to stay at home and sleep, so she knew what happened without saying anything.

I just don't know if Shangguan Jueshi is at home, and Shangguan Jueshi can't let Shangguan Jueshi know about it.

"Lu Manman, if you have something to say, say it, if you fart, let it go, I'll eat if you don't say it."

Being told, Ye Qingxin was almost choked, this Lu Manman's mouth is too poisonous.

She had a hot face when she said it, especially when Lu Manman directly shook it out, how embarrassing she was!

"Okay, I'm looking for you today because I have something very important to do. Wait a minute, is your Shangguan Jushi at home?"

Lu Manman suppressed a smile, seeing Ye Xiaoniu's nervous appearance, there was nothing to hide, they all had families now.

"What's the matter with Guan Jueshi?"

Ye Qingxin looked puzzled, what on earth was Lu Manman trying to say, and Shangguan Jueshi couldn't let Shangguan know.

"Anyway, it's a big deal. Quickly tell me, is Shangguan Jueshi at home?"

Lu Manman urged, if Shangguan Jueshi was at home, then this matter would be avoided.

"He's not at home. He went to work early in the morning. What important matter do you have? Why are you acting so mysterious? It makes me itch. Tell me quickly!"

Ye Qingxin couldn't help asking, this Lu Manman always half-spoken, which made her even more interested now.

"That's good, it's easy to say if he's not here."

Upon hearing that Shangguan Jueshi was not at home, Lu Manman on the other side of the phone was obviously relieved.

If Shangguan Jueshi knew that she gave Ye Xiaoniu bad ideas, he would come to her to settle the score without saying a word.

"Lu Manman, you bastard, tell me the key points!"

Ye Qingxin said with a grumpy face, she really couldn't stand her words, it almost drove her to death.

"Ye Xiaoniu, don't worry! It's not too late for me to tell you now. I just accepted a play today. I heard from the director that I still want to find a supporting role. When I heard this, I thought of it first." You, I said I would help him find it, are you interested?"

Lu Manman hurriedly asked, although it was a small supporting role, but Yiye Chick's carefree temper definitely wouldn't mind her.

"Lu Manman, are you kidding me? There is such a big good thing."

As soon as she heard that there was a performance, Ye Qingxin didn't care about eating, she quickly threw the bread in her hands aside, picked up the phone and listened to it.

One must know that she dreamed of being able to act, and now that the bread finally hit her head, she was a little caught off guard.

"Yeah, sister, I know you love acting, so I'll come to you first whenever something good happens, what do you think!" Lu Manman said with a chuckle, seeing Ye Xiaoniu's attitude, she knew she must like it, It looks like she's doing the right thing.

"Of course I feel good about it. It's not like you don't know that acting is my favorite. Lu Manman, you should hurry up and tell the director that I want it and ask him to give me the role!"

Ye Qingxin did not forget to say, lest this supporting role be snatched away by others.

"Don't worry, talk to him about this matter, you see when you have time to come over to my side and let the director see if the symbols match!"

Lu Manman said with a relieved face, this is also her first time filming, if Ye Xiaoniu is by her side, she can ask her more advice.

She has already told the director about Ye Xiaoniu's situation, and the director also said that it is a pity to be such a small supporting role. He said that when she sees the person, she will give this supporting role a little more image. I believe that Ye Xiaoniu's professionalism will definitely satisfy the director of.

"I'm free now, Lu Manman, where are you now? I'll find you right away!"

Ye Qingxin can't wait to go to Lu Manman now to confirm this matter.

"Ye Xiaoniu, don't be in such a hurry, you are eating! Why don't you come over after you finish eating."

Seeing how anxious Ye Xiaoniu is, she is afraid that this role will be snatched away.

"I'm full, I'll come over right now where you are."

Ye Qingxin's face was full of enthusiasm, she was eager to see the director as soon as possible, she felt that she was a bit useful and could be put to use.

"Ugh! I'm in Hengdian on Xihuan Road now, I'll send you the address, and you can drive here."

Ye Xiaoniu was really anxious, so Lu Manman sent her address, so Ye Xiaoniu would be easier to find.

"Okay, okay, Lu Manman, do you know, I feel like I'm going to fly with joy."

Ye Qingxin said excitedly, although it is a small supporting role, but this is her first role, how can she be unhappy.

"Wait, Ye Xiaoniu, there is another important matter, what if your Shangguan Jueshi finds out?"

Lu Manman didn't forget to pour cold water on it. How did Ye Xiaoniu plan to tell Shangguan Jueshi about this matter? She still planned to hide it.

"Isn't this matter still undecided, it won't be too late when I meet the director!"

As soon as Shangguan Jueshi was mentioned, Ye Qingxin paused, but she still decided to follow her heart. Anyway, this matter has not been settled yet. If it is done, it will not be too late to tell Shangguan Jueshi.

(End of this chapter)

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