Chapter 288

"Well, come here first and talk later. I'll go talk to the director now."

After the director arranges all the roles, the machine will start up soon. I heard that this drama is about Twin Flowers, one is her, and the other actor is she. She still doesn’t know who it is, how powerful it is, to be honest , she is also very uncertain now.

If Ye Xiaoniu was by her side to guide her, she would feel at ease.

"Okay, I'll be there right away."

"Ye Xiaoniu, don't get too excited, drive and be careful when the time comes."

Seeing her in such a hurry, Lu Manman was a little worried.

"Don't worry, Lu Manman, I'll go upstairs to change clothes first, I'll wait for you to talk about anything, okay!"

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Ye Qingxin hurried upstairs. She opened the closet, took out all the clothes, faced the mirror, and put them on her body one by one. Today was the first time she met Director, which one should she wear?

Ye Qingxin looked anxious, and didn't know which one would look good. These were carefully selected by Shangguan Jueshi for her. Every one of them looked good on her, but today is a very important day. How much does she wear? Still a little unsure.

"This one seems too childish, this one seems too plain, and this one is too flowery."

Ye Qingxin put on her body one by one, feeling troubled in her heart, she felt very dissatisfied no matter how she looked at it, but what she didn't know was that each piece of clothing was branded and expensive, especially when Shangguan Jueshi personally picked it. Yes, naturally it is the most suitable for her, but it's a pity that she is too excited now, and she can't calm down at all.

No, Lu Manman is the best at dressing up, so I'd better call her and ask for her opinion.

Lu Manman was eating lunch when the phone rang unexpectedly. Looking at the display on the phone, Ye Xiaoniu called.

She was dumbfounded?Ye Xiaoniu shouldn't come so fast, the speed is faster than the spaceship!

"Ye Xiaoniu, don't tell me that you have arrived, I will be scared to death by you."

Lu Manman answered the phone and spoke.

"Lu Manman, I haven't set off yet, I'm struggling now, I don't know which clothes to wear, please help me quickly and give me an idea!"

Ye Xiaoniu turned on the video call, and all the clothes were laid out on the sofa, ready to ask Lu Manman to help her choose one.

"Let me see, Ye Xiaoniu, the clothes on your sofa are pretty good, and they match your temperament very well!" Lu Manman looked at it, and felt that each set of clothes was tailor-made for her, and it was ready. It couldn't be better, what is Ye Xiaoniu still struggling with!

"But why do I think it's still not very good, today is a very important day, I have to give the director a good impression!"

Ye Qingxin asked with a tangled face, is it really good?But why is she not satisfied no matter how she looks at it!

"That's because you're too nervous. Don't worry if every set suits you well. The director knows my boss and he's easy to talk to. Just put your mind at ease! Just wear that red set, it's booming. Ask for luck."

Lu Manman pointed to the red dress on the sofa, and Ye Qingxin picked it up to take a look, it was very festive, so she might as well just use this one.

"Then I'll just wear this one, Lu Manman, okay, eat yours quickly, I'll tidy up and go."

"You heartless, I'm going to eat."

Ye Qingxin changed her clothes, went downstairs with her bag, and drove to the place given by Lu Manman.

In less than half an hour, she arrived at the destination. She drove the car to the warehouse, and saw a parking space on the left at a glance. She drove the car there without thinking, but at this time a red sports car Quickly passed by her, wanting to snatch the empty space, Ye Qingxin was not far behind when she saw this, drove the car straight past, and blocked the parking space there.

She saw this position first, and she actually wanted to grab a parking space from her, so she really thought that Ye Qingxin was a bully!

Everything has to be first come first, and then look at this car is really eye-catching and dazzling, but it's a pity that the owner of this car has no quality at all.

Sitting in the car, Bei Renshan never imagined that someone would be so bold as to grab a parking space from her. She was angry and honked the horn vigorously.

You must know that when others see her, they will give her some face, and I don't know which guy who doesn't know what to do dares to block her position.

"Beep" kept ringing, Ye Qingxin pretended not to hear anything, she would also honk, okay, even her car's horn was louder than hers!

Ye Qingxin deliberately pressed the horn a few times, the sound of the horn far overwhelmed the red sports car, she looked satisfied, it was their car that lived up to expectations and knew how to save face for her.

But what Ye Qingxin didn't know was that no matter how ordinary Shangguan Jueshi's car was, the lowest price would be 1000 million.
If she knew that this car was so valuable, she would definitely not take the risk of being scratched to compete for a parking space.

Bei Renshan never thought that someone would go against her at all. What's even more annoying is that her car is so hard to work. She wants to see which guy who doesn't know what to do, dares to do this to her!

Bei Renshan opened the car door, got out of the car with a grim face, and walked towards Ye Qingxin.

Bei Renshan didn't care about 21, and knocked hard on Ye Qingxin's door and window, Ye Qingxin raised her head lazily, she didn't know it, she was shocked when she saw it, isn't this what is called "Bei Ren Shang" " star, and look at her burning with anger at this time, with a hideous look on her face, it really is a narrow road to the enemy!

Can still meet here!
You must know that this woman is the most difficult to deal with!But she, Ye Qingxin, is not so easy to mess with.

Bei Renshan looked at Ye Qingxin, she felt familiar at first sight, but when she saw her face clearly, she remembered, this is not the stinky girl who was always against her, unexpectedly bumped into her here Now, thinking of the humiliation of the previous few times, Bei Renshan snorted and laughed, this time it fell into her hands, let's see if she doesn't teach her a good lesson.

"Damn girl, come out for me."

Bei Renshan knocked on the door vigorously, trying to call Ye Qingxin out. Ye Qingxin sat inside, watching her stare, with a smile on her lips. Break the glass!

Ye Qingxin played the music, her little head swayed to the rhythm of the music, and her eyes never forgot to provoke Bei Renshan outside the window.

If the door is opened, she will fight with this mad dog later, she has important things to do later, and she has no time to fight with her, since she likes to knock so much, she might as well let her knock, anyway, her hands are It's not hers, it's not her who is in pain!
"Damn girl, come out!" Bei Renshan said angrily, she wanted to continue beating, but she retracted her hand before it touched the glass.

What the hell is this glass? It's so hard that it hurts her hands.

Bei Renshan was so angry that she stomped her feet, but Ye Qingxin didn't want to pay attention to her at all, and Bei Renshan's whole face became grim in anger.

She didn't believe that Bei Renshan had nothing to do with this dead girl today, just when Bei Renshan was angry, her cell phone rang suddenly.

It's so annoying, who would call at this time, she still has to deal with this dead girl, Bei Renshan stared at Ye Qingxin very closely, for fear that she would run away.

She finally caught her this time, she won't let this dead girl go easily, so she will take a sigh of relief no matter what!

She took out her mobile phone from her bag, answered it, and said impatiently, "Who is it?"

"Sister Eshan, it's me, Mianmian. Didn't you tell me to introduce a character last time, and let me come to Hengdian to find you today? I'm here now."

Ruan Mianmian's eager voice came from the phone. Since the incident with Lu Manman last time, although someone took the blame for her, she was eventually fired by the company. Now she has nowhere to go, so she can only come to Bei Eshan helped.

"It's you, Mianmian, where are you now, come to the garage and find me!"

As soon as Beirenshan heard Ruan Mianmian's voice, he pretended to be friendly, but his face was full of impatience, and then he stared at Ye Qingxin in the car with wide eyes, this dead girl is so cunning, she was in her hands last time After suffering a loss, if Ruan Mianmian was called over, she would have an extra helper, and she did not believe that the two of them would lose to her.

When Bei Renshan glanced over, Ye Qingxin was making a big face at her, Bei Renshan was so angry that his eyes were about to burst into flames.

If she doesn't give this dead girl a good lesson today, where will she lose her face.

"Sister Eshan, I'm going right now."

When Ruan Mianmian heard Bei Renshan tell her to go over, she had no choice but to go there.

Originally, she wanted to meet the director first, maybe she could get a better opportunity for herself by starting from him, but because she didn't have a work permit, she couldn't get in at all, so she had to find Bei Renshan.

At this time, Lu Manman came out of Hengdian after eating, fearing that Ye Qingxin would not be able to find her later, she came out to wait for her at the door.

Wait, why is that figure so familiar, it seems to be Ruan Mianmian!

How could she come here!Lu Manman glanced at a familiar figure, but the figure that resembled Ruan Mianmian walked very quickly, passing by in the blink of an eye.

Forget it, Ruan Mianmian was fired from the company, how could she still appear here!

Because the last time someone was behind her back, Ruan Mianmian was blamed. She thought she could avoid it, but she was fired by Qi Jue in the end. It must be Gu Changye who took care of her behind her back.

Thinking of Gu Changye, Lu Manman couldn't help but smile a little bit.

But why hasn't this little girl come back yet?I didn't go out from home very early just now, it is reasonable to say that this point has arrived, why haven't I come yet, maybe something happened on the way!
Lu Manman panicked for a moment. This might really happen. You must know that Ye Xiaoniu was very excited before going out. Maybe she was speeding and might be detained by the police. I'd better call and ask.

Lu Manman quickly took out his phone and called Ye Qingxin's number, but Ye Qingxin was sitting in the car humming a high tune, the phone in her bag kept ringing, and she didn't hear it at all.

And Lu Manman stood outside, calling all the time, but no one listened to her at all. She was flustered, and she wouldn't be caught by her crow's mouth. Maybe something happened to Ye Xiaoniu.

If Ye Xiaoniu really had any troubles, it would be no wonder that Shangguan Jueshi didn't chop her up.

No, she's going to the garage now to have a look, maybe Ye Xiaoniu is on her way here, maybe it's because of the traffic jam on the road, if she comes and waits for her in the garage, she must be right.

Thinking of this possibility, Lu Manman quickened his pace and rushed towards the garage.

Ruan Mianmian hurried to the garage, fearing that Bei Renshan would be unhappy if she was too slow, she ran over regardless of her image, and saw Bei Renshan standing there at a glance, she hurriedly called out, " Miss Eshan!"

She ran towards Bei Renshan, and Bei Renshan's expression improved a lot when he saw her coming.

"Mianmian, look at you sweating profusely from running, how can you follow me to meet the director later!"

Bei Renshan pretended to be kind and wiped her sweat with a tissue. Ruan Mianmian was flattered, but she still didn't look good enough to show anything.

Did this Bei Renshan be out of his mind today, to be so kind to her!

"Sister Eshan, I came to you in a hurry! Sister Eshan, why is your car parked here? Is there any trouble?"

This Ruan Mianmian is not a simple character, this Bei Rianshan is not a good master, it must be because she needs her help for something.

Looking at her car again, it was blocked outside, Ruan Mianmian's eyes fell on Ye Qingxin inside the car, her eyes were full of temptation, who is this woman?
Don't you know who Bei Renshan is who dares to oppose her? Isn't she afraid of death!

"That's right, the dead girl inside has opposed me time and time again, and now she's robbing me of the parking space. She's hiding inside now and refuses to come out. You go and trick her out."

When Ye Qingxin was mentioned, Bei Renshan's words were like a sharp knife, wishing to kill Ye Qingxin.

That dead girl doesn't know Ruan Mianmian, as long as she hides, Ruan Mianmian will definitely find a way to get her out, and then see that she will punish her severely, thinking of this, a cruel smile appeared in Bei Renshan's eyes.

"Sister Eshan, don't worry, I'll help you trick her out now."

Ruan Mianmian nodded in agreement, she wanted to win Bei Eshan's favor, but she had no other career but to cling to Bei Eshan's big tree.

"Mianmian, I like you."

Bei Renshan smiled at Ruan Mianmian, then hid aside, while Ruan Mianmian walked towards Ye Qingxin's car.

She walked over, pretending to be polite, and gently knocked on Ye Qingxin's car window.

There is no end to this Beirenshan!Ye Qingxin looked impatient, she didn't want to argue with her today, why is this woman so indomitable, she likes to be beaten so much!

Ye Qingxin suddenly raised her head, she thought it was Bei Renshan's artificial face, but she didn't expect it to be a strange face.

Who is this woman!

Looking at Ruan Mianmian in front of her, Ye Qingxin had a strange look on her face, but seeing how this woman was dressed so blatantly, she definitely wasn't a good guy.

She wants to see what kind of medicine this woman is selling in her gourd.

(End of this chapter)

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