Plan to capture the savage wife: 365 days of trial marriage

Chapter 296 Leng Yisheng's secret trick

Chapter 296 Leng Yisheng's secret trick

You must know that his marriage was almost ruined by wild cats, and now the two of them have their own little life. He doesn't want to see Si Lian's eyes on others too much, even if it is a woman, no!Even married women!

"Well, I miss them."

Liu Silian lowered her head and said in a low voice.

Qingxin said before that no matter what happened, they were good sisters, especially about Brother Haoxuan, she said it was fine, but why did Qingxin seldom contact her after she got married.

She was the one who called Qingxin two days ago. In the past, it took at least an hour or two to talk on the phone with Qingxin every day, but the strange thing is that since she got married, they have very little contact!

"Yisheng, do you think Qingxin is angry with me?"

Liu Silian couldn't help asking, because of the entanglement, her little face was wrinkled into a ball.

It's not that she's too sensitive, but that they really haven't had much contact recently, and they can count on five fingers. It is said that Qingxin is a little busy now that she has get off work, but there is still time off work, so she can also find time to contact her.

But there is none!She can't help being paranoid.

"Of course not, Si Lian, don't think too much."

Worried that she was thinking wildly, Leng Yisheng comforted her.

This is too bad. I thought I just didn't want them to contact too frequently, and wanted Si Lian to focus more on him. I didn't expect Si Lian to always think wildly, but he can't confess now!
If you let Si Lian know that he did it behind his back, it's no wonder if you don't get angry!
Leng Yisheng hesitated, thinking whether to tell her, but also worried that she would divorce him in a fit of anger, then the gain would outweigh the loss.

Just when Liu Silian was struggling, the phone on the table jingled and vibrated, Liu Silian seemed to have been electrocuted, and his thoughts were pulled back, it was a call from Qingxin, I don't know how happy it is, He hurriedly answered it.

"Qingxin, I've waited for your call. I thought you wouldn't call me when you were angry!"

Liu Silian couldn't help complaining, but Ye Qingxin was about to say why she always didn't answer the phone, but she didn't expect her to mention this first.

It should be her who asked her what's the matter, she didn't answer the phone calls for several times in a row, and now she blames her instead, Ye Qingxin faintly felt that something was wrong.

"Idiot Liu, what nonsense are you talking about! I should ask you this. Why don't you answer my calls these days? Do you forget your best friend now that you have a man? You guys." Ye Qingxin couldn't help cursing a few times, you must know that when Liu idiot was single, they talked on the phone every day, even after she got married, they didn't forget to contact her, but Liu idiot is married now , but completely forgot about them.

And Leng Yisheng, who was eating at the side, heard that it was Ye Qingxin's call, and his whole body felt bad for an instant, especially when he heard the conversation between the two of them, he secretly screamed in his heart!

Before Si Lian knows about it, hurry up and slip away!
"Impossible, Qingxin, I have been waiting for your call for the past few days, except that day when I took the initiative to call you to ask about your work situation, you didn't call me at all, I thought you were angry with me Woolen cloth!"

Liu Silian said with a face of impossibility, maybe there is something wrong with her mobile phone.

"Idiot Liu, Lu Manman and I have sent you a lot of calls in a row, and it's because you haven't answered them all the time."

It's strange for Ye Qingxin to tell the truth. She and Lu Manman have made a lot of phone calls, but the idiot Liu's tone doesn't seem to be telling lies. A flash of light flashed in his mind, but he couldn't catch it. Important message.

"Could it be that my mobile phone is broken and I can only make calls but not answer?"

Liu Silian looked puzzled, but when she said this, Ye Qingxin scolded her bloody.

"You idiot, how could you answer the call I made just now? Are you out of your mind!" Ye Qingxin said with a blunt face.

"That's right!" Liu Silian slowed down, what the hell is going on!

"You go to WeChat now, and I'll show you all my call records. You can see if you have any call records on your phone."

She wanted to see what was going on, so Ye Qingxin flipped through her call records and sent the screenshots.

And Liu Silian looked at the photo, Qingxin really called her, there are so many, but she didn't know any of them, it's too evil!Looking back at her own call records, there is only the one that Qingxin called her just now.

"How about it, is your call log there?"

"Only the one you called me just now is displayed, and the rest are not, which is strange, maybe the phone is poisoned." Liu Silian tilted his head and looked puzzled.

"Yisheng, wait!"

Suddenly Yi Sheng wanted to leave, Liu Silian called him back, Yi Sheng understands these techniques, maybe there is something wrong with her mobile phone, let him take a look.

And Leng Yisheng had just walked out of the kitchen, he was about to escape, he let out a breath secretly, but at this moment, Si Lian called him desperately, his face was full of tears!
Damn!It's just one step away!

Si Lian, do you know that he did it!
But when Ye Qingxin heard Si Lian calling Leng Yisheng's name on the phone, a flash of light hit her mind, and she now knew why.

Except that boring guy Leng Yisheng did it, who else would do such a boring thing.

Leng Yisheng's coquettishness is really too much, now that he is married to Si Lian, he is afraid that they will fail!
But it's right to think about it, Leng Yisheng actually has his reasons for doing this, after all, she and Lu Manman kept saying bad things about him at that time, preventing him from being with Si Lian, so it's no wonder he is doing this now.

Thinking of what Jue Shi told him about what happened to Leng Yisheng, Ye Qingxin didn't care too much about it, and let it be this time.

"Maybe your phone is really poisoned, you can ask Leng Yisheng to check it out for you, by the way, we are going to your Fick's bar tonight to have a high, you are ready to welcome us!"

Ye Qingxin did not forget to say it, and Liu Silian was very happy when he heard that they were coming.

"Okay, okay, we are here now, you come here quickly, I will definitely prepare wine and food to welcome you."

Liu Silian laughed and said, after they got married, they seldom get together, and now they finally have this good opportunity.

"Okay, idiot Liu, I'll take a shower first, see you later!"

After Ye Qingxin finished explaining, she said goodbye to Liu Silian.

"Yisheng! Come here!"

Leng Yisheng stood there motionless, neither staying nor leaving, he was about to cry now, waiting to be sentenced.

"Si Lian! Are you angry!"

Hearing her call, Leng Yisheng walked over at the speed of a tortoise. Now that the two of them are confronting each other, Si Lian must know that he is behind the scenes!
"Why should I be angry? Yisheng has good news for you. Silian and Manman are coming soon."

Liu Silian asked with a puzzled face, and Leng Yisheng thought he was waiting to be sentenced, but he didn't know that Silian didn't mention the phone call, his heart skipped a beat, could it be that he escaped a catastrophe?

"You haven't seen each other for a while, it's not bad to get together."

Leng Yisheng said tremblingly, he didn't know if Si Lian knew about the call record, so he said every word carefully now, for fear of making a mistake.

"By the way, Yisheng, help me find out what's going on with my mobile phone? Is it poisoned? Qingxin said that she called me a lot, but I don't have any call records. What happened? thing!"

Liu Silian handed him the phone, and when Leng Yisheng heard her mentioning this matter again, his heart was raised all the way, and he was almost frightened.

Fortunately, there was no danger. Hearing Si Lian's words, he didn't seem to know what was going on. He thought it was poisoning!
But it's strange, it's fine if Si Lian doesn't know, but how can a person as shrewd as Yemao not know the flaws in it?Could it be that the wild cat was helping him?

No, Ye Mao wished him to be separated from Si Lian, how could he help her secretly!

Leng Yisheng looked puzzled, forget it, this matter is over for now.

"Yi Sheng, what's wrong with you, why is your forehead sweating all the time?"

Liu Silian looked at him sweating profusely. It's not summer yet, but why is he sweating profusely!

"Is there? Maybe the soup was too hot just now."

Leng Yisheng smiled and said, he naturally couldn't say that he was scared out of it.

"Hurry up and help me see if my phone is poisoned?" She has used this phone for a long time, and it is quite durable. .

"Maybe the system is too old, and some data is always automatically deleted. In Silian, there are a lot of new mobile phones in my closet. You might as well use one! This one is too old, and it can't be repaired basically. .”

Leng Yisheng said with a guilty face, he had been thinking of deleting her call records before, but he never realized that her mobile phone was so old. His wife Leng Yisheng had to use the best one.

"That's all there is to it."

Liu Silian nodded, this antique mobile phone has been with her for many years, and she feels a little bit reluctant to change it suddenly.

Afraid of being suspected, Leng Yisheng simply went to the cabinet at the side, opened the cabinet, it was full of new models of mobile phones, brought her a Kidney VI, and put her mobile phone's mobile card and memory card in it. Inside, those call records were retrieved again.

"No, these call records are here!"

Leng Yisheng showed it to her, and Liu Silian saw that it was really there!It seems that something is really wrong with her mobile phone.

"Wow, I have a new phone, and it's Kidney [-]!!"

Liu Silian looked at her new mobile phone with a happy face. You know how expensive this Kidney Six is. She used to dream of buying one, and now she finally got her wish.

"Honey, there are still a lot in the cabinet. You can use one a day, which is more than enough. The card I gave you has a lot of money in it. You can buy whatever you want. Don't save money for me!"

Leng Yisheng said with a distressed face, knowing that his family's Si Lian had a hard life before, but it's different now, she is his wife, so the money he earns is naturally spent on her.

In the future, he will make money for her to spend, and she can spend as much as she wants.


Liu Silian let out an oh, with a happy face.


At this time, Gu's family and Gu Changye cooked a lot of delicious food for her. Normally, she must have drank a lot, but looking at these meals tonight, I don't know why I don't have any appetite at all.

"Honey, what's wrong with you? These aren't your favorite dishes, why don't you eat them?"

Gu Changye looked at the food in her bowl without moving, could it be that he was tired of eating?
Just now I had a good chat with the woman from the Jue family, but when it was time to eat, I couldn't cheer up at all.

"Maybe the work pressure is too much these days, and I have a bad appetite!"

Lu Manman looked sleepy, which was strange, no matter how hard or tired she was, she was always as excited as if she had been beaten, but these two days she had no fighting strength at all.

I always feel that there is not enough time to sleep, and I am very lethargic!
And Gu Changye was stunned for a moment, feeling indescribably shocked!Could it be that she is pregnant?

You must know that although they got married not long ago, she was kidnapped before, they had already had a relationship, and then he bought her fake after-event medicine, and it has been more than two months now, if there is really Children, then this time is about the same.

Thinking about her during this period of time, the aunt has not come, so it is possible that he is really going to be a father!

You have to know how long he has carefully planned this child, maybe his wish will soon come true.

This possibility is very high, Gu Changye couldn't suppress the joy in his heart, but he suddenly thought of a very important question, if Manman was really pregnant, what would she do?
Her current career is on the rise, and she is not far away from being famous. Even after marrying him, she still regards her career as very important. If this child is really born, how will she arrange it?
Whether he will abort the child for the sake of his career is what he is most worried about now.

"Gu Changye, what are you thinking? Did you hear what I said?"

Seeing that he didn't say a word, Lu Manman couldn't help asking.

If it was normal, whenever she said that he had a bad appetite, he would definitely take her to see a doctor without saying a word, but today he didn't mention a word.

what happened to him?It is said that the man's attitude suddenly became abnormal, and most of them did something wrong. Could it be that he did something to sorry her?

"Honey, what did you say?"

After being called out by her, Gu Changye quickly withdrew his emotions. Now he is still not sure if she is really pregnant, so he has to think about what to do.

"I said I don't want to eat, I'm going to take a shower first, and I'm going to have a party with Ye Xiaoniu and the others later! Tonight we plan not to get drunk."

Lu Manman kept staring at him, while Gu Changye acted nonchalantly, for fear of being poked out by her.

"Gu Changye, tell me the truth, have you done something to offend me? Be lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist!"

Lu Manman stood up, crossed his hips and questioned.

(End of this chapter)

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