Chapter 297 Who Do You Say Is A Tigress?
Seeing her like this, Gu Changye couldn't help but chuckle.

"Wife, what are you talking about? I don't think I have enough time with you. How can I do something that I'm sorry for you."

Gu Changye pretended to be calm and said, you must know that her wife is very vigilant, and the matter of the child has not yet been determined, so it is better not to let her know.

"I don't think you dare to do things that are sorry to me. Well, I'll take a shower first, and I'll go out for a while."

Seeing his confession, Lu Manman smiled with satisfaction, turned around and went upstairs.

And Gu Changye was sitting there alone, lost in thought, how could she unconsciously let her realize that she might be pregnant without thinking of him!
Thinking of their sisters' gathering tonight, the corners of Gu Changye's mouth couldn't help but twitch. It seems that he can only remind her through the mouths of their girlfriends.

To be honest, although Man Man of his family was shrewd and tactful in dealing with things, and was very feminine, but as a woman, she still lacked some intuition, which was why he took advantage of the loopholes.

After a while, both of them finished grooming, and Lu Manman was holding the bag, ready to wear a pair of high hats.

When Gu Changye saw this, his heart shrank a little, "Manman, everyone should rest and relax tonight, it's better not to wear high heels, you usually wear them like this at work, wearing them for a long time is not good for your feet, you should rest your feet properly! "

With such high shoes, if she really has a child, if one of them loses his footing and falls, no matter how good his seed is, he can't help but fall like this.

Thinking of how she would wear such high shoes like this in the future, Gu Changye would sweat for his child.

"What you said seems to make sense, or you should wear a pair of lower ones."

Lu Manman nodded and picked another pair. Gu Changye became anxious again when he saw it. It's still low, it's ten centimeters at first glance!

"It's better to be this pair! After all, they are comfortable and comfortable."

Gu Changye picked out a pair of flat shoes for her, which he had prepared in advance, so that she could wear them when she had a child.

Lu Manman is usually used to wearing high heels, seeing such flat shoes, he has no interest at all.

"It's too flat, I'm not used to it."

Lu Manman shook his head, but insisted on wearing the ten-centimeter shoes.

"Manman, do you know? If you wear high heels for a long time, sometimes your feet will become deformed. You love beauty and you don't like to see this!"

Gu Changye saw that she still insisted on it, so he had no choice but to focus on it.

"But I haven't seen anything wrong after wearing it for such a long time!"

Lu Manman looked dubious, she had been wearing high heels for several years, and nothing happened.

"I can't see it now, but as I get older, the symptoms become more prominent."

In case he didn't believe it, Gu Changye took out his mobile phone and gave her a Baidu search. Looking at the deformed legs inside, Lu Manman felt a little scared.

It turns out that wearing high heels for a long time also has such disadvantages. It seems that she will need to rest her feet properly in the future, and wear as little as possible in the future. After all, she is not short, so it's okay not to wear high heels.

"Then I'd better wear this flat shoe!"

Lu Manman finally chose the pair chosen by Gu Changye, and Gu Changye secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her put them on.

But the strange thing is, why Gu Changye has been paying attention to her shoe problem tonight, and he has never seen him so badass.

But there is no doubt that Gu Changye's starting point is for her own good.

"These flat shoes are so strange to wear!"

Lu Manman put it on and walked a few steps. It was flat, and I was really not used to it, but it was smooth and steady, and I felt safe when I walked.

"You will get used to it after wearing it for a long time."


Fick's Bar is the busiest at night. The colorful light balls keep spinning, emitting dizzy and bright lights, creating a noisy illusion.

Most of the people who came and went were handsome men and hot women, rolling on the stage one by one, dancing in full bloom, showing their charm.

Lu Manman and Ye Xiaoniu arrived almost at the same time. They passed through the lively crowd and came to the most luxurious VIP room.

Liu Silian and Leng Yisheng were already waiting for them inside, and there were a lot of delicious food and drink on the table.

Leng Yisheng sat there with an aggrieved expression on his face. In fact, he didn't welcome their brothers at all, because if they all came, he would have no chance to be with Si Lian tonight.

His Si Lian will be robbed by two women again, but who will make Si Lian happy!
"Idiot Liu!"

"You idiot, look at your round face these days, it looks like Leng Yisheng has nourished you very well!"

Lu Manman and Ye Qingxin walked in, and Gu Changye and Shangguan Jueshi followed closely behind.

"Qingxin, Lu Manman, I finally met you."

As soon as Liu Silian saw the two of them, she immediately left Leng Yisheng behind and walked over to sit with them.

Leng Yisheng shook his head straight, he knew that as long as their two girlfriends came, he would be nothing, he was actually inferior to the two women.

And Shangguan Jueshi and Gu Changye walked over and sat beside him. This kid is usually not able to work on time, and now that he is a newlywed, don't even count on him.

But looking at his high spirits, it seems that this little life is going pretty well.

"Brother, we are all the same, don't sigh!"

Gu Changye patted Leng Yisheng on the shoulder to comfort him, in their eyes, these men are dispensable.

They can be said to be the proud sons of heaven, handsome and wealthy, and the word tall, rich and handsome is the best way to describe them, but when they come to them, they are nothing, and they become transparent directly. Gu Changye has long been prepared for such a situation Get ready, what else can you do if you don't accept it!

If you dare to say "no" to them, the word divorce will appear.

"Jess, Chang Ye, if that's the case, why don't you take care of them at home, you two don't know that brother, I'm newly married!" Leng Yisheng said with a dissatisfied face, every time a wild cat appeared, her family would miss her. Attention shifted to her.

He has worked so hard for so many days, wishing to spend every minute with Si Lian, in order to make her pay more attention to his existence, but now when the wild cat comes, everything he has done is in vain.

Leng Yisheng had a face full of reluctance, and stared at his wife intently, wishing she would notice his existence, but Liu Silian only cared about chatting with Qingxin and the others, and didn't even glance at this side.

His handsome face suddenly collapsed, like an eggplant beaten by frost, with an aggrieved expression.

"Not only are you aggrieved, but the two of us are also the same. Besides, it hasn't been long since we got the certificate!" Gu Changye chuckled, but who made the three of them lose to them, if they didn't follow them and take care of them , They have long since divorced.

In order to make their families harmonious, they still have to get together more or less.

Besides, this party is not happening every day, so he can accept it, but seeing how important this guy Yi Sheng is, he probably can't calm down.

"I'm not the same as you. The two of you have successfully obtained the certificate early in the morning, especially since you have a long night. You have been eating and drinking. My brother and I have a difficult and long love journey. I managed to survive a little bit of good time. , and now you are here to join in the fun again, you can't be more considerate of me!"

Because he couldn't get his wife's attention, Leng Yisheng now has a big opinion, and took his anger out on them.

He is easy!He and Si Lian have gone through many ups and downs to get together, how can he not get tired of crooked and tight?

"Come on, come on, not only my wife wants to come out to get together, but your idiot also has this wish, okay? Maybe you want your idiot to divorce you."

Look at him with a hopeless face, why didn't he think about the good, besides, it's not only his family who came out to get together, his family's idiots also want to come out to meet, maybe he still wants to imprison her freedom, maybe he I want to get married and get divorced!

Well, this woman deserves to be petted!

He also claims to be a master of love, and it is a problem for him to maintain this marriage for a long time.

"Gu Changye, you are an idiot! My wife has a name, okay? You can't say a good word out of your mouth. If you don't curse me, you will die!"

Leng Yisheng said with a grumpy face, look at what he said, he just got married, okay, but he is actually looking forward to his divorce.

How unlucky!

Also, the name of his family, Si Lian, has such a deep meaning, that he actually called her a fool, I really can't bear it.

One must know that the relationship between him and Si Lian is full of difficulties, and it finally bears fruit. Why does Chang Ye have such a poisonous mouth? We can't hope for him to be better!

"I'm just reminding you in advance that you are so worried about gains and losses, and love is the most taboo. Fortunately, your family's Si Lian IQ is a little lower. Otherwise, according to my family's temperament, we would have divorced a long time ago."

Gu Changye said kindly, this feeling needs to know how to measure it, it won't work if it's too wide, but it won't work if it's too tight, it's best to be moderate, but this guy Yisheng just cares too much, he grabs too much. Tight, this will make it difficult for the other party to suffocate.

This time Gu Changye didn't yell stupidly anymore, for fear that Leng Yisheng would fight him because of this, seeing how cowardly he was, Gu Changye couldn't help shaking his head.

"My family's Si Lian is naturally different from your family's Lu Manman's tigress."

Leng Yisheng said with a sullen face, just as he finished speaking, Lu Manman who was opposite him glared at him.

"Leng Yisheng, you said it was a tigress, tell me again."

Lu Manman is burning with anger, don't think she can't hear, this flirt actually said that she is a tigress, is there such a beautiful tigress as her?
Grandma, she thought she wanted to hide what he was doing behind the scenes for him, but this flirt dared to scold her. Now he must taste the consequences of offending a woman.

Lu Manman put his hands on his waist and stepped on the sofa, as if he wanted to fight.

On the other hand, Gu Changye looked at his wife with a smile on his face. Lu Manman rolled his eyes at him. Gu Changye looked innocent. This time, Yisheng could do him a terrible job, but he must have no good fruit to eat, you know Offending his family, Manman, one must be prepared for a catastrophe, Gu Changye sweated for Leng Yisheng.

But looking at his wife's situation, it's possible that she wanted to fight Yi Sheng.

Gu Changye shrank in his heart, and quickly stood up, paying attention to the movement without daring to blink his eyes, and was ready to protect his wife and children at any time, knowing that his wife might have something in her stomach now, so there should be no big movements.

"Lu Manman, I'm talking about you! What the hell! You're pretending to be dignified, but looking at your current appearance, you're no different from a tigress."

Leng Yisheng said with a face full of fearlessness, anyway, now that everything has been said and heard, he doesn't mind talking further.

Thinking of his wife's attention being attracted by her, Leng Yisheng became even angrier in his heart.

This guy Gu Changye has been insulting her wife's IQ all the time, this time he also wants to talk about her wife, to make excuses for his own wife.

"Leng Yisheng, you flirt, you're no better than my old lady! You're a flamboyant... My Si Lian will be unlucky for eight lifetimes to marry you!"

Lu Manman scolded bluntly, shaking out Leng Yisheng's romantic history, Leng Yisheng's face turned blue and purple when he heard it, and his eyes kept falling on Si Lian, for fear that she would misunderstand.

What the hell, this tigress Lu Manman actually revealed all his previous romantic history, Leng Yisheng felt regretful!

Look at his wife's face again, he is really worried!

"Manman, don't be angry!"

Liu Silian on the side looked at the two of them talking to each other, arguing so much that they couldn't fight each other, and was worried in his heart that they came out to the party tonight just to have fun, but what kind of quarrel they have become now.

"Si Lian, don't listen to what Lu Manman said, you can't believe anything she says."

Leng Yisheng did not forget to say that what he was most afraid of was that Si Lian would convict Lu Manman again because he believed Lu Manman's words. You must know that they almost parted ways before, and Lu Manman also caused a lot of stumbling blocks.

Leng Yisheng is now regretful. If he had known that Lu Manman was such a tough tigress, he would not have provoked her. Now that he has plucked the tiger's fur, it would be difficult for him to get away.

"Why, Leng Yisheng, you bastard, do you dare to do it or not! You idiot, let me tell you one more thing, your mobile phone is the ghost of this bastard, he must have deleted the call records between me and Ye Xiaoniu , You are not allowed to contact us."

Lu Manman directly explained the matter, while Ye Xiaoniu, who was sitting by the side, saw their quarrel so heatedly that her head hurt.

What is this!And Lu Manman, why are you so angry today!The volcano erupted!

"Yisheng, Manman, are you telling the truth?"

Liu Silian was stunned, never thought that Yisheng would still be making tricks behind her back, no wonder her cell phone went up and down, what was he doing this for?

Why stop her from contacting Qingxin Manman and the others!

"Si Lian, I did this, but listen to me!"

Looking at Si Lian's clear eyes, Leng Yisheng couldn't lie anymore, so he could only admit it.

(End of this chapter)

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